Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Two LPG Carriers Catch Fire at Chittagong During STS Transfer

Captain Nikolas

Published Oct 14, 2024 1:33 AM by The Maritime Executive


On Sunday, a major fire broke out aboard two LPG carriers during an allegedly illegal ship-to-ship transfer off Bangladesh.

The LPG carrier Captain Nikolas was moored off Kutubdia, Chattogram over the weekend to offload its cargo to a lighterage vessel, the B-LPG Sophia. At about 0045 hours Sunday morning, a fire broke out aboard both vessels during cargo transfer operations. The Bangladesh Coast Guard and Bangladeshi Navy responded to the scene with a total of seven vessels, and they brought the fire aboard both vessels under control.  

31 crewmembers jumped over the side from both vessels to escape the flames, and all were pulled from the water. No significant injuries were reported. 

According to New Age Bangladesh, the Captain Nikolas escaped the fire relatively unscathed, but the Sophia sustained significant damage. 

The LPG Operators Association of Bangladesh (LOAB) claims that the origin of the cargo aboard Captain Nikolas was misdeclared, and that it actually came from Iran, a sanctioned supplier. Captain Nikolas' AIS record shows a weeklong gap in mid-September, just before she departed the Persian Gulf, according to data provided by Pole Star. 

CPA Secretary Mohd Omar Faruk told The Business Standard that the vessel was searched and no evidence of an illicit cargo was found. The papers aboard showed that the Captain Nikolas took on the LPG in Dubai or Oman, Faruk said. 

The Chittagong Port Authority has set up a committee to determine the cause of the fire, with a rapid one-week timetable for completing the investigation, according to New Age. 

Captain Nikolas is a 50,000 dwt LPG carrier built in 1992 and flagged in the Cook Islands. It was detained in Hunen, China in January for two issues with fire protection in the cargo deck area, among other fire safety issues - and was cited for the same problem again when it returned to Hunen in March.

The incidents aboard Captain Nikolas and B-LPG Sophia were the third and fourth major vessel fires off Bangladesh within two weeks. A blaze broke out aboard the tanker Banglar Shourabh on October 4, killing one crewmember, and a fire aboard the tanker Banglar Jyoti (video below) killed three on September 30. 


Philadelphia Police Seek Burglars Who Boarded SS United States

SS United States, October 2024 (Allan Jordan / TME)
SS United States, October 2024 (Allan Jordan / TME)

Published Oct 15, 2024 2:53 AM by The Maritime Executive



Several items are suspected to have been stolen from the famed ocean liner SS United States just days before it departs the Philadelphia pier where it has been docked for nearly 30 years to start a new chapter as an artificial reef.

The Philadelphia Police Department said it is searching for suspects who were caught on camera trespassing and burglarizing the historic ship on October 2. The suspects are said to have gained access to its berth at Pier 82, Christopher Columbus Boulevard, and managed to steal several items.

Though the police have released a video of the burglary incident and are looking for the suspects, they have not managed to establish what was stolen. “The suspects gain access to the SS United States without permission. Approximately three hours later, the suspects were seen exiting the SS United States with several items, without permission,” said the Philadelphia Police Department.

While it is evident from the video that the suspects walked out with items, what is clear is that they are likely to be of less value, considering the famed liner has long since been stripped of all valuable items including artifacts.

A collection of photographs are for instance under the custodian of the Mariners Museum, while the ship’s bell is kept in the clock tower on the campus of Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia. Many other items including a large collection of dining room furniture and other memorabilia have been auctioned to various collectors.

The trespassing and burglarizing of SS United States happened just days before the liner departs Philadelphia to Florida where it is set to become an artificial reef. This follows the reaching of a settlement between the SS United States Conservancy and Penn Warehousing & Distribution, the company that controls the Philadelphia pier where the ocean liner has sat for nearly 30 years.

Conceived by one of America’s foremost naval architects, William Francis Gibbs, SS United States was built in the early 1950s as an Atlantic liner. On her maiden voyage in 1952, she shattered the Atlantic speed record and 72 years later remains the fastest passenger liner to have ever crossed the Atlantic.

She operated for just 17 years before the end of U.S. government subsidies, a decision to fly U.S. military and government officials, and the growth of the commercial airlines ended the ship’s career. The U.S. government ultimately took ownership and began seeking a buyer before selling the ship in 1980. Many plans to reuse the ship were proposed, but none came to fruition.


"Legal Finish" in Maritime Security is Too Often Lacking a Legal Start

Go-fast boat detained
Image courtesy USCG

Published Oct 14, 2024 8:53 PM by CIMSEC



[By Dr. Ian Ralby]

“Legal Finish” is a term that has become commonplace in maritime security circles around the world. It refers to the process of putting a maritime law enforcement action through a legal mechanism – whether a prosecution, administrative proceeding or other adjudication – that formally assesses offenses under national law and where appropriate, penalizes perpetrators. Legal finish has rightly been identified as crucial because merely disrupting illicit activities does little to deter future criminal conduct; only enforcing legal consequences changes the risk-reward calculus for nefarious actors. The problem, however, is that with all the focus on the legal finish, many states, international organizations, and “capacity building” partners have forgotten the legal start. 

Maritime law enforcement is not a linear process, it is a cycle that starts and ends with the law. Recognizing its recursive nature is essential to establishing clear, consistent, and effective law enforcement and security operations.

