Sunday, October 06, 2024

The World Confronts its Malaise

Part I- How was the Middle East destruction allowed to fester and happen?

The world is in shock; stricken by the realization that mass murder occurs unimpeded and those who were regarded as protectors against atrocities are those who enable the slaughter of innocents. An uneasiness has gripped the world and brought it to the depressing state of watching helplessly as democratically chosen leaders aid and abet in the most severe criminal activity ─ genocide. Israel has achieved a level of committing atrocities, denying humanity, and displaying insanity that is incomprehensible. Go back in history and return to Hulegu, prince of the Mongol Empire, besieging Baghdad in the thirteenth century. “Surrender and give in to your new authority or all will die,” Hulegu shouted to those behind city walls. Benjamin Netanyahu can be paraphrased as uttering a similar threat to the Palestinians, with one difference; “Even if you remain passive to our dictates after surrender, your community will eventually perish; assistance by Western nations assures us of that.”

Destruction of the Palestinian community has been ongoing, starting in late 1947 and accelerating in contemporary times. The horrors inflicted upon the Palestinians have been obscured and nonchalantly received by Western governments. One event tells the story, serving as a catalyst for additional atrocities that have intensified. Details of that event expose the malaise that fails to understand how the Zionists deceitfully use the damage they inflict upon others to gain advantage. This deceit continues with similar events in the present and predicts a future of chaos for the Middle East. The moment missed has led to a future soon to be missing.

On February 25, 1994, Baruch Goldstein, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, entered the Ibrahami mosque in the Cave of the Patriarchs in the West Bank city of Hebron. Using an automatic weapon, Goldstein indiscriminately killed 29 and wounded 125 of the 800 Palestinian Muslim worshippers participating in the first of the five daily Islamic prayers. On that day, Western leaders should have realized they were dealing with a genocidal Israeli population, that this genocide could not proceed one day further, and failure to halt the drift doomed the Middle East to an endless conflagration that would engulf much of the world.

The fanatical and crazed Baruch Goldstein could not have prepared the act by himself; the calculated manner of presentation and the lack of attention to him carrying a gun and wanting, for no adequate reason, to enter the mosque area, indicate Israeli authorities were complicit in assembling the plans for his attack. Although no longer a doctor in the Israeli military, Goldstein wore his antiquated uniform and “carried a Galil assault rifle and four magazines of ammunition, which held a total of 140 rounds in 35 rounds per magazine.” Events are clouded by observer contradictions and agendas. Tablet magazine has an accepted version (Note:Edited for brevity) that features dubious reasons for inattention to Goldstein’s strange behavior and for not asking sensible questions. The New York Times provided additional facts.

At 5:05 a.m. Feb. 25, 1994, the phone rang in the regional command center of the Israel Defense Forces in Kiryat Arba, on the outskirts of Hebron. Shlomo Edelstein, the officer in charge, picked up the phone. “He told me to send a jeep within five minutes to the infirmary,” Edelstein recalled, “which seemed really strange to me, because he wasn’t the doctor on call. And even if someone called him directly at home, say, why would he ask for the jeep? If it was a real emergency, wouldn’t he need an ambulance?”

Edelstein called Motti Unger, who drove the community’s emergency vehicle, and asked him to swing by and see what was up. Goldstein just needed a quick ride to the nearby Cave of the Patriarchs, slightly more than a mile away. The ride lasted about seven minutes, not long enough for Unger to ask any questions. He gave Unger his car keys and asked him to drop them off later with his wife.

Unger didn’t find it strange that the doctor was wearing army fatigues, or that he was carrying his Galil automatic rifle. Hebron was a violent place, and attacks on the region’s Jewish residents were getting more and more common. If he needed a quick early morning ride, he probably had his reasons. The soldiers guarding the cave were just as incurious. One of them asked the doctor why he was there so early, and in uniform no less. The doctor smiled and mumbled something about miluim, Hebrew for reserve duty, and walked in. The doctor walked over to the green metal door that connected the room to the much larger Isaac Hall, at the end of which, according to legend, lies the locked door that leads directly to Gan Eden, the Garden of Eden. Normally, the door would’ve been guarded. The doctor unbolted the door and walked in.

He took a few steps along the wall in the marvelous room with the high, arched ceilings and the ornate rugs. And then, he took out his rifle and started shooting. When security forces finally made their way to the scene, they found the bodies of 29 Muslim men, murdered as they prayed peacefully. And in one corner, lying perfectly still, his head bludgeoned by a fire extinguisher wielded by a few of the men who rushed to stop the attack, was doctor Baruch Goldstein.

The New York Times article adds,

Muhammed Abu Saleh, a guard at the mosque door, said that Goldstein had demanded to enter, saying he was the duty officer, and that when Mr. Abu Saleh objected, the doctor knocked him down with the butt of his rifle. “When I saw him, he was running toward the hall where everyone was saying prayers,” said Khatem Kafisha, who had been taking off his shoes near the door. “He could have shot any one of us who was outside, but it was clear he only wanted to open fire on the worshipers so he could hit as many people as possible.”

The aftermath of the atrocity is an example of how the Zionists cleverly use the damage done to others to eventually advance their cause. It compares to changing the student protests against Jewish participation in the genocide of the Palestinian people to student protest as anti-Semitic attacks on the Jewish people.

Israeli leaders showed contempt for the atrocity. Yitzhak Rabin addressed the Knesset:

You are not part of the community of Israel. You are not part of the national democratic camp which we all belong to in this house, and many of the people despise you. You are not partners in the Zionist enterprise. You are a foreign implant. You are an errant weed. Sensible Judaism spits you out. You placed yourself outside the wall of Jewish law. We say to this horrible man and those like him: you are a shame on Zionism and an embarrassment to Judaism.

The Israeli government’s words made headlines and impressed a world to believe the Israelis wanted peace and reconciliation with the Palestinians. The same world was unaware that, “in October 1993, after a series of previous disruptions, Goldstein poured acid on prayer rugs in the Ibrahimi Mosque, burned large holes in them, and assaulted six Palestinians worshipers.” Muslim authorities informed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of the “dangers” posed by Goldstein. “These daily violations in the Ibrahimi mosque cannot be given silent treatment.” Rabin, who posed as a follower of the Oslo Accords, did not respond to the earlier information. Israeli authorities took no action. Now, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) demanded that all settlers be disarmed and an international force be created to protect Palestinians. The Israeli government only arrested followers of Goldstein’s hero, the deceased Meir Kahane, forbade certain settlers from entering Arab towns, and demanded those settlers, and only those, turn in their army-issued rifles.

This was a moment in which an enraged world community may have been able to thwart the ongoing genocide. Those responsible for the Ibrahim Mosque massacre were the foreign settlers who occupied land stolen from the Palestinians. The illegal occupation of the lands provoked the Palestinians into retaliation against these foreign settlers. The retaliation gave Baruch Goldstein and his deranged followers a deranged reason to commit an atrocity against the Palestinians. The cycle of violence had one principal contributing factor — the settlers occupying stolen land. Stop the illegal settlements and the violence will cease. A moribund world could not commit to appropriate action. A moribund world created a world of eternal victims.

