Monday, February 06, 2006

View from the South

Aaron Goldstein a former NDPer now a Republican writes an interesting column on the Canadian election I thought I would share with ya' all.

So I Guess Stephen Harper Won’t Be Resigning After All

Where he says this;

I do believe that observers of Canadian politics have not yet fully appreciated the gravity of this election. On the left hand you have Rosie O’Donnell lamenting, “It’s a very sad day for Canada when the Liberal government has been ousted by the Republican Right.” On the right hand you have Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation who states, “The people of Canada have become so liberal and hedonistic that the public ethic in the Country immediately could not be reversed. It will take time. But with leadership it well may be possible to change the public ethic.” Weyrich’s full article can be read at

Well both O’Donnell and Weyrich are wrong. O’Donnell is wrong to claim that Canadians have embraced the “Republican Right” and Weyrich is wrong to brandish Canadians as “liberal and hedonistic”. If Canadians have yet to fully appreciate the gravity of the elections it certainly cannot be said for non Canadians such as O’Donnell and Weyrich.

So neither Rosie O’Donnell nor Paul Weyrich need fret about Canada. Rosie O’Donnell can rest assured that the Conservatives will be kept in check by a strong opposition. Paul Weyrich ought to know that Canadians support a public ethic of “peace, order and good government”. Remember! I said good government not big government. If Stephen Harper and the Conservatives can bring peace, order and good government they might earn a majority government next time around.


Lifesite Breaks News and Wind

The anti-gay anti-abortion right wing fundamentalist christian, my gawd that's a mouthful, web site LifeSite breaks news about what government positions their Calgary buddies Jason Kenney and Diane Ablonczy, who didn't make cabinet, will get.

Many pro-life Canadians wondered at the absence of Jason Kenney, one of the most capable MPs and a stalwart defenders of life and family. has learned that Kenney has been appointed the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister. Another pro-life MP of prominence within the Conservative Party who was passed over for a cabinet post, Diane Ablonczy, will be the parliamentary secretary to the Finance Minister.

And then for good measure they offer this reason that David Emerson joined the Conservative government.Finally, Liberal MP David Emerson was rewarded for switching to the Conservative Party with the position of Minister of International Trade. Emerson is pro-abortion and voted against traditional marriage on Bill C-38.


Rempel Has Been Blitzed

Yeah yeah I know I am a glutton for punishment but I wandered over to the corpse in the blogosphere, Peter Rempels blog , just to kick it around to see if it really is dead and what do I find its off line.

Instead its been replaced with this:

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

For More Information email, or call (403)634-8888

Then I check my links again and find it's here kind of.

Also see:

He's Baaaaaack

Good Riddance Not Goodbye


Defense Lobbyist Now Minister

So did Derek Burney who is well established as a lobbyist for the Defense establishment in Canada have any say in the appointment of this Defense Lobbyist as Minister of Defense? Of course O'Conner was a natural for the job, however he was only elected 18 months ago.

And what influence will Burney maintain in the Harper government over issues of BMD which he promotes. With Peter McKay as the lame duck in Foreign affairs, a politcal perk appointment, who will really be pulling the strings? Burney, O'Conner and Harper I would suggest.

Boy Harper's cabinet appointments look more and more American style all the time. And less and less accountable.

And whats good for the Military is good for the Military Suppliers whom O'Conner worked for.

NOW magazine said;
Ottawa-area Tory MP Gordon O'Connor has on at least two occasions publicly pushed military equipment of former clients.

Gordon O'Connor, defence minister
Carleton-Mississippi Mills, Ont.
O’Connor was first elected as an MP in 2004. He has since acted as the critic for national defence. O’Connor was also a member of the national defence and veterans affairs committee and the subcommittee on veterans affairs. A former member of the Canadian Forces, he retired with the rank of brigadier-general. His military appointments included responsibility for planning the future force structure of the Canadian Forces and co-ordinating resources related to about 300 Canadian Forces equipment and infrastructure projects. He has since worked as a consultant and in a variety of business operations.

And even the Blogging Tories are not comfortable with O'Conners close ties to the Military Industrial establishment in Canada

Forestalling the appearance of conflict at Defence

Firstly, how will Mr. O'Connor's history - as both a retired officer, and a lobbyist - with the current leadership at DND affect his ability to work with them as minister? Does he have a problem with the current CDS or others in positions of influence at DND? Refusing to attend a simple meeting on such an important procurement issue suggests he might.

If anyone at DND has personal knowledge of tensions between Mr. O'Connor and either the civilian or military leadership at the Department, or equally if anyone can put these concerns to rest, they're invited to drop me an e-mail in complete confidence (damian dot brooks NO SPAM at gmail dot com).

Secondly, how will Mr. O'Connor overcome the appearance of a conflict of interest when it comes to military procurement issues if he is appointed MND? Because while Airbus is the focus of this discussion, it was hardly his only client when he worked for Hill and Knowlton Canada.

Western Star, one former O'Connor client, was in the initial running for the Iltis replacement. That procurement was hardly without controversy: the G-Wagen won by default when every other competitor withdrew from the bidding process.

