Tuesday, August 13, 2024

How British Elites Lit the Torch for Far-Right Mobs, Then Feigned Horror At the Fire

By Roger McKenzie, Eugene Puryear , Rania Khalek 
August 13, 2024
Source: Breakthrough News

Decades of anti-migrant, Islamophobic politics in the United Kingdom culminated in an egregious far-right attack targeting mosques, public infrastructure, and hotels housing asylum seekers last weekend. Roger McKenzie, International Editor of the Morning Star Newspaper, joins the show to discuss the rampant scapegoating of migrants and the other social and political forces fueling racist outbursts of violence in the UK.



Fascists blocked by mass mobilisation

Tuesday 13 August 2024, by Dave Kellaway

Exiting the Overground from Hackney to Hoe Street in Walthamstow, it was clear that the demo against the far right was going to have an enormous turnout. The carriages were already filling with a similar crowd to those we have seen on the many Palestine solidarity marches.

Young people, ethnically diverse, along with recognisable older left activists. were ignoring all the ‘official’ advice from the police, local mosque leaders, the local MP and the Labour Party generally to stay away. Leave it to Sir Kier and your new government of public service. Tough sentences, new anti-riot police squads and denunciations of mindless thuggery would take care of the situation – move along, nothing to see here.

Already when we got off the train and saw the end of the high street people were three or four deep on the pavement. By 7.15 there were already several thousand people at Hoe Street outside the immigration solicitors the fascists had promised to attack. By 7.30 you could not see the end of the demonstration – it filled the whole road. Someone spotted far right agitator Calvin Robinson with a small entourage, but it was quickly apparent that the right could muster no real presence.

Left groups like the Socialist Party, the Socialist Workers Party, the Revolutionary Communist Party and Anti-Capitalist Resistance attended with their banners. Demonstrators held up placards, but the overwhelming majority were not their members or even their supporters but Londoners appalled at what the fascists did last week. Groups had come up from South London and from neighbouring boroughs. Many were present from local ethnic minority communities.

Homemade cardboard signs with original slogans were held high – always a sign that this was a real mass mobilisation and not just the radical left. Stand Up to Racism had worked hard to help coordinate the protests. Some local union branches had their banners. On a national level, in striking contrast to the Labour Party, there had been calls to come out and support anti-fascist demonstrations from some union leaders.

People chanted ‘Refugees Welcome Here’, ‘Whose streets, Our streets’,’ ‘We are the people…’, ‘The people united will never be defeated’. Nobody struck up: No to mindless thuggery, Tougher sentences now or more police riot squads.

Starmer, after some delay, had finally added ‘far right’ to the thuggery epithet by the time of yesterday’s demonstrations. But at no time had the Labour Party made calls for people to demonstrate against the fascists. Even less was there one word in defence of refugees or migrants, which everyone could see was the key target of the fascists.

No Labour spokesman told the truth about what the fascists were doing in Rotherham, Tamworth or elsewhere. These were fascist pogroms against migrants, asylum seekers, Muslims and Black people. It was not – as a lot of the media presented it, ‘anti-immigrant protests’, as if they were standing around with placards or giving out leaflets. No, they were out to burn down refugee hotels, to injure and kill people. Improvised road blocks checked cars to see if there were white or Black people in them. Social media posts blatantly called for this violence.

Both the Tories and Labour fail to challenge the fascists’ narrative about migrants and asylum seekers. They say stop the boats, they say there are too many immigrants and back local racists who want to close down the ‘tax payer funded’ hotels. Labour is terrified about being seen as soft on migrants. Instead of providing safe and legal routes for asylum seekers or recognising that immigrant workers are essential for both public services and the economy, Labour talks up new anti-terrorist style squads to stop the boats and pledges to cut migrant numbers.

Labour’s whole strategy at the recent election was to win back Tory voters, particularly in the Red Wall seats where some of the worst fascist violence took place. Rather than challenging prejudices and mounting a huge campaign with the real facts about migrants they adapt to their reactionary views. Yes, they won the election handsomely but Farage’s Reform UK won four million votes and we are now seeing a revitalised band of street fascists.

Last night does give some hope. You could feel the exhilaration and confidence in the crowd as they really felt how we can reclaim the streets. The national failure of the fascists to repeat last week’s violent disorder exposed their organisational limits. Although they can get 15,000 in Trafalgar square on a one-off mobilisation they cannot organise and coordinate actions in 40 different places.