To begin with, the law is the framework by which the maritime domain is assessed. Armed with the legal framework, maritime watchstanders can monitor and surveil the maritime domain, looking for any anomalies. Once they find those anomalies, however, a rigorous analytical process is needed to ensure that information is turned into understanding –about both what is happening on the water and what can be done about it. That analytical process, therefore, relies heavily on understanding the law. The key questions are:

  • Is the anomaly desirable or undesirable? (Not all anomalies are undesirable).
  • If it is undesirable, is it legal or illegal? (Not all undesirable matters have been addressed by the law).
  • If it is illegal, is it actionable or not? (Does the state have the authority and jurisdiction to do something about it?)
  • If it is actionable, is it achievable or not? (Does the state have the right physical capacity and capability to interdict the matter?)
  • Even if it is undesirable, illegal, actionable, and achievable, would interdicting the matter be wise? (Is it worth the fuel, is it worth the risk, could there be geopolitical blowback, etc.?)

If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” then there should still be consideration of one additional question: “Is there anything else that could be done?” Watching the situation further, notifying other agencies, issuing a notice to mariners, or contacting neighboring states are all on the long list of other things that might be worth doing, short of pursuing an interdiction.

If the analysis suggests that an on-the-water operation might be warranted, then the analysts must have access to some sort of mechanism for sharing information with the proper decision-makers. Whether it is operative within an agency or across agencies, that cooperative mechanism must be repeatable (so there is consistency in how things happen), documentable (so there is a chance to learn from both successes and mistakes), and structured in such a manner that adequate information gets to the appropriate decision makers efficiently. 

Once decision-makers have information about an anomaly that is undesirable, illegal, actionable, achievable, and worth pursuing, it is up to them to decide whether to conduct an operation. If they choose to do so, the operation must be planned and executed in a manner consistent with the law. That requires not only a clear understanding of the authorities that the respective agencies have for law enforcement, and the limitation of enforcement jurisdiction in the maritime domain, but also a sufficient grasp of all the elements of an offense to be able to identify and document those elements at sea. The collection and preservation of evidence in the maritime space is crucial, especially since revisiting a “crime scene” at sea is rarely, if ever possible. Thus, understanding the law at the operational stage – both in the sense of what the law enforcement officers do and concerning what they notice and record – is vital to legal finish. But that understanding is usually in the hands of completely different people than those responsible for the legal finish. 

Importantly, arrests of people do not happen at sea. While it is possible to arrest a vessel, the suspects themselves are detained at sea and brought back to shore. Only once on shore are they handed over to land-based authorities who, on reviewing whatever evidence has been collected, then conduct an arrest or initiate an administrative proceeding. An arrest would then trigger the start of a prosecution, adjudication, and, if successful, penalization of the case. An administrative proceeding would similarly assess some sort of penalty. In either case – both considered to be “legal finish” – the personnel responsible are almost always different than the ones involved in every prior step of the process. All too often, however, most of the support, training, capacity building, attention, and funding has gone to this final stage, while the role of the law and legal advisors has been ignored in all the others.

Legal advisors are rarely, if ever, part of the process of monitoring and surveilling the maritime domain, analyzing anomalies, sharing information, planning operations, or even executing operations. They are sometimes – but rarely – consulted regarding evidence collection and preservation. Usually, the first time lawyers are brought into the maritime security cycle is for the legal finish, and it is left to them to kick-save any legal mistake or oversight that has been made at any previous point in the cycle. There is only so much, however, that can be fixed at the end of the process. Additionally, there may have been operational options that would have been more impactful if legal consultations had occurred earlier. Maritime law is strange and it affords some rights and opportunities that are sometimes hard to believe. Operators may miss out on more effective operations due to a lack of legal input at that stage.

Because maritime law enforcement is a cycle rather than a linear process, it does not end if one of the steps breaks down or even if all of them are successful through to prosecution. The final step is to revisit the starting point – the law – to ensure that it is fit for purpose. Law has two main functions: to constrain bad action and to enable good. If the law does not address an undesirable activity occurring in the maritime domain, it should be expanded or amended. If that law is not creating space for “good,” economically productive, and desirable activities, it should also be amended. While maritime law enforcement focuses on “the bad,” governing the maritime domain requires recognizing a balance between the two. Only stamping out the bad is not possible; there must be ample opportunities for good, lawful activities as well – especially when they are vital to a state’s economic security. 

To be most effective, therefore, in both promoting good activities and stopping bad ones, the law must be seen as a tool or an asset for law enforcement – much the way a ship, radar system, or even a weapon would be seen. To be as impactful as possible, the law must be calibrated for the security operating environment. But even perfect law will be virtually worthless unless those who understand it and know how to use it are involved from the start of the maritime security cycle. Relegating the law to the legal finish phase betrays a lack of appreciation for the centrality of the law to the entire cycle, and sets up the state for failure.

Legal finish is incredibly important. But so is the legal start. If operational lawyers are not recognized as playing a vital role in all the phases leading up to the handover to land-based authorities, the prospects of both effective operations and successful legal finish are being undermined. So, for all the good attention that has been paid to prosecutors and judges, as well as to the work of coast guard and navy lawyers in support of those prosecutions or administrative proceedings, much more must be done to back up and start integrating sound legal advice throughout the maritime security cycle. While this can be a challenge, as operational cultures tend to not be welcoming to legal advisors, it is not about disrupting missions and operations with annoying legal points. It is about enhancing missions and operations by safeguarding the likelihood of their success. As simple as it sounds, we must not lose sight of the reality that legal finish needs a legal start.

Dr. Ian Ralby is a recognized expert in maritime and resource security. He has worked in more than 95 countries around the world, often assisting them with developing their maritime domain awareness capacity. He holds a JD from William & Mary and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. 

This article appears courtesy of CIMSEC and may be found in its original form here

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Maritime Executive.


New Zealand Releases First Video of Lost Survey Ship

The wreckage of the Manawanui is visible just below the surface, along with a slight sheen trending away from the reef's edge (NZDF)

Published Oct 14, 2024 9:41 PM by The Maritime Executive



The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has released its first video of the wreck of the lost survey ship HMNZS Manawanui, along with images of the slight fuel sheen on the surface near the site. Encouragingly, the agency believes that the limited fuel leak seen at the site is not from the main fuel tanks, but from a much smaller source in the engine room.