The atrocity did not end at the Ibrahami Mosque. In mass protests by Palestinians throughout the West Bank, 20 to 26 Palestinians were killed while 120 were injured in confrontations with the Israeli military. Nine Israeli Jews were also killed. A naïve world did not notice that actions did not follow words, that the Palestinians did not receive compensation or more protection. The opposite occurred; the Hebron settlers received assistance in expanding their settlements and increasing their violence against the Palestinians.

Israeli measures taken in Hebron following the massacre include:

  • A round-the-clock curfew imposed on Palestinian residents.
  • Forcible division of the Ibrahimi Mosque to create a separate prayer space for Jews with a separate entrance. In addition, the mosque is opened exclusively for Jews 10 days a year, and Muslims 10 days a year.
  • Palestinian shopkeepers on Shuhada Street in the heart of Hebron were forced to close their businesses, which were welded shut by the Israeli army, under the pretext of securing settlers living on the busy commercial artery.
  • Palestinians were restricted, at first from driving and later from walking as well, on a large section of Shuhada Street, prompting its nickname of “Apartheid Street.” The US government spent millions of dollars through USAID renovating Shuhada Street prior to its segregation, most of which is now reserved for the exclusive use of Jewish settlers.
  • Numerous new Israeli military checkpoints and obstacles to movement were put in place making it difficult for Palestinians to move around the city, including children who must pass through checkpoints to get to school.
  • There are over 120 obstacles to Palestinian movement designed to segregate “restricted areas” (settlements and surrounding areas) from the rest of the city, including 18 permanently manned military checkpoints.
  • Several streets in the center of downtown Hebron that lead to the settlements are prohibited for Palestinian traffic and some also for pedestrian movement.
  • 512 Palestinian businesses in the restricted areas have been closed by the Israeli military and at least 1100 others have closed due to restricted access for customers and suppliers.
  • More than 1000 Palestinian homes located in the restricted areas, over 40% of the area’s residences, have been abandoned, according to a survey by B’Tselem and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.

Malaise in the international community caused an inability to find justice for the Palestinians murdered by Brooklyn born Baruch Goldstein in the Cave of the Patriarchs. Malaise set the stage for continuous murders of Palestinians. Goldstein provoked, Palestinians responded, and the Palestinian response moved Israeli officials to take action… against Palestinians. The mass murder of Palestinians was turned into a provocation against Israelis and the Palestinian victims were additionally victimized. Every day, Americans hear about the foreign event that occurred on October 7, 2023. Every day, Americans should learn about American events, about Americans who have gone to the occupied territories and caused death and misery to the peoples in the Middle East. February 25, 1994 prefaced a multitude of provocations, many by Americans, that eventually caused the events on October 7, 2023.


Part II: The World Confront its Malaise

From an American killing 29 Palestinians to an American bomb killing Hassan Nasrallah

Read Part 1.

The events described in previous articles ─ pro-Israel influence that enabled rapid recognition by the U.S. government of the Israel regime in 1948 and an American murder of 29 Palestinians at the Cave of Patriarchs in Hebron in 1994 are not isolated relics of the past. They link to events that occur in contemporary times and remain alive as if happening today ─ salient features in the historical narrative that a world ignored and served to claim more victims.

Pro-Israel influence that enabled rapid recognition by the U.S. government of the Israel regime initiated the trend that guaranteed almost continuous support by the U.S. government for Israel’s mounting crimes. Made in America Baruch Goldstein, in his murderous rampage, set the stage for continuous murders of Palestinians and for the made in America bombs that extinguished the life of Hezbollah Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah.

The constant drumming of arranged epithets and twists of reality, where an Israel committed atrocity becomes an Israel sacrifice, continues to manipulate minds. Hezbollah and its deceased leader, Hassan Nasrallah, are not portrayed as fighting to prevent the genocide of the Palestinian people by the terrorist Israeli government; they are labelled as terrorist Hezbollah and terrorist Nasrallah urging genocide of nuclear-armed Israel and as individuals who deserve the ultimate fate.

In his speech to the United Nations (UN), Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, displayed the deranged and manipulative mind that governs Israel’s actions. He said “more resolutions have been passed by the General Assembly against Israel in the last decade than against the rest of the world’s countries,” and accused the UN of being a “house of darkness” and a “swamp of antisemitic bile.” The avalanche of UN resolutions condemning Israel’s genocidal actions prove that Israel is a “house of darkness,” a nation that has no regard for international law, and has leaders who feed upon hating other peoples. In his purposeful upside-down world, Netanyahu attempted to use valid condemnation of Israel’s actions by those who have been trusted to safeguard the world against criminal actions to prove Israel is a “shining light on the hill.”

From Netanyahu,

Hezbollah is the quintessential terror organization in the world today. It has tentacles that span all continents. It has murdered more Americans and more Frenchmen than any group except Bin Laden. It’s murdered the citizens of many countries represented in this room.

Netanyahu alludes to one incident, the 40 year-old 1983 bombings of French and American barracks in Beirut. On October 23, 1983, a suicide bomber drove a truck filled with explosives into the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut and killed 241 U.S. military personnel. That same morning, another suicide attack killed 58 French soldiers in their barracks. The barracks were components of contingents of U.S. Marines and French forces that arrived in Lebanon as part of a peacekeeping mission. After the Sabra and Shatila massacres, which killed between “1,300 and 3,500 civilians, mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shias,” and French and U.S. naval bombardments of the Shouf hills, Lebanese militants perceived the French and U.S. presences in their land as intruding forces that protected Israel’s invasion. The militants wanted these forces to leave, and, not too long after the bombings, they left. No confirmed information is available of who authorized and carried out the bombings. A formal Hezbollah did not exist at that time.

There is definite information that Israeli air force jet fighter aircraft and navy motor torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War, killed 34 and wounded 171 crew members. Many Americans have been arbitrarily murdered by Israeli forces and settlers in the West Bank and Gaza, about ½ dozen this year.

Heart breaking to learn that Turkish-American woman, Aysenur Eygi, who radiates beauty, was shot and killed while protesting near Nablus. Disturbing to know the U.S. government does not hold Israeli officials responsible. Pulverizing to understand that Israel uses slaughter to send a message ─ come to Israel to help the Palestinians and you will be killed — young, old, man, woman, or child. Her life should not be forgotten, and her image should appear on every protest mechanism.

Apply Netanyahu’s statement to situations that caused U.S. casualties, and we have, “Israel is the quintessential terror organization in the world today. It has tentacles that span all continents. It has murdered more Americans than any group except Bin Laden. It’s murdered the citizens of many countries represented at the UN.”

Reality, truth, and facts are rarely considered by Israel’s puppets. Reading a paper placed before him, US President Joe Biden says the same as his leader.

Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror. His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians.”

“Hundreds of Americans,” and “thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians?” Some Israeli civilians have been killed in the tit-for-tat hostilities, a minute number compared to Lebanese civilians and UN workers killed by Israel. Ex-president Joseph Biden, please name one American proven to be killed by Hezbollah since it became an official organization in 1985.

The Israeli Prime Minister, who believes that the function of the peoples of the world is to make certain Israeli Jews live and survive well, regardless of the murders of others, recites,

After generations in which our people were slaughtered, remorselessly butchered, and no one raised a finger in our defense, we now have a state. We now have a brave army, an army of incomparable courage, and we are defending ourselves.

