Friday, August 09, 2024


Marine algae use massive enzymes of unprecedented size to biosynthesize fish-killing toxins

Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Marine algae Prymnesium parvum use massive enzymes dubbed PKZILLAs – some of the largest proteins ever to be identified in nature – to make large and complex prymnesin neurotoxins responsible for mass fish kills during harmful algal blooms worldwide, researchers report. “The discovery and initial characterization of the prymnesin PKZILLA gigasynthases now elucidates the long-standing question about how microalgae biosynthesize their giant polyketide polyether molecules,” write the authors. It also expands expectations of genetic and enzymatic size limits in biology. Many marine microbes produce exotic organic molecules with varied biological functions. Some microalgae, like P.  parvum, are known for producing some of the largest nonpolymeric carbon chain molecules in nature, including polyketide polyether biotoxins. During harmful algal blooms, neurotoxic prymnesins compounds are notorious for causing environmental damage, including massive environmental fish kills. However, despite decades of extensive research, how these microalgae produce such large and complex compounds is poorly understood. Using a customized gene annotation strategy, Timothy Fallon and colleagues discovered genes in P. parvum, which they named PKZILLAs (PKZILLA-1 and PKZILLA-2), that are involved in the production of polyketide synthase (PKS) enzymes. Notably, Fallon et al. found that these enzymes were massive, with PKZILLA-1 being one of the largest proteins ever identified at 4.7 megadaltons and containing 140 enzyme domains. Although slightly smaller, PKZILLA-2 is 3.2 megadaltons with 99 enzyme domains. According to the findings, these massive PKS gigasynthases are responsible for the biosynthesis of the 90-carbon backbone of prymnesin toxins. The authors also characterized a variant, PKZILLA-B1, which produces a shorter version of these toxins.


For reporters interested in other research that challenges prevailing views of the size limits of biological entities, a 2022 Science Research Article reported discovering discovering a bacterium so large that it can be seen by the naked eye.


The long-lasting impact of war on global diabetes prevalence

How the conflict in Ukraine and linked supply chain disruptions could lead to up to 180,000 additional cases of type 2 diabetes

Complexity Science Hub

Food Supply Shock Explorer 


The war in Ukraine highlighted the vulnerability of the global food supply system. With this visualization (, users can see which food products are lost and which countries are most affected when a specific supplier stops producing a specific food product. The visualization shows a variety of scenarios related to Ukraine, including the one showing what would happen if Ukraine could no longer produce wheat.


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Credit: Complexity Science Hub

[Vienna, August 7 2024] — The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has led to severe humanitarian crises, including widespread food shortages. According to the United Nations World Food Programme, an estimated 11 million Ukrainians—about one-third of the population—were at risk of hunger in 2023. This crisis, exacerbated by supply chain disruptions and extreme weather events, could increase diabetes prevalence not only in Ukraine but globally, argue Peter Klimek and Stefan Thurner from the Complexity Science Hub in a commentary published in the journal Science.

Malnutrition during early pregnancy is known to elevate diabetes risk later in life. With 187,000 children born in Ukraine in 2023, Klimek and Thurner suggest that the current diabetes prevalence rate of 7.1% could result in an additional 13,000 to 19,000 cases of diabetes in this birth cohort alone.

Global impact

Globally, the disruption of crucial food exports due to the conflict has pushed an estimated 23 million people into hunger. Considering other supply chain interruptions and weather-related shocks, projections suggest that up to 122 million more people could suffer from hunger compared to 2019. “This could potentially lead to up to 180,000 additional Type 2 diabetes cases worldwide,” the researchers say.

They caution that while these estimates are not intended to be quantitative predictions, they do underscore the profound and often overlooked—especially indirect—effects of geopolitical events on public health. 

Ukraine – a key producer

Prior to the war, Ukraine was a major global agricultural producer, ranking as the largest exporter of sunflower oil, the fourth-largest exporter of corn, and the fifth-largest exporter of wheat. The modeled impacts of Ukraine’s agricultural production loss suggest that countries like Moldova, Libya, Lebanon, and Tunisia could face significant wheat shortages, with extensive repercussions for food products that rely on wheat as an ingredient.

Why this matters

Klimek and Thurner emphasize the importance of addressing these indirect consequences of conflicts and supply chain disruptions: "Our estimates are meant to illustrate the scale of the impact on public health, so that health authorities can become aware of these emerging high-risk groups and potentially adjust screening and early prevention measures for the coming decades," the researchers stated. They also stress the urgent need to diversify global food supply chains and reduce dependencies.


Famine and diabetes

The link between hunger and diabetes is well-documented, with studies from historical famines in the Netherlands, China, and Austria, for example, showing that malnutrition during early pregnancy can significantly increase type 2 diabetes risk later in life. Recent research into the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33 by Lumey et al. has provided new insights into this relationship at a more granular level. By analyzing monthly birth cohorts and regional variations in famine severity, they found that severe malnutrition during early pregnancy can increase diabetes risk by 1.5 to 2 times.

