Sunday, November 21, 2021

Poll: More Americans losing interest in having kids

Ivana Saric
Sun, November 21, 2021, 3:47 PM·1 min read

The proportion of U.S. adults who don't have children and say they're unlikely to want them in the future is growing, according to a new Pew Research Center survey published Friday.

Why it matters: The declining U.S. birth rate, which has dropped for the last six years, raises questions about whether the U.S. will have enough workers in years to come to sustain the economy and fund social programs, according to the Washington Post.

The big picture: The survey found that about 44% of non-parents aged 18-49 said it was "not too or not at all likely" that they will have children.

This represents a 7 point increase from 2018, when 37% of respondents said the same, per Pew Research Center.

Adults below 50 with children who say they're unlikely to have any more — about 74% — remain consistent with 2018 levels.

Between the lines: About 56% of non-parents who say they're unlikely to have kids say it's because they "just don't want" them.

Among other reasons, 19% cited medical issues, 17% cited finances and 15% said because they don't have a partner.

9% based their decision on the "state of the world" and 5% of these respondents attributed their reluctance to climate change.

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