Monday, June 10, 2024


Noble Corp. Buys Diamond Offshore Continuing Sector Consolidation

offshore drillship
Noble is making its third acquisition since emerging from bankruptcy (Noble)




Noble Corporation announced its third acquisition since emerging from bankruptcy as the company continues to drive consolidation in the offshore drilling sector. In a deal valued at approximately $1.6 billion, they will acquire smaller competitor Diamond Offshore Drilling to create one of the largest modern drillship fleets.

According to the companies, it will merge two highly complementary fleets to strengthen its position. After closing the acquisition by the first quarter of 2025, the combined company will own and operate a fleet of 41 rigs, including 28 floaters and 13 jackups. Noble currently operates 31 vessels which it bills as one of the youngest and most advanced fleets in the offshore drilling industry. Diamond also comes with a current $2.1 billion backlog which will give the combined company a backlog as of today of $6.5 billion reflecting the oil industry’s strengthened position and move to expand offshore resources. 

Noble is highlighting significant cost savings for the combined company. They expect to realize annual pre-tax cost synergies of $100 million, with three-quarters expected to be realized within one year of closing. Diamond’s shareholders will receive stock plus cash under the definitive merger agreement and will own approximately 14.5 percent of Noble’s outstanding stock after the closing.

It will create a more “fully scaled platform,” according to Diamond’s management with more opportunities as the oil industry continues to consolidate. Several of the major oil companies have separately announced in recent months plans for acquisitions which is seen as further strengthening the industry’s recovery after a prolonged downturn.

According to the analysts at Bloomberg, buying Diamond fits Noble’s strategy of going after the biggest offshore oil contractors around the world with some of the newest deepwater rigs. They said the combined company will “boast the biggest selection of top-tier drillships.”

Four years ago, during the pandemic, Noble was the latest in a long string of drill companies to file for bankruptcy reporting it needed to shed $3.4 billion in bond debt. Shortly after emerging from bankruptcy, Noble acquired Pacific Drilling in an all-stock transaction. The deal was reported to strengthen Noble’s geographic position, including West Africa and the Mexican GoM, as well as a boost for its current footprint in the U.S. Gulf.

Eight months after announcing the merger with Pacific Drilling, Noble launched a much larger deal valued at $2 billion to combine with Maersk Drilling. It was a significant fleet expansion and drove industry consolidation, but required an agreement to sell portions of Maersk’s fleet to receive approval. It took nearly a year to close that acquisition.

Noble is highlighting that today’s transaction has been unanimously approved by each company’s board. They believe the company will be strongly positioned to meet the anticipated increases in demand for deepwater drilling to provide new sources for oil producers.


Achilles' Heel of a Digital Nation: Australia's Reliance on Subsea Cables

File image




[By Andrew Horton]

Australia’s digital sovereignty is at risk of disaster, held hostage by a network of vulnerable subsea cables. Our complacent reliance on these underwater lifelines is a reckless gamble with our economic, social and national security. While the government and telecommunications industry tout ongoing efforts to enhance cable security, their measures are mere stopgaps, inadequate to address the magnitude of the looming crisis.

We need more resilient cable designs, more distributed landing points, alternative communication paths and the best possible cybersecurity measures.

Australia’s digital economy is a juggernaut. It’s expanding rapidly and is central to the nation’s prosperity. In 2021, it contributed a staggering $167 billion, or nearly 8 percent, to gross domestic product. Those figures are projected to surge in coming years, with the government’s Digital Economy Strategy 2030 aiming to position Australia among the top 10 digital economies and societies globally. That ambition is underpinned by the expectation that the digital economy could grow to $315 billion a year over the next decade and create a quarter of a million new jobs in the four years to 2025.

However, this digital powerhouse rests on a precarious foundation: the network of subsea cables that carry 99 percent of Australia’s international internet traffic. The cables enable everything from e-commerce and online banking to telecommunications and cloud computing. A disruption to them would not only cripple businesses and essential services but also jeopardize Australia’s economic growth and global competitiveness.

The threats to subsea cables aren’t theoretical; they’re real and growing. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and underwater landslides pose a constant risk of disruption. However, the most alarming threat comes from human actors. State and non-state actors alike could exploit the vulnerability of subsea cables to achieve strategic objectives.

