Sunday, October 06, 2024

 Crises in France

Friday 4 October 2024, by Pierre Rousset

On 9 June, Emmanuel Macron unexpectedly decided to dissolve the National Assembly, just as the Rassemblement National (far-right National Rally party of Marine Le Pen) was gaining momentum. Three weeks later, the results of the first round of voting were unequivocal: the parties of the presidential bloc were crushed, and in the second round the National Rally could hope to win an absolute majority of seats in Parliament, or at least be the largest party. (The French electoral system uses two rounds of voting. If no candidate gets an absolute majority in the first round, the names of the top candidates go to a second round. The one with the most votes in the second round wins.)

These hopes were dashed. After the second round, the far right ended up in third place, behind the Nouveau Front populaire (the New Popular Front formed by parties of the broad Left) and the presidential party.

The electorate wanted neither Macronism nor the National Rally in the corridors of power. Today, thanks to Macron, it has both. It took him eight weeks to choose a prime minister: Michel Barnier, a member of Les Républicains party, which won only 5% of the vote. He had previously negotiated this appointment with Marine Le Pen, to ensure that she would not immediately table a vote of no confidence against him. Madame agreed… conditionally.

Now, the choice of a prime minister depends on the goodwill of the far right!

Government and parliamentary crisis

The new parliament (577 MPs) is even more fragmented than the previous one:

The New Popular Front (NFP) came first, by a slim margin, with approximately 193 seats. It includes four main parties: the Greens, La France Insoumise (LFI), the Communist Party (PCF), and the Socialist Party (PS), and allies. But it was also supported by a vast mobilisation of trade unions and associations. By convention, the president first asks the largest group to present a candidate for Prime Minister. Macron could easily have respected this, betting that an NFP government would be brought down by a vote of no confidence. But he preferred instead to send a political message: the NFP’s questioning of Macron’s neoliberal measures was out of the question.

The ‘presidential camp’ got 168 seats, down from its previous 250. This “presidential majority” suffered an electoral disaster. With the next presidential election on the horizon, disunity and rival ambitions are becoming the norm (Macron cannot stand for a third term).

Les Républicains, the former governing party of the traditional right, is now only the fifth largest party (43 seats). Some members left to the National Rally. Now that the prime minister, chosen by Macron (and tolerated by the National Rally), belongs to their party, they are demanding full implementation of their programme! But Michel Barnier, as prime minister, will have to work with Macron’s party and assert some independence from Les Républicains.

The National Rally, with 143 seats, had a mixed result. Although far from what it had hoped, it almost doubled its number of MPs. This doubles its financial resources, as well as various parliamentary privileges.

No stable majority is in sight; new legislative elections cannot be held before June 2025.

Democratic crisis: marching towards a new authoritarianism

The constitution of the Fifth Republic is one of the most undemocratic in Western Europe. But this is not enough for Macron and the proponents of neoliberalism. The previous (minority) government had already distorted and abused an article of the Constitution (49.3) which allows a law to be passed without a vote, to legislate pension reform. This was rejected by 90% of active workers, by all unions, and by parliament. Millions of people took to the streets to oppose it. But the government remained inflexible, hoping to crush the will to resist.

This denial of democracy has become natural, a given, for a whole ‘social elite’ that has taken it upon itself to ensure the direct domination of capital over society. It is dismantling the social gains achieved in the aftermath of World War II and after May 1968. It is transferring all profitable activities to the private sector, while leaving the unprofitable ones to the public sector. And it is marginalising “intermediary bodies” (trade unions…), sites of counter-power—and more.

France’s surveillance society is one of the most developed in Western Europe. The powers of the security services have been reinforced. The police are militarised. The army is playing an increasing role inside the country. A shadowy centre of governance has been established. The environmental movement has been criminalised. The influence of dominant ideology is growing. Civil, social, and environmental rights are being curtailed. A preventive civil war apparatus is being put in place.

The regime crisis

The constitution was designed to protect those in power from any social or political disruption. It provides the framework for the hyper-presidential system driven by Emmanuel Macron. In the process, he is breaking the balance that has allowed this regime to endure: between the presidency and parliament, between the state and capital, between repression and reform… Convention dictated that, if millions of people protested, parliament, even a Gaullist one, would give something in return. That understanding is now over.

We are changing regimes. Macron has embarked on what many analysts call a “conservative revolution”, but in a chaotic manner. The National Rally fits into the same dynamic: the “confrontation-cooperation” combination we are witnessing is not accidental.

The formation of the NFP, and the unexpected success of its electoral campaign, have rekindled hope. But we know that this is only a reprieve. The rise of the National Rally continues, and the dynamic of popular mobilisation remains fragile.

A new opportunity for the Left?