The far right overwhelmingly draws from atomised layers of society, sometimes radicalised by alt-right and QAnon style conspiracies that inculcate racism and culture war pseudo concerns about the dangers of vaccines, immigration and trans existence. They are pushed into these views by both social media but also by the so-called mainstream, by opportunistic politicians and journalists who lend credence to prejudice to build their careers.

Prosecutions have exposed how many of them are small business owners rather than representative of an imagined working class anxiety over the erosion of vague nationalist abstractions. As was the case with the January 6 United States Capitol attack, those who participated were often privileged but insecure people susceptible to the divisive rhetoric of the powerful because this mirrors their alienated lives. But almost as concerning as those who showed up to terrorise the vulnerable, are the many more who merely echo their views and uncritically repeat racist and bigoted ideas.

Faced with a well organised mass anti-fascist movement the weaknesses of these formations was thankfully exposed. Thousands also turned out notably in Newcastle, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Finchley, Oxford, Sheffield, and Brighton on a weekday night at relatively short notice. The media and politicians have overdone the importance of social media to downplay how the anti-migrant narrative and austerity have helped the fascists. Social media exists in a wider social context, and it is contradictory. Yesterday a lot of people heard about the mobilisations via social media as well as through the efforts of established anti-racist organisation.

Watching breakfast TV across the channels this morning we can see victories have many new found parents. The media and the political establishment had told people to stay away from the protests. All the front pages of the press, including the reactionary Daily Mail and Daily Express, which often run anti-migrant stories, were exultant about the way the people had turned out to roll back fascist violence.

At least one ex-police chief on BBC breakfast news had the good grace and honesty to accept that the mass mobilisation was the decisive factor last night and not the capacity of the police or just the deterrence of tough sentences. Local Walthamstow MP, Stella Creasy, who before last night had called on people to stay away, was hypocritically praising the mobilisation in the aftermath.

What is not said publicly is an important political reality. Currents outside the Labour Party today have a certain capacity to mobilise thousands of people independently. We have seen this with the Palestine solidarity movement; we are seeing it today with the anti-fascist movement. There are now a number of independent MPs who can support such movements – Jeremy Corbyn and the four independent ‘Gaza’ MPs put out a statement backing the counter mobilisations. If the radical left can work in a non-sectarian, united way then we can achieve significant progress.

We need to work within the social movements that have emerged against racism, in solidarity with Palestine, to oppose runaway global warming, as well as with independent MPs, the small number of Labour left MPs who defy Starmer and above all inside the unions to keep building a fighting alternative to a government that is betting everything on a partnership with capital. Its policies will not generate the radical structural change that can reduce inequality and cut the ground from the fascists who exploit people’s anger at austerity and disillusion with politicians.

Yesterday as a battle won and as Socialist Worker aptly put it – fear changes sides. However the fascist threat remains and the eco system which feeds it – Reform UK and the mainstream political consensus defining migrants as the ‘problem’ – means they are not going away anytime soon. Our website and groups like Stand up to Racism will keep you informed about the upcoming protests.

8 August 2024

Source: Anti*Capitalist Resistance.


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Lowering Organic Waste Methane: Turning Organic Waste into Climate Solutions

August 13, 2024
Source: Pressenza

Image by Engelbert Paculanang, GAIA Asia Pacific

As the climate crisis escalates, the spotlight is on a potent but often overlooked greenhouse gas: methane. With approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of food wasted annually and 2.6 million tonnes of organic waste per day globally, organic waste contributes to methane emissions. This issue is particularly urgent for Asia and the Pacific, where more than 50% of municipal solid waste is organic, and where proven solutions exist in Asia which need to be scaled up.

Methane is 82.5 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period, making it the second largest component of greenhouse gasses and responsible for 30% of global emissions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underscores the necessity of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030 to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Immediate and substantial reductions in methane emissions could achieve a significant impact, reducing expected global warming by nearly 20% by 2045.

The Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) Asia Pacific is leading a campaign to mobilize local governments in the region, aiming for at least 70% recovery of organic waste from municipal waste streams by 2030. The campaign has already secured commitments from 50 local governments, all dedicated to developing the necessary policies, infrastructure, and institutional mechanisms.

