Monday, September 09, 2024


The heat generated by the tissues of some plants has played a crucial role in the evolutionary history of insect pollination

A new study suggests that the ability of some plants to generate heat, known as thermogenesis, has played a key role in attracting pollinating insects for at least 200 million years

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Tranes lyterioides M_AUSTRALIA 


Thermogenesis is present in plants such as 'Macrozamia communis', which raise the temperature of their reproductive organs when in bloom to attract pollinating insects.

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Credit: R. Oberprieler / Yun Hsiao

Thermogenesis is a process by which organisms generate internal heat. Although it is usually associated with animals, some plants have also developed this ability. This metabolic process allows certain parts of the plant, such as flowers and inflorescences, to raise their temperature above that of the surrounding environment. Today, these plants, which include cycads and some angiosperms (flowering plants), rely on insects for pollination. The heat they generate helps volatilize and disperse floral fragrances and other chemical compounds that attract insects such as beetles, flies, and trips to the plants. Additionally, thermogenesis stabilizes the development of reproductive organs in cold climates and facilitates the growth of pollen tubes.

Evidence in the Fossil Record

Although thermogenesis cannot be directly preserved in the fossil record, scientists can infer its presence in ancient plants by studying anatomical structures similar to those of current thermogenic plants. A new study led by the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB), a joint center of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Consorci Museu Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid and other institutions such as the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME–CSIC), the Smithsonian Institution, the University of Barcelona, and the Royal Botanic Gardens of Sydney, has examined the characteristics of present-day thermogenic plants and compared them with fossil plant lineages.

"Our findings suggest that thermogenesis in plants is an older phenomenon than previously thought," explains David Peris, a researcher at the IBB and the lead author of the study. "200 million years ago, the diversification of flowering plants had not yet occurred. Therefore, thermogenesis could have been a crucial factor in the evolutionary success of seed plants in general, and flowering plants in particular, as well as their pollinators."

A Discovery with Evolutionary Implications
In thermogenic plants, female structures mature before male structures to avoid self-fertilization. This relates to the early divergence lines of angiosperms, which had floral chambers where the stamens and carpels closed independently. The presence of reproductive chambers in fossil plants that could have trapped pollinating insects also suggests that this feature existed in the past.

Large reproductive structures, such as perianths or cones, could also indicate thermogenesis, as they retain heat more effectively. This study has allowed scientists to identify which fossil plant lineages might have exhibited thermogenic activity, suggesting that thermogenesis has been present in seed plants for longer than previously thought.

The ability to generate heat may have given certain Mesozoic plants, more than 200 million years ago, a competitive advantage over non-thermogenic plants by attracting pollinating insects more efficiently, thus contributing to their reproductive success. This strategy for attracting pollinators could have preceded others, such as bright flower colours, and may have been influenced by past climatic changes. Moreover, thermogenesis is closely linked to the emission of fragrances, another crucial factor in attracting insects.

This study opens new lines for exploring how these interactions influenced the diversification of plants and their pollinators throughout evolutionary history. "Thermogenesis in plants is not just a botanical curiosity," notes Iván Pérez-Lorenzo, a researcher at the IBB and a participant in the study, "it is an important factor that has contributed to the success of the two most diverse groups of organisms today: insects and angiosperms, and it has key implications for understanding the evolution of pollination strategies."


Cannabidiol demonstrated to alleviate symptoms of Leigh syndrome

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Cannabidiol demonstrated to alleviate symptoms of Leigh syndrome 


Drs. Albert Quintana and Emma Puighermanal, researchers of the Institut de Neurociències at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (INc-UAB). (© INc-UAB)

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Credit: © INc-UAB

A study led by the UAB Institut de Neurociències and published in the journal Nature Communications demonstrates in animal models how daily administration of cannabidiol (CBD), a substance obtained from the cannabis plant, extends lifespan and improves symptoms associated with Leigh syndrome. This severe mitochondrial disease affecting children is characterised by a progressive decline in cognitive and motor functions and premature death. The research group also demonstrated in both mice and fibroblasts from children with the disease that CBD improves cellular function.

Leigh syndrome is a rare mitochondrial disease particularly affecting the organs and tissues that require most energy: the muscles and nervous system. It is characterized by progressive neuromuscular decline and premature death, and there are currently no approved treatments. That is why it is urgent to find a solution for patients suffering from this disease.

