Saturday, October 19, 2024

IDF soldier investigated for war crimes in Belgium

Probe launched after Palestinian journalists' investigative report into elite IDF unit, claiming civilians were executed; Belgian Justice minister says Israel has the right to self-defence but that

IDF soldier investigated for war crimes in Belgium

Probe launched after Palestinian journalists' investigative report into elite IDF unit, claiming civilians were executed; Belgian Justice minister says Israel has the right to self-defense but that does not excuse it from following international law

Belgium prosecution was investigating a man with dual Israeli-Belgium citizenship who fought in Gaza, for war crimes. 
Israeli officials said an investigation was launched after Palestinian groups lodged a criminal complaint, but no proceedings have been put into place.
IDF troops operating in Gaza
(Photo: IDF)

According to Belgium's prosecution, the investigation centers around a 22-year-old citizen of the country who served as a sharpshooter in an elite unit of the IDF.
It followed an investigative report by Palestinian journalist Younis Tirawi who accused the unit of "the brutal execution of unarmed civilians."

Tirawi said he received his information from an American who also serves in the unit and who provided evidence that civilians were being targeted although they posed no danger. The unit which was operating in Gaza since October, is made up of 21 soldiers, among them three American nationals, two Frenchmen, a German, an Italian and a citizen of Belgium who is now being investigated.

IDF troops operating in Gaza
(Photo: IDF)

Belgium's Justice Minister Paul Van Tigchelt said on Friday that the investigation hoped to uncover whether the report was true. "Israel has a right for self-defense but that does not excuse its duty to respect international humanitarian law," he said. does not excuse it from following international law

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