An insolent and degrading insult to all those who fought and died in World War II. The United States, Soviet Union, and their allies fought bravely to defeat the Nazi state in World War II. They raised more than their fingers; they sacrificed themselves in defense of all the European peoples. If there was a strategy to liberate anyone from the camps and secure their lives — Poles, Soviet prisoners of war, gypsies, political opponents of the Nazi regime, and Jews — they would have implemented the strategy.

In war and immediate post-war years, communication and access to news, including firsthand knowledge was limited — no Internet, no 100 channels of television, no electronic mail, no You Tube, no digital cameras, no smart phones, no Facetime, no WhatsApp, and no social media. The ubiquitous, daily, and on site images of the violence we see today were not available to stir the mind to action. Unbelievable, that despite the enormous information that describes the genocide in Gaza, the world remains relatively passive and little effort is being applied to prevent the genocide. Just the opposite is occurring; societies are helping and encouraging it. Mr. Netanyahu, nobody encouraged the Holocaust; Mr. Netanyahu stand up and tell us why you are encouraging the genocide, requesting the Western world to contribute to your gruesome cause, and are ready to extend it to Lebanon?

The unwary world, still unable to confront its malaise, has allowed the Israeli Jews to judge who lives and who dies, slaughtering others with impunity and without redress. Netanyahu has said it with bravado, vowing to destroy anyone in the world who harms an Israeli citizen. Recent events indicate nobody is safe from the Zionist Jews who murder with ease, without remorse, and without facing justice. Give it perspective by citing a few examples.

The goat and sheepherders in the South Hebron Hills live a simple and basic life on semi-desert land, which is barely sufficient to feed their small herds. They don’t ask anything from anybody, don’t harm anybody, and just want to do their daily chores. Settlers from Brooklyn, New York, who never saw a goat or sheep in their life, have suddenly become herders who need room and land for their pet goats. Simple way to get it ─ forcibly evict these simple people and ruin their lives by telling them the land is now a closed “firing zone.” If they protest, well, just shoot them. A video (scroll down) shows a settler arguing with a Palestinian herder on the herder’s land in the village of al-Tawani and arbitrarily shooting him. Israeli soldiers nonchalantly regard the incident and nobody detains the assailant.

Gaza has its daily atrocities. Israeli snipers and soldiers wantonly murder men, women, and especially children. In one episode, Israeli soldiers search a building, going from apartment to apartment. They enter an apartment and order several men to strip and then execute them. No reason and no concern for the killings. Go to “The Night Won’t End,” a film that investigates civilian killings in Gaza. View from 1:00.01 to 1:04.50 and be prepared to witness a horror.

In the West Bank town of Qabatiya, soldiers murder several Palestinians and then commit a gruesome act — treat the lifeless bodies as rubbish and throw them off the roof into the street below.  

The New York Times reports,

According to Wafa (Palestine News Agency), seven Palestinians were killed by the Israeli military during a 10-hour raid into Qabatiya, south of the city of Jenin, on Thursday. Among them, Wafa said, were the three people — believed to be men — captured in the video.

Wafa reported that, after being thrown from the building, the bodies were mutilated on the ground by the claw of an Israeli excavator before being taken away by the military.

In describing the exploding pagers that killed about 10 people and injured several thousand in Lebanon, media, as usual, inserts a description of Hezbollah as the “terror group.” Here we have one of the most horrific terror attacks in recorded history, with innocent civilians suddenly blinded while doing their daily activities and the victims are called the terrorists.

Biggest atrocity

The greatest atrocity has been done to Jewish people. Since its inception, Israel Jews have been used as pawns to oppress and subjugate others and been subjected to constant attacks. Thanks to Netanyahu and his compatriots, the Jews have become the most hated people in the world. Not just animosity or mild disapproval; venomous hatred of not wanting to associate and wishing disappearance. World Jewry may not realize it but this animosity comes from democratic, freedom loving, and liberal persons, people fighting for human rights who now express belief that Zionist Jews are inhuman. Many decent and well-meaning people are following the suggestion by Palestinian poet Remi Kanazi.

Do not cower to Zionists. Shame them. Do not welcome them in your spaces. Why should these genocide loving fascists be treated any different than any other flat out racist.

Can the world confront its malaise? Activists should keep doing what they are doing and try to overcome the Zionists and their worldwide conspirators who find antidotes by converting protests against their malevolent actions into malevolent protests by the protestors. The latest trickery has the New York Times, Sept. 4, 2024, publish, “Across the United States this spring, Iran also used social media to stoke student-organized protests against Israel’s war in Gaza, with operatives providing financial assistance and posing as students, according to American intelligence assessments.” What nonsense.

Well known that Israeli operatives flood social media with derogatory information on campus protestors and flattering information on their counter protestors, and hundreds of millions of dollars of donations are used to shape college presidents’ and government officials’ decisions. The Iranian agents, if they existed, probably could not buy a government or college official a cup of coffee.

Mentioning the atrocities committed by Israel leads to the question, “What can be done to stop Israel?” Arguments to the eventual demise of the Zionist nightmare are more wish fulfillment than reality.

The Times of Israel (TOI) features an article, “Derelict economy could sink ‘Titanic’ Israel, experts warn,” which relates, “New research paints worrying picture of decades of neglected national priorities leaving the country without the resources to face existential threats.” TOI is perspicacious, Intel has halted expansion of its facilities in Israel, delaying construction of a $25 billion factory for chip production. This pessimism gives optimism to those who believe that a disastrous economy will not be able to support a strong military. After Israel’s military decimates Hezbollah as a fighting force, Israel will no longer need a world class military to protect it from fulfilling its self-guided mission. This mission does not have a high-flying economy as its prominent feature; the Israel economy will always receive assistance from its benefactors — United States, Germany, and Jewish billionaires around the world. The salient feature of the Zionist mission is Irredentism ─ uniting of Jews around the world, physically or morally, in a supposedly united Biblical kingdom of Judah and Israel. That mission is almost completed and only enforcers composed of a small military and a large settler population will be needed to contain the Palestinians on the plantation. The shrinking labor force, due to emigrating Israelis, will be filled by the slave labor of compliant Palestinians.

Another argument for defeating Israel treats collapse of its principal supporter, the United States of America. Accomplishing that internally does not seem plausible. A possible solution to Israel’s maddening of the civilized world lays with leaders of several nations. A world realignment of blocs, those contending American hegemony and those blindly supporting it, is occurring. The U.S. faces economic decline from Chinese competition. If a substantial number of nations are convinced that moving away from the United States and aligning with China is less dangerous than allowing the modern Israelites and their Joshua leader to continue the revival of the Biblical Conquest, slay the inhabitants of the “promised Land,” and lead the world to continuous conflagrations, they could take action and give the U.S. an offer it cannot refuse ─ stop aiding Israel or we start aiding China. Successful rearrangement of the contending blocs requires a three-way endeavor.

  • Gravitation to use of the Yuan as international currency will sink the dollar, substantially raise the price of U.S. imports, and cause a national inflation. This will be offset by lowering the cost of U.S. labor for exports and foreign investment.
  • Tariffs will have to be imposed by foreign nations to offset the reduced prices and increased competitiveness of U.S. exports
  • Nations will have to be assured they are not threatened by loss of U.S. security.

