Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Steve Schmidt: ‘Abject idiocy’ of Trump is ‘what matters the most’ during coronavirus pandemic

Published May 19, 2020

Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt harshly criticized President Donald Trump during a Tuesday appearance on MSNBC.

“Look, President Trump is many things. He’s dishonest, He’s lied to the American people more than 17,000 times. He completely is corrupt,” Schmidt said. “He’s indecent, he’s vile, he’s divisive, but in this moment, the thing that matters the most — and I don’t say this to name call — but he’s an imbecile.

“That’s the precise word we use in the English language to describe his comportment, to describe his behavior.”

“Every day has been the achievement of a new stratosphere of just abject idiocy flowing out from the White House. So it’s the mismanagement of the crisis, we see the continual assault on our democratic institutions, the undermining of the rule of law, the institutionalization of the corruption of this administration, through the attorney general, the firing of the inspector generals, and on and on it goes,” he warned.

“Chris, the most powerful country in the world, supposedly — economically, militarily — we are a basket case,” he added. “You have more likelihood of catching it in the United States than anyplace else. You have more likelihood of not being able to get a test for it than anyplace else.”

“And so when we look at the totality of it, the mismanagement, the incompetence is so epically bad, there’s no comparison to it in the whole of American history,” Schmidt concluded.


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