"HMNZS Manawanui's large fuel tanks almost certainly remain intact," said the NZDF in a statement. "Based on the estimated diesel sheen size, it is likely significantly less diesel has leaked than initially assessed."

On October 5, the research ship HMNZS Manawanui grounded off the southern coast of the island of Upolu, Samoa. The ship was carrying out a hydrographic survey and was operating about one nautical mile from shore in rough and windy conditions. Under circumstances that are still being investigated, the ship struck bottom, listed, caught fire and sank.

All 75 crewmembers and scientists aboard successfully abandoned ship and made it ashore, despite rough conditions. One lifeboat capsized and the survivors had to walk across the reef to reach the beach, sustaining cuts and abrasions in the process. 14 people came away with minor injuries, but all survived. 

New Zealand's navy continues regular surveys of the beach near the wreck site, and so far it has not found any sign of pollution or fuel spill impact on the shoreline. The Royal New Zealand Air Force has provided drone overflight services to help monitor for contamination, and so far it has not observed any shoreline impacts either. 

An overflight by an NZDF P-8 Poseidon on Thursday confirmed the presence of a 350-meter light slick, stretching away from shore and dissipating out at sea.  Luckily, Manawanui was carrying only diesel fuel - not sludgy, hard-to-remove heavy fuel oil - so the potential for lasting pollution is low. 

Three containers from Manawanui washed over the side and floated up on the reef. One contained rigging, which has been recovered; one more contained food, and the other contained trash. The NZDF has set up a hotline in Samoa for local residents to report any debris that drifts ashore. So far, with local assistance, NZDF personnel have recovered and removed about one tonne of debris. 

Deputy Chief of the Navy Commodore Andrew Brown told RNZ that the service is still working out the best options for addressing the remaining 950 tonnes of diesel fuel aboard Manawanui and formulating a response plan for the wreck itself. The vessel sits in 30 meters of water next to a reef, and the question of whether to attempt to raise it - at exceptional cost -  has not yet been settled. 

"The recovery efforts will take time, but New Zealand is committed to doing the right thing," he told RNZ. "We're committed to working with the Samoan government and we will continue to work from on site and from back from New Zealand in supporting the overarching operation and the removal of Manawanui." 

Same-sex couples and LGBTQ+ activists rally in Nepal’s capital during the annual Pride parade

A participant has colors painted on face as LGBTQ+ people and their supporters rally during the annual pride parade, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

LGBTQ+ people and their supporters rally during the annual pride parade, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

LGBTQ+ people and their supporters rally during the annual pride parade, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

LGBTQ+ people and their supporters rally during the annual pride parade, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

August 20, 2024

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Hundreds of LGBTQ+ people and their supporters rallied in Nepal’s capital Tuesday during the annual Pride parade, the first since gay couples were able to register same-sex marriages officially in the Himalayan nation following a Supreme Court order in Nov 2023.

The annual event brings together the sexual minority community and their supporters in Kathmandu during the Gai Jatra festival.

Tuesday’s rally was participated by a government minister, diplomats and officials, which began at the city’s tourist hub and went around its main streets

A participant poses for a photo as LGBTQ+ people and their supporters rally during the annual pride parade, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

LGBTQ+ people and their supporters dance and rally during the annual pride parade, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

“Gai Jatra festival is a festival that is a long tradition that has been carried for years and we all are here to help preserve and continue the tradition, and as a sexual minority are doing our part to save the tradition. We also celebrate the day as a pride parade,” said Bhumika Shrestha, a gay rights activist who was at the parade.

The Gai Jatra festival is celebrated to remember family members who have passed away during the year but has long had colorful parades that brought in sexual minorities to join the parade.

After years of struggle, gay couples were able to register same-sex marriages for the first time in Nov 2023 following a Supreme Court order that directed the government to make arrangements for the registration of marriages for same-sex couples.

Sexual minority rights activists have long sought to amend laws to permit same-sex marriage and end provisions that limit marriage to heterosexual couples.

Nepal has undergone a transformation since a court decision in 2007 asked the government to make changes in favor of LGBTQ+ people. People who do not identify as female or male are now able to choose “third gender” on their passports and other government documents. The constitution, adopted in 2015, also explicitly states that there can be no discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

LGBTQ+ people and their supporters rally during the annual pride parade, in Kathmandu, Nepal, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)

Abortion has passed inflation as the top election issue for women under 30, survey finds

Abortion-rights protesters cheer at a rally outside the state capitol in Lansing, Mich., June 24, 2022. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)

 October 11, 2024

Abortion has passed inflation to become the top issue in the presidential election for women younger than 30 since Vice President Kamala Harris replaced President Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket, according to results released Friday of a survey of female voters by KFF.

About 2 in 5 in the group of young voters said abortion was their top concern in the recent survey, compared with 1 in 5 who ranked it most important in the same survey in the spring.

In the earlier edition, inflation was the top concern for younger voters, as it was for women voters of all ages. Inflation remained the top concern for women in each age group over 30 and for women overall. Women overall ranked abortion as their No. 3 concern, after inflation and threats to democracy, but ahead of immigration.

KFF, a health policy research, polling and news organization, surveyed 678 female voters Sept. 12 through Oct. 1. Most of them were participants in an earlier wave of the same poll, conducted in May and June. The follow-up survey group was supplemented with 29 Black women to ensure an adequate sample size of that group. The sampling error was plus or minus 5 points, with larger ranges for subgroups of voters.

Abortion has long been a major issue, but the landscape shifted in 2022 when the U.S. Supreme Court, powered by three justices nominated by Harris’ current opponent, former President Donald Trump, overturned Roe v. Wade and opened the door for states to impose abortion bans.