We have a complex subject that needs discussion beyond this article. Wait, there may be a solution on the way. I don’t recommend it but ex-President and future felon, Donald Trump, proposes weakening the dollar, increasing tariffs, and providing less security to other nations.

Will a Trump victory bring about the international realignment that forces the United States to compromise its protection of Israel to guarantee protection of its economy? What a dilemma!

Dan Lieberman publishes commentaries on foreign policy, economics, and politics at  He is author of the non-fiction books A Third Party Can Succeed in AmericaNot until They Were GoneThink Tanks of DCThe Artistry of a Dog, and a novel: The Victory (under a pen name, David L. McWellan). Read other articles by Dan.


Australian Officials Push Authoritarian Crackdown on Pro-Hezbollah Speech

As Israel begins another invasion of Lebanon, Australian officials from both sides of the imaginary partisan divide have been falling all over themselves to get Australians punished for speech crimes about the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah.

The Australian political-media class have been in an uproar ever since footage surfaced of people waving Hezbollah flags at a protest in Melbourne over the weekend and displaying pictures of the group’s deceased leader Hassan Nasrallah, who was assassinated by Israel in a massive airstrike on Friday.

After initially stating that no crime had been committed in these acts of political speech, Victoria police are now saying they have identified six potentially criminal incidents related to the demonstration. These incidents reportedly involve “prohibited symbols” in violation of the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment which was enacted last year.

Needless to say, free nations do not have “prohibited symbols”.

This development follows numerous statements from various Australian leaders denouncing the protests as criminal.

“I expect the police agencies to pursue this,” Victorian premier Jacinta Allan said of the protests, adding, “Bringing grief and pain and division to the streets of Melbourne by displaying these prohibited symbols, is utterly unacceptable.”

Australia’s foreign minister Penny Wong took to Twitter to denounce the protesters, saying Australians must not only refrain from supporting Hezbollah but from even giving “any indication of support”.

“We condemn any indication of support for a terrorist organisation such as Hizballah,” Wong tweeted, adding, “It not only threatens national security, but fuels fear and division in our communities.”

Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke wants to deport any international visitors displaying prohibited symbols in Australia, saying “I won’t hesitate to cancel the visas of visitors to our country who are spreading hate.”

On the other side of the aisle, opposition leader Peter Dutton is on a crusade to get new laws passed to ensure the elimination of banned symbols from public view, saying “enforcement for law is required and if there are laws that need to be passed to make sure that our values are upheld then the Prime Minister should be doing that.”

“Support for a proscribed terrorist organisation has no place on the streets of Melbourne,” tweeted Labor MP Josh Burns. “Anyone breaking counter-terrorism legislation should face the full force of the law.”

“Australians cherish the right to peaceful protest,” tweeted independent MP Zoe Daniels. “However, there is no justification for supporting a proscribed terrorist organisation. Those who were seen doing so on the streets of Melbourne at protests yesterday should be investigated and prosecuted.”

In an article titled “Hezbollah flags at protests shape as test of new hate-symbol laws,” the ABC reports that these legal efforts to stomp out dissenting political speech are made possible by laws which were recently passed with the official intention of targeting Nazi symbols, but which “also cover the symbols of listed terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah.” Which is about as strong an argument on the slippery slope of government censorship as you could possibly ask for.

Hezbollah is listed as a “terrorist organisation” on the say-so of the Australian government, not because of its actions or methods but because it stands in opposition to the US power alliance of which Australia is a part. This arbitrary designation is smeared across any resistance group on earth which opposes the dictates of Washington, and can then be used to suppress the speech of anyone who disagrees with the murderous behavior of the western empire.

And it should here be noted that Australia is the only so-called democracy in the world which has no national charter or bill of rights of any kind. A tremendous amount of faith has been placed in state and federal legislators to simply do the right thing, which has proved foolish and ineffective. Professor George Williams wrote for the Melbourne University Law Review in 2006:

“Australia is now the only democratic nation in the world without a national bill of rights. Some comprehensive form of legal protection for basic rights is otherwise seen as an essential check and balance in democratic governance around the world. Indeed, I can find no example of a democratic nation that has gained a new Constitution or legal system in recent decades that has not included some form of a bill of rights, nor am I aware of any such nation that has done away with a bill of rights once it has been put in place.

“Why then is Australia the exception? The answer lies in our history. Although many think of Australia as a young country, constitutionally speaking, it is one of the oldest in the world. The Australian Constitution remains almost completely as it was when enacted in 1901, while the Constitutions of the Australian states can go back as far as the 1850s. The legal systems and Constitutions of the nation and the Australian colonies (and then states) were conceived at a time when human rights, with the prominent exception of the 1791 United States Bill of Rights, tended not to be protected through a single legal instrument. Certainly, there was then no such law in the United Kingdom, upon whose legal system ours is substantially based. This has changed, especially after World War II and the passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but by then Australia’s system of government had been operating for decades.”

If you ever wonder why Australia so often stands out as a freakish anomaly in the western world with its jarring authoritarianism and disregard for human rights, this is why.

The powerful abuse our civil rights because they can. We are pummeled with propaganda in the birthplace of Rupert Murdoch and increasingly forbidden from speaking out against the atrocities of our government and its allies overseas. We are being groomed into mindless, obedient sheep for the empire.FacebookTwitterRedditEmail

Caitlin Johnstone has a reader-supported Newsletter. All her work is free to bootleg and use in any way, shape or form; republish it, translate it, use it on merchandise; whatever you want. Her work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece and want to read more you can buy her books. The best way to make sure you see the stuff she publishes is to subscribe to the mailing list on Substack, which will get you an email notification for everything she publishes. All works are co-authored with her husband Tim Foley. Read other articles by Caitlin.

Thousands join pro-Palestinian rallies around the globe as Oct. 7 anniversary nears

Italian Police and demonstrators clash during a march in support of the Palestinian people in Rome, Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, two days before the anniversary of Hamas-led groups’ attack in Israeli territory outside of Gaza on Oct. 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

 October 5, 2024

ROME (AP) — Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse violent demonstrators in Rome as tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters took to the streets in major European cities and around the globe Saturday to call for a cease-fire as the first anniversary of the Hamas attacks on Israel approached.

Huge rallies were held in several European cities, with gatherings expected to continue over the weekend and peak on Monday, the date of the anniversary.

In Rome, several thousands demonstrated peacefully Saturday afternoon until a smaller group tried to push the rally toward the center of the city, in spite of a ban by local authorities who refused to authorize protests, citing security concerns.

Some protesters, dressed in black and with their faces covered threw stones, bottles and paper bombs at the police, who responded with tear gas and water cannons, eventually dispersing the crowd. At least 30 law enforcement officers and three demonstrators were injured in the clashes, local media reported.

The rally in Rome had been calm earlier, with people chanting “Free Palestine, Free Lebanon,” waving Palestinian flags and holding banners calling for an immediate stop to the conflict.

Italian Police and demonstrators clash during a march in support of the Palestinian people in Rome, Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, two days before the anniversary of Hamas-led groups’ attack in Israeli territory outside of Gaza on Oct. 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

In London, thousands marched through the capital to Downing Street amid a heavy police presence. The atmosphere was tense as pro-Palestinian protesters and counterdemonstrators, some holding Israeli flags, passed one another. Scuffles broke out as police officers pushed back activists trying to get past a cordon. At least 17 people were arrested on suspicion of public order offenses, supporting a proscribed organization and assault, London’s Metropolitan Police said.

