Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Town's steampunk festival attracts largest crowd yet

By Corazon Garcia & Asha Patel
BBC News, Nottingham
Craig Jenkins
Newark's steampunk festival was celebrating its third event this year

A town's annual four-day steampunk festival attracted its highest number of visitors yet with events that included a ball, market and picnic.

Newark Steampunk Festival first took place in in 2022, run by a society formed in the Nottinghamshire town in 2015.

The movement is a science fiction sub-genre blended with a Victorian fashion and technology aesthetic.

Organiser Parvin Mannering said the town's steampunk society was growing fast.
Craig Jenkins
The festival took place over four days

The event took place from Friday to Monday, with people in eye-catching outfits filling the town.

In 2022 it had 300 visitors, but this year Ms Mannering said on Saturday alone 1,600 people were there.

Ms Mannering said steampunk "kind of took a hold of Newark about 10 to 15 years ago", and had grown from strength to strength.

"When you get a place like Newark which is so steeped in history and quirky anyway it's just a magnet for people," she said.

"Many had never been here before and then they arrived and thought 'oh my goodness this is a fantastic place'.

"The more they come the more they love it."
Craig Jenkins
Visitors to the festival were dressed up in their finest costumes

Ms Mannering added: "We are still relatively new.

"I think more people are joining this incredible, social community."

She said three years ago the Newark Steampunk 800 members but had since reached 3,200 and was still growing.

"It is very relaxed and laid back. There is no expectation of anybody," she added.
Craig Jenkins
Science fiction meets Victorian fashion in the world of steampunk

The event also included a steampunk fashion show which Ms Mannering said was "absolutely sensational", a candle-lit concert, and finished with afternoon tea on Monday.

She added: "Thank you for everyone who got involved - it is not for profit and all for the good for the town."

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