Most Republican-controlled states are now enforcing such bans, including 13 that bar abortions at all stages of pregnancy, with some exceptions, and four with bans that kick in after about the first six weeks of pregnancy — before women often realize they’re pregnant.

Harris has been making abortion access a centerpiece of her campaign.

Younger women who responded to the survey and spoke with The Associated Press on Friday have noticed.

Ally Zobel, 19, who describes herself as a left-leaning independent and lives in Woodbridge, Virginia, said that reproductive health is the most important issue for her as she prepares to vote for the first time — and that she appreciates Harris’ calls to restore abortion rights nationally.

She said that she’s concerned about stories of women having health emergencies because they can’t obtain an abortion — and that “pregnancy’s really hard” and that people should not be forced to continue if if they don’t want to.

“As a mom, I don’t want my kids growing up in a world where it’s like that,” she said.

Sydney Wright, a 29-year-old stay-at home mom in Effingham County, Illinois, said Roe v. Wade being overturned propelled the restoration of abortion rights to the top of her list of concerns. And while she’s not thrilled with everything about Harris, the Democrat’s abortion position is one of the main reasons Wright plans to vote for her.

“I’ve seen people have to travel out of state and come to Illinois for health care,” said Wright, who is not registered with a political party. “I’ve heard of cases where doctors were forced to leave patients to suffer until they were practically dead until they could give them medical care.”

In addition to the presidential race, a number of other elections this year could impact the abortion landscape, including in nine states where there are ballot measures that would protect the right to abortion in the state constitution.

Races for Congress — as well as state offices such as governor, legislators, state supreme court justices and attorneys general — could also help determine abortion policy moving ahead.

Overall, about two-thirds of women said the election will have a major impact on abortion access, up from just over half in the initial survey.

Most women said it is likely Trump would sign a federal law banning abortions after the first 15 weeks of pregnancy if Congress were to pass such a measure. Just as the survey period ended, Trump said he would veto an abortion ban if one reached his desk.

The majority said they believe Harris would sign a law protecting access to abortion nationwide if Congress were to pass that.

There’s a deep partisan split over which candidate would be better on abortion access. Most women said they preferred Harris, including 90% of Democrats and fewer than one-fifth of Republicans. The survey found similar dividing lines around which candidate would be better for birth control access and in vitro fertilization.

The survey found that Republican women are slightly less hopeful and enthusiastic, and more anxious and frustrated, about the presidential election than they were earlier this year. By contrast, Democratic women are far more hopeful and enthusiastic, though their anxiousness has also risen.

Like in the spring, a little over half of GOP women are satisfied with their presidential choices. But satisfaction among Democratic women shot up from just over one-third to three-quarters.

Ohio’s 50+ women emboldened by MAGA candidate's comments on abortion


Susan Tebben, 
Ohio Capital Journal
October 14, 2024 

Bernie Moreno for U.S. Senate campaign

Ohio women 50 and older are headed to the polls having lived through the days before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide in 1973, during the time when abortion was legal, and now, after the decision was overturned in 2022 and power given to each state to decide.

That has played a factor in many women’s decisions at the ballot box, though it’s only one factor of many, voters told the Capital Journal in interviews last week.

“I am not a single issue voter, by any means,” said Mansfield resident and registered Republican Linda Smith.

But abortion rights has come to the forefront, and in fact has galvanized older women voters in the weeks leading up to the November general election.

U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno made comments about abortion rights and the interests of suburban women, which have since been used in campaign ads against him.

Those comments have also renewed conversations about the topic with women who may not be experiencing pregnancy or the need for an abortion, but who remember times when reproductive health care was more risky, and are looking to the future for their daughters and granddaughters.

“Women don’t make their health care choices and decisions lightly and they’re often complicated decisions.” Smith said. “They’re life-altering.”

Moreno’s comments were made at a town hall in Warren County and first made public by WCMH via a viewer-submitted video.

“You know, the left has a lot of single issue voters,” Moreno said. “Sadly, by the way, there’s a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women that are like, ‘Listen, abortion is it. If I can’t have an abortion in this country whenever I want, I will vote for anybody else.’ OK. It’s a little crazy by the way, but — especially for women that are like past 50 — I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.’”

After a pause, he added, “Oh, thank God my wife didn’t hear that part.”

Moreno’s campaign did not respond to a request by the OCJ for comment, but in a previous statement to The Statehouse News Bureau, spokesperson Reagan McCarthy said Moreno was “clearly making a tongue-in-cheek joke about how Sherrod Brown and members of the leftwing media like to pretend that the only issue that matters to women voters is abortion.”

After Moreno’s comments, an open letter was released by Republican, independent and Democratic-voting women, saying Moreno “mocked many of us who are over the age of fifty” and criticizing him for trying to “play your comments off as a joke” after the fact.

“As Ohio women across the political spectrum, we don’t agree on everything,” the letter stated. “But there are some things bigger than party politics. What unites us is the firm belief that Ohio women should have the ability to make their own health care choices, free from the involvement of people like you.”

Smith was one of the Republican voters to sign on to the letter.

“It’s distressing to me to see that this (issue) has become a political pawn,” Smith told the Capital Journal.

The issue is coming up among other priorities for older Ohioans, such as inflation, the economy and Social Security.

An August survey commissioned by the AARP showed 16% of Ohio’s 50+ voters polled placed it as their first or second choice among important issues driving their votes in the general election. Nine percent of 50+ survey takers put it as their most important issue in the election, putting it above other single issues like Social Security, taxes, gun control, crime, general health care, foreign policy, Medicare and climate change.

The AARP poll also found that 94% of 50+ Ohio voters plan to vote in the upcoming election.

Overall, incumbent Ohio Democratic U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown held a narrow lead over Moreno, 46%-42%, but among 50+ voters specifically, the race was reportedly much closer, with Moreno holding a five-point edge in the August AARP numbers.

