Saturday, August 24, 2024


Bulwark of blooms: the lily's secret armor against plant pathogens

Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
Differential Accumulation of Defense-Related Metabolites in Lilium regale and Susceptible 'Siberia' Lilies Following Fusarium oxysporum Infection. 


Differential Accumulation of Defense-Related Metabolites in Lilium regale and Susceptible 'Siberia' Lilies Following Fusarium oxysporum Infection. 

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Credit: Horticulture Research

A cutting-edge study reveals the biochemical defense system of the wild lily, Lilium regale, which demonstrates remarkable resistance against Fusarium wilt—a major threat to the floriculture industry. The research uncovers the lily's robust defense mechanisms, spotlighting the critical role of phenylpropanoid metabolism and the regulatory influence of specific transcription factors. These findings offer valuable insights for developing crops with enhanced disease resistance.

Fusarium wilt is a severe threat to the global cut-flower industry, particularly impacting lilies. Caused by Fusarium oxysporum, this disease results in significant economic losses due to plant decay and death. Traditional breeding methods have struggled to create resistant varieties, largely due to the complex genetic and metabolic factors involved in disease resistance. Addressing these challenges requires exploring the resistance mechanisms in wild species like Lilium regale, to identify potential pathways and genes for crop improvement.

Researchers at Kunming University of Science and Technology published a study (DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhae140) on May 20, 2024, in Horticulture Research, investigating Lilium regale’s resistance to Fusarium wilt. Using a multi-omics approach, the study combined transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics to decode the complex defense mechanisms in this wild lily. The research emphasizes the crucial role of phenylpropanoid metabolism in conferring resistance, with implications that could guide future breeding programs aimed at improving disease resistance in commercially important lily varieties.

The study's multi-omics analysis identified significant upregulation of phenylpropanoid metabolism-related genes and pathways in Lilium regale after Fusarium oxysporum infection. Key metabolites such as lignin, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic acids were found to accumulate at higher levels in resistant lilies compared to susceptible ones. These metabolites not only fortified the plant’s physical barriers by enhancing cell wall composition but also exhibited direct antifungal properties, curbing the pathogen's growth and reducing its virulence. Additionally, ethylene-responsive transcription factors (ERFs), especially LrERF4, were found to play a pivotal role in regulating these metabolic pathways. Overexpression of LrERF4 in susceptible lily varieties enhanced resistance, further emphasizing the importance of phenylpropanoid metabolism in the plant's defense strategy. This comprehensive analysis offers deeper insights into the molecular and biochemical foundations of quantitative resistance in plants, opening new pathways for breeding disease-resistant crops.

Dr. Diqiu Liu, the lead researcher, emphasized the study's significance: "Integrating multi-omics approaches to understand complex plant defense mechanisms is crucial. By uncovering the role of phenylpropanoid metabolism in Lilium regale's resistance to Fusarium wilt, we provide a robust foundation for future breeding programs. The discovery of key regulatory genes like LrERF4 unlocks new possibilities for developing disease-resistant varieties, with potentially transformative effects on the horticulture industry."

This study has far-reaching implications for the horticulture industry. Identifying phenylpropanoid metabolism as a key defense mechanism in Lilium regale presents a promising target for breeding disease-resistant lily varieties. Moreover, the regulatory role of LrERF4 offers opportunities to engineer crops with improved resistance to Fusarium wilt and possibly other fungal diseases. By applying these insights, breeders could develop more resilient plants, ensuring stable production and reducing losses due to disease, ultimately benefiting the global flower market.





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Funding information

The National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (grant 31760586) supported this research.

About Horticulture Research

Horticulture Research is an open access journal of Nanjing Agricultural University and ranked number one in the Horticulture category of the Journal Citation Reports ™ from Clarivate, 2023. The journal is committed to publishing original research articles, reviews, perspectives, comments, correspondence articles and letters to the editor related to all major horticultural plants and disciplines, including biotechnology, breeding, cellular and molecular biology, evolution, genetics, inter-species interactions, physiology, and the origination and domestication of crops.


FAU engineering to lead $1.3 million collaborative conservation project

NSF and Paul G. Allen Family Foundation select FAU, Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium and Old Dominion University

Florida Atlantic University

Monitoring Manatees 


Manatees are endangered species volatile to the environment. 

