Thursday, October 08, 2020

"Unprecedented, we've never seen such a large turnout": US elections already decided?

The number of Americans voting preceding the November

 presidential election is unprecedented, according to early voting data.


That could be a hint of a record turnout in the election, in which incumbent President Donald Trump and Democrat Joseph Biden are candidates.

Four weeks before the November 3 election, more than four million Americans have already voted, which is far more than about 75.000 preceding the 2016 presidential election, according to the American election project, which collects data on early voting, Reuters reports.

The greater turnout was prompted by the decision of many states to allow early voting and postal voting on a larger scale due to the coronavirus pandemic, but also by the desire to make a decision on Trump's political future, said Michael MacDonald from the University of Florida, who leads the project.

"We have never seen such a large number of people vote much earlier. People vote when they make a decision who to support and we know that a large number have already decided and already have an opinion on Trump," McDonald said.

Due to the sharp increase in the number of voters who vote earlier, MacDonald predicts a record turnout of about 150 million, which is 65% of Americans with the right to vote, and that would be the highest percentage since 1908, reports the Voice of America.

According to national polls, Biden has an advantage over Trump, although research in countries that could be decisive in the elections indicates a close race.

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