In the northern German city of Hamburg, about 950 people staged a peaceful demonstration with many waving Palestinian and Lebanese flags or chanting “Stop the Genocide,” the DPA news agency reported, citing a count by police. Two smaller pro-Israeli counterdemonstrations took place without incident, it said.

People demonstrate in support of Palestinians in Hamburg, Germany, Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024. (Georg Wendt/dpa via AP)

Several thousands protesters gathered peacefully at Paris’ Republique Plaza in a show of solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Many were waving Palestinian flags while holding posters reading ”stop the genocide,” “free Palestine,” and “hands off Lebanon.”

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators also gathered at New York’s Times Square to call for a cease-fire, chanting “Gaza!” to a drumbeat. Some wore keffiyeh scarfs, waved Palestinian and Lebanese flags and held a large cardboard image of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with red paint symbolizing blood across his face.

Rallies were also planned in several other cities in the United States as well as in other parts of the world, including Denmark, Switzerland, South Africa and India. In the Philippines, dozens of left-wing activists protested near the U.S. Embassy in Manila, where police prevented them from getting closer to the seaside compound.

Activists tear a U.S. flag during a rally near the U.S. Embassy in Manila Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, as they hold a protest to observe the first-year anniversary of the war in Gaza.(AP Photo/Gerard V. Carreon)

Demonstrators participate in a pro-Palestinian protest in Bengaluru, India, Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi) Palestinian

In Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched to the heavily guarded U.S. Embassy on Sunday. Authorities blocked roads leading to the embassy with razor wire and concrete barriers as more than 1,000 police were deployed around the compound.

Pro-Israeli demonstrations are expected to be held Sunday because Jews across the world are still observing Rosh Hashana, or the Jewish new year.

This year, emotions will be high for many given that the midpoint of the 10 days spanning Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur is Oct. 7 — the one-year anniversary of the Hamas attack that killed 1,200 Israelis and triggered the ongoing war in Gaza.

High security alerts

Security forces in several countries warned of heightened levels of alert in major cities, amid concerns that the escalating conflict in the Middle East could inspire new terror attacks in Europe or that the protests could turn violent.

Pro-Palestinian protests calling for an immediate cease-fire have repeatedly taken place across Europe and around the globe in the past year and have often turned violent, with confrontations between demonstrators and law enforcement officers.

Italian authorities believed that the timing of Saturday’s rally in Rome risked the Oct. 7 attack being “glorified,” local media reported.

Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi also stressed that, ahead of the key anniversary, Europe is on high alert for potential terror attacks.

“This is not a normal situation. … We are already in a condition of maximum prevention,” he said.

Ben Jamal, director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Britain, said he and others will keep organizing marches until action against Israel is taken.

“We need to be out on the streets in even bigger numbers to stop this carnage and stop Britain being drawn into it,” Jamal said.

In Berlin, a march is scheduled from the Brandenburg Gate to Bebelplatz on Sunday. Local media reported that security forces have warned of potential overload because of the scale of protests. German authorities pointed to increasing antisemitic and violent incidents in recent days.

Earlier this week in France, Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau warned the country’s regional prefects, expressing concern about possible tensions and saying that the terrorist threat was high.

Thousands rally in DC

About 3,000 people demonstrated within sight of the White House.

Amid a heavy police presence, the protesters gathered at Lafayette Park, the same site as 2020 protests against police brutality and the killing of George Floyd. “Resistance is justified when people are occupied!” they chanted.

One speaker on stage called Oct. 7, 2023, “the day that Gazans finally broke out of their prison.”

The crowds then marched through downtown, with police closing streets ahead of them.

Protesters carried signs criticizing the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of the issue. One read: “Abandon Harris ’24.”

Law student Annette Tunstall said she considered voting Democratic after Biden stepped down and Harris became the candidate. But she lost faith after pro-Palestinian voices were muzzled at the Democratic National Convention, she said.

“I really wanted to feel like I could vote for her in good conscience,” Tunstall said. “I don’t think it would have taken a lot for thousands of pro-Palestinian people to hold their nose and vote for Harris.”

A tense and bloody year

On Oct. 7 last year, Hamas launched a surprise attack into Israel, killing 1,200 Israelis, taking 250 people hostage and setting off a war with Israel that has shattered much of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

More than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed since then in Gaza, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, which does not differentiate between fighters and civilians.

Nearly 100 Israeli hostages remain in Gaza, with fewer than 70 believed to be alive. Israelis have experienced attacks — missiles from Iran and Hezbollah, explosive drones from Yemen, fatal shootings and stabbings — as the region braces for further escalation.

In late September, Israel shifted some of its focus to Hezbollah, which it seeks to push back from its border in parts of south Lebanon where the group is entrenched.

Hui reported from London. AP journalists Sylvie Corbet in Paris, Jamey Keaten in Geneva, John Minchillo in New York, Ashraf Khalil in Washington and Niniek Karmini in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this story.

Hui, based in London, reports on UK news for The Associated Press with particular interest in foreign and social affairs and human rights.

Thousands march for ceasefire ahead of Oct 7 anniversary

London (AFP) – Thousands of protesters marched in cities around the world on Saturday calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon as the war in the Palestinian territory neared the one-year mark.

Issued on: 05/10/2024 -
Pro-ceasefire supporters from across the UK marched from Russell Square to Downing Street © JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP

Kicking off a planned wave of demonstrations worldwide, pro-Palestinian supporters gathered in cities in Europe, Africa and the Americas to demand an end to the conflict, which has killed nearly 42,000 people in Gaza.

Dozens of protests and commemorations are set to take place ahead of the anniversary Monday of Hamas's attack on Israel, which resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures.

Israel's retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 41,825 people in Gaza, most of them civilians, according to figures provided by the territory's health ministry and described as reliable by the United Nations.

With Israel now mounting a ground operation in Lebanon and vowing to respond to a barrage of missiles fired by Iran this week, there are fears the conflict could spiral into a wider war.

Underlining international polarisation over events in the Middle East, demonstrations in support of both Israel and the Palestinians are planned worldwide -- sometimes with rival events scheduled in the same city.
'Worse and worse'

A pro-Palestinian protest in Rome that drew thousands of people turned violent, as dozens of young demonstrators threw bottles and firecrackers at police, who responded with tear gas and water cannon.
Police officers clash with protestors during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Rome © Alberto PIZZOLI / AFP

At least one policeman was wounded and two protestors detained, AFP journalists said.

"Israel is a criminal state!" the demonstrators shouted.

In Berlin, police said they had detained 26 people who shouted insults at a pro-Israeli commemoration attended by around 650 people.

Meanwhile, a pro-Palestinian demonstration drew just over 1,000 protestors in the German capital, police said.

At the "National March for Palestine" in London, chants of "stop bombing civilians" were joined by shouts of "hands off Lebanon".

Zackerea Bakir, 28, said he has attended dozens of marches around the United Kingdom. Large numbers continue to turn up because "everyone wants a change", he told AFP.

Demonstrators in Madrid march in solidarity with Palestinian and Lebanese people © Thomas COEX / AFP

"It's continuing to just get worse and worse, and yet nothing seems to be changing," said Bakir, joined at the rally by his mother and brother.

