Monday, June 10, 2019

Psychic didn't see this one coming....
It was the State's case that four Irish men, including two farmers, who were unable to secure bank loans as a result of the global financial crisis approached Gold seeking loans of large sums of money.
A former psychic has been convicted by a jury of the theft and money laundering of €1.6m.

"He didn’t stop, saying 'why don’t you know English, why have you come here, you should’t have come here'."
A tourist has spoken of how he was subjected to racial abuse on a Dublin-bound train during his holiday in Ireland.

'Suckerpunch' for Ballymun as town is ranked country's biggest litter blackspot
Topping the national list of blackspots is a "suckerpunch" for the community of Ballymun, according to hardworking locals.

"Morale is really low here today, we thought we started off to a really good year this year"


Trump suggests the US should form a state-run, global news network to counter CNN's 'unfair' coverage
President Donald Trump on Monday suggested the US should form a state-run, global news network to counter CNN's "unfair" coverage.



Newly unearthed documents about Martin Luther King make for uncomfortable reading

FBI files suggest MLK was more complicated than his myth
Can documents from an agency that hounded King be trusted?

COINTELPRO (1956–1971) was a series of covert, and at times illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at ...

COINTELPRO The FBI began COINTELPRO—short for Counterintelligence Program—in 1956 to disrupt the activities of the Communist Party of the United ...

Analyzing FBI COINTELPRO conducted by the U.S. Government aimed at surveilling, infiltrating and destroying domestic organizations deemed “subversive”.

Apr 18, 2017 - Domestic Spying, Blackmail, And Murder: Inside The FBI’s COINTELPRO. ... With the knowledge and approval of President Dwight Eisenhower, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover authorized a covert operation that aimed to bring all of the nation’s counterintelligence operations together under ..

Troy R. Johnson - 2009 - ‎History
A common practice of COUNTERINTELPRO was to plant one or more informants in the heart of the target organization. Informants were members of the same ...

A man took a spirit level on a plane to prove the earth is flat
Wait, what?


Onna-bugeisha women warriors who were known to be to be every bit as strong, capable, and courageous as their male counterparts.

How Onna-Bugeisha, Feudal Japan's Women Samurai, Were Erased From History
While most Japanese women were subject to rigid social expectations of domesticity, onna-bugeisha women warriors who were known to be to be every bit as strong, capable, and courageous as their male counterparts
...and did an album cover photo shoot the next day
Musician who has died from pancreatic cancer famously described how he 'died and came back to life' in 1991


  1. Star Trek - The "Leftist" Future | Renegade Cut

    • 1 month ago
    In Star Trek, how does the economy of the Federation work? Does Starfleet appeal to the political left or right? Support Renegade ...
    • CC
“We are now a full-fledged banana republic.”
US 'now a full-fledged banana republic' after Mitch McConnell wife $78m grants revelation
Transport secretary reportedly designated special liaison to help husband's state prepare funding applications

“She set up a special lane at the Department of Transportation specifically to fund things that would benefit her husband"
  1. Star Trek - Stunned By Phasers

    • 9 years ago
    Kirk tells some of the gangsters to work with the Federation, while other gangsters get stunned by the Enterprise's phasers after ...


Maddow details the shocking corruption involving Mitch McConnell and his Trump-cabinet member wife
MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow revealed a shocking tale of corruption involving Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao. She told the story of J. Todd Inman, who was a top aide on McConnell’s 2014 re-election campaign. Maddow reported how Inman ...
According to new research

Dodgeball is 'oppressive' and 'dehumanises' people, study claims


raits to young students

Contrary to Donald Trump's Twitter feed
No US-Mexico deal exists despite Trump's claim, Mexico foreign minister says
It's unclear what the president is talking about


A man has been arrested in Washington DC for allegedly brandishing an air gun at a pride parade, causing a stampede.