The candidates, the ballot measures, and the tools you need to cast your vote.
Ohio Votes 2024

Seville resident Mosie Welch is a registered Democrat in her 60s, and she readily admits reproductive rights tops the list of issues she is using to decide her votes. She connects reproductive health care to family issues, along with the economic health of the state and the concept of individual rights.

“Yes, this is one of the big issues driving my vote, especially at the national level, because I fear what will happen if women no longer have the right to make decisions about their own bodies as they don’t in some states today,” Welch said.

As a mother and grandmother, she wants to see future women have the “full range of health care necessary to ensure that they can live their life as fully as possible.”

“I’m not expecting to personally need this health care, but I would imagine there’s many families worried about this issue,” Welch said.

She also fears for the rights of physicians, who expressed concern about litigation and the potential loss of medical licenses, along with patient care delays, as the debate over abortion rights went on after the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade.

“When that happens and a woman dies, or a woman loses their fertility, or is racking up huge medical bills, that doesn’t just affect one individual,” Welch said. “It affects everybody, it affects the community.”

Combining her decades of life experience and the rhetoric of the 2024 election has only served to motivate Welch and her fellow voters, like Susan Polakoff Shaw.

“I know a lot of women who are rage-filled, and it’s women around my age who know what it’s like, who have heard what it was like pre-Roe,” said Shaw, who did work for Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights during the 2023 election. “It’s about being able to control your life and have a say in your future and your destiny, and your health and your family.”

More than just reproductive rights as an issue for older women, Smith said her decisions in the upcoming election are informed by elected officials who “frequently disregard the will of the people,” including legislative attempts and comments that seek to undermine the reproductive rights amendment passed by a majority of state voters last year.

“You can disagree, but when 57% of the electorate votes for that, you need to respect that,” Smith said.

But Smith said she is optimistic for the future of Ohio and even the Republican Party, partly because of the discussion brought on by Moreno’s comments.

“People who rise above their differences to fight for common causes – like you are seeing now for women’s reproductive freedoms,” Smith said, “it’s that collective voice and vote that will make a difference.”

Ohio Capital Journal is part of States Newsroom, a nonprofit news network supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Ohio Capital Journal maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor David Dewitt for questions: info@ohiocapitaljournal.com. Follow Ohio Capital Journal on Facebook and X.

Moreno’s abortion comment rattles debate in expensive Senate race in Republican-leaning Ohio

This combination photo shows Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, Oct. 26, 2023, on Capitol Hill in Washington, left, and Cleveland businessman Bernie Moreno, a Republican candidate for Senate, in Westlake, Ohio, March 19, 2024. (AP Photo)

Bernie Moreno speaking during the Republican National Convention, July 16, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, speaks with supporters at a campaign rally, Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/Jeff Dean)

October 13, 2024

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — An off-the-cuff comment about reproductive rights by Republican Bernie Moreno in Ohio’s tight Senate race has put abortion at the center of debate in the most expensive Senate campaign this year. And that’s just where Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown wanted it.

Moreno insists he was joking after cellphone video surfaced of him criticizing women whose votes are driven by concerns about government involvement in abortion decisions.

“Sadly, by the way, there’s a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women that are like, ‘Listen, abortion is it,’” Moreno said at a town hall in Warren County on Sept. 20. ”‘If I can’t have an abortion in this country whenever I want, I will vote for anybody else.’ OK. It’s a little crazy, by the way, but — especially for women who are like past 50, I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.’”

Brown and his allies pounced on the comment, which went to the heart of the Democrat’s bid for a fourth term representing the Republican-leaning state. A woman featured in one TV ad wondered why, if a 50-year-old woman doesn’t have standing to feel strongly about abortion, a 57-year-old man — that’s Moreno’s age — running for Senate would.

Even fellow Republican Nikki Haley, the former presidential candidate, criticized Moreno as #ToneDeaf. “Are you trying to lose the election? Asking for a friend,” she quipped on X

Brown has made access to abortion a priority, and Moreno’s comment meant the campaign was focused less on the economy and immigration, issues the Republican and his party would rather talk about.

Throughout the race, Brown has said he voted for and would honor an amendment that Ohioans supported by wide margins last year that enshrined into the state constitution people’s right to make their own reproductive choices. Presidential nominee Kamala Harris and Democrats on down the ballot are banking on the abortion issue to win votes in the first White House election since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022.

“The people of Ohio think women should have the power to make their own health care decisions, Bernie Moreno thinks he should,” Brown said in a statement. “As a man over the age of 50, I care deeply about a woman’s right to make health care decisions for herself -– for my daughters, my granddaughters, and all Ohio women, regardless of their age.”

Unseating Brown is a Republican priority. With Democrats defending twice as many Senate seats as Republicans, a loss in Ohio would jeopardize Democrats’ narrow majority.
The most expensive Senate contest

Ad spending topped $400 million in early October, making the Senate race the most expensive in the country so far, according to data from AdImpact, which tracks campaign spending on advertising. That total includes a competitive Republican primary earlier this year.

In the general election, the data shows Republicans have outspent Democrats on Brown-Moreno race. As of Friday, Republicans had spent roughly $188.4 million on ads since the March 19 primary, compared with $159.7 million by Democrats. The parties and affiliated groups have an additional $68.5 million in ad spots reserved between now and Nov. 5.

Moreno, a wealthy Cleveland businessman endorsed by Donald Trump — was undeterred by the controversy that ensued after his abortion comments surfaced. His campaign said the comment was made tongue in cheek, and that Brown and Harris are the ones disrespecting women.

“Bernie’s view is that women voters care just as much about the economy, rising prices, crime, and our open southern border as male voters do, and it’s disgusting that Democrats and their friends in the left-wing media constantly treat all women as if they’re automatically single-issue voters on abortion who don’t have other concerns that they vote on,” spokesperson Reagan McCarthy said in a statement.
Republicans have reasons for optimism

Ohio Republicans have plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the race. The onetime bellwether state has shifted to the right and supported Trump twice by wide margins, and he’s once more atop the ticket.