While the rally in London was largely peaceful, at least 15 people were arrested, including three on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker and one on suspicion of supporting a proscribed organisation.

In Dublin, several hundred people took to the streets, waving Palestinian flags and chanting: "Ceasefire now!".

In France, thousands of people marched in Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux and Strasbourg to express solidarity with Palestinians, AFP journalists said.

Around 5,000 people joined a pro-Palestinian protest in Madrid, brandishing signs with messages such as "Boycott Israel".

A pro-Palestinian demonstration in the Swiss city of Basel drew several thousand people, the Keystone-ATS news agency reported.

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators also marched on the Israeli embassy in Athens, which was heavily guarded by riot police.
Soaring tension

In Cape Town in South Africa, hundreds walked to parliament, chanting: "Israel is a racist state" and "We are all Palestinian."
A woman wears a dress in the colours of the Palestinian flag as she takes part in a pro-Palestinian march in Cape Town © RODGER BOSCH / AFP

Pro-Gaza marches were also planned Saturday in Johannesburg and Durban.

In Caracas, hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators protested outside the United Nations's headquarters for Venezuela, carrying a giant Palestinian flag.

They delivered a petition to the UN calling for an end to the "genocide" of the Palestinians.

"Where are the UN peacekeepers? Why haven't they intervened?" university professor Jesus Reyes, 53, told AFP.

Other pro-Palestinian protests were planned over the weekend and on Monday in cities including New York, Sydney, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Manila, and Karachi.

Pope Francis has called for a day of "prayer and fasting for peace" on the anniversary of the attack, amid soaring tension in the Middle East.

An official anniversary ceremony will be held in Jerusalem on Monday.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog will lead a memorial service at Sderot, one of the cities hardest hit during the onslaught by Palestinian militants.


© 2024 AFP

Marches across US mark Gaza war anniversary

Washington (AFP) – Thousands marched in US cities from Washington to Los Angeles on Saturday, demanding an immediate ceasefire as the war in Gaza nears the one-year mark, with a man attempting to self-immolate in protest.

Issued on: 06/10/2024 - 
he pro-Palestinian protest began and ended outside the White House in Washington, with demonstrators demanding an end to US aid to Israel 

The marches were part of a worldwide day of action against the devastating war, which has recently seen Israel intensify its military operations into Lebanon.

The war was sparked on October 7 when Palestinian armed group Hamas attacked Israel, resulting in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures that include hostages killed in captivity.

More than 41,825 Palestinians, a majority of them civilians, have been killed in Israel's military campaign in the Gaza Strip since the war began, according to data provided by the health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza. The UN has acknowledged the figures as reliable.

In Washington, more than a thousand angry protesters demonstrated outside the White House, with many demanding an end to US military and other aid to its strategic ally, Israel.

In New York, pro-Palestine demonstrators walked in the city's Midtown neighbourhood, waving flags and holding signs © Leonardo Munoz / AFP

"The US government has really shown what side of history it is on," Zaid Khatib, an organizer with the Palestinian Youth Movement, told AFP.

"The US government has performed and co-signed the most evil atrocities that we've seen of this century."

Protesters waved Palestinian and Lebanese flags, among others, with many holding up signs and chanting in unison to demonstrate solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Almost two hours into the protest, a man approached the demonstration site and attempted to set himself on fire, AFP journalists saw.

He succeeded in lighting his left arm ablaze before bystanders and police rushed to his aid, dousing him with water and extinguishing the flames using their keffiyehs, traditional Palestinian scarves.

"I'm a journalist and we neglect it, we spread the misinformation," he shouted, in between screams of pain as the fire on his arm was put out.

Police said the man was being treated for "non-life threatening injuries."
'Ethnic cleansing'

In New York, thousands marched in the city's famed Times Square neighborhood, some carrying pictures of people killed by Israel's military offensive in Gaza, which has left much of the territory in rubble.

Among those marching was Cornel West, a prominent rights activist and an independent candidate running in the US presidential election.

"I'm here to forever be in solidarity with people undergoing a vicious genocide," he told AFP. "Dealing with ethnic cleansing it's getting worse, it's been a whole year now. You know, we got to keep fighting."

The United States is one of Israel's closest allies, providing billions in military assistance -- a subject that protesters in both cities focused on.
Police at the protest in Washington maintained a perimeter around the demonstration © Ting Shen / AFP

"As an American we're tired of our tax money going to Israel to bomb kids in Palestine and then Lebanon," said Daniel Perez, a New York resident.

Protesters also took to the street in Los Angeles, many holding signs calling for an end to "genocide" in Gaza.

In Washington, protesters' cries for "justice" and "peace" reverberated off office buildings in downtown, with the crowd animated by a mix of righteous anger and raucous solidarity.

Laila, an American of Palestinian and Lebanese descent, told AFP the past year had left her disillusioned with her country's leaders -- so much so that she was unlikely to vote in November.

"It all disgusts me now," she said. "It's all a lie."

© 2024 AFP

Protests in Berlin and many major cities as October 7 

People in Berlin rallied in support of both Israelis as well as Palestinians and Lebanese in rival demonstrations almost a year after Hamas' October 7 attack. Protesters mobilized in many other cities the world over.

Police kept space between participants in a number of rallies across Berlin on Saturday

Police in Berlin said 500 officers were in action on Saturday amid a series of rival protests in the German capital, some showing support for Israel and others for Palestinians or Lebanese people.

Several participants at a demonstration in front of Humboldt University in the city center carried Israeli flags and signs and placards showing their support for Israel.

Berlin police were on hand at demonstrations around the cityImage: Christian Mang/REUTERS

Nearby, a series of empty chairs bearing the photographs of people taken hostage by Hamas on October 7 and still in captivity was on display, with the caption "kidnapped" written in German above each portrait.

Rival rallies in other parts of Berlin

In other parts of the city, around a thousand protesters called for a halt to fighting in Gaza and in Lebanon, many waving Palestinian flags and carrying banners, some accusing Israel of "genocide" in Gaza.

These protesters gathered near the memorial to the Cold War Berlin Airlift, near Tempelhof AirportImage: Jörg Carstensen/dpa/picture alliance

At one point, scuffles broke out between police and pro-Palestinian protesters, news agencies reported.

Berlin police reported one case of people at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in the Kreuzberg district "repeatedly chanting forbidden slogans," which it said would be prosecuted.

The politician in charge of interior affairs in the city-state of Berlin, Senator Iris Spranger, told the dpa news agency that what German authorities deem antisemitic would be prosecuted by police in the coming days. More and larger events are expected on Sunday and Monday as the October 7 anniversary approaches.

"My position is clear: Hatred, defamation and antisemitism do not belong on the streets of Berlin," Spranger told dpa while appealing to participants to "express their opinions, their personal concerns and their protests peacefully, respectfully and without violence."

The Lebanese flag joined the Palestinian one at several of the protests around Europe on Saturday, including this one in Rome
 Yara Nardi/REUTERS

Jewish group official says October 7 an unsuitable date for pro-Palestinian protests

The president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, said in a newspaper interview on Saturday that some recent pro-Palestinian demonstrations had been a "low point" for German society.

