Friday, August 30, 2024

Dispatch on American Political Dystopia

 August 30, 2024

Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

There is seemingly no end to the lethal and dystopian absurdity of  US-American political life right now.

Donald “Poisoning Our Blood” Trump not only walks free but has a decent shot of being re-elected to the most dangerous job on Earth. What the fascist fuck! Hey, so what if he’s a malignant narcissist, a fascist, a convicted felon, a pandemic spreader, a vicious white-supremacist, a putschist, and an adjudicated sexual abuser who has been openly channeling Hitler this year?  So what if he seriously tried to overthrow previously normative bourgeois electoral and rule of law democracy as US president four years ago?

The Trumpist/Trump-appointed US Supreme Court ruled this summer that a US president has full legal immunity to order the military to assassinate a political rival.  The list of now “constitutionally” prosecution-free presidential crimes is endless. Under this Fascist Fuhrer decision (United States v. Trump), the presidency is granted dictatorial powers.

Anything a US president does as an “official duty” is immune from prosecution.  Tell the Justice Department to investigate the wife or son of a political enemy? Order the US  Attorney General to interfere with election counts? Order a hit squad to murder environmental activists? Order US Border Patrol to shoot asylum-seekers? Send in the military to conduct extra-judicial assassinations in the nation’s cities? It’s all good! “Official duties,” don’t you know!

The malevolent, orange-tinted maniac Donald “Retribution” Trump has escaped trial, much less conviction for trying to turn the world’s most powerful nation into a dictatorship in 2020-21.  He holds vengeance-promising campaign/hate rallies in which he calls his militantly centrist and capitalist-imperialist election opponent Kamala Harris a “communist.”

When a youthful right-wing gun nut with an AR-15 nearly assassinated the fearless orange fascist leader, Trump’s deranged and women-hating Republi-Nazi running mate and fake ex-hillbilly JD Vance immediately blamed the shooting on “the left” – the traditional bogeyman of fascist ideology.

Donald “Shithole” Trump’s cult/party convention in Milwaukee last month was a monument to masculinist violence, punctuated by the chant “Fight, Fight, Fight!” and calls for “Mass deportations now!”

Donald “Clear Out the Marxist Vermin” Trump continues to purvey his Goebbels-worthy Leviathan Lie of a stolen 2020 election. He has recruited swing state county election officials who will not certify 2024 votes results that go his opponent’s way.

The corrupt and impeached Trumpist-fascist attorney general Ken Paxton of Texas recently ordered raids on the homes and offices of Latino civil and voting rights activists.  Paxton joins Trump and Trump’s malicious, women-hating running mate and other far-right politicos in purveying the malicious and false claim that the White Houses is flooding the nation with “illegal” immigrants being brought into the US to vote for Democrats!

When the Democrats tried to head-off Republi-fascist nativism by signing off on a right-wing border bill earlier this year, Donald “Take Down the Metal Detectors” Trump ordered his Christian Fascist Speaker of the US House to block the legislation for purely partisan and political reasons – to deny a “conservative” and bipartisan policy victory to a capitalist party the Fatherland forces insist on calling “radical Left” and “Marxist.”

The neofascist Heritage Foundation has brought a vast network of billionaire-backed right-wing policy groups together to create Project 25, a giant and minutely detailed policy blueprint for the full Christian white nationalist, arch-patriarchal, and eco-cidal takeover of American government and society.

Donald “Get Wild” Trump denies any connection with this arch-authoritarian plan for counter-revolutionary makeover.  So what if his campaign’s “Agenda 47” is cribbed from the massive P-25 scheme? So what if the plan’s architects include veterans of Trump’s first administration who will play leading roles in the next Trump White House?

The head of the Heritage Foundation says this scheme for a new Amerikaner class dictatorship without the outer shell of bourgeois democracy is a “revolution” that will be “bloodless” if “the left” allows it to be.  This is a not-so veiled threat of violence against anyone who dares resist neofascist consolidation after the 2024 elections.