In an era of escalating geopolitical tensions and hybrid warfare, the weaponization of subsea cables is increasingly likely. A hostile actor could sever Australia’s connections to the world, causing widespread panic, economic chaos and a severe blow to national morale. The threat of espionage also looms large, as foreign intelligence agencies could potentially tap into the cables to siphon off sensitive data and compromise Australia’s national security.

Recent incidents around the globe have underscored the vulnerability of subsea cables. In 2022, suspected sabotage of internet cables near Svalbard and the Shetland Islands raised alarms, as did the damage to the Baltic connector pipeline and two subsea cables by a Chinese-owned commercial ship. In February 2023, two submarine cables connecting Taiwan to the outlying island of Matsu were cut by Chinese civilian ships, probably intentionally. Those incidents, along with the alleged Houthi attack on Red Sea cables in 2023, serve as stark reminders that subsea infrastructure is increasingly becoming a target in the escalating tensions between nation-states.

The belief that Australia’s cable network has enough redundancy to withstand such threats is a dangerous misconception. While there are multiple cables connecting us to the world, they mostly converge at just a few landing points, creating single points of possible failure. Moreover, many of them follow similar routes, making them vulnerable to simultaneous disruption.

Australia’s primary international cable connection points are Sydney, Perth and the Sunshine Coast. While there are secondary landing points in other cities, such as Adelaide and Melbourne, they often link back to other Australian cities rather than go directly overseas. The concentration of landing points further amplifies the risk, as a single event could cripple multiple cables simultaneously.

Rapid advances in artificial intelligence and its integration into various sectors of the Australian economy further exacerbate the nation’s reliance on subsea cables. AI-powered technologies, such as machine learning, big-data analytics and autonomous systems, require vast amounts of data to be transmitted and processed, often across international borders. That increased data flow intensifies the demand for high-speed, reliable internet connectivity, making Australia even more dependent on its vulnerable subsea cable infrastructure.

Australia’s defense capabilities are also inextricably linked to its digital infrastructure. The Australian Defence Force relies on subsea cables for secure communication, intelligence sharing and the coordination of military operations. A disruption to this critical infrastructure would severely degrade the ADF’s situational awareness, command-and-control capabilities and ability to project force. In a conflict, the loss of subsea communication links could be catastrophic, potentially isolating Australia from our allies and hindering our ability to defend our borders.

Band-Aid improvements to cable security and resilience are no longer sufficient. Australia needs a paradigm shift in its approach to digital infrastructure. This requires a bold and comprehensive strategy that encompasses:

—resilient cable design: investing in new cable technologies that are more resistant to physical damage and tampering, such as armored cables and self-healing fibers;

—distributed landing points: establishing a truly decentralized network of landing points across the country, ensuring that no single region can be isolated by a localized attack or natural disaster and reducing the risk of multiple cables being severed simultaneously;

—alternative communication pathways: investing in and developing non-terrestrial communication alternatives such as satellite constellations, high-altitude platforms and ground stations to provide backup connectivity in the event of cable outages;

—cybersecurity fortification: implementing state-of-the-art cybersecurity measures to protect cable infrastructure from cyberattacks and espionage, including strengthening network monitoring, intrusion-detection systems and incident-response capabilities; and

—international collaboration: strengthening partnerships with regional allies and like-minded nations to share intelligence, coordinate responses to threats and develop joint strategies for cable protection through joint exercises, information sharing and collaborative research on cable security technologies.

Australia can’t afford to procrastinate on this critical issue. The threats to our subsea cables are escalating, and the consequences of inaction are dire. By taking decisive action now, Australia can bolster its digital resilience, safeguard its national security and ensure its continued prosperity in an increasingly interconnected and contested world.

The time for complacency is over. The Achilles’ heel of our digital nation must be protected.

Andrew Horton is the chief operating officer of ASPI. This article appears courtesy of ASPI's The Strategist, and it may be found in its original form here

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.

Video: Ukrainian Drone Blows Hatch Covers Off Russian Barge

Inzhener Smirnov
Inzhener Smirnov in a more peaceful era, 2011 (Mike1979 / CC BY SA 4.0)



Over the weekend, Ukrainian forces hit a barge in the far northeastern corner of the Sea of Azov, more than 100 miles from the Black Sea and the front lines of the war. 