He cited "the scenes of celebration on German streets after Iran's rocket attack against Israel" earlier this week, and "the calls for open protests of hate towards Israel around the anniversary" of Hamas's October 7 terror attack.

Schuster told the RND network of newspapers that anyone who was unable on that anniversary "to feel at least a little empathy for Jewish people, for Israeli people, will never be able to do so — and that person has a serious problem."

Schuster said Germany's open society set up after World War II and the Holocaust in which the first article of the constitution begins, "Human dignity shall be inviolable," was at risk unless the rest of Germany recognized this problem.

The German government's commissioner tasked with combating antisemitism, Felix Klein, said he was observing with alarm not just rapidly rising cases of antisemitic crimes in Germany, but also protests "where hatred of Israel and antisemitic positions are expressed."

Meanwhile, the commissioner tasked with combating racism, Reem Alabali-Radovan, said it was not acceptable to place Palestinians or their supporters under general suspicion either.

Israel-Hamas-war: Berlin demonstrations ahead of October 7

October 7 is the anniversary of the terrorist attack on Israel, in which hundreds of Israelis were killed and kidnapped and which led to the Israel-Hamas war. Berlin already saw pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian protests.

Pro-Israeli demonstration in Berlin

On Saturday, October 5, two days before the anniversary of the terrorist attack on Israel, there was a pro-Israel demonstration in Berlin. 

People gathered in front of Humboldt University to protest against antisemitism.
Image: Christian Mang/REUTERS

Pro-Palestinian protest at the same time
At the same time, a pro-Palestinian demonstration is taking place elsewhere in Berlin. At the Platz der Luftbrücke, many demonstrators are carrying Palestinian flags, as well as a large banner soaked in fake blood saying "Stop Israel's bloody genocide."

Hundreds of police on the streets

A lot of police are deployed to prevent violence. On the social media platform X, police said 500 officers were on site. The police estimated the number of participants in the pro-Palestinian rally at around 500 and the pro-Israeli demonstration at around 650.I

More demonstrations coming up

There were pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrations not only in Berlin but also in other German cities and around the world. Further demonstrations have been announced for Sunday and Monday — and the number of participants will likely be larger than on Saturday.Image: Christian Mang/REUTERS

She said that while antisemitism should not be tolerated at any protests, "There must also be a space for people, where they can point to the suffering of the people in Gaza or in the region."

Germany's government has also faced criticism for what some deem an overzealous attempt to police and regulate antisemitism, likely rooted at least in part in its 20th century history.

From Cape Town to Copenhagen — other demonstrations around the world

People also took to the streets in countries including Denmark, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, France, Switzerland and Italy on Saturday, mostly calling for a halt to fighting in Gaza and Lebanon.

In Rome, police fired tear gas and water cannons after clashes broke out. Around 6,000 protesters defied a ban to march in the city center.

Some 40,000 people attended the "National March for Palestine" in central London, organizers said.

Police were on hand in numbers, after some demonstrators had said they planned to target businesses and institutions they deemed to support Israel in the city center, including the British Museum.

In London, counter-demonstrators waved Israeli flags as pro-Palestinian marchers walked by. There were 15 arrests on the sidelines of the protests, according to police, who did not specify whether those detained were from either group.

A simultaneous demo took place in the Republic of Ireland's capital, Dublin, with some calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden "war criminals."

Some demonstrators in Dublin accused both the leaders of Israel and the US of being war criminalsImage: Clodagh Kilcoyne/REUTERS

In Cape Town, protesters marched towards South Africa's parliament in a protest organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Similar demos took place in other major European cities including Stockholm, Copenhagen, Paris and Basel on Saturday.

mm, msh/sms (AFP, dpa, Reuters)

Condoms aren’t a fact of life for young Americans. They’re an afterthought


Fewer young people are having sex, and the teens and young adults who are sexually active aren’t using condoms as regularly. It has some public health experts thinking about how to help young people have safe sex.

Condoms and other sexual wellness items are made available to students at the University of Mississippi campus in Oxford, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Karen Pulfer Focht)

OXFORD, Miss. (AP) — It’s hard to miss the overflowing bowl of condoms at the entrance of the gym.

Some University of Mississippi students walking past after their workout snicker and point, and the few who step forward to consider grabbing a condom rethink it when their friends catch up, laughter trailing behind them. Almost no one actually reaches in to take one.

Though officials say they refill the bowl multiple times a day, and condoms are available at multiple places on campus, Ole Miss students say the disinterest is indicative of changing attitudes.

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Alaska governor vetoes expanded birth control access as a judge strikes down abortion limits

Fewer young people are having sex, but the teens and young adults who are sexually active aren’t using condoms as regularly, if at all. And people ages 15 to 24 made up half of new chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis cases in 2022.

The downward trend in condom usage is due to a few things: medical advancements like long-term birth control options and drugs that prevent sexually transmitted infections; a fading fear of contracting HIV; and widely varying degrees of sex education in high schools.

Is this the end of condoms? Not exactly. But it does have some public health experts thinking about how to help younger generations have safe sex, be aware of their options — condoms included — and get tested for STIs regularly.

“Old condom ads were meant to scare you, and all of us were scared for the longest time,” said Dr. Joseph Cherabie, medical director of the St. Louis HIV Prevention Training Center. “Now we’re trying to move away from that and focus more on what works for you.”

Drink protector “condoms” and other sexual wellness items are made available to students at the University of Mississippi campus in Oxford, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Karen Pulfer Focht)

A shift in attitudes

Downtown Oxford was thrumming the day before the first football game of the season. The fall semester had just started.

Lines of college students with tequila-soda breath waited to be let in dim bars with loud music. Hands wandered, drifting into back pockets of jeans, and they leaned on one another.

It’s likely that many of those students didn’t use a condom, said Magan Perry, president of the college’s Public Health Student Association.

“Using a condom is just a big, ‘uh, no,’” the senior said.

Young women often have to initiate using condoms with men, she said, adding that she’s heard of men who tell a sexual partner they’ll just buy emergency contraception the next day instead.

“I’ve had friends who go home with a guy and say they’re not having sex unless they use a condom, and immediately the reaction is either a reluctant, ‘OK, fine,’ or ‘If you don’t trust me, then I shouldn’t even be here,’” Perry said. “They’re like, ‘Well, I’m not dirty, so why would I use them?’”

Women have long had the onus of preventing pregnancy or STIs, Cherabie said, and buying condoms or emergency contraceptives — which are often in a locked cabinet or behind a counter — can be an uncomfortable experience and “inserts a certain amount of shame.”

Annie Loomis, 25, a student at the University of Washington, said dating apps and casual sex are making it hard for people to know what a “healthy sexual relationship” looks like when it comes to intimacy and respect.

“If you say, ‘Hey, I want you to wear a condom’ and they say, ‘no, I don’t,’ you’re not having sex. It should be that simple,” Loomis said. “But it’s not.”

If pregnancy risk has been the driving factor for condom usage among heterosexual couples, the fear of contracting HIV was the motivation for condom use among men who have sex with men.

But as that fear has subsided, so has condom use, according to a recent study that focused on a population of HIV-negative men who have sex with men.

Grindr, a popular gay dating app, even lists condom use under “kinks” instead of “health.” Things like that make Steven Goodreau, an HIV expert at the University of Washington who led the study, worry that the change in attitudes toward condoms is trickling down to younger generations.