General Dynamics Canada, another former O'Connor client, is one of the big kids on the defence contractor block. They were part of the successful Sikorsky bid on the Maritime Helicopter Project to replace the CF's Sea Kings.

BAE Systems, another ex-client of O'Connor's, recently won one of the CF-18 modernization contracts.

I bring these up not to suggest any impropriety - far from it - but to point out to Mr. O'Connor and the CPC that they will have to deal with some significant challenges should he become the Defence Minister in a Conservative government.

Underneath his calls for quicker procurement strategies, less complex bidding, streamlining of the process, leaves one to wonder who benefits from this more the public and taxpayers getting bang for their buck, or the Military equipment suppliers? | Gov't to purchase 16 military aircraft: CP

Earlier this month, the Conservative defence critic, retired general Gordon O'Connor, said he was concerned the government was rushing the process unnecessarily and made the requirements "so precise only one solution's possible."

But some say the acquisitions are inevitable, have been budgeted for and have such widespread support in Parliament they would be implemented by whichever party wins the election.

O'Connor - the former director of military requirements and an ex-industry lobbyist - said later there is nothing stopping the Liberals from going ahead with plans to replace aircraft.

Military wins no matter what after election


OTTAWA (CP) - The federal Conservatives say if elected they'll boost the national defence budget "in magnitude," assuring the military a win no matter who's in after the Jan. 23 vote. The Liberal government committed $12.8 billion to military expansion in last February's budget, which will bring the total defence budget to almost $20 billion within five years. Defence Minister Bill Graham has dangled tantalizing toys before Canada's military - new planes, ships and vehicles. He's expanding the forces by 5,000 personnel. But the Conservatives say they'll do even more for defence. "Certainly the Armed Forces aren't going to get less," said the Tory defence critic, retired general Gordon O'Connor. "There's going to be substantially more for the Armed Forces - in magnitude different." The Tories will boost military spending significantly - O'Connor wouldn't say how much - and expand personnel by 15,000, to 75,000, said O'Connor, who drafted the party's defence platform. All Liberal defence policies will be up for review, said O'Connor, including last spring's defence policy statement that was supposed to set the course for Canada's army, navy, air and special forces for 20 years. "We will review everything," O'Connor said. "We have our own policy. It may support what they are doing or it may modify what they are doing."
During the 2004 election campaign, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper promised an extra $5 billion in military spending over five years, 20,000 new soldiers, new tanks, new helicopter-carrying warships and muscular transport planes.
O'Connor, who retired as the director of military requirements and later became an industry lobbyist, said airlift now is his party's No. 1 defence priority.
But it's up in the air whether the Tories will go for 16 mid-range transport planes worth nearly $5 billion, as the Liberals announced Nov. 22, or opt for fewer of those supplemented by larger, heavy-lift aircraft capable of transporting troops and equipment over vast distances.
Under a Conservative government, the Liberal procurement project may go ahead or it may be modified, O'Connor said.
"We believe in airlift," he said. "I consider airlift as the No. 1 equipment requirement for the Armed Forces.
"But an airlift solution based on our policy may be different."
O'Connor said he expects Harper will announce his defence policy before Christmas.
He said the party won't be bound by preconceived ideas. They want to look at requirements before settling on what combination of aircraft would best serve defence.
A Conservative government would also buy more Arctic utility aircraft than the Liberals plan and base some of them further north, he added.
"I believe we should have a firm deployment of new aircraft in the Arctic," he said.
With the Liberals' blessing, navy planners are already in the early stages of acquiring new support ships and transport vessels, similar to those Harper promised in last year's election campaign.
O'Connor said he strongly supports streamlined military procurement practices, but he says the Liberal method will hurt competition and favour certain products - Lockheed Martin's C-130J transport plane, for example.
Prime Minister Paul Martin has said getting what the military needs takes precedence over regional and industrial benefits.
O'Connor said he also supports what he calls the "sensible" Liberal concept of setting out requirements based on performance needs. But he said regional and industrial benefits are a must in any military procurement.
"The biggest waste of time is in the Defence Department," O'Connor said. "They're spending four years now to arrive at a document that says this is what we want."
He said defence procurements have to be directed from the top down, not the bottom up.
"Things will be better for the military" under a Conservative government, O'Connor promised.
"In funding, you're going to see a substantial difference - quite a bit more than the Liberals. We've got to get this Armed Forces out of a hole."


My Cabinet Predictions

Well here is what I predicted

Vic Toews Justice and Attorney General

Jim Prentice Indian Affairs

Monte Solberg Treasury Board

Rona Ambrose Foreign Affairs

Caroline Skelton Agriculture

Peter McKay Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Stockwell Day Water Sports

And here is what they got

  • Vic Toews, Justice
  • Jim Prentice Indian Affairs
  • Monte Solberg, Citizenship
  • Rona Ambrose, Environment
  • Carolyn Skelton National Revenue
  • Peter MacKay, Foreign Affairs
  • Stockwell Day, Public Safety

  • Public Safety? Wow I feel safer already. Yoiks. Watch for the return of secret trials and internment camps as Stockwell Day is rabidly Anti-Arab, Anti-Palestine and Israel and Zionism's 'best friend'. Here comes more racial profiling more secret arrests and trials.