On Sunday, Russian defense channel Baza released footage of an apparent drone strike on a hopper barge and a towboat in Taganrog Bay, a sheltered and previously secure area located well within Russian-controlled territory. Waterborne, land-side and airborne access to the Sea of Azov are tightly regulated by Russian forces, who now control all shorelines around the sea's perimeter. Moscow treats the sea as its internal waters, and its border force guards the only route to the open ocean at the Kerch Strait. 

Photos and video released by Baza show that the drone strike damaged the hopper barge, tossing its hatch covers skyward. One fell on the towboat's stern before dropping over the side into the water. 

The towboat - identified as the Inzhener Smirnov - sustained damage to interior compartments, and two crewmembers were injured by shrapnel. The imagery suggests that both vessels remained afloat, and the Smirnov returned safely to port. The barge appeared to be in unladen condition. 

Though a dry cargo barge may look like a low-value target for Ukraine's drone force, Ukrainian outlet Rubryka suggests that the vessel may have had a strategic purpose - as a block ship for the Kerch Strait Bridge's defensive perimeter. After a successful Ukrainian drone boat strike on the bridge in 2023, Russia installed a string of barges and barriers along the Black Sea side of the bridge in order to defend it from remotely-controlled suicide boat attacks. These bridge defenses were damaged in a storm late last year, and the barge that was attacked in Taganrog Bay may have been intended as a replacement, according to Rubryka. 

"Russians expect that they will probably be covered by the Kerch [Strait], and this should complicate the work of Ukrainian drones [in the Sea of Azov]. Of course, they are trying to build these structures there in the form of barges, boom barriers to narrow the passage," defense spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk told Ukrainian media. 

Separately, British outlet Sky News has  reported a successful Ukrainian attack on a Russian Navy amphibious warship at the port of Yeysk, near the area where the attack on the barge occurred. This report is not accurate - at least not yet, Pletenchuk told Online.UA. 

"Unfortunately, as of now, this is news from the future," he said. 

Top Image: Inzhener Smirnov, 2011 (Mike1979 / CC BY SA 4.0)


Freighter Catches Fire at Israeli Port of Haifa

Yaf Horizon
Courtesy Israel Fire and Rescue



On Monday, a fire broke out aboard a Turkish-owned cargo ship at the port of Haifa, prompting a large-scale response. 

The general cargo ship Yaf Horizon arrived in Haifa from Russia on June 9, carrying a cargo of iron or steel. The vessel moored alongside at Israel Shipyards, in the Port of Haifa's Kishon district.

On Monday, a fire broke out on board, and local first responders from the Kiryot fire station and a good samaritan tug from the Haifa Marine Transport Company mobilized to fight the blaze. The seat of the fire is located in the engine room. 

"Currently, what is burning is a generator room on the second level in the engine room, and access is impossible," on scene commander Moshe Chiko Levy told "There is no danger to human life on the ship. Right now the firefighting efforts are focused on trying to save the ship."

The fire is not believed to have been caused by a drone strike or gunfire, according to local officials. Yemen's Houthi rebels have repeatedly attacked Israel-bound shipping, and have attempted to strike the southern Israeli port of Eilat, but have yet to select a target as far north as Haifa. 

Yaf Horizon is an 8,300 dwt freighter belonging to an Istanbul-based shipping company. The 15-year-old ship has a long history of port state control inspection deficiencies, including multiple citations for engine room cleanliness, fire damper issues and inoperable fire alarms. 

Before her arrival in Haifa, Yaf Horizon's previous voyage took her to Novorossiysk, Russia, on the Black Sea. On the way back, her AIS signal was artificially affected by spoofing twice - once by the well-known Simferopol Airport AIS disruption affecting Crimea, and a second time by a disruption event centered on Beirut International Airport. Both incidents "relocated" the ship's reported position onto an airport runway, far inland - a phenomenon associated with defensive electronic warfare systems. 

Two regional spoofing events: Simferopol Airport, top, and Beirut International Airport, bottom, both producing what appear to be triangular deviations from the Yaf Horizon's trackline (Pole Star)


Baltimore’s Federal Channel Fully Restored 76 Days After Dali Hit Bridge

Baltimore channel
Final removal operations were completed and the channel has been fully restored as of June 10 (USACE)




The federal navigation channel for Baltimore harbor was fully restored as of late on Monday, June 10, just 76 days after the Dali knocked down the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The US Army Corp of Engineers had been waiting for the final results from underwater surveys before confirming that the full 700-foot wide and 50-foot-deep channel was restored.