Composting and organic waste management are crucial strategies for mitigating methane emissions. The Organic Waste Working Group of the India Zero Waste Alliance highlights the potential of decentralized systems to capture organic waste and achieve significant greenhouse gas savings.

Shibu Nair, GAIA Asia Pacific’s Regional Organics Campaigner, emphasized the urgent need to scale up the many proven solutions existing in Asia, “Asia-Pacific has a unique opportunity to lead in organic waste management as a climate solution. By implementing decentralized management systems, and forward linking it with farming, we not only reduce methane emissions but also create enduring, community-based solutions that benefit both the environment and the economy.”

Recognizing the critical role of waste pickers, the Indian Alliance of Waste Pickers has been working to ensure their integration into waste solutions and systems. Nalini Shekar, co-founder and Executive Director of Hasiru Dala, points out, “For a solution to be truly effective and just, it must be sustainable in every way – ecologically, financially, and socially. Decentralized waste management is a powerful tool that meets all of these requirements. By being cost-effective and acknowledging and supporting the vital work of waste pickers, we can improve organic waste recovery and significantly cut methane emissions.”

India’s innovative approaches to organic waste management further illustrate the potential for effective waste strategies. The history of evolution of municipal waste composting in India begins from the Indore composting model in the 1920s to the Bangalore methods of the 1930s and the Coimbatore model in the late 60s, India has led in utilizing organic discards productively. The Nirmal Bharat Abhiyaan and Swachh Bharat Mission has integrated solid waste management with the total sanitation movement and accelerated these efforts with policy, standards, guidelines, and financing for scientific solid waste management across the country.

The upcoming Organics Congress, scheduled for September 25-28 at Bengaluru, India, will bring together zero waste practitioners from governments and civil society across the Asia-Pacific region. The event aims to develop a shared strategy and action plan for reducing food waste and enhancing organic waste recovery. Key topics will include the connection between organics, methane, and climate change; policies and legal frameworks; just transition principles; and innovative technologies.

Additionally, the Organics Congress will feature an exhibition of successful organic waste management models and a trade fair showcasing technology vendors and service providers. A guided study tour of organic waste management models in Bengaluru and Mysuru will also be conducted for city officials and delegates.

Join us in tackling climate change with innovative waste management solutions. Register now to be part of the change at the Organics Congress: REGISTER HERE.

Hosted by Hasiru Dala and in collaboration with GAIA Asia Pacific and the India Zero Waste Alliance.
Children Among 100 Killed by Israel Bombing of Gaza School Just Hours After US Weapons Approval

August 13, 2024
Source: Common Dreams

Image by Fatima Shbair/AP Photo

Just hours after the Biden administration Friday announced approval of $3.5 billion in military funds for Israel and shipments for new weaponry, an Israeli bombing of a school-turned-shelter in Gaza has killed 100 people or more, including scores of civilian men, women, and children in what was described as a “bloody massacre” that struck during morning prayers, leaving body parts scattered “in pieces” and healthcare workers overwhelmed with the dead and wounded.

The Palestinian Authority’s Fatah government in the Occupied West Bank released a statement Saturday describing the attack on the al-Tabin school in Gaza City as a “heinous bloody massacre” that represents the “peak of terrorism and criminality” by the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Committing these massacres confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt its efforts to exterminate our people through the policy of cumulative killing and mass massacres that make living consciences tremble,” said the PA.

Footage taken by volunteers working alongside Palestinian medical units in Gaza City showed wounded small children and adults being taken to local hospitals as well as scenes of carnage from the scene of the bombing [Warning: Images are graphic]. Gaza journalist Motasem A. Dalloul also posted his reporting from the scene, including footage of the carnage [Also graphic].

Al-Jazeera spoke with witnesses at the scene of the massacre, one of whom said many of the dead—which included women, children, and old people who had been praying and others sleeping when the missiles struck—were collected afterward “in pieces”:

Tamer Kirolos, a regional director for Save the Children, called Israel’s attack on al-Tabin the “deadliest attack on a school since last October.”

“It is devastating to see the toll this has taken, including so many children and people at the school for dawn prayers,” Kirolos said. “Civilians, children, must be protected. An immediate definitive ceasefire is the only foreseeable way that will happen.”

Just hours before the bombing, the U.S. State Department announcement that a $3.5 billion tranche of funds—part of a larger $14.1 billion in overseas military aid approved by Congress earlier this year—would be released to the Israeli government for weapons procurement.

