Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hong Kong journalists found guilty of sedition in landmark case

Human rights groups have condemned a Hong Kong court ruling on Thursday, which found two former chief editors of the shuttered news outlet Stand News guilty of sedition. Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam were the first journalists to be convicted of sedition since Britain handed Hong Kong over to China in 1997.

Issued on: 29/08/2024 - 
Chung Pui-kuen, the former chief editor of Hong Kong's Stand News, leaves a Hong Kong court on August 29, 2024. 
© Peter Parks, AFP


Hong Kong pro-democracy news outlet Stand News and its two former chief editors were found guilty of sedition on Thursday, the first conviction of its kind since the city came under Chinese rule in 1997.

The verdict is part of a crackdown on free speech in the former British colony that has seen critics of China jailed or forced into exile, following huge pro-democracy protests in 2019.

Editors Chung Pui-kuen, 54, and Patrick Lam, 36, are the first journalists to be convicted of sedition since Britain handed Hong Kong over to China in 1997, and the ruling drew resounding international condemnation.

Chung and Lam were in charge of Stand News, a Chinese-language website that gained a massive following during the protests in 2019, before it was raided and shut down in December 2021.

On Thursday, district court judge Kwok Wai-kin said the pair were guilty of "conspiracy to publish and reproduce seditious publications". The parent company of Stand News, Best Pencil Limited, was also found guilty.

"The line (Stand News) took was to support and promote Hong Kong local autonomy," according to a written judgement by Kwok.

"It even became a tool to smear and vilify the Central Authorities (Beijing) and the (Hong Kong) SAR Government."

Kwok also pointed to 11 articles published by Stand News that "caused potential detrimental consequences to national security" and had the intention of "seriously undermining" authorities in Beijing and Hong Kong.

Lam was absent from court on Thursday due to illness.

The judge granted the duo bail before their sentencing on September 26.
Colonial-era law

Chung and Lam were charged under a colonial-era law, which punishes sedition with a maximum jail term of two years.

A recent security law enacted in March raised the jail term for sedition to seven years.

In response to the verdict, the European Union called on Hong Kong to "stop prosecuting journalists".

"The ruling risks inhibiting the pluralistic exchange of ideas and the free flow of information, both cornerstones of the economic success of Hong Kong," a EU spokesperson said.

Speaking outside court, police chief superintendent Steve Li said the verdict "clearly illustrated the necessity and lawfulness" of the enforcement actions in 2021 against Stand News.

Asked if the verdict would further affect press freedom, Li said it would "actually help".

"It would let everyone know what kind of problems could risk breaching the law," he said.

'Not seditious'

But Beh Lih Yi from the Committee to Protect Journalists said the ruling showed that Hong Kong was "descending further into authoritarianism".

"Journalism is not seditious," she said.

Sarah Brooks, Amnesty International's China Director, called the verdict "one more nail in the coffin for press freedom in Hong Kong".

Hong Kong has seen its standing in global press freedom rankings plummet in recent years.

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Chung had testified that the outlet was a platform for free speech and defended his decisions to publish articles critical of the government.

But prosecutors accused them of bringing "hatred or contempt" to the Chinese and Hong Kong governments.

More than 100 people, including supporters and media professionals, queued up for spots in the public gallery on Thursday morning.

The verdict was also attended by representatives from various consulates -- including the United States, Britain, France, European Union, and Australia.


'Hit my heart': trial of Hong Kong editors leave journalists in tears

Hong Kong (AFP) – When sedition charges against Hong Kong news editors Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam were first read out in court, former employees of the now-shuttered Stand News broke down in tears in the public gallery.

Issued on: 29/08/2024 - 16:05
Chung Pui-kuen, the former chief editor of Hong Kong's now shuttered pro-democracy news outlet Stand News, leaves the district court in Hong Kong 
© Peter PARKS / AFP

The courtroom in the landmark trial became a battleground for debate about the merits and limits of press freedom in Hong Kong.

The former British colony once boasted one of the freest media environments in the world. But after Hong Kong saw pro-democracy protests in 2019, an ensuing government crackdown and the enactment of security laws have effectively quelled dissent.

"It was like a humiliation," recalled a former Stand News reporter who did not want to give his real name -- as with all other ex-employees who spoke to AFP in the months following the trial that began in October 2022.

"We were all very emotional and cried when we heard the allegations."

Similar scenes unfolded Thursday after Chung, 54, and Lam, 36, were found guilty of "conspiracy to publish and reproduce seditious publications".

Their Chinese-language website gained prominence for its coverage of Hong Kong's pro-democracy protests, with its reporters often livestreaming events before authorities quashed the movement.
Stand News chief editor Patrick Lam was arrested in December 2021 after the police raided the newsroom © Daniel SUEN / AFP

By late 2021, police raided Stand News offices and froze its assets under a sweeping security law.

Another former employee, who worked there for three years, burst into tears on Thursday when a defence lawyer read out a letter penned by Lam after the verdict was announced.

"We documented Hong Kong as best we could, trying to leave a first draft of history before these people and events disappeared," wrote Lam, who was not present in court due to illness.

"The only way for journalists to defend the freedom of the press is to report, just like everyone who is still holding fast to their posts today."

The teary reporter, who now works for a different publication, said Lam's letter "really hit my heart".

"He was trying to remind us what values and principles we should adhere to," he told AFP after the ruling.

"The very simple essence of being a journalist is to keep reporting."

- 'Muddy the waters' -

Hong Kong was once known for its freewheeling media scene, a sharp contrast to mainland China which remains one of the most oppressive places for journalists worldwide.

Police raided the offices of pro-democracy news outlet Stand News in December 2021 © Daniel SUEN / AFP

Thursday's verdict made Chung and Lam the first journalists to be convicted under a colonial-era sedition law since the finance hub was handed over to China in 1997.

Prosecutors cited the outlet's interviews with pro-democracy activists and op-eds critical of a security law imposed by Beijing in 2020 as proof of sedition, but during the trial, Chung defended the decision to publish diverse viewpoints.

Former Stand News employees attending the trial saw their work dissected by prosecutors for any hint of sedition.

One columnist said he realised it was dangerous for journalists to question the security law, which prompted further self-censorship across the industry.

"The overall strategy was to muddy the waters, so as to keep (the media) guessing."

Another former reporter said she felt enraged watching prosecutors use "absurd excuses to shut down and delete our work".

In the end, she decided to quit journalism.

"I don't want anyone else to pay a high price for what I wrote," she said.

- 'Pay the price' -

For some, the parrying Chung did on the witness stand sent a message.

"The real audience was the public," an ex-Stand News features writer said.

"In terms of conveying his views on independent media and how it used to exist in this society, I think the message was delivered."

Media researcher Carol Lai, who attended the verdict on Thursday, agreed.

The media wait outside the district court ahead of sedition verdict of Stand News and its two editors © Peter PARKS / AFP

"The trial is not just about them but about the whole industry... It's very depressing, but (Chung's testimony) gave me a lot of positive inspiration."

After he and Lam were granted bail pending their sentencing next month, Chung left the court to face a sea of reporters.

He paused briefly for photographers, then left without saying a word.

But in a letter submitted to court by his lawyers post-verdict, Chung said many Hong Kong journalists, including his former employees, were "determined" to stay in news.

"Some (Hong Kongers) are so concerned about the freedom and dignity of the people in their communities that they are willing to pay the price of losing their own freedom. It is the inescapable responsibility of journalists to faithfully record and report."

© 2024 AFP

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