“We are proud of the unified efforts that fully reopened the Federal Channel to port operations,” said Lt. Gen. Scott Spellmon, commanding general of USACE. “The partnerships that endured through this response made this pivotal mission successful.”

They reported that the last major piece of wreckage, a 90-ton piece of steel was wrestled from the mud last Friday, June 7. It took 45 minutes for the Chesapeake 1000 floating crane and its hydraulic grabber to pull the mangled steel section from the mud. 

Reopening of the channel however required a further detailed process of sweeping the area with sonar, LIDAR, and a magnetometer, to investigate any high spots. They needed to ensure that there were no residual hazards to navigation left protruding from the mud of the Patapsco River. The survey of the Federal Channel certified today, June 10, that the riverbed was safe for transit. 


Last large piece of steel wrestled from the river on June 7 (USACE)


It marked 72 days since the recovery work began on March 30 and 76 days after the Dali allided with the bridge. According to the Unified Command, the process involved the removal of about 50,000 tons of bridge wreckage from the Patapsco River. At its highest point, the Unified Command, consisting of six agencies, led the response efforts among about 56 federal, state, and local agencies, represented by 1,587 individual responders. Additionally, about 500 specialists from around the world operated a fleet of 18 barges, 22 tugboats, 13 floating cranes, 10 excavators, and four survey boats.

Surveying and removal of steel at and below the 50-foot mud-line will continue to ensure future dredging operations are not impacted. Follow-on work in the channel from this point on however is part of routine maintenance. The wreckage will continue to be transported to Sparrows Point for follow-on processing. 

The focus has already shifted to the replacement efforts with Maryland's Transportation Authority having issued a first request for proposals in the process to develop a new bridge. The deadline is June 24 with media reports saying a contractor will be selected this summer, and the final design will be selected within the next year. The bridge is expected to be completed by the fall of 2028 at a cost of $1.7 billion.


Advanced AI-based techniques scale-up solving complex combinatorial optimization problems


A framework based on advanced AI techniques can solve complex, computationally intensive problems faster and in a more more scalable way than state-of-the-art methods, according to a study led by engineers at the University of California San Diego. 

In the paper, which was published May 30 in Nature Machine Intelligence, researchers present HypOp, a framework that uses unsupervised learning and hypergraph neural networks. The framework is able to solve combinatorial optimization problems significantly faster than existing methods. HypOp is also able to solve certain combinatorial problems that can’t be solved as effectively by prior methods. 

“In this paper, we tackle the difficult task of addressing combinatorial optimization problems that are paramount in many fields of science and engineering,” said Nasimeh Heydaribeni, the paper’s corresponding author and a postdoctoral scholar in the UC San Diego Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She is part of the research group of Professor Farinaz Koushanfar, who co-directs the Center for Machine-Intelligence, Computing and Security at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. Professor Tina Eliassi-Rad from Northeastern University also collaborated with the UC San Diego team on this project.

One example of a relatively simple combinatorial problem is figuring out how many and what kind of goods to stock at specific warehouses in order to consume the least amount of gas when delivering these goods. 

HypOp can be applied to a broad spectrum of challenging real-world problems, with applications in drug discovery, chip design, logic verification, logistics and more. These are all combinatorial problems with a wide range of variables and constraints that make them extremely difficult to solve. That is because in these problems, the size of the underlying search space for finding potential solutions increases exponentially rather than in a linear fashion with respect to the problem size. 

HypOp can solve these complex problems in a more scalable manner by using a new distributed algorithm that allows multiple computation units on the hypergraph to solve the problem together, in parallel, more efficiently. 

HypOp introduces new problem embedding leveraging hypergraph neural networks, which have higher order connections than traditional graph neural networks, to better model the problem constraints and solve them more proficiently. HypOp also can transfer learning from one problem to help solve other, seemingly different problems more effectively. HypOp includes an additional fine-tuning step, which leads to finding more accurate solutions than the prior existing methods. 

This research was funded in part by the Department of Defense and Army Research Office funded MURI AutoCombat project and the NSF-funded TILOS AI Institute. 