As CNN reported, while some of those weapons purchases made possible by the fund may take years, the “supplemental funding also allocated billions of dollars’ worth of equipment that the Pentagon can draw from its own stockpiles to send directly to Israel on a much faster timeline.”

Unverified reporting indicated that at least one of the missiles dropped on the al-Tabin school overnight may have been a U.S.-made MK-84 bomb weighing 2,000 pounds.

On Friday night, after the State Department announcement but before news of the latest bombing in Gaza broke, Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of the human rights and advocacy group Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), was among those confounded by the U.S. government’s continued determination to arm the Israelis in the face of the human suffering in Gaza and the repeated massacre of civilians, day after day and month after month.

“It is mind-boggling that despite the overwhelming evidence of the IDF’s unprecedented crimes in Gaza that has shocked the conscience of the entire world, the Biden administration is greenlighting the transfer of additional lethal weapons to Israel,” said Whitson in a Friday night statement following news that the State Dept. had greenlit the release of taxpayer funds for a new round of weapons destined for Israel.

“It is hard to comprehend how the Biden administration can justify rewarding Israel with new weapons, despite Israel’s persistent defiance of every single plea the Biden administration has made urging a modicum of restraint,” she said, “and despite the very apparent fact that such sales violate black letter U.S. laws prohibiting weapons to gross abusers like Israel.”

Making a similar argument in a Saturday morning post on X, Sami Abou Shehadeh, leader of Israel’s leftist Balad Party, said that while President Joe Biden “could have stopped the genocide” by using his leverage of military aid to force the Israelis in a different direction, instead “he just released $3.5 billion for more weapons to kill civilians.”

Shehadeh warned that without any internal opposition “to the genocide” by Israel’s Zionist political parties, Netanyahu’s policies would continue, even as the region inches toward further destabilization over the crisis in Gaza that has also spread to Lebanon and beyond. Calling for the International Criminal Court to intervene, he asked, “If the ICC doesn’t take action now, then when?”

Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece and co-founder of Progressive International, asked the same on Saturday.

“Israel has now killed nearly 40,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and wounded well over 92,000 others,” said Varoufakis. “Thousands more lie, uncounted, under the debris. Some 10,000 Palestinians have been abducted by Israel’s occupying forces. Question: Where is the ICC indictment?”

“It is truly horrific,” Raed Jarrar, DAWN’s policy director told Common Dreams via email Saturday. “Last night’s massacre was another example of how Blinken and Biden have blood on their hands.”

Referencing a separate decision by the State Department to suspend an investigation into documented abuse violations by the “notorious” Netzah Yehuda Unit within the IDF, Jarrar said the “decisions of sending weapons to Israel and not sanctioning Israeli human rights abusers are not just corrupt policy decisions, they are criminal acts.”

The Quiet Success of the Israel Divestment Movement
August 13, 2024
Source: Yes! Magazine

Image by Kenneth C. Zirkel, Creative Commons 4.0

The United States has historically provided hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid to Israel. The flow of taxpayer funds to Israel’s military has only increased since Israeli forces launched an attack on Gaza in October 2023, in which as many as 186,000 Palestinians have been killed, according to an estimate published in The Lancet in July 2024.

Beyond the federal dollars funding the ongoing attack on Gaza, there are also investments made on the state and municipal levels to support Israel’s violence against Palestinians. “The ethnic cleansing and horrors that we’re witnessing being carried out by the Israeli government are deeply entangled in material support from the United States, and that happens on multiple levels,” says Jay Saper, an organizer with Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) in New York City.

As demands for Palestinian liberation grow louder than ever before in defiance of Israel’s continuing assaults on the occupied nation and its people, organizers with JVP and other groups critical of U.S. funding for Israel have ramped up efforts targeting this support in their own backyards. These efforts include the Not on Our Dime! campaign in New York state, which aims to end subsidies for New York–registered charitable organizations that fundraise to support the Israeli military and violent settler groups, and the Break the Bonds campaign, a JVP-led initiative that seeds and supports local efforts to demand divestment from Israel Bonds nationwide.

In Cuyahoga County, Ohio, home to Cleveland, Mohammed Faraj works with the Cleveland Palestine Advocacy Community on a local effort connected to JVP’s Break the Bonds campaign. He says the coalition’s “No New Bonds” campaign has grown stronger and more organized since Israel launched its latest assault on Gaza, and coalition partners have made a concerted effort to reach local lawmakers. “After October, there was just a feeling of wanting to talk to, really, anybody who would listen,” explains Faraj. “We realized how inaccessible our federal legislators are and have been, [but] our local political leaders are here, and they’re accessible.”