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Credit: Sarah Milton, Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University

The United States National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation have announced a $1.3 million collaborative grant to the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic UniversityMote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium, and Old Dominion Universityfor a project designed to cost-effectively identify and track wildlife using artificial intelligence.

Xingquan “Hill” Zhu, Ph.D., principal investigator and a professor in the FAU Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, is spearheading the project in collaboration with FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium and Old Dominion University.

For the project, researchers will develop and employ generative AI to identify, track, and analyze behavior of marine animals (with a focus on manatees), and address traditional tracking cost-precision trade-offs. New tools can be applied to other marine species, and this work supports marine biodiversity, thus strengthening local economies relying on fishing and tourism.

Traditional tracking methods either require attaching transmitters to animals that communicate with radio receivers or satellites (high accuracy but expensive and invasive) or rely on manually produced sketches from photos of distinctive features such as scars (low accuracy and labor-intensive). The overarching goal of this project is to optimize this cost-precision trade-off by designing and delivering an AI-driven system for individual photo-identification and tracking in conservation studies of Florida manatees, a threatened species. The system aims to streamline the creation, maintenance, query, and behavior analysis of manatees using photo-identification software.

“Tracking marine animals at both individual and group levels is crucial for wildlife conservation. It provides essential information and invaluable insights into population dynamics, health, risks, and vulnerability, all of which help shape conservation policies, management decisions and strategies,” said Stella Batalama, Ph.D., dean, FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science. “We are incredibly grateful and excited to receive this vital support from the National Science Foundation and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, which will enable our outstanding research team to tackle the significant challenges in traditional tracking methods while balancing cost and precision.” 

This research is one of 10 projects receiving funding under the Partnership to Advance Conservation Science and Practice program, a first-of-its-kind collaboration between the NSF and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. Now in its second year, the program is designed to catalyze deep collaboration between researchers advancing basic science and conservation partners engaging in on-the-ground conservation. 

“The fundamental knowledge these projects create, even though related to specific species, will unlock innovative conservation efforts across a broader range of threatened species and ecosystems,” said Lara Littlefield, executive director for programs and partnerships at the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. “For instance, studying whether mosquitos infected with bacteria can limit the spread of malaria among birds in Hawaii could ultimately limit disease spread among other animals more broadly.” 

Each project extends basic science into on-the-ground conservation to address critical knowledge and data gaps, enabling greater real-world impact to benefit species and ecosystems.

“The unique partnerships this program creates forge a roadmap to broader conservation action by uniting the skills, expertise and tools needed to address the most urgent threats to our natural world,” said Susan Marqusee, NSF assistant director for biological sciences. “These projects also will engage the public, policymakers, law enforcement and others in conservation through education, outreach and other broader impacts.” 

Project co-PIs are Sarah Milton, Ph.D., chair and professor, Department of Biological Sciences, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Science and Matt Ajemian, Ph.D., an associate research professor and director of the Fisheries Ecology and Conservation Lab at FAU Harbor Branch. The other two PIs from the collaborative organizations include Yi He, Ph.D., an assistant professor of computer science at Old Dominion University; and Catherine Walsh, Ph.D., senior scientist and program manager for the marine immunology program at Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium.

Zhu has an established track record in designing AI methods to solve domain application challenges. Recently, his team developed a new method to count manatee aggregations using low resolution images from surveillance videos. Milton’s research focuses on environmental physiology, particularly how stressors affect animal survival mechanisms. Her work on sea turtles includes studying hatchling energetics, climate change impacts on nesting and physiology, and developing treatments for turtles affected by toxic red tides. Ajemian’s expertise in ecology, ichthyology, and fisheries science spans topics such as habitat use, movement behavior and bycatch. He’s expertise is focused on building predictive models on sensory data streams, images, networks, and traffic movement forecasting. Walsh has more than 30 years of experience in manatee research, with a primary focus on ecology and conservation.

The project will train several graduate students and will advance collaboration between AI researchers and conservation scientists. Moreover, it will offer a lasting impact at different levels beyond its immediate action plan on Florida manatee conservation, stimulating a multi-disciplinary collaboration, tightening the bonds between researchers and students and between academia and local communities.