Distributed Constrained Combinatorial Optimization Leveraging Hypergraph Neural Networks

Nasimeh Heydaribeni, Xinrui Zhan, Ruisi Zhang and Farinaz Koushanfar, UC San Diego Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Tina Eliassi-Rad, Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University


The code for HypOp is available here



Study shows first evidence of sex differences in how pain can be produced

Research suggests that males and females differ in their experience of pain, but up until now, no one knew why. In a recent study published in BRAIN, University of Arizona Health Sciences researchers became the first to identify functional sex differences


Research suggests that males and females differ in their experience of pain, but up until now, no one knew why. In a recent study published in BRAIN, University of Arizona Health Sciences researchers became the first to identify functional sex differences in nociceptors, the specialized nerve cells that produce pain.

The findings support the implementation of a precision medicine-based approach that considers patient sex as fundamental to the choice of treatment for managing pain.

“Conceptually, this paper is a big advance in our understanding of how pain may be produced in males and females,” said Frank Porreca, PhD, research director of the Comprehensive Center for Pain & Addiction at UArizona Health Sciences and professor and associate department head of pharmacology at the UArizona College of Medicine – Tucson. “The outcomes of our study were strikingly consistent and support the remarkable conclusion that nociceptors, the fundamental building blocks of pain, are different in males and females. This provides an opportunity to treat pain specifically and potentially better in men or women, and that’s what we’re trying to do.”

Porreca and the research team focused their study on the excitability of nociceptor cells located near the spinal cord in the dorsal root ganglion. Nociceptors, when activated by damage or injury, send a signal through the spinal cord to the brain that results in the perception of pain. Nociceptors are also adaptable in their response to injury.

For example, touching a hot stove is a high-intensity stimulus, while a shirt collar rubbing a sunburn is low-intensity, yet both produce the perception of pain. In injury settings such as sunburn, pain medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, work by normalizing the threshold for nociceptor activation, thereby blocking pain produced by low-intensity stimuli such as the rubbing of a shirt.

Following up on prior research on the relationship between chronic pain and sleep, unexpected sex differences led Porreca to choose two substances – prolactin and orexin B – for this study. Prolactin is a hormone responsible for lactation and breast tissue development; orexin is a neurotransmitter that helps to promote staying awake.  However, both prolactin and orexin have many other functions that are only now being revealed. 

The research team used tissue samples from male and female mice, nonhuman primates and humans to test the effect of prolactin and orexin B on nociceptor activation thresholds that can allow low-intensity stimuli to produce pain.

“What we found is that in males and females – animals or humans – what changes the thresholds of the nociceptors can be completely different,” Porreca said. “When we added the sensitizing substances that lower these thresholds for activation, we found that prolactin only sensitizes female cells and not male cells, and orexin B only sensitizes male cells and not female cells.  The startling conclusion from these studies is that there are male nociceptors and female nociceptors, something that has never previously been recognized.”

Taking the research one step further, they then blocked prolactin signaling and orexin B signaling and examined the effect on the threshold for activation of the nociceptors. As anticipated, blocking prolactin signaling reduced nociceptor activation in females and had no effect in males, while blocking orexin B signaling was effective in males and not in females.

“Until now, the assumption has been that the driving mechanisms that produce pain are the same in men and women,” Porreca said. “What we found is that the basic, underlying mechanisms that result in the perception of pain are different in male and female mice, in male and female nonhuman primates, and in male and female humans.”

The findings suggest a new way to approach treating pain conditions, many of which are female prevalent. Migraine and fibromyalgia, for example, have female-to-male ratios of 3:1 and 8 or 9:1, respectively.

Porreca believes preventing prolactin-induced nociceptor sensitization in females may represent a viable approach for the treatment of female-prevalent pain disorders, while targeting orexin B-induced sensitization might improve the treatment of pain conditions associated with nociceptor activation in males.

Moving forward, Porreca and his team will continue looking for other sexually dimorphic mechanisms of pain while building on this study to seek viable ways to prevent nociceptor sensitization in females and males. He is encouraged by his recent discovery of a prolactin antibody, which could prove useful in females, and the availability of orexin antagonists that are already Food and Drug Administration-approved for the treatment of sleep disorders. 

“We are bringing the concept of precision medicine – taking a patient’s genetics into account to design a therapy – to the treatment of pain,” Porreca said. “The most basic genetic difference is, is the patient male or female? Maybe that should be the first consideration when it comes to treating pain.”