This heightened risk is believed to stem from metabolic changes triggered by fetal exposure to poor nutrition, which prepares the body for a nutrient-scarce environment. When this environment changes, the mismatch can result in a higher likelihood of developing diabetes.


About CSH

The Complexity Science Hub (CSH) is Europe’s research center for the study of complex systems. We derive meaning from data from a range of disciplines – economics, medicine, ecology, and the social sciences – as a basis for actionable solutions for a better world. Established in 2015, we have grown to over 70 researchers, driven by the increasing demand to gain a genuine understanding of the networks that underlie society, from healthcare to supply chains. Through our complexity science approaches linking physics, mathematics, and computational modeling with data and network science, we develop the capacity to address today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.


Researchers show nanovoids improve material performance

Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters

Voids or pores have usually been viewed as fatal flaws that severely degrade a material's mechanical performance and should be eliminated in manufacturing.

However, a research team led by Prof. JIN Haijun from the Institute of Metal Research (IMR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has proposed that the presence of voids is not always hazardous. Instead, voids can be beneficial if they are added "properly" to the material.

The team demonstrated that a metal with a large number of nanoscale voids shows improved mechanical performance compared to samples without voids.

This work was published in Science.

The new material developed by the team has been dubbed nanovoid dispersed gold (NVD Au). It contains a huge number of nanoscale voids, with sizes ranging from a few nanometers to several hundred nanometers. These voids are distributed uniformly throughout the material. Manufacturing NVD Au combines a corrosion process called dealloying with compression and thermal annealing treatments.

The researchers found that NVD Au shows improved strength and ductility in tension in comparison with fully dense Au. In other words, NVD Au with dispersed nanovoids is capable of withstanding higher loads and can be pulled to greater lengths without fracture.

This is the exact opposite of the effect observed in materials with large voids that are prepared by powder sintering or additive manufacturing. The excellent properties of NVD Au are attributed to enhanced dislocation-surface interactions and suppressed crack nucleation in this structure.

"We achieved both NVD strengthening and density reduction simultaneously, and thus realized lightweighting," said JIN. "Also, it does not involve any change of composition or phase, so that the excellent physical/chemical properties of the base material can be largely preserved."

This strengthening approach may be explored for use in many areas, ranging from portable electronics to aviation manufacturing.

The study was conducted in collaboration with scientists from Liaoning Academy of Materials and Nanjing University of Science and Technology.


Record-breaking 1.2-kilometer drill core unveils new insights into Earth's mantle

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

A record-breaking 1268-meter drill core into Earth’s mantle, collected from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the North Atlantic, has provided a deep and detailed mineralogical glimpse of the oceanic mantle. The findings reveal new insights into mantle composition, Earth’s deep geology, and the potential biogeochemical conditions involved in the origins of life. Understanding the Earth’s mantle is crucial for comprehending important details of the Earth system, including terrestrial magmatism, crust formation, and the cycling of elements between the planet’s interior, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Much of what is known is based on rocks dredged off the ocean floor. However, these samples often lack critical geological context and are subject to altered mineralogy due to igneous processes and seafloor weathering, including serpentinization. Although rock cores of abyssal peridotites – the primary rock of Earth’s upper mantle – can provide a continuous record, drilling the kilometer-deep holes required to obtain them has proved challenging.


Now, Johan Lissenberg and colleagues report the recovery and characterization of a nearly continuous 1268-meter-long drill core of serpentinized abyssal mantle peridotite from the mid-Atlantic ridge. The drill core was collected in 2023 during the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 399, from a hydrothermally active region called the Atlantis Massif. Lissenberg et al. documented significant mineralogical variations throughout the core at various scales, including in levels of serpentinization. The sample’s pyroxene content was also unexpectedly low compared to other abyssal peridotite samples worldwide, which could be due to high degrees of depletion and pyroxene dissolution during melt flow. And, contrary to common models, melt migration was found to be oblique to mantle upwelling. The authors observed hydrothermal fluid-rock interaction throughout the core, with oxidative weathering down to 200 meters. Gabbroic intrusions were also discovered to play an unexpected role in hydrothermal alteration and in regulating fluid compositions from peridotite-hosted hydrothermal vents, which have been proposed as models of environments where prebiotic chemistry may have led to the development of life on early Earth and other planetary bodies. “Decades of ocean floor sampling by dredging have painted a rough mineralogical picture of mantle. Yet, each new drilling mission reveals surprising views of mantle and formation of the oceanic crust,” writes Eric Hellebrand in a related Perspective. “More ambitious drilling projects will reveal important pieces to understand the biogeochemical effects of oceanic mantle.”


