Saturday, June 08, 2024


EU Elections, Olympics Overshadow New Caledonia Crisis

Caleb Fotheringham, RNZ Pacific Journalist

People in New Caledonia are disappointed that the riots last month are now being overshadowed by the Parliament elections and the Olympic Games.

New Caledonia's High Commissioner Louis Le Franc said the European elections on Sunday will take place, despite some local municipalities indicating that they are experiencing difficulties.

He said additional security will be deployed for the elections, La Première reported.

Local journalist Coralie Cochin said French media have stopped reporting on the territory.

"They used to do it maybe three weeks ago, but now [people in New Caledonia] feel abandoned because nobody talks about what is happening here anymore," Cochin said.

She said it was because of the upcoming EU elections and Paris Olympics, but also because "the French government tried to overshadow the subject".

"They really want to show a very positive image of [Emmanuel Macron's] action in New Caledonia."

Cochin said people are feeling angry, discouraged and tired from the riots that broke out on 13 May.

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