Drs. Emma Puighermanal and Albert Quintana, researchers from the Laboratory of Mitochondrial Neuropathology of the Institut de Neurociències at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (INc-UAB), have spent years studying the disease. They seek to understand the processes causing dysfunction of mitochondria, organelles in charge of providing energy to cells, and to find therapies capable of reverting this.

In a study published in Nature Communications, researchers have now demonstrated that daily administration of CBD is a promising treatment option. Through its multiple action it provides antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant effects, which improve the symptomatology and help recover cell functions in patients. The study was conducted with two different Leigh syndrome mouse models, as well as with fibroblast cells from patients.

The results revealed that CBD acts at many levels within the cell, including activating a protein inside the cell nucleus known as PPARγ. This protein regulates the expression of many genes involved in the immune response, oxidation and mitochondrial function, and has been seen to be altered by the disease. Moreover, CBD increases the expression of the metallothionein protein, which enhances its antioxidant response.

In the animal models, cannabidiol administration improved neuropathology in the affected brain regions, breathing abnormalities and social deficits, and also delayed motor decline and neurodegenerative signs. In addition, mice receiving treatment lived significantly longer than those with no treatment. In the fibroblast cells from patients, CBD improved their antioxidant processes.

"The benefits we observed, together with CBD’s safe and well-tolerated profile, show it to be a truly promising treatment for patients with Leigh syndrome", explains Dr. Albert Quintana, researcher at the INc-UAB and lecturer in the Department of Cellular Biology, Physiology and Immunology at the UAB.

One year ago, the researchers obtained an orphan drug designation for CBD by the European Medicines Agency, which entails many benefits such as a reduction in the costs of developing the drug. “CBD has already been approved by the US regulatory agency FDA for the treatment of other rare paediatric diseases. We hope all of this will help in the translation of our results to clinical practices”, concludes Dr. Emma Puighermanal, researcher at the INc-UAB and lead author of the article.

The research, conceived and coordinated by the INc-UAB, also included the collaboration of the Institute for Neuroscience of Alicante (UMH-CSIC), the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona (UBneuro), the Neurocentre Magendie of France, and the company Minoryx Therapeutics.

Cannabidiol demonstrated to alleviate symptoms of Leigh syndrome 


Being able to see inside a flow battery

Using neutrons, TU/e scientists visualize the internal processes of a redox flow battery

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Eindhoven University of Technology



Video with unique images from inside a flow battery.

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Credit: Eindhoven University of Technology

An international collaboration - between TU/e, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland (PSI) - led by TU/e researcher Antoni Forner-Cuenca, developed this new method using neutron imaging. The breakthrough provides extraordinary moving images (see video further down) that help understand redox flow batteries' inner workings.

Curiosity-driven research across disciplines

More importantly, the images provide inspiration and guidelines for new ideas and solutions. More directly, the method can aid the development of redox flow batteries, although the new imaging technique devised by Forner Cuenca's team may also help other scientific disciplines move forward. “Our method is the result of experimenting on and borrowing from different fields. It is an exciting example of the importance of curiosity-driven research across disciplines.”

Neutron radiography plays a crucial role in the research entitled 'Quantifying concentration distributions in redox flow batteries with neutron radiography'. Forner Cuenca learned a lot about this imaging technique during his PhD training, which started in 2013 at the PSI. Then, in 2017, he performed postdoctoral research at MIT, where he learned about redox flow batteries. That's when the light bulb went on in his head.

System remained a black box

“Inside the flow battery, there are moving fluids – the so-called electrolytes. An electrical current flows through the cell when the battery runs in charge or discharge.  Consequently, ions and redox molecules in the electrolyte start to move in different directions, resulting in changes in the concentration of molecules.  That movement determines the battery's performance and durability, but to date, the system has remained as a black box. The ability to look inside a working battery and visualize concentration distributions would enormously improve our understanding of the system.”

So, a key factor in how that battery works remained uncharted territory, which got Forner Cuenca thinking. “Our bodies are also mostly composed of fluids, namely water. X-rays pass through that and interact with heavier elements in your bones, allowing you to see them without cutting open a body. Neutrons work the opposite way: they pass through the battery casing materials easily but interact strongly with the molecules in the liquid electrolytes.”

A new application of existing science

“Using this fundamental property of neutrons interacting with certain molecules, we are using neutron radiography for the first time to look at concentrations of molecules in flow batteries.” A new application of existing science, in other words. “That technique itself is not new; it is already used by museums, for example, to see what historical objects are made of without damaging them. But now  we can also use it to visualize moving fluids, as in redox flow batteries.”

