Saturday, May 02, 2020

The Yezidis and the Peacock Angel - LAShTAL.COM

I have come across an interesting website about the Yezidis, created by them, expressing some of their difficulties in gaining fair political representation in the Iraqi Congress. What is of interest to Thelema is an in-depth description of their religious beliefs, including a page on the Peacock Angel named Melek Taws, also known as Shaitan.

According to Aleister Crowley, Thelema is a revival of the historic worship of Shaitan in the form of Aiwass. Given the dated sources Crowley had to draw upon while forming his views of the Yezidis, combined with the denial of the Yezidis that they were ever Devil worshipers of any sort, it would appear the Shaitan angle embraced by Crowley is unfounded; however, it is interesting how the author of the page on the Peacock Angel draws numerous connections between various deities from other religions and Melek Taws, embracing the syncretism Crowley was so fond of.

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