    Anyways got two right on, I may not have gotten the portfolios right but got the names right. And finally I was one of the few to predict Prentice in Cabinet and as Indian Affairs. And like most pundits I am shocked to see
    Diane Ablonczy not in Cabinet.

    So what do I win?


    Harpers Accountable Government NOT

    Stage Left makes this point about the appointment of MichaelFortier to Cabinet and the Senate, when he isn't elected, which further reinforces what I have said about the secretive government fetish Harper has.

    Harper managed to reward a party campaign co-chair with a Ministerial appointment and ensure that his new Minister of Public Works and Government Services doesn’t have to answer questions in the House. Now that’s inventive.

    So I guess they will have to question him in that 'other place',the Red House.


    Small C Liberal

    That's what quizzling David Emerson told reporters in a media scrum after the swearing in of Harpers cabinet. " I have always been a small c liberal." Un huh, right. So what's that make Belinda Stronach a small l conservative?

    Emerson did admit that there is no difference between the Conservatives and Liberals, and tooted his own horn saying his crossing the floor to join the Conservatives, at Harpers request, was a way of bringing the party to the Centre. Yep right.

    The secrecy and paranoia has not left the Harper regime. They have always played close to their chest and the cabinet selection along with Emerson crossing the floor were well kept secrets. So much so that Emerson failed to tell Bill Graham leader of the Liberals. Or his own constituency, or well anyone.

    Which bodes ill for 'open and accountable' government. We will have a much more closed lip, media unfriendly, secretive government as today showed.


    What took so long

    For the Conservatives to sell out their base and become a real governing poltical party just like the Liberals. Beyond the anticipated and highly secret cabinet picks here is the REAL news for this first day of a new Conservative Government.

    Emerson crosses floor
    The most stunning move of the morning was the news that former Liberal Industry Minister David Emerson, a one-time lumber industry executive, has crossed the floor to join the Conservative government. The British Columbian won’t serve in his old post but as Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Pacific Gateway and the Vancouver-Whistler OlympicsFor Paul Martin’s Liberals, who once considered Emerson one of their star candidates, his move across the floor of the House serves as very bad news.

    Since he is corporate boss what would one expect. Capitalists love both the Liberals and Conservatives, either in power is fine with them. Oh yeah I guess his constitiuents could have expected that he would have run as a Conservative.

    The NDP call for electoral reform, with an immediate by-election would have never allowed this to happen. It gives their policy more credence after this slick move.

    The Star reports that it was Edmonton MP JamesRajotte, Harpers close pal and political Oberfuerher that swung Emerson, giving this more credence and saying alot about how the Conservatives in power will act.
    According to early reports, it appeared that James Rajotte (Edmonton-Leduc), the former Conservative industry critic, was key in convincing Emerson to cross the floor.

    And what was the Tories were saying about Belinda after she crossed the floor and during this last election? Hmmm. Liberals, Tories same old story.

    And then to add a cherry to the topping Harper decides to Americanize the cabinet in this surprize move.

    Unelected aide named to cabinet
    Michel Fortier, one of the co-chairs of the Conservative campaign will become the new Public Works minister. Fortier did not run in the election and is not a member of the Tory caucus. Fortier will be appointed to the Senate on the condition that he step down for the next election to run for a seat in the House of Commons.

    Opps wait a minute wasn't that Senate seat supposed to go to Burt Brown from Alberta the only elected Senator in Canada? He has been waiting for years, since Harper was one of the young Turks in the new Reform party. So much for that Triple E Senate promise. That went out the window for the sake of Real Politicks.

    Blogging Tories are in shock. Well they should be. They thought their party; the new Conservative Party was principled, and they believed their own propaganda. Tch tch. Really guys welcome to the world of Parlimentary Politics.

    Angry in the Great White North Asks;
    Are the Conservatives up by one?

    Not if they dump Pallister for running for leader of the Manitoba Conservative Party, and do it now. But will they? What have you not been reading what I have said, this is realpolitick, of course they won't.


    Frank and Gordon Have Bell Jobs

    During the Super Bowl yesterday Bell Canada/ BCE, launched their new ad campaign which featured two talking beavers, Frank and Gordon applying for jobs as spokes-beavers for Bell just in time for the Olympics.

    And they get hired cause the beaver is so Canadian. (though I will give them this they had a very funny line about being two Canadian males in an ambigous relationship)

    They are using the latest in CGI bin technology and promoting all of their telecom and internet services, mobile phone etc. as one brand. With two talking beavers, which are not real. Meanwhile BCE has laid off 10, 000 real Canadians. And eliminated their real jobs.

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    The Frank and Gordon show
    How Bell built its first national brand platform around a couple of talking beavers (sub needed)


    Dave and I

    Ooh scary how close CTV reporter David Atkin and I get in our cabinet predicitions for today. Though he does not mention Rona Ambrose and I do. And he mentions Stephen Fletcher and I don't, but we agree he is not in. Nor is Stockewell Day. Yay.