The method used by Forner-Cuenca and his team is still much more laborious than X-ray photography, though, and similar to stop-motion animation. “To track in real time how the concentration of liquids changes in the battery, we continuously take pictures every 30 seconds of the collection of neutrons that travels through the battery. We piece those pictures together, so to speak, providing us with a video that shows how the concentration changes during battery operation.”

Measuring for 24 hours in 10 day shifts 

These experiments were conducted at the neutron source of the PSI. A collaborative team of three PhD students was in charge of the experiments with Forner-Cuenca - Remy Jacquemond, Maxime van der Heijden, and Emre Boz, who are now successfully graduated doctors. Since the experiments were intense, the team measured for 24 hours in various shifts for around 10 days to maximize productivity.

“Having the opportunity to use neutrons is an extraordinary experience; we only get to use equipment like that once every two years, on average. The PSI (the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, where the experiments took place, ed.) has an annual international experiment competition ranked by importance. We have been privileged to perform four successful experiments.”

“In terms of effort and expertise, this project was challenging, and having three PhD students collaborating was essential for its success. I am very proud of these three colleagues, who worked hard and collaborated as a true team. It shows the strong value of working in teams, both in our research team and with international collaborators at PSI and MIT.”

Plenty of areas for improvement

According to Forner Cuenca, visualizing fluid action in Redox flow batteries is important for several reasons. “Of course, understanding processes occurring inside the battery means that we can develop better-performing systems that work more efficiently and have longer lifetimes. Therefore, since they are mainly used to store renewable energy from solar and wind, we hope to contribute to the energy transition.” There are still plenty of areas for improvement, as Forner Cuenca explained in this earlier article on our website.

However, as with any new technology, it also offers other possibilities in the future. “For example, chemical reactors are used to make all kinds of products such as plastics, cosmetics, and medicines. Since our method enables visualization of organic molecules in a solution, we anticipate that other industrial applications can benefit from our imaging technique.”

These new insights may, in turn, lead to completely different methods or ideas. “That's what excites me the most: fueling curiosity. After all, this is how we developed this new methodology. Collaborative research and curiosity-driven ideas are two critical elements of scientific discoveries. Supported by an ERC grant that embraces blue-sky projects, we were able to develop this method and we have many new ideas to pursue in the future.”

The TU/e team that was in charge of the experiments, with from left to right Emre Boz, Maxime van der Heijden, Remy Jacquemond and Antoni Forner Cuenca. 

 of the experiments that allowed Forner Cuenca's team to literally look inside the flow battery. 


Eindhoven University of Technology


Quality assurance in histopathology laboratories

Xia & He Publishing Inc.

The medical field is inherently susceptible to errors, with laboratory tests being no exception. In histopathology laboratories, where tests are considered the gold standard for diagnosing various diseases, errors can significantly impact patient outcomes. Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) programs are essential in minimizing these errors and ensuring the generation of accurate and reliable reports. The complex, multistep nature of histopathology work, combined with the subjective nature of many diagnostic interpretations, makes implementing QC methods challenging yet crucial. Implementing effective QA and QC measures ensures that histopathology laboratories adhere to the highest standards of diagnostic accuracy and reliability, thereby safeguarding patient health and enhancing clinical outcomes.

Objectives of Quality Schemes

The primary objectives of quality schemes in histopathology laboratories include producing accurate and complete test reports, delivering these reports promptly, maintaining high ethical and professional standards, and providing continuous education and training to laboratory staff. These objectives are vital for achieving and maintaining high-quality services in histopathology. By adhering to these quality objectives, histopathology laboratories can ensure that diagnostic processes are not only accurate but also efficient, fostering trust and reliability in laboratory results.

Phases of the Testing Cycle

The testing cycle in histopathology laboratories is divided into three main phases: pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical. Each phase involves specific processes and quality control measures to ensure accurate and timely results. The careful management of each phase is crucial to minimizing errors and ensuring that the diagnostic process is seamless from start to finish.

Pre-analytical Phase

The pre-analytical phase is critical as most errors occur during this stage. Accurate patient and sample identification is paramount. Errors in this phase can affect all subsequent steps. The involvement of multiple personnel, including those outside the laboratory, necessitates a comprehensive organizational effort to improve this phase. Quality assurance monitors for this phase include labeling errors, adequacy of clinical history, and lost specimens. Effective communication and coordination among all parties involved in this phase are essential to mitigate the risk of errors and ensure that samples are handled with utmost care and precision.