The formation of the NFP, and the unexpected success of its electoral campaign, have rekindled hope. But we know that this is only a reprieve. The rise of the National Rally continues, and the dynamic of popular mobilisation remains fragile, but the time gained can be put to good use. After the summer holidays and the Olympic Games, the autumn began with demonstrations in France, on 7 September, against Barnier’s appointment (around 30,000 in Paris, mostly young militants). More are expected.

The unity in the NFP has been maintained, though not without crises and disputes that demoralised grassroots activists in June and again in September, with a violent polemic between François Ruffin, who left the LFI, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s staff. Such posturing is unwelcome. Unity is a struggle, but how it is pursued matters.

The initial success of the NFP was due, in part, to four factors: the state of emergency caused by the National Rally threat; the Left’s history of unity; decisive pressure from mobilisation of trade unions and popular organisations in favour of political unity; and the fact that the dissolution of parliament meant that there was little contestation over constituencies.

The political spectrum in the NFP was broad. All non-sectarian components of the far Left were able to join and campaign. On the right flank, former President François Hollande invited himself into the elections, and was elected under the NFP banner.

The Socialist Party, the Communist Party, and the Greens had all suffered resounding electoral defeats, although they have regained some momentum by displaying a ‘left’ profile. Conversely, LFI’s image was tarnished when its leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, excluded several outgoing MPs who had shown too much independence. Despite this, three of them were re-elected under the NFP banner, against Mélenchonist candidates. The purge was deeply resented in left-wing activist circles, and the defeat sounded a warning for Mélenchon.

Several well-known LFI MPs have denounced the lack of democracy in LFI, which continues to face internal criticism on this issue. The movement has managed to build an electoral base in popular neighbourhoods and suburbs by bringing abstentionists (often Muslims) to the polls. It has consistently advocated a programme of breaking with the neoliberal order (while prioritising state geopolitics internationally). It has been built as an electoral machine, with the presidential election as its permanent horizon. It is a ‘fluid’ movement, without formal membership lists or internal rules.

A limit may have been reached. Can LFI expand its territorial base without enriching its political discourse and organisational framework? Can it advocate democracy in society while failing to implement it within itself ? Can it oppose violence against women, but too easily cover it up internally? What happens to LFI is of concern to all components of the Left.

The current conditions favour the unity of the NFP. This will be determined in the coming weeks. Will the proliferation of local committees allow it to integrate all the available grassroots forces?

A new generation of young people is stepping onto the scene, bringing with them commitments to solidarity (with Palestinians, migrants, and people facing racism). Social precariousness and the impact of the climate-ecological crisis provide fertile ground for multiple forms of resistance. Everything must be done to encourage their convergence. But to achieve this, the Left must break with its presidential obsession. A real cultural revolution is needed.

13 September 2024

First published in Amandla and New Politics.


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Is AMLO’s latest reform a poisoned chalice

On 15 September, a Mexican bank holiday, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador gave a ‘farewell’ speech in front of 300,000 enthusiastic people gathered on the Zocalo, Mexico City’s main square. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is stepping down from office on 1 October, giving way to the new president, Claudia Sheinbaum, who was triumphantly elected in June.

He congratulated himself on his six years in office. The economy in general terms is showing largely positive figures: measures to increase minimum wages, pensions and grants for young people have not been offset by inflation, which remains well below that of most Latin American countries.

For Mexico’s workers, indigenous communities and poor people, the promises of the ‘Fifth Transformation’ made at the start of the six-year term are still far short of the hopes raised, but the difference with all the previous governments for decades is such that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) is ‘retiring’ to his property in Chiapas with a popularity rating at an all-time high in Mexico (over 70%).

The judiciary: a bastion of the right

He is leaving it up to the woman he has endorsed and the members of his party, MORENA, who have an absolute majority in parliament, to enforce the latest major constitutional law that he pushed through, to the great displeasure of the opposition and large sectors of the bourgeoisie. This is the reform of the judiciary.

In Mexico, until this law, judges, from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy, were selected by complex and often opaque procedures. This left room for influence peddling, nepotism and widespread corruption. The Supreme Court of Justice also functioned as a cover for the interests of the privileged classes and had on several occasions blocked social or anti-neoliberal laws that AMLO had wanted to promulgate. Although as president he had the power to appoint some of its members, of the 11 current members of this court, only three were in his favour. Generally speaking, the judiciary in Mexico is clearly a bastion of the right and of the wealthy. And AMLO or even the new president could fear ‘institutional coups d’état’ like those carried out in Brazil against Lula or Dilma Rousseff.

The people support the constitutional law

The law that has just been passed provides for all judges in Mexico to be elected by the people. It was approved by qualified majorities in both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate (after some undemocratic manoeuvring). But it came up against head-on opposition not only from the coalition of right-wing parties (PAN, PRI, PRD, etc.) but also from the vast majority of civil servants and justice workers.

