Tuesday, May 07, 2019

"They can change their name, but they can't hide from the power of our movement." --Sara Shor, 350.org
"They can change their name, but they can't hide from the power of our movement that has successfully blocked Keystone XL for a decade."


What did the CBO say about #MedicareforAll in a new report?
Contrary to some press reports, the CBO study should be seen as useful and encouraging to advocates of Medicare for All.. The Congressional Budget Office issued a report on May 1, 2019 titled "Key Design Components and Considerations for Establishing a Single-Payer Health Care System." This report r...

While Israel’s government often touts itself as the “only democracy” in the Middle East, it is also the only government in the entire world that detains children through military courts with a near 100% conviction rate, something that even Saudi Arabia does not do.

While Israel touts itself as the only democracy in the ME, it is the only government in the world that detains children in military courts with a near 100% conviction rate.