Things are equally and relatedly dystopian in their own different ways atop the other and not-so leftmost political wing of the US American bird of prey.

In defense of the Republi-fascist Donald “Poisoning the Blood of Our Country” Trump’s opponent, an MSNBC morning talk show host boasts that the US under Joe Biden has drilled more oil than any country in history – this even as the wildly excessive extraction and burning of fossil fuels create the hottest four days ever recorded in human history. So what if extreme weather resulting from capitalogenic climate change ravages the nation and world during a summer that included a day in which a temperature registered above the Arctic Circle was higher than a temperature registered in the US deep Southwest? Hey, who cares?

The Biden-Harris administration’s real time Project 2024 has included the escalation of a truly reckless and lethal inter-imperialist proxy war on nuclear Russia’s long southwestern border in Ukraine, now even in Russian territory.

Then there’s the continuing US/Biden-Harris funding, equipping, and military and political/diplomatic protection of the leading US imperial asset Israel’s live-streamed epically criminal genocide and ethnic cleansing operations in Gaza.

When the Democrats’ new presidential candidate Kamala Harris was confronted with righteous youthful protesters calling out her and Biden’s sick support for literal genocide two weeks ago, she told them to shut the F*#k up “unless you want to elect Donald Trump.”

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago claimed to be a grand triumph of racial, ethnic, and social “diversity” and “inclusion” but pointedly REFUSED to permit a single solitary Palestinian speaker to take the stage! Tens of thousands of anti-genocide protesters were surrounded by massively deployed riot police as Democratic delegates engaged in a giant lovefest to celebrate their nomination of a mass incarcerator and mass murderer – “Killer Kopmala.”

In their DNC speeches proclaiming love for Harris, the leftish Dems Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders steered clear of any meaningful defense of the imperially slaughtered Gazan people.

Hey, when will “left” MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki go to his famed “big board” to project the total number of Palestinians likely to be killed, maimed, and orphaned by Tel Aviv and Washington this year?

The DNC strove to outdo the Republi-fascists in national chauvinism, wildly chanting “USA, USA!” while Biden boasted that “no other country on Earth” but the glorious USA can “lead the world” and Harris promised to always “defend Israel” and to maintain the “most lethal fighting force in the world.”

Like the Obama cult, movement, and presidency,  the overnight Harris crusade aims to grant the American Empire a grand multicultural re-branding by changing the color and now in this case also the gender of the face in the highest imperial place. Call it Obama 2.0, with gender added to race to complete the identitarian makeover. With Harris as with Obama, we should remember Frantz Fanon’s acid observation: “What matters is not so much the color of your skin as the power you serve and the millions you betray.” Ditto for gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and identity, and the class of your family of origin.

Speaking in opposition to Trump and in support of Biden-Harris, “leftist” (LOL) MSNBC’s morning talk show host Joe Scarborough (who began his professional life by legally representing the first US murderer to kill a doctor in the open name of anti-abortion politics) told his viewers that “America is great, America is good.”  In support of this religious and chauvinistic claim, rejected by most of thinking humanity (thanks to Uncle Sam’s long record of mass global terror and devastation) Scarborough offered the size of the United States’ gross domestic product ($27 trillion!). the scale and killing potential of its military, and the supposedly happy fact that “the US drilled more oil in the last year than any country in history.”

The Democratic Party presidential and vice-presidential candidates used their DNC platforms to promise liberal and progressive-sounding policy changes they know they can’t enact given the absurd power and right-tilted mal-apportionment of the Minority Rule US Senate and the Christian Fascist majority on the corrupt and illegitimate Trump High Court.

It is widely understood that the coming presidential election will take place in just a handful of states and effectively require Harris to out-perform Trump by 4 to 5 percentage points in the national popular vote to win. This is thanks to the archaic, openly anti-democratic slave-owners’ obscenity that is the US presidential Electoral College.