Goodreau believes the promotion of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a drug that prevents HIV, is overshadowing condoms as a prevention strategy. A strategic plan for federal HIV research through 2025 doesn’t mention condoms, and neither does the national Ending the HIV Epidemic plan.

Students walk around the University of Mississippi campus in Oxford, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Karen Pulfer Focht)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledges that condoms are still an effective tool that can be used “alongside newer prevention strategies.”

“We know that condom use has declined among some groups, but they still have an important role to play in STI prevention,” said Dr. Bradley Stoner, director of the CDC’s Division of STD Prevention. “Condoms can be accessed without navigating the health care system, can be used on-demand, are generally affordable and most importantly – they are effective at preventing HIV and STIs when used consistently and correctly.”
Medical advances allow for more options

Pleasure — for both men and women — has long been an undeniable factor for the lack of condom use, according to Dr. Cynthia Graham, a member of the Kinsey Institute team that studies condoms.

But more so, advances in medicine have expanded the options for both STI and pregnancy prevention.

Young cisgender women have been turning to contraceptive implants like intrauterine devices and birth control pills to keep from getting pregnant. And researchers say that once women are in committed relationships or have one sexual partner for a significant amount of time, they often switch to longer-term birth control methods.

Ole Miss junior Madeline Webb said she and her partner seem like outliers — they have been seeing each other for four years, but still use condoms. They also share the responsibility of buying condoms.

“People see condoms as an inconvenience … but they do serve a purpose even if you’re on birth control because there is always a chance of an STD,” Webb said.

A new drug on the market could mean even more STI prevention options for men and possibly women.

Doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis, or doxy PEP, can be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex and can help prevent chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. It has to be prescribed by a doctor. Trials are still being conducted for women, but the drug is gaining traction among men who have sex with men and transgender women.

With widespread uptake, the drug has the potential to make a significant impact in STI prevention strategies.

“When PrEP came out, everyone was excited because it was one less thing to worry about in terms of HIV acquisition,” Cherabie said. “With another thing on board that can help decrease our likelihood of getting other STIs, on top of not having to worry about HIV, it gives our community and patients a little less anxiety about their sex lives.”

And in just a decade, PrEP has become a main preventive measure against HIV and other STIs for men who have sex with men – though it is disproportionately used by white men.

Condom use now is “pretty much a thing of the past” for men who have sex with men compared to the 1980s and early 1990s during the AIDS epidemic, said Andres Acosta Ardilla, a community outreach director at an Orlando-based nonprofit primary care clinic that
focuses on Latinos with HIV.

“Part of what we have to talk about is that there is something enticing about having condomless sex,” Acosta Ardilla said. “And we have to, as people who are working in public health, plan for the fact that people will choose to have condomless sex.”

Condoms and other sexual wellness items are stored at the University of Mississippi campus in Oxford, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Karen Pulfer Focht)

The fight over sex ed

Despite the relentless Southern sun, a handful of people representing various student organizations sat at tables in the heart of Ole Miss’ campus. Students walked past and grabbed buttons, wristbands and fidget toys. One table offered gold-packaged condoms – for cups to prevent drinks from being spiked.

Actual condoms are noticeably absent. They’re also absent in the state’s public schools.

Condom demonstrations are banned in Mississippi classrooms, and school districts can provide abstinence-only or “abstinence-plus” sexual education — both of which can involve discussing condoms and contraceptives.

Focus on the Family, a Christian organization that advocates for teaching abstinence until marriage, is concerned that comprehensive sex education “exposes students to explicit materials.” Abstinence-centered education is “age-appropriate” and keeps students safe and healthy, Focus on the Family analyst Jeff Johnston said in an emailed statement.

But Josh McCawley, deputy director of Teen Health Mississippi, an organization that works with youth to increase access to health resources, said the effects are clear.

“The obvious consequence is the rise of sexually transmitted infections, which is what we’re seeing right now, which can be a burden on the health care system,” he said, “but also there could be long-term consequences for young people in terms of thinking about what it means to be healthy and how to protect themselves, and that goes beyond a person’s sexual health.”

The latest CDC data from 2022 shows Mississippi has the highest teen birth rate in the country.

Scott Clements, who oversees health information for the state education department, was hesitant to criticize Mississippi’s sex education standards because they’re “legislatively mandated.”

“If the legislature wants to make changes to this, we will certainly follow their lead,” he added — though attempts to pass more advanced sexual education standards have died repeatedly in the Mississippi statehouse over the past eight years.

Nationally, there is no set standard for sex education, according to Michelle Slaybaugh, the director of social impact and strategic communication for the Sexuality Information and Education Council for the United States, which advocates for comprehensive sex ed.

Not every state mandates sex education. Some states emphasize abstinence. Less than half of states require information on contraception.

“There is no definitive way to describe what sex ed looks like from classroom to classroom, even in the same state, even in the same district,” Slaybaugh said, “because it will really be determined by who teaches it.”

Compare Mississippi to Oregon, which has extensive state standards that require all public school districts to teach medically accurate and comprehensive sexual education. Students in Portland are shown how to put on a condom on a wooden model of a penis starting in middle school and have access to free condoms at most high schools.

Lori Kuykendall of Dallas, who helped write abstinence-focused standards, said condom demonstrations like those in Portland “normalize sexual activity in a classroom full of young people who the majority of are not sexually active.” She also points to increasingly easy access to pornography — in which people typically do not wear condoms — is a contributing factor to the decline in condom use among young people.

Jenny Withycombe, the assistant director for health and physical education at Portland Public Schools, acknowledged the standards see pushback in the more conservative and rural parts of Oregon. But the idea is to prepare students for future interactions.

“Our job is to hopefully build the skills so that even if it’s been a while since the (condom) demo ... the person has the skills to go seek out that information, whether it’s from the health center or other reliable and reputable resources,” Withycombe said.

Those standards seem to contribute to a more progressive view of condoms and sex in young adults, said Gavin Leonard, a senior at Reed College in Portland and a former peer advocate for the school’s sexual health and relationship program.

Leonard, who grew up in Memphis – not far from Oxford, Mississippi, said his peers at Reed may not consistently use condoms, but, in his experience, better understand the consequences of not doing so. They know their options, and they know how to access them.

Slaybaugh wants that level of education for Mississippi students — and the rest of the country.

“We would never send a soldier into war without training or the resources they need to keep themselves safe,” she said. “We would not send them into a battle without a helmet or a bulletproof vest. So why is it OK for us to send young people off to college without the information that they need to protect themselves?”

This story has been corrected to show that Michelle Slaybaugh’s title is director of social impact and strategic communication for the Sexuality Information and Education Council for the United States.


Associated Press videojournalist Manuel Valdes in Seattle contributed to this report.


The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The AP is solely responsible for all content.


A couple holds hands at the University of Mississippi campus in Oxford, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Karen Pulfer Focht)

Condoms and other sexual wellness items are stored at the University of Mississippi campus in Oxford, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Karen Pulfer Focht)

Condoms and other sexual wellness items are made available to students at the University of Mississippi campus in Oxford, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Karen Pulfer Focht)

Bose is a public health reporter for The Associated Press, based in Jackson, Mississippi. She covers hospitals, rural health access and disparities, public health funding and other topics that broadly intersect with the health of communities.
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