Porreca’s University of Arizona Health Sciences co-authors include associate professor Edita Navratilova, PhD; assistant professor Laurent Martin, PhD; postdoctoral research associate Grace Lee, PhD; doctoral student Mahdi Dolatyari; research program manager Stefanie Mitchell; researcher Xu Yue and former doctoral student Harrison Stratton, PhD; all of the College of Medicine – Tucson Department of Pharmacology; and Mohab Ibrahim, MD, PhD, professor in the College of Medicine – Tucson Department of Anesthesiology and medical director of the Comprehensive Center for Pain & Addiction. Other co-authors include assistant professor Aubin Moutal, PhD, research assistant professor Liberty François-Moutal, PhD, doctoral student Nicolas Dumaire and graduate research assistant Lyuba Salih, all from Saint Louis University; and Andre Ghetti and Tamara Cotta of Anabios in San Diego.


Researchers demonstrate the first chip-based 3D printer

Smaller than a coin, this optical device could enable rapid prototyping on the go

Peer-Reviewed Publication


CAMBRIDGE, MA – Imagine a portable 3D printer you could hold in the palm of your hand. The tiny device could enable a user to rapidly create customized, low-cost objects on the go, like a fastener to repair a wobbly bicycle wheel or a component for a critical medical operation.

Researchers from MIT and the University of Texas at Austin took a major step toward making this idea a reality by demonstrating the first chip-based 3D printer. Their proof-of-concept device consists of a single, millimeter-scale photonic chip that emits reconfigurable beams of light into a well of resin that cures into a solid shape when light strikes it.

The prototype chip has no moving parts, instead relying on an array of tiny optical antennas to steer a beam of light. The beam projects up into a liquid resin that has been designed to rapidly cure when exposed to the beam’s wavelength of visible light.

By combining silicon photonics and photochemistry, the interdisciplinary research team was able to demonstrate a chip that can steer light beams to 3D print arbitrary two-dimensional patterns, including the letters M-I-T. Shapes can be fully formed in a matter of seconds.

In the long run, they envision a system where a photonic chip sits at the bottom of a well of resin and emits a 3D hologram of visible light, rapidly curing an entire object in a single step.

This type of portable 3D printer could have many applications, such as enabling clinicians to create tailor-made medical device components or allowing engineers to make rapid prototypes at a job site. 

“This system is completely rethinking what a 3D printer is. It is no longer a big box sitting on a bench in a lab creating objects, but something that is handheld and portable. It is exciting to think about the new applications that could come out of this and how the field of 3D printing could change,” says senior author Jelena Notaros, the Robert J. Shillman Career Development Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and a member of the Research Laboratory of Electronics.

Joining Notaros on the paper are Sabrina Corsetti, lead author and EECS graduate student; Milica Notaros PhD ’23; Tal Sneh, an EECS graduate student; Alex Safford, a recent graduate of the University of Texas at Austin; and Zak Page, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UT Austin. The research appears today in Nature Light Science and Applications.

Printing with a chip

Experts in silicon photonics, the Notaros group previously developed integrated optical-phased-array systems that steer beams of light using a series of microscale antennas fabricated on a chip using semiconductor manufacturing processes. By speeding up or delaying the optical signal on either side of the antenna array, they can move the beam of emitted light in a certain direction.

Such systems are key for lidar sensors, which map their surroundings by emitting infrared light beams that bounce off nearby objects. Recently, the group has focused on systems that emit and steer visible light for augmented-reality applications.

They wondered if such a device could be used for a chip-based 3D printer.

At about the same time they started brainstorming, the Page Group at UT Austin demonstrated specialized resins that can be rapidly cured using wavelengths of visible light for the first time. This was the missing piece that pushed the chip-based 3D printer into reality.

“With photocurable resins, it is very hard to get them to cure all the way up at infrared wavelengths, which is where integrated optical-phased-array systems were operating in the past for lidar,” Corsetti says. “Here, we are meeting in the middle between standard photochemistry and silicon photonics by using visible-light-curable resins and visible-light-emitting chips to create this chip-based 3D printer. You have this merging of two technologies into a completely new idea.”

Their prototype consists of a single photonic chip containing an array of 160-nanometer-thick optical antennas. (A sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick.) The entire chip fits onto a U.S. quarter.

When powered by an off-chip laser, the antennas emit a steerable beam of visible light into the well of photocurable resin. The chip sits below a clear slide, like those used in microscopes, which contains a shallow indentation that holds the resin. The researchers use electrical signals to nonmechanically steer the light beam, causing the resin to solidify wherever the beam strikes it.