The nation is careening to some kind of constitutional crisis and potential major civil conflict after the next election. Anarchic US capitalism-imperialism has hatched a two-party system whose right-/Reich-most wing no longer accepts defeat through mere elections, no matter how tilted to the right the nation’s electoral rules are.

As the longtime tracker of the right David Neiwert reports, neofascist paramilitaries are gearing up for mass bloodshed after the election.  If Trump wins the coming likely contested contest, they’ll come out to shoot protesters they’ll label as “radical terrorist antifa.” They’ll get heavily involved in immigrant round-ups. If Harris wins, Neiwert says, the green paramilitaries will show up brandishing assault weapons “at ballot-counting centers, as well as at any other sort of body involved in counting and certifying the votes.” A Harris inauguration will be followed by “at least a year or two of dedicated domestic terrorism against various government entities, as well as liberal figures, including stepped-up attacks against drag queens. They’ll lean quite heavily into the Christian nationalist authoritarian agenda, against anyone supporting the, um, ‘demonic liberal agenda.’” Blue zones in red states will be targeted for violence.

The coming bloodshed, evident to anyone following right wing online channels, holds shockingly little interest to Democratic politicians and to federal, state, and local law enforcement. A big problem here is fascism inside the gendarme forces. As Neiwert tells Rick Perlstein, “the FBI has shown itself to be extremely problematic under Christopher Wray in terms of the ongoing presence of dedicated Trumpists within the FBI. That’s the wild card. Law enforcement is our main guardrail for these kinds of things, and we have Trumpist cops working on the local level, we have them working on the state level, and we have them working on the federal level.”

The class rule system that has brought us to this dystopian moment has long passed its overthrow (forget “use-by”) date. Nothing less than a people’s socialist revolution can get us out of this capitalist and imperialist quagmire, which has brought us to the mutually reinforcing brinks of environmental collapse, nuclear war, and fascist rule.

There is liberating opportunity as well as eliminationist and authoritarian menace in the current perilous moment. It is possible that civil conflict and even civil war between hyper-polarized late bourgeois-democratic “blue” America and fascist “red” America this and next year(s) could provide an opening for actually radically Left forces to re-polarize America between humanity and class rule/capitalism-imperialism and bring forth a serious movement for what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called “the real issue to be faced” beyond “superficial” matters: “the radical reconstruction of society itself” and what Marx and Engels rightly called the only alternative to “the common ruin of all” – “the revolutionary [socialist] re-constitution of society at large.”

This essay appeared initially on The Paul Street Report. 

Paul Street’s latest book is This Happened Here: Amerikaners, Neoliberals, and the Trumping of America (London: Routledge, 2022).

October 7 Has a Prehistory

 August 30, 2024

Efi Sharir / Photographer: Israel Press and Photo Agency (I.P.P.A.) / Dan Hadani collection, National Library of Israel – CC BY 4.0

In belatedly disposing of teaching materials long after retiring, I came across a cutting from the Guardian Weekly (that convenient pre-internet medium for far-flung colonials, comprising articles from the UK Guardian, the Le Monde and the Washington Post). The cutting was a review of David Montgomery’s The Fall of the House of Labor; the issue, 22 May 1988.

But wait, there’s something on the other side. The article, by Glenn Frenkel, is titled ‘Israel Turns to Detentions As Weapon Against Uprising; Critics Say System Is Harsh and Arbitrary’. It appeared in the Washington Post, on 13 May 1988.

There we read:

‘As the Israelis have sought to throttle the five-month-old Palestinian uprising, they have turned to a form of arrest that they call “administrative detention” as one of their prime weapons. Until December, Israel generally held about 50 Arabs under these regulations. Now Israeli officials say the number is at least 1,700, more than one-third of the total 5,000 Palestinians currently imprisoned for alleged involvement in the revolt.