Trump’s endorsement has carried weight in Ohio — from JD Vance, the first-term senator who is Trump’s running mate, to GOP state Rep. Derek Merrin, who prevailed in a messy primary to challenge Marcy Kaptur, a long-serving Democratic congresswoman. Trump’s backing boosted Moreno to victory in a hard-fought primary.

Republicans have hammered Brown on his record, claiming he voted to allow “biological men in women’s sports” and supported providing stimulus checks and federal benefits for immigrants who are in the United States illegally. Both claims stretch the truth: Brown didn’t vote to allow transgender people to play women’s sports but to prevent federal dollars from being stripped from schools that allowed it, and the immigrant-related vote in question involved a nuanced issue in legislation that already prevented stimulus checks going to immigrants without lawful status in the country.

Still, the attacks have been repeated often enough to register with voters.

“Bernie Moreno has rapidly closed the gap on Sherrod Brown even as Chuck Schumer and DC Democrats spend millions lobbing baseless smears and racist attacks at Moreno,” National Republian Senatorial Committee spokesperson Philip Letsou said in a statement. The reference was to pro-Brown ads questioning the business dealings of some family members of Moreno, who was born in Bogota, Colombia.

Senate Majority PAC, an independent group aligned with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, reserved $65 million in advertising time in Ohio from Labor Day to the end of the campaign. The group’s president, JB Poersch, said Brown’s reputation, strong campaign and superior fundraising prowess will help put the veteran politician over the top.

“We have a pretty big communication advantage in that state,” he said.

More than 90% of Republican spending — all but $1.9 million of Moreno’s ad support — has come from outside groups, according to AdImpact data.

Brown has raised $51 million for his own campaign account, compared with Moreno’s $15.3 million, which includes $4.5 million Moreno loaned to his own campaign. The Republican has reported spending about $10 million of that so far, with his latest campaign finance report not yet filed.

The debate over immigration in Springfield

Republicans are expected to keep tying Brown to the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policy, a key vulnerability this year for Democrats.

When it came to the turmoil in Springfield, Ohio, Moreno tried to blame Brown and Harris, slamming the “Haitian invasion” as a failure of the federal government to prepare before expanding the number of Haitians able to apply for Temporary Protected Status in the United States.

Brown did not name Trump and Vance, who intensified the spotlight on the city with unsubstantiated claims about Haitians eating pets, but he faulted “people playing politics” for making things worse. At one point, state and local government offices and schools in Springfield closed due to dozens of bomb threats.

Moreno, meanwhile, has faced other challenges, including an Associated Press report about a profile created with Moreno’s email account on an adult website. Moreno’s lawyer said the profile was created by a former intern as a prank.

The candidate retained support from Trump after the report and was given a coveted speaking spot at the Republican National Convention in July.

Smyth has covered government and politics from Columbus, Ohio, for The Associated Press since 2006.

Migrant deaths in New Mexico have increased tenfold

A surveillance helicopter traces a line in the sky above the Southwest border with Mexico at Sunland Park, N.M., Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Morgan Lee, File)

Forensic anthropologist Heather Edgar with the Office of the Medical Investigator poses for a portrait outside her office in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan)

This Oct. 3, 2024 image shows the Office of the Medical Investigator in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where experts work to identify scores of presumed migrants whose remains have been found along the border in southern New Mexico. (AP Photo/Susan Montoya Bryan)

Updated 10:03 PM MDT, October 14, 2024Share

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Ten times as many migrants died in New Mexico near the U.S.-Mexico border in each of the last two years compared with just five years ago as smuggling gangs steer them — exhausted, dehydrated and malnourished — mostly into the hot desert, canyons or mountains west of El Paso, Texas.

During the first eight months of 2024, the bodies of 108 presumed migrants mostly from Mexico and Central America were found near the border in New Mexico and often less than 10 miles (6 kilometers) from El Paso, according to the most recent data. The remains of 113 presumed migrants were found in New Mexico in 2023, compared with nine in 2020 and 10 in 2019.

It’s not clear exactly why more migrants are being found dead in that area, but many experts say smugglers are treating migrants more harshly and bringing them on paths that could be more dangerous in extreme summer temperatures.

The influx has taxed the University of New Mexico’s Office of the Medical Investigator, which identifies the dead and conducts autopsies that almost always show the cause as heat-related.

“Our reaction was sadness, horror and surprise because it had been very consistently low for as long as anyone can remember,” said Heather Edgar, a forensic anthropologist with the office.


The politics of immigration play differently along the US-Mexico border

Takeaways from an AP and Texas Tribune report on 24 hours along the US-Mexico border

One day along the Texas-Mexico border shows that realities shift more rapidly than rhetoric

Serving the entire state, the office over two years has added deputy medical investigators to handle the extra deaths on top of the usual 2,500 forensic cases.

“We’d always had three deputies down in that area, and I think we have nine or 10 now,” Edgar said of New Mexico’s eastern migration corridor.

Immigration and border security are among voters’ top concerns heading into the Nov. 5 presidential contest, but the candidates have focused on keeping migrants out of the U.S. and deporting those already here.

The increase in deaths is a humanitarian concern for advocates as smugglers guide migrants into New Mexico through fencing gaps at the border city of Sunland Park and over low-lying barriers west of the nearby Santa Teresa Port of Entry.

“People are dying close to urban areas, in some cases just 1,000 feet from roads,” noted Adam Isacson, an analyst for the nongovernmental Washington Office on Latin America. He said water stations, improved telecommunications and more rescue efforts could help.