Analytical Phase

The analytical phase involves the technical and interpretative steps necessary for diagnosis. There is some debate about the exact scope of this phase, but it generally includes gross examination, processing, embedding, cutting, staining, and ultimately, diagnosis. Peer review is a critical quality measure in this phase due to the subjective nature of histopathology reporting. Both prospective and retrospective methods are used to ensure accuracy and reduce errors. The implementation of robust peer review mechanisms ensures that diagnostic interpretations are subjected to rigorous scrutiny, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of laboratory results.

Post-analytical Phase

The post-analytical phase ensures the completeness and accuracy of reporting, including transcription and report corrections, verification, and correlation with ancillary studies such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) and electron microscopy. This phase also covers the timely delivery of reports to clinicians and patients. Ensuring that reports are accurately transcribed, verified, and delivered on time is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the diagnostic process and facilitating effective clinical decision-making.

Turnaround Time (TAT) and Clinician/Patient Satisfaction

TAT and clinician/patient satisfaction are important parameters for assessing laboratory performance. Timely reporting and high satisfaction levels indicate effective quality management in histopathology laboratories. Monitoring and optimizing TAT not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances patient care by providing timely diagnostic information to clinicians.

External Quality Assessmen(EQA) Schemes

EQA schemes, clinical audits, continuing medical education, and laboratory accreditations are crucial for maintaining and improving diagnostic standards. These activities provide educational value and feedback, helping laboratories recognize and rectify performance issues. Participation in EQA schemes is often optional but highly beneficial for continuous improvement. Engaging in these external assessments fosters a culture of continuous learning and quality enhancement, ensuring that laboratories stay abreast of best practices and emerging trends in the field.


Achieving and maintaining high-quality services in histopathology laboratories require coordinated efforts from all stakeholders. There is a need to increase awareness about the importance of QA&I schemes among pathologists and other healthcare members to ensure optimal patient care. By fostering a collaborative and quality-focused environment, histopathology laboratories can significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy, reduce errors, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.


Full text


The study was recently published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Pathology.

Journal of Clinical and Translational Pathology (JCTP) is the official scientific journal of the Chinese American Pathologists Association (CAPA). It publishes high quality peer-reviewed original research, reviews, perspectives, commentaries, and letters that are pertinent to clinical and translational pathology, including but not limited to anatomic pathology and clinical pathology. Basic scientific research on pathogenesis of diseases as well as application of pathology-related diagnostic techniques or methodologies also fit the scope of the JCTP.


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How microbial communities emerge

- researchers create new framework to help understand process

Swansea University

Virtually all multicellular organisms on Earth live in symbiotic associations with very large and complex microbial communities known as microbiomes.

New research has just been published aimed at offering a complete understanding how those relationships form.

Computational ecologist Dr Miguel Lurgi explores how associations between complex bacterial communities and multicellular hosts emerge in nature by combining theory with empirical work.

For his latest research Dr Lurgi and his colleague Dr Gui Araujo, from the Biosciences Department of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, teamed up with collaborators from the French Scientific Research Council, the University of New South Wales in Australia, and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, also in Australia.

They set about devising a theoretical framework to gain further knowledge on the emergence of host-associated complex microbiomes. Their insights have just been published by prestigious journal Trends in Microbiology,

Dr Lurgi said: “We argue that microbiome assembly is a product of ecology and evolution acting together.

“Our research aims at bringing together ecological and evolutionary theory on one hand, and microbial and symbiont ecology and evolution on the other, to create a holistic picture of the assembly of complex symbioses.

“These symbiotic relationships constitute one of the most ancient associations between multicellular organisms and groups of microbes, and, in many cases, they are fundamental to the persistence of both the host and the microbiome.”

The researchers are currently using the proposed framework to investigate microbes inside marine sponges. They are also looking at extending these findings to other microbiomes, eventually allowing for a unified understanding of the intricate nature of symbiotic relationships of multiple species within different groups of hosts and across taxa.

Dr Lurgi is head of the Computational Ecology Lab at Swansea and has been awarded a Leverhulme Trust award for his research project The origin of complex symbioses.

He said: “My main research focus is on the mechanisms behind the emergence of complexity in ecological networks. I develop theoretical models of ecological communities and network dynamics to better understand these mechanisms and the biodiversity patterns they give rise to.”