‘To hold these new inmates, Israel has opened or converted five additional prison camps, including a massive facility in the Negev desert where prisoners say water supplies are short and conditions rugged. To make it easier to hold them, the Army has abolished the requirement that each case be subject to judicial review and has given senior military officers the power to order detentions. New restrictions have also been put on family visits.

‘The result, according to critics, including defense lawyers, human rights activists and diplomats, is an arbitrary and harsh system of secret justice that has few discernible rules or standards and that offers its victims no workable appeal. …

‘The net is a wide one. It encompasses activists, alleged instigators and a significant segment of the Palestinian elite. … Among those being held are doctors, lawyers, union leaders, university officials and students, including many student council chairmen. At least 20 journalists are in detention, including five of the nine officers of the Arab Journalists Association, according to a tally by western diplomats. Four of the five full-time field workers of Law in the Service of Man … are also on the list of prisoners.

‘These people comprise much of the local Palestinian leadership in the occupied territories, precisely the kind of people that Israeli officials, including Rabin, say they want to negotiate with over the future of the West Bank and Gaza. …

‘One of the most prominent prisoners is Nabil Jabari, 42, who is chairman of the board of trustees of Hebron University, a British-trained dental surgeon in East Jerusalem and the head of a charitable society. … The charges about him [said a Western diplomat who knows him well] organizing disturbances are totally false.”

Frenkel was the then WaPo Jerusalem correspondent, winning a Pulitzer prize for his contemporary reporting. What chance informative reporting from WaPo on Palestine/Israel these days?

Thus was Israel’s response to what became known as the First Intifada. The murder of Ismail Haniyeh on 31 July 2024 is merely more from the same mentality. Israel has no partner for peace, say the pundits – a very peculiar concept of what peace entails. That the Second Intifada was a violent affair was utterly predictable.

The event described in the Frenkel article is just a sliver in the history of Zionism, the logic of which leads inexorably to the current expulsion and genocide of the Palestinian population. The Western elite has been near universally complicit. Ditto the mainstream media so that the general public is deprived of knowing this history.

Meanwhile Down Under, the chief political correspondent for the ‘reputable’ Sydney Morning Herald feels compelled to perennially attach ‘terrorist’ as a descriptor for Hamas.

The Sydney Jewish Writers Festival was held in Sydney in August. We learn that ‘mental health is becoming a central theme in Jewish novels and memoirs’. We learn that Boston’s Rabbi Dr Ariel Burger ‘will discuss the importance of moral courage, empathy, and humility in navigating ethical dilemmas and fostering positive change’. And we confront that Vic Alhadeff, longtime CEO of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies and an implacable Israel-firster, is described as having ‘dedicated his career to championing human rights’. From the program, there was apparently no room for Israel (to which the elite of Australian Jewish society feel a passionate attachment), Gaza, the Occupied Territories and the whole catastrophe.

On 18 August, Australian pianist Jayson Gillham appeared with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. He played Connor D’Netto’s Witness and noted that its playing was dedicated to ‘the journalists of Gaza’.

According to the Australian Jewish News:

‘Gillham introduced the music with an unverified (sic) claim that 113 Palestinian journalists have been killed by Israeli strikes since the war began and “a number of these have been targeted assassinations”. …

‘For Jewish concert-goer Janette Fonda, her daughter’s gift of a ticket to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) became a nightmare when a pianist made public remarks to the audience about the Israel-Gaza war. … For Fonda, Gillham’s accusations were incendiary. “I was debating whether to stand up and scream and walk out, or stay there,” she told The AJN. “I decided to stay but … I was frightened, intimidated. I thought it was really inappropriate.”

‘After the concert, Fonda complained at the ticket desk, as did other audience members. Days later, the MSO deleted Gillham from its programming and apologised.’

It appears that the Hasbara has cancelled the prehistory of October 7. The lesson is: don’t throw out your bits of paper from the old days in the likelihood that the Zionists’ version of 1984 descends upon us all. Unhappily, it’s here already.

Evan Jones is a retired political economist from the University of Sydney. He can be reached