New Mexico officials are targeting human-smuggling networks, recently arresting 16 people and rescuing 91 trafficking victims. U.S. Customs and Border Protection added a surveillance blimp to monitor the migration corridor near its office in Santa Teresa, in New Mexico’s Doña Ana County. Movable 33-foot (10-meter) towers use radar to scan the area.

U.S. officials in recent years have added 30 more push-button beacons that summon emergency medical workers along remote stretches of the border at New Mexico and western Texas. They have also set up more than 500 placards with location coordinates and instructions to call 911 for help.

This summer, the Border Patrol expanded search and rescue efforts, dispatching more patrols with medical specialists and surveillance equipment. The agency moved some beacons closer to the border, where more migrants have been found dead or in distress.

Border Patrol says it rescued nearly 1,000 migrants near the U.S. border in New Mexico and western Texas over the past 12 months — up from about 600 the previous 12 months.

Dylan Corbett, executive director of the faith-based Hope Border Institute in El Paso, said 10-member church teams recently started dropping water bottles for migrants in the deadly New Mexico corridor alongside fluttering blue flags.

“Part of the problem is that organized crime has become very systematic in the area,” Corbett said of the increased deaths. He also blamed heightened border enforcement in Texas and new U.S. asylum restrictions that President Joe Biden introduced in June and tightened last month.

New Mexico’s rising deaths come as human-caused climate change increases the likelihood of heat waves. This year, the El Paso area had its hottest June ever, with an average temperature of 89.4 degrees Fahrenheit (31.8 Celsius). June 12 and 13 saw daily record highs of 109 F (42.7 C).

Those high temperatures can be deadly for people who have been on strenuous journeys. Some smugglers lead migrants on longer routes into gullies or by the towering Mount Cristo Rey statue of Jesus Christ that casts a shadow over neighboring Mexico.

Deputy Chief Border Patrol Agent Juan Bernal of the El Paso Sector said migrants are weak when they arrive at the border after weeks or months without adequate food and water in houses smugglers keep in Mexico.

“They’re expected to walk, sometimes for hours or days, to get to their destination where they’re going to be picked up,” he said.

The deaths have continued even as migration has fallen along the entire border following Biden’s major asylum restrictions.

New Mexico’s migrant death numbers now rival those in Arizona’s even hotter Sonoran desert, where the remains of 114 presumed border crossers were discovered during the first eight months of 2024, according to a mapping project by the nonprofit Humane Borders and the Pima County Medical Examiner’s Office in Tucson.

Nearly half of those who died in New Mexico this year were women. Women ages 20 to 29 made up the largest segment of these deaths.

“We are awaiting for you at home,” a family in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas implored in early June in a missing person post for a 25-year-old female relative who was found dead days later. “Please come back.”

After a 24-year-old Guatemalan woman’s remains were discovered that same month, a mortuary in her hometown posted a death notice with a photo of her smiling in a blue dress and holding a floral bouquet.

“It should not be a death sentence to come to the United States,” Doña Ana County Sheriff’s Maj. Jon Day told a recent community gathering. “And when we push them into the desert areas here, they’re coming across and they’re dying.”

Snow reported from Phoenix. Lee reported from Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Keller works with reporters and editors to find stories in data and documents and contributes context to spot and breaking news stories for The Associated Press.
Voters in California and Nevada consider ban on forced labor aimed at protecting prisoners

Steven Abujen, a California prison inmate with the Prison Industry Authority, cleans one of the newly installed headstones at the Mormon Island Relocation Cemetery, near Folsom, Calif., on Oct. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File)
 An inmate selects the letters and numbers to be used to make a specialty license plate by Prison Industries at Folsom State Prison in Folsom, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File)

Assemblyman Howard Watts speaks during the sixth day of the 31st Special Session of the Nevada Legislature in Carson City, Nev., 
(David Calvert/The Nevada Independent via AP, Pool, File)

October 15, 2024

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California and Nevada voters will decide in November whether to ban forced prison labor by removing language from their state constitutions rooted in the legacy of chattel slavery.

The measures aim to protect incarcerated people from being forced to work under the threat of punishment in the states, where it is not uncommon for prisoners to be paid less than $1 an hour to fight fires, clean prison cells, make license plates or do yard work at cemeteries.

Nevada incarcerates about 10,000 people. All prisoners in the state are required to work or be in vocational training for 40 hours each week, unless they have a medical exemption. Some of them make as little as 35 cents hourly.

Voters will weigh the proposals during one of the most historic elections in modern history, said Jamilia Land, an advocate with the Abolish Slavery National Network who has spent years trying to get the California measure passed.

“California, as well as Nevada, has an opportunity to end legalized, constitutional slavery within our states, in its entirety, while at the same time we have the first Black woman running for president,” she said of Vice President Kamala Harris’ historic bid as the first Black and Asian American woman to earn a major party’s nomination for the nation’s highest office.

Several other states such as Colorado, Alabama and Tennessee have in recent years done away with exceptions for slavery and involuntary servitude, though the changes were not immediate. In Colorado — the first state to get rid of an exception for slavery from its constitution in 2018 — incarcerated people alleged in a lawsuit filed in 2022 against the corrections department that they had still been forced to work.

“What it did do — it created a constitutional right for a whole class of people that didn’t previously exist,” said Kamau Allen, a co-founder of the Abolish Slavery National Network who advocated for the Colorado measure.

Nevada’s proposal aims to abolish from the constitution both slavery and involuntary servitude as punishment for crime. Californias constitution was changed in the 1970s to remove an exemption for slavery, but the involuntary servitude exception remains on the books.

Wildland firefighting is among the most sought-after prison work programs in Nevada. Those eligible for the program are paid around $24 per day.

“There are a lot of people who are incarcerated that want to do meaningful work. Now are they treated fairly? No,” said Chris Peterson, legal director at the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, which supports the measure. “They’re getting paid pennies on the hour, where other people get paid dollars, to do incredibly dangerous work.”