55,000 justice workers went on strike for over a month and demonstrated by the tens of thousands in the streets against this law. Of course, they were loudly supported by the parties of the old regime and by the mainstream media. On the other hand, the vast majority of the population supports this law, because they have no confidence in the current judiciary and because it is AMLO who is proposing it and the right who is opposing it.

A law imposed without consultation

However, this law poses numerous social, political and democratic problems. If a large proportion of justice workers, many of whom are AMLO voters, are opposed to it, it is because it was imposed on them without any consultation and because it will put an end to many opportunities for internal promotion.

It is clear that, in the current situation, López Obrador’s party will have control of the three branches of government - executive, legislative and judicial - thanks in particular to the procedure for selecting candidates for judgeships, which remains highly opaque and is unlikely to prevent manoeuvring or corruption at many levels.

At the end of the day, this reform is characteristic of the nature of the government under AMLO: there is no real desire to transform the system, but it is applied from above and is largely imperfect, relying solely on the prestige of the Supreme Guide and in no way on popular mobilisation and control.

26 September 2024

Translated by International Viewpoint from l’Anticapitaliste.


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Danny Kaye - "The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle" - The Court Jester (1955)

Tanzania: Masai evicted from their land on the altar of profit

Sunday 6 October 2024, by Paul Martial

The Tanzanian government’s policy, with the complicity of major Western NGOs, is to replace herders with tourists, who bring in more money. Joseph Oleshangay has embarked on a European tour to alert the authorities and NGOs to the situation of the Masai of Tanzania. A lawyer from this community of herders, he is committed, despite threats and pressure, to fighting the mass expulsions of the Masai from their ancestral lands, particularly in the Ngorongoro region.

The Tanzanian government’s policy, with the complicity of major Western NGOs, is to replace herders with tourists, who bring in more money. Joseph Oleshangay has embarked on a European tour to alert the authorities and NGOs to the situation of the Masai of Tanzania. A lawyer from this community of herders, he is committed, despite threats and pressure, to fighting the mass expulsions of the Masai from their ancestral lands, particularly in the Ngorongoro region.

Harassment policy

For several years now, the Tanzanian authorities have been trying hard to dislodge these pastoralists from their land. They blame their cattle for destroying the rich ecosystem of the Ngorongoro region, where the volcano Ol Doinyo Lengaï proudly stands. A region where you can find wild animals. The Masai’s cows pose a danger to lions, hyenas, rhinoceroses, zebras and others.

Acting under Government Notice (GN 673), the government deregistered 11 constituencies, 25 villages and nearly 96 hamlets, removing them from the electoral register and depriving community members of their right to vote. It also closed education services and medical clinics. As a result, measles is making a comeback due to a lack of vaccinations. At the same time, forest rangers requisitioned livestock, plunging many families into poverty. The aim is to evict 110,000 Masai from their land.

Profit versus ecology

This is not a question of ‘punitive ecology’ on the part of the Tanzanian government; its aim is profit by developing tourism in this region: luxury tourism and in particular the highly lucrative niche of trophy hunting. To this end, the Tanzanian government has granted the royal family of the United Arab Emirates the Loliondo lands for hunting wild animals. The Masai living on these lands have been expelled and some who have tried to return have been killed by the security forces. The government’s target for 2025 is five million visitors and six billion dollars in revenue, which should go straight into the pockets of the country’s select group of businessmen and politicians.

On the other hand, this policy is really endangering the ecological balance of the region by building the infrastructure needed to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. As Joseph Oleshangay pointed out: ‘In 1976, there was one road right inside the crater. Today, there are 29! Cars drive around there all day and that stresses out the wild animals.

Green colonialism

Unfortunately, this policy is not unique to Tanzania. It is shared by many African countries and enjoys the support and guidance of major NGOs such as the WWF, the Nature Conservancy and even UNESCO. For Ngorongoro, for example, in 2019 the WWF was promoting the reduction of the number of Masai and cattle to ‘an acceptable minimum’, while UNESCO was advocating the transformation of Ngorongoro into a nature reserve with no population except for the maintenance of a few bomas (community enclosures for cattle)... for cultural tourism.

This policy of promoting nature reserves stems directly from colonial policies. At the time, the aim was to preserve virgin nature, reified as a kind of terrestrial Eden. Nothing has really changed, except that we now talk about bio-diversity. But the means remain the same: discrediting and even criminalising the agro-pastoral activities of the people who have lived there for centuries, with the aim of evicting them using the expertise supposedly possessed by the big Western NGOs.

The Masai have mobilised. They have blocked the flow of tourist vehicles, taken legal action and organised a massive demonstration attended by over 40,000 people. They point out that they are the guarantors of nature protection and not the Tanzanian government, which has authorised TotalEnergies to drill 419 wells in the Murchison Falls natural park.