Sunday, March 29, 2020

Today In History March 29

1936: Hitler claims victory in a referendum
Adolf Hitler received 99% of the votes in a referendum to ratify Germany's illegal re-militarization and reoccupation of the Rhineland.

On 7 March 1936 German troops marched into the Rhineland. This action was directly against the Treaty of Versailles which had laid out the terms which the ...
... 1936 denounced the Locarno Pact and began remilitarizing of the Rhineland. ... In 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, leading to the outbreak of World War II in ...

In 1936, Hitler boldly marched 22,000 German troops into the Rhineland, in a direct contravention of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler offered France and Britain a 25 ...

Below: Saturday, March 7, 1936 - German Army troops cross a bridge over the Rhine River and enter the Rhineland - for the first time since the end of World War ...
The Battle of the Rhineland 8 Feb-10 Mar 1945, was fought by the FIRST CANADIAN ARMY (with XXX British Corps under command) and Ninth US Army while ...

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