Saturday, June 15, 2024


  • Stranded Dogs Rescued Amid Southern Chile Flood

    Local authorities said that rescue efforts in Chile’s Bio Bio region continued on Thursday, June 13, in the wake of widespread flooding.The footage here, released by Emergency Services, shows two dogs being rescued in Arauco, a village affected by a new overflow of the Pichilo River.The Bio Bio region was declared a “disaster zone” following the heavy flooding. Credit: Carabineros Region del Bio Bio via Storyful

    2 days ago
  • 'Working Tirelessly': Rescue Efforts Continue in Wake of Chile Flooding

    Local authorities said that rescue efforts in Chile’s Biobio region continued through Thursday, June 13, in the wake of widespread flooding.The footage here, released by the Chilean National Firefighter Operations System, shows a flooded village and ongoing rescue operations.“Our teams have been working tirelessly since the beginning of the emergencies generated by the frontal system,” they said wrote.The Biobio region was declared a “disaster zone” following the heavy flooding. Credit: Sistema Nacional de Operaciones via Storyful

    2 days ago

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