Monday, September 30, 2024


Oughton collecting data on space weather events

Grant and Award Announcement

George Mason University

Edward Oughton, Assistant Professor, Geography and Geoinformation Science, College of Science, received funding for the project: “RAPID: Collecting Perishable Critical Infrastructure Operational Data for May 2024 Space Weather Events.”

Oughton will use this funding to gather perishable operational decision data from critical infrastructure operators. He is taking this step to allow future generations of scientists and engineers to better understand how to model space weather hazards.

Oughton received $84,999 from the National Science Foundation for this project. Funding began in Aug. 2024 and will end in late July 2025.


Munshi conducting comprehensive study of low surface brightness galaxy formation & evolution

George Mason University

Ferah Munshi, Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy, College of Science, is studying the formation of Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies. Galaxies are observed to come in many sizes and luminosities. Of particular interest are galaxies that, for their mass, are large and dim, called Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies. These galaxies are everywhere, making up nearly 50 percent of the universe, and scientists still do not understand why they are as dim and as large as they are. 

This proposal will help Munshi and her collaborators understand why LSBs look the way they do, including understanding the mysterious matter we can’t see: dark matter. As a tool, this research will use large-scale supercomputer simulations which are able to model the universe from the big bang to present day. 

Munshi and her collaborators intend to identify formation channel(s) of LSB galaxies, explain their evolution, and understand their dark matter (DM) content and distribution in the context of Cold Dark Matter (CDM). CDM is a specific type of dark matter that moves very slowly compared to the speed of light and does not interact with normal matter outside of gravity. 

The researchers will statistically study the formation of LSB galaxies as a function of their mass and environment using an existing simulation volume and then will create their own LSB galaxies by running zoom-in simulations capable of resolving the interplay between the matter we can see (stars and gas) and the underlying invisible dark matter distribution. 

Finally, they will use the Genetic Modification Technique (GM) to tweak the simulations and study how small changes in the initial conditions of the simulation might change the appearance of the LSB. This work could solve the mystery of LSB formation as well as constrain the nature of dark matter. 

This proposal will also support George Mason’s Women Leaders in STEM (WLIS) by funding expert education and STEM speakers to be hosted on campus for events. This will support the WLIS’s efforts to support undergraduate students through their STEM journeys, by providing professional development, networking strategies, study skills, and future job resources.

Munshi received $322,295 from the National Science Foundation for this project. Funding began in Sept. 2024 and will end in late Aug. 2027.



What is the moon's true origin story?

The Earth may have captured the rocky satellite from space, rather than forming it from collision particles during planetary formation, researchers report

Penn State

Darren Williams, a professor of astronomy 


New research by Darren Williams, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State Behrend, pictured here, and Michael Zugger, a senior research engineer at the Applied Research Lab at Penn State, offers a new possibility for how the moon formed: a binary-exchange capture as two objects passed near a much-younger Earth. 

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Credit: Penn State Behrend

ERIE, Pa. — Over six missions to the moon, from 1969 to 1972, Apollo astronauts collected more than 800 pounds of lunar rock and soil. Chemical and isotopic analysis of that material showed that it was similar to the rock and soil on Earth: calcium-rich, basaltic and dating to about 60 million years after the solar system formed.

Using that data, the planetary scientists who gathered at the Kona Conference in Hawaii in 1984 came to the consensus that the moon formed from debris after a collision on the young Earth.

But that might not be the moon’s true origin story, according to two Penn State researchers. New research published in The Planetary Science Journal by Darren Williams, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State Behrend, and Michael Zugger, a senior research engineer at the Applied Research Lab at Penn State, offers another possibility: That the moon was captured during a close encounter between a young Earth and a terrestrial binary — the moon and another rocky object.

“The Kona Conference set the narrative for 40 years,” Williams said. But questions still lingered. For example, a moon that forms from a planetary collision, taking shape as debris clumps together in a ring, should orbit above the planet’s equator. Earth’s moon orbits in a different plane.

“The moon is more in line with the sun than it is with the Earth’s equator,” Williams said.

In the alternative binary-exchange capture theory, the researchers said, Earth’s gravity separated the binary, snagging one of the objects — the moon — and making it a satellite that orbits in its current plane.

There is evidence of this happening elsewhere in the solar system, Williams said, pointing to Triton, the largest of Neptune’s moons. The reigning hypothesis in the field is that Triton was pulled into orbit from the Kuiper Belt, where one of every 10 objects is thought to be a binary. Triton orbits Neptune in a retrograde orbit, moving in the opposite direction of the planet’s rotation. Its orbit is also significantly tilted, angled 67 degrees from Neptune’s equator.

Williams and Zugger determined that Earth could have captured a satellite even larger than the moon — an object the size of Mercury or even Mars — but the resulting orbit might not have been stable.

The problem is that the "capture" orbit — the one the moon follows — began as an elongated ellipse, rather than a circle. Over time, influenced by extreme tides, the shape of the orbit changed.

“Today, the Earth tide is ahead of the moon,” Williams said. “High tide accelerates the orbit. It gives it a pulse, a little bit of boost. Over time, the moon drifts a bit farther away.”

The effect is reversed if the moon is closer to Earth, as it would have been immediately after capture. By calculating tidal changes and the orbit’s size and shape, the researchers determined that the moon’s initial elliptical orbit contracted over a timescale of thousands of years. The orbit also became more circular, rounding its path until the lunar spin locked into its orbit around the Earth, as it is today.

At that point, Williams said, the tidal evolution likely reversed, and the moon began to gradually drift away.

Every year, he said, the moon moves 3 centimeters farther from Earth. At its current distance from Earth — 239,000 miles — the moon now feels a significant tug from the sun’s gravity.

“The moon is now so far away that both the sun and Earth are competing for its attention,” Williams said. “Both are pulling on it.”

His calculations show that, mathematically, a binary-exchange captured satellite could behave as Earth's moon does. But he's not certain that's how the moon came to be.

“No one knows how the moon was formed,” he said. “For the last four decades, we have had one possibility for how it got there. Now, we have two. This opens a treasure trove of new questions and opportunities for further study.”

The Penn State Consortium for Planetary and Exoplanetary Science and Technology supported this research.

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