Sunday, February 20, 2022

New car is vegan and made with mushrooms, Mercedes-Benz says

February 4, 2022

The interior of the vehicle will feature mushroom and cacti materials in place of animal leather, the company said. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader, File)

Mercedes-Benz has gone full-throttle with funky sustainable features in its upcoming VISION EQXX electric vehicle.

The car will be made out of avariety of sustainable materials, including mushrooms, cacti and bamboo products, according to Mercedes-Benz’s news release showcasing the car on Jan. 3.

“These (features) show that it is still possible to achieve the utmost in automotive luxury without using animal products, whilst creating an inimitable feeling of premium comfort. This fascinating journey has halved the carbon footprint of the leather alone,” Mercedes-Benz wrote on its website.

The car manufacturer worked with Mylo, the company that says it began the ‘mushroom-leather’ movement. They call their leather alternative “Unleather,” and it’s made from mycelium, the thread-like underground part of fungus that mushrooms grow from.

The vegan leather will be used to detail the seat cushions in the VISION EQXX, according to Mercedes-Benz.

That’s not the only plant-based material that will make an appearance in the car’s interior. They’ll swap more leather out for Deserttex, an automotive-specific material that is made from pulverized cacti fibers, Mercedes-Benz said. The carpets will be made with 100% bamboo fiber, and bio-engineered silk will be used for the door pulls.

According to Mercedes-Benz, the new car will be the most efficient model the company has ever built, focusing on energy and technology efficiency.

The vehicle will be able to travel more than 620 miles on a single charge. For comparison, the 2022 Model S from the popular electric auto brand Tesla averages about 396 miles on a single charge.

The automaker attributes that long driving range to the car’s low drag coefficient. The higher the drag coefficient in a vehicle, the more electric energy it takes to move the car against air resistance, Mercedes-Benz explained in its release. The VISION EQXX has a .17 drag coefficient and has an aerodynamic design meant to mimic the C 111 from the 1970s.

Almost none of the energy the car generates is wasted, either, according to Mercedes-Benz. The energy efficiency of the new vehicle means that 95% of the power in the battery is distributed to the wheels, compared to traditional gasoline-powered engines, which only get up to about 30% energy efficiency, according to Mercedes.

Mercedes-Benz isn’t the first car company to hop on the vegan-interior trend. Ford Mustang’s 2022 electric vehicle Mach-E, as well as certain Toyota and Porsche models will use vegan materials for their interiors.

Several car aficionados reacted to the new vehicle’s debut online, and what it may mean for the electric vehicle market moving forward.

In pitching the VISION EQXX, Mercedes-Benz says this car is meant to look — and feel — organic.

“From mushrooms to vegan silk, nature’s influence continues when we step inside the VISION EQXX. The lightweight luxury feel of the interior comes from extensive use of lightweight, sustainable materials and organic-inspired design detailing,” Mercedes-Benz wrote in its release. ”The basic principle is maximum comfort and style with minimum weight – and absolutely no animal-derived products.”

The car is anticipated to be available for purchase in 2024.

Alison Cutler is a National Real Time Reporter for the Southeast at McClatchy. She graduated from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University and previously worked for The News Leader in Staunton, VA, a branch of USAToday.

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