Dr Lurgi and Dr Araujo are now working on developing the mathematical foundations of the ideas presented in the current paper and have just presented the work at the 19th International Symposium of Microbial Ecology, in South Africa.

Read the paper A mechanistic framework for complex microbe-host symbioses in full



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Study suggests US droughts, rainy extremes becoming more severe

Researchers examine trends from years 850-2100 in North America

Ohio State University

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Severe drought in the American Southwest and Mexico and more severe wet years in the Northeast are the modern norm in North America, according to new research – and the analysis suggests these seasonal patterns will be more extreme in the future.

The middle of the United States, meanwhile, can expect bigger swings between wetter wet periods – high-rainfall years known as pluvials – and drier summers through the rest of this century, the study predicts.

Researchers at The Ohio State University say the findings, based on modern precipitation data, historical tree rings and climate models spanning the years 850 to 2100, suggest climate change has shifted precipitation patterns across North America to extremes that were not experienced before industrialization began around the mid-1800s.

“It’s very much a tale of Southwest versus the Northeast for most of the seasons,” said senior author James Stagge, assistant professor of civil, environmental and geodetic engineering at Ohio State. “Mexico and the American Southwest tends to get drier across more or less all seasons, whereas we’re seeing in the Northeast – and Ohio is included in that – a trend toward wetter, particularly in the winter and early spring.”

The combination of drier droughts and wetter pluvials in much of the nation’s midsection won’t necessarily occur in a predictable way.

“So you might be going from, say, this year our drought is really bad, and in five years or so we might see the wettest pluvial we’ve had in a while,” Stagge said. “That variability is concerning because it changes how we might need to manage water to prepare for more extremes in both ways. Trying to plan for that is a real challenge.

“This is all part of the same pattern moving into the future. It’s only going to get worse.”

Former Ohio State graduate student Kyungmin Sung, now a research fellow at the Korea Environment Institute, is first author of the paper. The research is published today (Sept. 6, 2024) in Geophysical Research Letters.

In contrast to attribution studies that examine whether or how human-associated climate change has influenced extreme weather events, this work focused on documenting centuries-long trends in pre- and post-industrial drought and pluvial extremes across North America. 

The researchers compared changing climate patterns observed in the past 20 years to the pre-industrial era and then predicted how periods of low and high precipitation will trend through the year 2100.

“What we can say is, ‘here is the scale of change we’ve seen in the past 100 years under an increase in greenhouse gas concentration, and here’s what we saw in the previous 700 years,’” Sung said. “And the scale of the change we’re seeing now and into the future is dramatically larger in many areas than any natural climate variability we saw prior.”

The researchers merged data from five sources: two modern compilations of precipitation observations, tree ring reconstructions from the distant past, and two climate models – each covering the same historical period as the tree ring analyses and continuing to predict future extreme dry and wet trends with increasing greenhouse gases. 

The integration of different data types lends credibility to the findings, Stagge said: “A benefit of having very different types of data is they can fill in each other’s gaps. We consider trends to be significant only when they’re showing up across multiple data sets – so that increases our confidence.”

Maps of the changing climate patterns show the method produced smooth spatial transitions and obvious boundaries, suggesting that “what we’re seeing is real,” he said.

While the drying of the West is a well-known phenomenon, the team was surprised to see how extensive the precipitation increase has been and will be in the Northeast and how dramatic the heightened variability from droughts to pluvials is going to be in the center of the country.

These patterns of water shortages and gluts could affect industries ranging from farming to construction and city planning, and are likely to strain management efforts to maintain household water-source reservoirs at optimum levels.

“Planners, government agencies and engineers want to do the right thing and plan for a potentially changing climate, but oftentimes they don’t necessarily have the numbers or the broader picture of what’s going to be happening where,” Stagge said. “This puts regions on notice. In the Southwest, you’re going to have less water to deal with, and if you’re managing a farm in the middle of the country you might be seeing wider swings between droughts and pluvials.

“Certainly, we’d like to arrest further climate change, but it takes a long time to turn that ship,” he said. “In the meantime, we should be planning on where we’re headed to decrease impacts on people, the economy and the environment.”

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at Ohio State, and the Ohio Supercomputer Center. Gil Bohrer of Ohio State was also a co-author of the paper.


Contact: James Stagge,

Written by Emily Caldwell,; 614-292-8152