Friday, July 19, 2024

Cultivated fish provides the basis of a new cat food

By Dr. Tim Sandle
July 18, 2024

A cat called Gizmo. Image by Tim Sandle.

While some people remain uncertain about the benefits or risks of cultured meat (what is sometimes erroneously called ‘lab grown meat’), there is an option of feeding your pet some artificially created concoction. This is through the cultivation of fish, derived from cellular sources. Such technology represents a novel advancement within the food sector.

UMAMI Bioworks and Friends & Family Pet Food Co. have partnered to launch the world’s first cat treats made from cultivated fish. This is designed to address both sustainability and pet nutrition, through the provision of an alternative protein source.

The company UMAMI Bioworks is a Singapore-headquartered biotech company that has developed an automated cultivated seafood production platform. The company combines novel stem cell biology, machine learning, and automation to create a scalable, cultivated fish production system.

The firm also seeks to address environmental stewardship amidst dwindling ocean resources and growing demand of sustainable pet food. Consequently, FnF’s new product line of cat treats are based on UMAMI Bioworks’ advanced cultivated technology and processes.

The treats are said to be rich in high-value microalgae, a blend of high-quality cultured proteins and essential nutrients, ensuring that cats receive optimal nutrition and seeks to offer an alternative to traditional fishing practices, reducing the strain on badly depleted ocean resources.

The new food will reduce reliance on traditional fishing methods, which often lead to overfishing and ocean depletion. Cultivated fish production is more resource-efficient, requiring less land, water, and feed compared to conventional aquaculture.

Mihir Pershad, CEO of UMAMI Bioworks states: “Our collaboration with Friends & Family is a genuine testament to the commercial potential of cultivated seafood in transforming pet nutrition and ultimately human food systems. These novel cat treats embody our mission to provide high-quality, sustainable protein sources while alleviating the ecological pressure on our oceans.”

In terms of seeking to improve pet nutrition, these treats and future products are intended provide cats with high-protein, high-fibre nutrition, supporting immunity, digestion, and overall health.

The new products are intended to be launched in Singapore and San Francisco in early 2025.

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