“Our tool, which we coined ‘EPICS,’ offers a novel lens to monitor marine ecosystems in real-time, allowing human intervention to be supplemented in a proactive manner to prevent biotic disasters,” said Zhu. “Together, FAU, Old Dominion University and Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium will advance and generalize AI-powered conservation study to manatees, sea turtles, whales, rays and other threatened or endangered marine species.”

Learn more about the Partnership to Advance Conservation Science and Practice program and view the full list of awards and awardees by visiting

- FAU -

About FAU’s College of Engineering and Computer Science:

The FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science is internationally recognized for cutting-edge research and education in the areas of computer science and artificial intelligence (AI), computer engineering, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, civil, environmental and geomatics engineering, mechanical engineering, and ocean engineering. Research conducted by the faculty and their teams expose students to technology innovations that push the current state-of-the art of the disciplines. The College research efforts are supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Department of Education (DOEd), the State of Florida, and industry. The FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science offers degrees with a modern twist that bear specializations in areas of national priority such as AI, cybersecurity, internet-of-things, transportation and supply chain management, and data science. New degree programs include Master of Science in AI (first in Florida), Master of Science and Bachelor in Data Science and Analytics, and the new Professional Master of Science and Ph.D. in computer science for working professionals. For more information about the College, please visit


About U.S. National Science Foundation: 

The U.S. National Science Foundation propels the nation forward by advancing fundamental research in all fields of science and engineering. NSF supports research and people by providing facilities, instruments and funding to support their ingenuity and sustain the U.S. as a global leader in research and innovation. With a Fiscal Year 2024 budget of $9.06 billion, NSF funds reach all 50 states through grants to nearly 2,000 colleges, universities and institutions. Each year, NSF receives more than 40,000 competitive proposals and makes about 11,000 new awards. Those awards include support for cooperative research with industry, Arctic and Antarctic research and operations, and U.S. participation in international scientific efforts. 


About Paul G. Allen Family Foundation: 

Founded in 1988 by philanthropists Jody Allen and the late Paul G. Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, the foundation works to enhance the arts and culture experience, mobilize young people to drive change, and advance science and technology solutions that address wildlife conservation, ocean health and climate change. The foundation also funds cutting-edge research in all areas of bioscience though the Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group.


About Florida Atlantic University:
Florida Atlantic University, established in 1961, officially opened its doors in 1964 as the fifth public university in Florida. Today, the University serves more than 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students across six campuses located along the southeast Florida coast. In recent years, the University has doubled its research expenditures and outpaced its peers in student achievement rates. Through the coexistence of access and excellence, FAU embodies an innovative model where traditional achievement gaps vanish. FAU is designated a Hispanic-serving institution, ranked as a top public university by U.S. News & World Report and a High Research Activity institution by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. For more information, visit


Eyes in the sky and on the ground: enhanced dryland monitoring with remote sensing

New method combines time-series imagery of satellites with near-surface cameras to better monitor ecological states in drylands

Journal of Remote Sensing

Comparison of dryland ecological states. 


Comparison of grass-dominated (top) and shrub-dominated (bottom) dryland ecological states, with differences in growing-season phenology shown for dry and wet rainfall years. States are shown on the left using PhenoCam images.

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Credit: PhenoCam Network and Emily Myers, USDA-ARS.

While animals in drylands hone their natural senses to find vegetation, humans have developed “external eyes” to track these vital resources.


Scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) have created an advanced method that integrates high-frequency near-surface camera data with broader satellite imagery to better monitor and assess dryland ecosystems. Their approach could aid in taking timely action to prevent land degradation, contributing to improved environmental management and conservation strategies.


Their results were published in the Journal of Remote Sensing on July 8.


Drylands, including arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas, account for over 40% of the Earth’s land surface and are vital for supporting diverse wildlife, crop production and carbon regulation. These areas, however, are prone to abrupt ecological state changes, such as shifts from grass-dominated to shrub-dominated landscapes, driven by climate change and unsustainable land use.


Drylands pose significant challenges for ecological monitoring due to their sparse vegetation cover, high spatial variability, and year-to-year fluctuations in vegetation growth. Traditional methods often fall short in accurately classifying and detecting changes in ecological states. To address this, the USDA-ARS researchers melded space and ground approaches to eagle-eye these ecosystems.