Not only are state and local lawmakers more accessible to constituents than federal lawmakers, but local investment portfolios also hold billions of dollars in funding to Israel sourced from the everyday taxes of community members. State and local governments across the U.S. hold more than $4 trillion in all investments in their investment portfolios. At least $1.6 billion in Israel Bonds is held between state governments, municipal governments, and public pension funds nationwide. Those investment dollars come from every individual, household, and business within the municipal or state borders that pay property taxes, income taxes, and sales taxes, making them some of the most representative pools of dollars invested on behalf of the public. Saper says that campaigns targeting the investment of these local dollars “invite people to reckon with how implicated we are here at home with the atrocities we are witnessing abroad.”

The Cleveland Palestine Advocacy Community is targeting Cuyahoga County’s $16 million investment in Israel Bonds. The Development Corporation for Israel sells these bonds to raise foreign funds for the Israeli treasury. The sale of Israel Bonds provides critical financial support to the Israeli government and its military, and bondholders maintain no oversight of how their funds are spent once invested. “The Break the Bonds call for institutional divestment really came out of an absolute horror on the part of folks who are taxpayers at the county, city level, state level […] to learn that many institutions in the United States actually directly loan money to the Israeli government and military unrestricted in the form of Israel Bonds,” explains Dani Noble, senior campaigns organizer at JVP and member leader of JVP-Philadelphia.

Across the U.S., dozens of states and municipalities purchase Israel Bonds. Palm Beach County, Florida, recently made headlines for being the world’s largest investor in Israel Bonds with $700 million in holdings. In Ohio, besides Cuyahoga County’s $16 million in holdings, 14 other Ohio counties also hold Israel Bonds, while the Ohio Treasury has more than $260 million in Israel Bonds.

At a meeting on June 4, 2024, Cuyahoga County Council Members Cheryl Stephens and Patrick Kelly introduced a Cleveland Palestine Advocacy Community–supported resolution that would, according to its text, “urg[e] the Investment Advisory Committee to amend the County’s Investment Policy to prohibit future investments in any foreign securities.” Dozens of Cuyahoga County residents addressed the council regarding the resolution, including Palestinian Americans whose family members in Palestine have been subject to Israeli violence. One resident, Shereen Naser, later told News 5 Cleveland that one of her cousins, a college student in Palestine, had recently been detained by the Israeli military. “I’m wondering if the cuffs around her wrists are paid for by my tax dollars,” she said.

After it was introduced, Cuyahoga County’s Resolution No. R2024-0208 was referred to the Committee of the Whole. However, the resolution was later withdrawn following pressure from groups that categorized it as antisemitic or in violation of Ohio’s anti-Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) law. The Cleveland Palestine Advocacy Community drafted responses refuting these claims and shared them with the Cuyahoga County Council. The coalition continues to pressure local lawmakers for action on the issue. “We want this $16 million to be reinvested here at home,” says Faraj.

A Break the Bonds campaign based in Providence, Rhode Island, has also gathered steam since last year. As recently as 2022, Providence held about $2 million in Israel Bonds. Those bonds matured, and the city no longer has direct investments in Israel. “We want to keep it that way,” says Joel Reinstein, an organizer with JVP in Rhode Island.

At a Providence City Council meeting on June 6, 2024, councilors introduced Ordinance 45610, which would prohibit future investments in the bonds of governments maintaining a military occupation or accused of committing war crimes or human rights violations. The proposed ordinance was referred to the council’s finance committee, which will decide whether to send it back to the council for a vote. If the committee sends the ordinance back to the full council, it will need to receive two affirmative majority votes to pass—and may require a third majority vote in the event that Mayor Brett Smiley vetoes it, as he has stated he will. Leading up to a vote, organizers from JVP and coalition partners, including the Providence Youth Student Movement and Rhode Island Democratic Socialists of America, are holding rallies and contacting lawmakers to show support for the legislation.

