Thursday, September 26, 2024


Brandenburg elections - a black eye?

Wednesday 25 September 2024, by Manuel Kellner

The 2024 cycle of German regional elections finished with the elections to the Brandenburg Landtag on 21 September. As was the case on 1 September in Saxony and Thuringia, the far-right AfD (Alternative for Germany) party achieved historic results and can feel a winner. Co-president Alice Weidel can be jubilant: ‘The East is blue’ (the AfD’s colour scheme).

Two of the central government parties were eliminated: the ‘Grünen’ and the Liberals failed to break the 5% barrier and no longer have any elected members in the Brandenburg Landtag, just like Die Linke. The consequences for the Bundesregierung remain to be seen: many liberal politicians are already talking about an ‘autumn of decisions’. They are considering leaving the government coalition and would like to block even more minor social reforms...

In Brandenburg, the AfD is the second largest party, while social democracy remains the largest. With 30.9% of the vote, the SPD was slightly ahead of the AfD (29.2%). Did we come away with just a black eye?

On the Saturday before the elections, a demonstration was held in Potsdam: ‘Potsdam remains multicoloured’, ‘Hate is not an opinion’, ‘Human rights instead of right-wingers’. The ‘People instead of Ditches’ alliance and the ‘Kein Bock auf Nazis’ (Nazis, we’ve had enough!) initiative had called for this demonstration. Lots of music and a clear line against the far right. Maybe that helped.

No reason to raise the alarm

The SPD and its popular Minister-President Dietmar Woidke gained 4.9 points in a furious final sprint. But the AfD gained 5.9 points and obtained results well above the average, particularly among the youngest voters (there were 2.1 million voters, including 16-18 year-olds). So there’s no reason to let our guard down. Where kindergarten children sing ‘Germany for Germans, foreigners out’ in a circle early in the morning , the next great catastrophe is brewing in Germany and beyond.

The results of these regional elections are certainly not a boost for the tricolour coalition (SPD, FDP, Greens) and the SPD at national level. Woidke had even refrained from showing federal SPD figures. The Greens left the Landtag with 4.1% (down 6.6 points) and the FDP fell below 1% of the vote. This was one of the few pleasing results of these elections. Lindner’s proposals (the leader of the liberal FDP party and finance minister) on share-based pensions, taking even more money from the poorest and asking those who, unlike him, have to toil to work even harder and even longer, were perhaps not so well received.

CDU in disarray, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance dynamic

But the Union parties have nothing to celebrate either. They only obtained 12.1% and lost 3.5 points. There is no doubt that the CDU fell victim to the polarisation between the SPD and the AfD: many people voted unconvincingly for the SPD in order to avoid an AfD majority.

Kretschmar, the head of government in Saxony and a member of the CDU, even publicly called for a vote for the SPD, which has now earned him a good slap in the face. The victims of this polarisation have of course also been the smaller parties. The fact remains that Merz’s attempt to make the AfD lose votes by adapting to his aggressive refugee and immigration policy has once again failed spectacularly.

For the third time, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) obtained a double-digit result from the outset. It entered the regional parliament with 13.5%. This gave it 14 seats in the Landtag, more than the CDU (12). With a total of 88 MPs, the SPD (with 32 MPs compared to 30 for the AfD) can only govern if it forms a coalition with the BSW. The BSW is opposed to further military aid for Ukraine and the deployment of new US missiles in Germany. In fact, these are its voting behaviours in the Bundesrat (Federal Council, the parliamentary chamber of the German Federal Republic in which the Länder governments are represented). On the other hand, the BSW, as a small partner in such a governmental alliance, could quickly disappoint its electorate. In a recent poll, many people said they were pleased that the BSW had a party that was both in favour of greater social justice and in favour of limiting immigration.

On election night, AfD list leader Hans-Christoph Berndt made it clear whose spiritual son he was when he exclaimed: "The National Front is on its feet ! The AfD’s federal figures generally put water in their wine when television journalists question them about the Nazi rhetoric of their most extreme right-wing followers, as when it comes to ‘remigration’: for God’s sake, they’re not German citizens or well-integrated people, etc. But the agitation on the ground is not enough. But the agitation on the ground is different.

Die Linke faces new tasks

The Die Linke party was eliminated from the regional parliament with 3% (down 7.7 points!). At least it fared better among young people, with a result of 7%. Perhaps it wasn’t such a good idea to get rid of all traces of insubordination and let the right take over. Incidentally, the AfD is by far the leader on social networks, Facebook, Instagram and especially Tiktok. Their professionally produced propaganda is particularly effective there. The left should form teams to engage effectively on these levels - always in conjunction with offers of action in the analogue world.

But what do we, the forces of the radical left, have to do to enthuse young people? To take joint action across the borders of countries and regions of the world? It is only when those who are exploited, oppressed and discriminated against unite that they can change something in their own interest: by fighting against the truly powerful, against big capital and its servants. By fighting racism, all racism. Then there will be no more‘foreigners’ to isolate and throw out. There are people who stick together and prevent a world from sinking.

24 Septemnber 2024

Translated by International Viewpoint from l’Anticapitaliste.


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Trump’s Racism Brings Chaos to a Small Town in Ohio

Tuesday 24 September 2024, by Dan La Botz

We know racism stands at the center of Donald Trump’s politics, but one recent absurd story shows just how dangerous it is. And it reveals just how profoundly sick is our society, that he still has the support of half of the electorate.