“We wanted to understand whether we could use images collected remotely from near-surface cameras or satellites to measure differences in dryland vegetation greenness over time and in response to rainfall,” said Emily R. Myers, a SCINet postdoctoral fellow with the USDA-ARS and lead author of this study.


The researchers’ goal was to use these differences to distinguish between different dryland ecological states. The team combined daily data from near-surface cameras (PhenoCam) with satellite imagery (Harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2, or HLS) at a desert grassland site in southwest New Mexico, analyzing data from 12 different locations over multiple years between 2014 and 2022.


“Measurements from near-surface cameras and satellites were able to distinguish between different dryland vegetation responses to rainfall,” said Dawn M. Browning, a senior research ecologist at the USDA-ARS and co-lead author of the study.


Their findings showed that grass-dominated states were the most affected by rainfall, with rapid spikes in greenness and productivity during wet growing seasons. Shrub-dominated states were less affected by growing season rainfall.


The distinct phenological responses of grass-dominated states can serve as indicators of grass productivity and ecological state change in drylands.


“These differences in greenness responses may help us map and monitor dryland states and productivity using remotely sensed imagery,” Myers said.


By refining remote sensing techniques, the researchers hope to identify and monitor more effectively dryland areas with significant grass cover. This insight could guide management strategies for maintaining grass cover and preventing shrub encroachment in these increasingly vulnerable ecosystems.


“We would like to explore more ways to characterize the growing season, with a particular focus on measurements that are sensitive to the rapid increases in greenness that are indicative of grassy productivity,” Browning said.



MSU study finds ‘DNA scavengers’ can stop some antibiotic resistance from spreading

Michigan State University

For nearly a century, scientists have waged war on antibiotic-resistant microbes. Michigan State University researchers say they’ve found a new way to prevent it – by unleashing “DNA scavengers” in wastewater treatment plants.

Syed Hashsham, MSU professor of civil and environmental engineering, and James Tiedje, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the departments of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences as well as Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, found an enzyme that breaks up strands of antibiotic-resistant DNA floating in wastewater before bacteria can pick them up and take on their antibiotic-resistant properties. 

Hashsham said this could be a powerful, environmentally friendly tool to control the spread of antibiotic resistance in wastewater and help keep antibiotics effective. 

The two MSU researchers published their findings in Nature Water on Aug. 19, along with faculty from the University of Science and Technology of China. Hashsham wants to continue testing the enzyme and exploring its use as a wastewater disinfectant.

 “As with any new discovery, there is more work to be done to optimize the technology,” Hashsham said. “But it is really a very novel technique.”

Antibiotic resistance has plagued modern medicine since the invention of penicillin, largely due to misuse and overprescribing. Bacteria constantly evolve and try to survive as new antibiotics are introduced to the market. Each new antibiotic only last about five to eight years before bacteria adapts, making infections hard to treat, Hashsham said. This technology could help preserve the effectiveness of current antibiotics

While doctors are more cautious about prescribing antibiotics today, scientists are also working to prevent antibiotic-resistant microbes from spreading. One hot spot for antibiotic-resistant microbes is in wastewater treatment plants, as infected people release the bacteria in their feces.

Also found in the wastewater are mobile genetic elements carrying antibiotic-resistant genes. As they’re picked up by pathogenic bacteria, they take on the gene’s antibiotic resistance. 

Researchers had the idea to use what’s known as a restriction enzyme. These enzymes act like a pair of scissors, cutting genetic material into so many pieces that they’re useless. They’re well known in molecular biology but hadn’t yet been used on antibiotic resistance.

The researchers cultivated the bacteria Shewanella oneidensis to produce an enzyme called a nuclease, or what they call a “DNA scavenger.” This treatment would be economically feasible for wastewater treatment plants, without interacting negatively with the other chemicals already being added for wastewater disinfection.

They added the enzyme to wastewater in concentrated, targeted amounts as a DNA clean-up crew. Within four hours, almost all of the four types of mobile genetic elements were destroyed. Within six hours, they were completely inactivated. 

“More research with larger scale systems and more complex wastewater matrices is needed to optimize this discovery, make it compatible with existing disinfection practices and be cost-effective,” Hashsham said.