Meanwhile, in New York state, organizers are targeting a different financial instrument being used to support Israel’s attacks on Palestinians. The Not on Our Dime! campaign and an eponymous act sponsored by Assembly Member Zohran Mamdani and State Senator Jabari Brisport in the New York State Assembly and the New York Senate, respectively, launched in May 2023. If the Not on Our Dime! Act passes, New York nonprofit organizations that provide financial support to Israel’s military or Israeli settler groups could be sued for at least $1 million and lose their tax-exempt status. Currently, New York charities send more than $60 million in tax-exempt dollars per year to Israel to fund “the violation of international law,” according to Mamdani in a June 2024 interview with Zeteo.

Sumaya Awad, a Palestinian New Yorker and director of strategy at the Adalah Justice Project, a coalition partner working on the campaign, says that the Not on Our Dime! campaign is powerful and unique because “it offers a tool, a pathway to divert funds from apartheid, to divert funds from genocide, and instead to invest them in life and in public goods.”

This year, the Not on Our Dime! Act was expanded, and the campaign was relaunched with new supporters, including representatives from union UAW Region 9A and New York Congressional Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who spoke at a relaunch event on May 20 in Albany, New York. The bill’s language has been updated to explicitly name the Israeli government’s attacks in Gaza and ensure that New York–based nonprofit organizations providing funding for those attacks would be subject to the legislation.

“For this bill to continue to hold a mirror to the world around us one year later, we needed to expand its scope,” says Mamdani. He points out that the campaign’s messaging and updated bill language now reflect “the facts of genocide in Gaza, a proliferation of New York charities’ fundraising in support of units in the Israeli Army perpetrating that genocide, and the renewed calls for the Israeli settler movement to expand into Gaza.”

Gabriel Acevero, member of the Maryland House of Delegates, introduced similar legislation earlier this year in Maryland. It was referred to the Maryland House Judiciary Committee for review and has yet to move forward.

For Jewish organizers, these efforts are not only a matter of divesting public dollars but also of extricating their religious traditions from the violence of Israel’s occupation and its genocide in Gaza. Noble explains that the Development Corporation for Israel has historically linked the sale of Israel Bonds to Jewish rituals, including “imposing a tradition of gifting” the bonds at bar and bat mitzvahs and weddings and passing them down as part of a family’s legacy when sitting shiva. “We absolutely are dedicated not just to ending that material support but also to reclaiming our traditions from violence and from war,” Noble says.

The Not on Our Dime! campaign’s title also echoes a familiar rallying cry among anti-Zionist Jews, who say “not in our name” to demand that their religious identity and a dangerous conflation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism not be weaponized to obscure Israel’s atrocities.

Diverse and cross-movement coalitions have been vital to the progress of these campaigns to halt the transfer of U.S. taxpayer dollars from Ohio, Rhode Island, and New York to Israel. Regular mass demonstrations of solidarity with Palestinians nationwide have also spurred the efforts. “The horizon of possibilities is opened up by the historic uprisings that we’re seeing in the streets, and across campuses, and really across the globe,” says Saper.

For organizers looking to ride this wave, JVP and the Not on Our Dime! campaign offer opportunities to get involved or launch similar initiatives in new locales.

Reinstein of JVP–Rhode Island says the local and state-level campaigns that are being forged now are the building blocks needed to force meaningful change on the federal level. “The more on the municipal level that we can actually stop the flow of cash to Israel’s violence, the more that can build up to a national movement that could finally create some accountability.”

Canada Cheers on ‘Africa’s Most Ruthless Regime’

 August 13, 2024

Image by Resource Database.

While the Canadian government questions whether Nicolas Maduro really won 51% of the vote in Venezuela’s presidential election it has no trouble with Africa’s most bloodstained dictator claiming 99%. Ottawa also has no trouble supporting the Rwandan government despite UN experts accusing it of aggression.

Two weeks ago, Paul Kagame ‘won’ 99.18% of the vote in the Rwandan presidential election. It was an improvement on the 98.63% he received in 2017 but Kagame should be concerned as he’s running out of room to improve his tally in future elections.

Kagame’s main competitors were formally excluded from running. Victoire Ingabire and Diane Shima Rwigara have spent time in jail for challenging the strongman and were not allowed to run. Kagame has repeatedly assassinated political opponents both inside Rwanda and across the continent. In 2020 the regime kidnapped its most famous opponent, Paul Rusesabagina, who is the namesake for the Hollywood film Hotel Rwanda. A Belgian citizen and US Green Card holder, Rusesabagina was snatched from Dubai and flown to Rwanda where he languished in jail for three years.