Peterson pointed to a state law that created a modified workers’ compensation program for incarcerated people who are injured on the job. Under that program, the amount awarded is based on the person’s average monthly wage when the injury occurred.

In 2016, Darrell White, an injured prison firefighter who filed a claim under the modified program, learned he would receive a monthly disability payment of “$22.30 for a daily rate of $0.50.” By then, White already had been freed from prison, but he was left unable to work for months while he recovered from surgery to repair his fractured finger, which required physical therapy

White sued the state prison system and Division of Forestry, saying his disability payments should have been calculated based on the state’s minimum wage of $7.25 at the time. The case went all the way up to the Nevada Supreme Court, which rejected his appeal, saying it remained an “open question” whether Nevada prisoners were constitutionally entitled to minimum wage compensation.

“It should be obvious that it is patently unfair to pay Mr. White $0.50 per day,” his lawyer, Travis Barrick, wrote in the appeal, adding that White’s needs while incarcerated were minimal compared to his needs after his release, including housing and utilities, food and transportation. “It is inconceivable that he could meet these needs on $0.50 per day.”

The California state Senate rejected a previous version of the proposal in 2022 after Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration cited concerns about the cost if the state had to start paying all prisoners the minimum wage.

Newsom signed a law earlier this year that would require the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to create a voluntary work program. The agency would set wages for people incarcerated in state prisons under the law. But the law would only take effect if voters approve the forced labor ban.

The law and accompanying measure will give incarcerated people more of an opportunity for rehabilitation through therapy or education instead of being forced to work, said California Assembly member Lori Wilson, a Democrat representing Solano County who authored this year’s proposal.

Wilson suffered from trauma growing up in a household with dysfunction and abuse, she said. She was able to work through her trauma by going to therapy. But her brother, who did not get the same help, instead ended up in prison, she said.

“It’s just a tale of two stories of what happens when someone who has been traumatized, has anger issues and gets the rehabilitative work that they need to — what they could do with their life,” Wilson said.

Yannick Ortega, a formerly incarcerated woman who now works at an addiction recovery center in Fresno, California, was forced to work various jobs during the first half of her time serving 20 years in prison for a murder conviction, she said.

“When you are sentenced to prison, that is the punishment,” said Ortega, who later became a certified paralegal and substance abuse counselor by pursuing her education while working in prison. “You’re away from having the freedom to do anything on your own accord.”

Yamat reported from Las Vegas. Austin is a corps member for the Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues. Follow Austin on Twitter: @ sophieadanna

Sophie reports on California government and politics.
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Yamat covers Nevada and the U.S. Southwest for The Associated Press. She is based in Las Vegas.
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Lilly Ledbetter, equal wages activist who inspired Fair Pay Act, dies at 86

 Lilly Ledbetter, women's equality leader and namesake of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, speaks at the Democratic National Convention at the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina on September 4, 2012. Ledbetter died Saturday at the age of 86. File Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI | License Photo

Oct. 14 (UPI) -- Lilly Ledbetter, who championed women's rights and equal pay, has died at the age of 86.

Ledbetter, who was the inspiration for the Fair Pay Act of 2009, died Saturday night of respiratory failure in Alabama, her family announced Sunday in a statement.

"Lilly Ledbetter passed away peacefully last night at the age of 86. She was surrounded by her family and loved ones. Our mother lived an extraordinary life," according to the statement.

Ledbetter, a 19-year employee of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., sued the tire giant in 1999 for gender-based pay discrimination after she discovered substantial pay disparities between her salary and that of her male counterparts who performed the same work.

"I took a job that had normally been considered a man's job. I don't agree with that term," Ledbetter told Forbes in an interview in 2019. "It's a job. Whether it's a man, African American, Latino, heavy, skinny, whatever. If they're the best qualified for that job, they should get it and they should get the money to go with it."

Ledbetter initially won her case and was awarded $3.8 million in backpay and damages in 2003, before the decision was overturned upon Goodyear's appeal.

The case eventually reached the Supreme Court, which ruled 5-4 against Ledbetter, stating she failed to file her complaint within the 180 days of the pay decision by Goodyear.

Legislation in her name was introduced in Congress during George W. Bush's presidency in 2008. That bill was defeated, but was reintroduced in January 2009 after Barack Obama became president. The bill passed overwhelmingly in the House and Senate.

The Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was the first bill Obama signed into law after becoming president, modified the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to give employees more time to challenge pay discrimination. The law allows for the 180-day statute of limitations for filing equal-pay lawsuits to reset with each new paycheck.

On Monday, Obama praised Ledbetter's legacy.

"Lilly Ledbetter never set out to be a trailblazer or a household name. She just wanted to be paid the same as a man for her hard work. But this grandmother from Alabama kept on fighting until the day I signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law -- my first as president," Obama wrote in a post on X.

"Lilly did what so many Americans before her have done: setting her sights high for herself and even higher for her children and grandchildren."

Lilly Ledbetter never set out to be a trailblazer or a household name. She just wanted to be paid the same as a man for her hard work. But this grandmother from Alabama kept on fighting until the day I signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law - my first as president.... pic.twitter.com/Z4ZxsDbIU5— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 14, 2024

President Joe Biden called Ledbetter a "fearless leader" in her fight for equal pay and sent his "condolences to Lilly's family and all of the women she empowered."

"Her fight began on the factory floor and reached the Supreme Court and Congress, and she never stopped fighting for all Americans to be paid what they deserve," Biden wrote Monday in a statement released by the White House.

"Because of Lilly's tireless efforts, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act -- a critical step forward in the fight to close the gender and racial wage gaps -- became the first bill signed in the Obama-Biden administration," Biden said. "It was an honor to stand with Lilly as the bill that bears her name was made law."