Leading causes of death in the US, 2019-2023

JAMA Network

About The Article: This Viewpoint from the National Center for Health Statistics reports the leading causes of death in the U.S. from 2019 to 2023, including the emergence of COVID-19 and shifts in other top causes as pandemic deaths decreased.

Corresponding Author: To contact the corresponding author, Farida Bhuiya Ahmad, MPH, email

To access the embargoed study: Visit our For The Media website at this link


Editor’s Note: Please see the article for additional information, including other authors, author contributions and affiliations, conflict of interest and financial disclosures, and funding and support.

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Money trees: WVU researchers looking at local benefits from climate fighting ability in Appalachian forests

West Virginia University


In Central Appalachia, programs that manage forested lands to enhance the carbon-storing capabilities of trees and soil are paying dividends for large corporate landowners but leaving small landholders out, according to WVU research. Biologist Steven Kannenberg is working to ensure local communities benefit from the carbon credits their forests generate. 

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Credit: (WVU Photo/Alyssa Reeves)

Researchers at West Virginia University are working to ensure small landowners and local communities, instead of large corporations, profit from the ability of Central Appalachian forests to remove greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

So-called “forest-based climate solution programs” manage forest ecosystems in a way that enhances carbon storage by planting trees, for example, or by restricting logging. To ensure these programs benefit both forests and local communities, a WVU team will spend the next four years investigating how different management practices affect Appalachian forest life — from the trees and other flora that grow there to the loggers, farmers, trail riders and ginseng gatherers who are also part of those ecosystems.

The project is supported by $1.7 million from the National Science Foundation.

“To curb climate change, we have to reduce fossil fuel emissions. But we can also take advantage of our forests’ ability to remove the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and store it long term in wood and soils,” said Steven Kannenberg, assistant professor of biology at the WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences. “In particular, the forests of the eastern U.S. are an incredibly large carbon sink. The amount of carbon dioxide they capture is equivalent to 40-60% of the region’s fossil fuel emissions.”

There’s money to be made from that carbon capture. In 2023, the Biden Administration poured $150 million into forest-based climate solution programs targeting small-acreage landowners. The financial markets trade billions of dollars in carbon offset credits every year.

However, although about 70% of eastern U.S. forests are under small individual or family ownership, little revenue has made its way to local communities. Instead, Kannenberg said forest-based climate projects “are overwhelmingly conducted on corporate landholdings owned by entities outside the region.”

He said he believes identifying incentives for local landowners to allow carbon management programs on their properties is essential to combatting climate change. Landowners who agree to host these programs contract with companies to receive regular payments, based on acreage and the estimated amount of carbon stored, over a set number of years.

The contracts have been a hard sell among small landholders in Appalachia, partly because revenues are only significant for large parcels. Owners typically must allow forestry management practices to happen on the land, and the long contracts restrict owners’ abilities to use the land for some commercial purposes or as collateral on loans.

Kannenberg also noted that while forestry management practices for improving soil health or biodiversity yield several potentially profitable “co-benefits” beyond just carbon capture, neither landowners nor forestry managers have the data they need to forecast those revenues.

The team will ask about problems like those in the surveys they’ll send to thousands of small landowners across the region, and in interviews with loggers, sawmill operators, tourism small business operators and other participants in the forest economy of a former Clearfork Valley mining community on the Tennessee-Kentucky border.

The researchers will also fill serious knowledge gaps about how different management practices affect forests’ carbon sequestration capabilities, looking to sites where detailed logging records have been kept for a century: Fernow Experimental Forest, WVU Research Forest, Summit Bechtel Reserve and Monongahela National Forest. Each forest contains mature, undisturbed areas as well as areas that have been logged using a variety of common practices.

By measuring factors like tree height, leaf area, the mass of root systems, the nutrients in the soil and annual growth using tree rings, the team will quantify the impacts of human intervention on the ecosystem over time.

Already, preliminary data has revealed how forestry management in those zones changed the species distribution and weakened resilience to climate change. At Fernow, red oaks became less prevalent after timber was harvested, replaced by trees without the oak’s ability to store large amounts of carbon and resist drought conditions.

“Eastern U.S. forests are critical to meeting greenhouse gas emission targets,” Kannenberg said. “Eastern forests are more resilient to climate change than the arid forests of the western U.S. because stressors such as rising temperatures, increasing drought, and enhanced pest and pathogen presence are projected to be less severe.

“That’s why projects exploring forest-based climate solutions are exploding in Central Appalachia. This region is going to be the model for how forested communities worldwide will transition out of economies based on fossil fuel extraction.”

Decarbonization seed funding secured by the WVU Research Office permitted the acquisition of some initial data.

The WVU research team also includes Kathryn Gazal, associate professor of forest resources management in the WVU Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, as well as Brenden McNeil, professor of geography, and Edward Brzostek, associate professor and associate chair for graduate studies, both from the Eberly College.