Kagame has ruled Rwanda with an iron fist for 30 years. His regime has also unleashed three decades of mayhem in Congo, as has been detailed in countless UN and other reports. In their Final Report released last month the UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo concluded that as many as 4,000 Rwandan troops were in eastern Congo. It also noted that Rwandan forces’ have “de facto control and direction over M23 operations.” In late 2021 M23 rebels instigated a new round of fighting in eastern Congo that’s killed thousands and displaced 2 million. (About seven million Congolese were already internally displaced due to years of violence, which Rwanda has played an important role in.)

As he’s caused mayhem in eastern Congo and solidified his dictatorship, Kagame continues to receive Canadian support. Canada’s High Commissioner in Kigali Julie Crowley celebrated the presidential election, noting “voting day in Rwanda. Congratulations to all who voted!” But Canadian officials don’t seem to have said anything about the farcical nature of the election. Over the past three months Crowley and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have described Canada’s “good bilateral relation”, “well established relationship” and “support to Rwanda”.

Trudeau has met Kagame multiple times. Amidst Rwanda’s invasion into Congo Trudeau attended the June 2022 Commonwealth summit in Kigali. Trudeau focused his discussion with Kagame on opposing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, ignoring Rwanda’s aggression against Congo. They also announced that Canada would open a full diplomatic high commission in the country.

At the official opening of Canada’s High Commission last month, Crowley met James Kabarebe. Afterwards Crowley posted, “Thank you Minister of State James Kabarebe for launching our renewed and strengthened relations.” General Kabarebe was the subject of an arrest warrant by a French judge for his role in shooting down President Juvénal Habyarimana’s plane, which unleashed Rwanda’s genocidal violence in Spring 1994. A 2012 UN report claimed Kabarebe organized and armed the M23, labeling him “a central player in recruiting on behalf of M23” and active “on the ground to coordinate military activities.”

The M23 is the successor to a Rwanda-backed rebel force led by Laurent Nkunda, who grew to prominence after Rwanda invaded. In 1996 Rwandan forces marched 1,500 km to topple the regime in Kinshasa. Two years later they re-invaded after the Congolese government it installed expelled Rwandan troops. This led to an eight-country war between 1998 and 2003, which left millions dead. Ever since Rwanda has had significant sway over eastern Congo, which it has pillaged of minerals.

Despite Rwanda’s decades of aggression against Congo, Global Affairs ‘both sided’ their reaction to the Final Report of the UN group of experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Global Affairs’ official account noted, “Canada is deeply concerned by the final report of the UN group of experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Canada calls for Rwanda to end its support to the M23, and for the DRC to end support to the FDLR.”

But Congo hasn’t invaded Rwanda. Suggesting there are two equal sides at fault is a massive concession to Kagame.

Author of In Praise of Blood: The Crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, Judi Rever recently wrote about Canadian support for Kagame in “Canada’s whitewashing of Africa’s most ruthless regime”. Alongside diplomatic backing, Ottawa has provided millions of dollars of assistance to Rwanda’s military in recent years through the Dallaire Institute. Named after former UN commander Romeo Dallaire, the Kigali and Halifax based Institute is supposed to combat child soldiers yet the Rwandan military recruits and employs child soldiers.

Dallaire has covered for Kagame’s crimes for decades. For starters, he promotes the wildly simplistic account of the Rwandan genocide Kagame has used to justify his rule and interference in Congo.

Dallaire is on the Board of Directors of Toronto based Helios Fairfax. The Africa-focused investment firm also has Toronto Raptors President Masai Ujiri on its board and has partnered with him on a project in Rwanda.

Labelling Kagame a “visionary”, “inspiration” and “blessing”, Ujiri was personally awarded 2.4 hectares (nearly six acres) of land in Kigali by presidential order. As Rever reveals, Ujiri and Fairfax are building a boutique hotel, upscale restaurants, a rooftop lounge and gym on the site. Was it Ujiri’s reward for supporting the blood-stained dictator?

Ujiri, Dallaire and Ottawa’s support for Kagame is an indictment of Canadian political culture and official policy. Another reminder that Canadian foreign policy is not about advancing justice.

Hypocrites? Ssh.

Yves Engler’s latest book is Stand on Guard for Whom?: A People’s History of the Canadian Military.