A collaborative approach

But effectively modulating visible-wavelength light, which involves modifying its amplitude and phase, is especially tricky. One common method requires heating the chip, but this is inefficient and takes a large amount of physical space.

Instead, the researchers used liquid crystal to fashion compact modulators they integrate onto the chip. The material’s unique optical properties enable the modulators to be extremely efficient and only about 20 microns in length.

A single waveguide on the chip holds the light from the off-chip laser. Running along the waveguide are tiny taps which tap off a little bit of light to each of the antennas.

The researchers actively tune the modulators using an electric field, which reorients the liquid crystal molecules in a certain direction. In this way, they can precisely control the amplitude and phase of light being routed to the antennas.

But forming and steering the beam is only half the battle. Interfacing with a novel photocurable resin was a completely different challenge.

The Page Group at UT Austin worked closely with the Notaros Group at MIT, carefully adjusting the chemical combinations and concentrations to zero-in on a formula that provided a long shelf-life and rapid curing.

In the end, the group used their prototype to 3D print arbitrary two-dimensional shapes within seconds.

Building off this prototype, they want to move toward developing a system like the one they originally conceptualized — a chip that emits a hologram of visible light in a resin well to enable volumetric 3D printing in only one step.

“To be able to do that, we need a completely new silicon-photonics chip design. We already laid out a lot of what that final system would look like in this paper. And, now, we are excited to continue working towards this ultimate demonstration,” Jelena Notaros says.


This work was funded, in part, by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Robert A. Welch Foundation, the MIT Rolf G. Locher Endowed Fellowship, and the MIT Frederick and Barbara Cronin Fellowship.


Making remanufacturing profitable


Johan Vogt Duberg 



view more 


Returning end-of-life products to as-new condition is called remanufacturing and can be an essential element in a circular economy. But for more industrial companies to take an interest in it, remanufacturing needs to be economically viable. In a doctoral thesis from Linköping University, Johan Vogt Duberg has investigated how this can be accomplished.

“It’s possible to take advantage of increased environmental awareness to gain economic benefits. With remanufacturing, the costs of raw materials can be reduced, new customer groups found and new circular business opportunities realised,” says Johan Vogt Duberg, new doctor of technology at Linköping University. 

In his doctoral thesis, he has investigated how so-called remanufacturing can be attractive for industrial companies that are original manufacturers of various products.

Remanufacturing means that end-of-life products are transformed to work as new again, both in terms of function and appearance. These products are referred to as cores.  The principle can be used for a variety of products from lawn mowers and trucks to computers and car parts.

Unlike traditional repair, remanufacturing is an industrial process which must involve a clear working procedure, just as in new production. It also means that the volume of returned cores must be large enough to maintain a kind of assembly line production.

“You might get 100 cores one day and nothing the next. Then you get no scale in the process, no efficiency and thus no profitability. Continuity is needed for it to keep going all the time,” says Johan Vogt Duberg.

In order to ensure that the original manufacturers get their end-of-life products back at a predictable rate, Johan Vogt Duberg thinks that several different approaches can be used.  These include deposit schemes, buy-back of cores, and leasing, where a provider company can own the product throughout the use phase and it is returned at the end of the contract.

“Then the company never has to buy the core to enable remanufacturing. There are no costs for the core itself and the company receives almost all the materials needed to make a remanufactured product that performs the same as a new one,” says Johan Vogt Duberg. 

Currently, remanufacturing represents only about two per cent of the total manufacturing industry. Johan Vogt Duberg thinks that this may be due to the challenges that exist.

“It’s much more complex than new manufacturing. Every core that comes back is unique. This means that a company that remanufactures must have a very flexible process that adapts to each core in order to be effective and thus get the financial rewards and environmental benefits,” he says.

Johan Vogt Duberg thinks that many companies need to switch to new business models in order to use remanufacturing in a way that increases profitability. His research focuses on this by describing what companies need to take into account before starting to remanufacture products. In addition to profitability, there is also an increased awareness of the environment and sustainability, as well as potentially stricter directives on efficient resource management from, for example, the EU, to consider.

To facilitate this transition, Johan Vogt Duberg has developed a framework that describes how companies can approach remanufacturing and assess the economic benefits.

“To succeed, you need to really invest in remanufacturing. A company can’t just start from one day to the next. It takes time and energy.”