During the presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, he claimed that the country was being invaded and overrun by millions of illegal immigrants, released from prisons and mental hospitals in countries around the world, who have caused a wave of crime in American cities. And, he said, in one town, Springfield, Ohio, “they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there.”

The story began with a Facebook post by Springfield resident Erika Lee who claimed a neighbor saw her daughter’s boyfriend’s cat, which had been missing, taken and eaten by Haitians. “I’ve been told they are doing this to dogs, they have been doing it at Snyder Park with the ducks and geese.” There was no truth in any of this. But the Facebook post was picked up on far-right social media sites and then by Senator J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate, who repeated the story. Once Trump said it in the debate, the story became national news.

Springfield’s mayor and city manager repudiated the false claims about immigrants eating pets, yet both Trump and Vance continued to repeat the story at their rallies. The story, of course, suggested that the Haitian people were savages.

Donald Trump, Jr., who often speaks for his father, added this. “You look at Haiti, you look at the demographic makeup, you look at the average I.Q. — if you import the third world into your country, you’re going to become the third world,” he said on a conservative broadcasting network. “That’s just basic. It’s not racist. It’s just fact.”

The Trumps’ racist language soon created chaos in Springfield as provocateurs, began to call in bomb threats that eventually led authorities to shut down local schools, hospitals, and city hall, as well as Wittenberg University and Clark State College. Springfield officials also canceled a planned Culture Fest, featuring art and music, “in light of recent threats and safety concerns.” The Haitians in Springfield feel fearful and worried.

Mike DeWine, the Republican governor of Ohio, who was born and grew up in Springfield, also repudiated the false claims about the Haitian immigrants and wrote in a New York Times opinion piece, “As a supporter of former President Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance, I am saddened by how they and others continue to repeat claims that lack evidence and disparage the legal migrants living in Springfield. This rhetoric hurts the city and its people, and it hurts those who have spent their lives there.”

Springfield is a town of 60,000 that has in recent years received between 12,000 and 15,000 Haitian immigrants. The immigrants are not “illegals,” as Trump and Vance have claimed, but enjoy “temporary protected status,” which allows them to live and work in the United States because it is not safe for them to return to their home country. As DeWine wrote, “They are there legally. They are there to work.”

As his rallies Trump rails against what he calls an invasion of immigrants who are he says, “animals,” “vermin,” and “poisoning the blood of our country.” Trump promises that as president he will launch a national effort to round up millions of illegal immigrants and deport them. Now he says that he’ll begin in Springfield.

All the more reason to stop this dangerous racist from becoming president.


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Portugal: Deadly forest fires

Monday 23 September 2024, by Bloco de Esquerda

Seven people have died and 118 have been injured in the fires that have been raging since September 15 in the north and centre of the country. In just three days, 2024 has become the year with the fourth-largest area burned in the last decade.

Sven people have died and 118 have been injured in the fires that have been raging since September 15 in the north and centre of the country. In just three days, 2024 has become the year with the fourth-largest area burned in the last decade.

Between Sunday and late Tuesday afternoon, more than 71,000 hectares burned in Portugal, compared to 22,500 hectares previously, including the 5,000 hectares of the Madeira fires. In just three days, what was supposed to be a quiet year in terms of burned areas has become the fourth-worst year of the last decade. The figures are published by Público , but the newspaper warns that they are based on satellite images and therefore may be excessive. But even if we do not take into account 15 per cent of the burned area, this year’s figures are only exceeded by those of 2016, 2017 and 2022.

In the north and centre of the country, the fires have spread due to weather conditions considered to be the most severe, particularly the easterly wind with strong gusts. On Wednesday, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (INEM) counted five deaths and 118 injured , including ten in serious condition, stressing that the number of deaths was transmitted to it by the INEM and does not include the two civilians who died of a sudden illness. The maximum risk of fire affected 50 municipalities on Wednesday and the government decided to extend the state of alert until Thursday.

More than 100 active fires

On Wednesday morning, there were more than 100 active fires, with restarts and wind changes during the night, which made the situation in Águeda "uncontrollable" and approached urban centres. The firefighters who fought the Albergaria a-Velha fire , which has entered the resolution phase, are also fighting these fires. During the night, the Castro Daire fire progressed towards Arouca , reaching the Paiva footbridges and confining several villages, after people with reduced mobility had been evacuated. In Covilhã, the night was spent fighting a fire in a pine forest area in Gibraltar that had escaped the Serra da Estrela fire two years ago.

Very complicated traffic

Several fires are also raging in the Porto district and some villages have evacuated their inhabitants . In Mangualde and São Pedro do Sul, it is reported that homes and businesses have been destroyed by fire. By late morning, Civil Protection reported 142 fires, 58 of which were in the final stages, with more than 5,500 agents on the ground, accompanied by 1,700 land resources and 37 air resources.

At the same time, the government reported that rail traffic on the Douro line between Marco de Canaveses and Régua and on the Vouga line had been interrupted, with several trains suspended. The A43 motorway between Gondomar and the A41 and the A41 between Medas and Aguiar de Sousa were also closed on Wednesday morning, as was the A25 between Albergaria and Reigoso ( Viseu ), as well as several national roads.


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