The next step is to continue testing the DNA scavenger’s effectiveness on other mobile genetic elements. Some researchers believe the enzyme could turn out to be an alternative to chlorine or other disinfectants in wastewater. While Hashsham isn’t ready to recommend that just yet, he’s confident that this technique could be a useful tool in fighting antibiotic resistance.

By Bethany Mauger


From genome to grocer's aisle: decoding the Chinese cherry for firmer fruits

Nanjing Agricultural University The Academy of Science
De novo genome assembly of Prunus pseudocerasus. 


De novo genome assembly of Prunus pseudocerasus.

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Credit: Horticulture Research

A significant milestone in horticultural genomics has been reached with the successful decoding of the tetraploid Chinese cherry genome. This study provides essential insights into the genetic factors that influence fruit firmness, a critical trait for enhancing the cherry’s market appeal and transportation durability. By unraveling the genetic intricacies of Prunus pseudocerasus, the research paves the way for targeted breeding strategies that could improve fruit quality and expand the commercial potential of this economically important crop.

Chinese cherry (Prunus pseudocerasus) is highly valued for its economic and nutritional benefits, yet its soft fruit texture poses a challenge for marketability. Traditional breeding approaches have struggled to enhance this trait due to the species’ complex tetraploid genome and high genetic heterozygosity. With fruit firmness being a key quality factor, understanding its genetic basis has become a priority for breeders. These challenges highlight the need for in-depth research into the genetic mechanisms that govern fruit firmness in Chinese cherry.

A research team from Shanghai Jiao Tong University has successfully assembled the first chromosome-level, haplotype-resolved genome of the Chinese cherry cultivar ‘Zhuji Duanbing,’ as published (DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhae142) in Horticulture Research on July 8, 2024. Using advanced sequencing technologies like PacBio HiFi, Oxford Nanopore, and Hi-C, the study decoded the highly heterozygous genome of this tetraploid species. The findings provide crucial insights into the genetic determinants of fruit firmness, offering a valuable resource for breeding programs aimed at improving the commercial traits of Chinese cherry.

The study tackled the challenges posed by the tetraploid nature of the Chinese cherry genome, achieving a high-quality genome assembly through the use of state-of-the-art sequencing technologies. By comparing the soft-fleshed ‘Zhuji Duanbing’ with the firmer ‘Heizhenzhu’ sweet cherry, the research highlighted the critical role of pectin, cellulose, and hemicellulose in determining fruit texture. The softer texture of ‘Zhuji Duanbing’ was linked to accelerated cell wall degradation during ripening, particularly within the pectin matrix. Two genes, GalAK-like and Stv1, were identified as key regulators of this process, showing significant expression differences between the two varieties. These genes, involved in pectin biosynthesis and modification, are promising targets for future genetic improvements. The study deepens our understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind fruit firmness in Chinese cherry, providing a foundation for selective breeding aimed at enhancing this important trait.

Dr. Caixi Zhang, a lead researcher, highlighted the significance of this genomic achievement: "The assembly of a haplotype-resolved genome for Chinese cherry is a major advancement in horticultural genomics. Identifying the genetic factors that influence fruit firmness allows us to adopt targeted breeding strategies, essential for increasing the commercial appeal of Chinese cherry. This research not only enriches our knowledge of cherry genetics but also offers a critical tool for breeders aiming to develop firmer, more marketable varieties."

The findings from this study have significant implications for the future of Chinese cherry cultivation. By utilizing the newly identified genetic markers for fruit firmness, breeders can develop cultivars with enhanced texture, suitable for long-distance transport and global distribution. This research lays the foundation for precision breeding in Chinese cherry, potentially boosting the crop’s commercial value and ensuring its competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. The techniques and insights from this study can also be applied to other fruit crops, aiding in the genetic improvement of firmness and other quality traits.





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Funding information

This work was funded by the China Agriculture Research System (Grant No. CARS-30-2-08), and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (23ZR1430600).

About Horticulture Research

Horticulture Research is an open access journal of Nanjing Agricultural University and ranked number one in the Horticulture category of the Journal Citation Reports ™ from Clarivate, 2023. The journal is committed to publishing original research articles, reviews, perspectives, comments, correspondence articles and letters to the editor related to all major horticultural plants and disciplines, including biotechnology, breeding, cellular and molecular biology, evolution, genetics, inter-species interactions, physiology, and the origination and domestication of crops.