Monday, September 09, 2024


Popular home blood pressure monitoring cuff devices may not fit some US adults

American Heart Association Meeting Report – Moderated Poster Presentation MP23

American Heart Association

Research Highlights:

  • An analysis of at-home blood-pressure monitors estimates that the arm cuffs for 10 of the most popular potentially do not fit up to 18 million adults in the U.S. and nearly 12% of Black adults.
  • To ensure accurate blood pressure monitoring, the researchers suggest that manufacturers and retailers be aware of the disparities and improve access and selection of diverse blood pressure cuff sizes for consumers.
  • Note: The studies featured in this news release are research abstracts. Abstracts presented at the American Heart Association’s scientific meetings are not peer-reviewed, and the findings are considered preliminary until published as a full manuscript in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

CHICAGO, Sept. 5, 2024 — At-home blood-pressure monitor cuffs may improperly fit many adults in the U.S., according to preliminary research presented at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2024 and simultaneously published today in the journal Hypertension. The meeting is in Chicago, September 5-8, 2024, and is the premier scientific exchange focused on recent advances in basic and clinical research on high blood pressure and its relationship to cardiac and kidney disease, stroke, obesity and genetics.

Researchers investigated the cuff size available with home blood pressure monitors. They estimate that for as many as 18 million U.S. adults — nearly 7% of the adult population — the cuffs are too small or too large and may not provide accurate blood pressure measurements. A separate recent clinical trial found that a cuff that is one size too small or one size too large can over- or under-estimate blood pressure readings.

“Most popular blood pressure devices we tested had the same cuff size coverage – to fit arms with a circumference from 8.7 to 16.5 inches (22 centimeters to 42 centimeters). We estimate that these one-size cuffs would not properly fit approximately 18 million U.S. adults potentially providing inaccurate blood pressure measures,” said senior study author Kunihiro Matsushita, M.D., Ph.D., FAHA, a professor in the department of epidemiology in the division of cardiology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

According to the American Heart Association’s 2024 Statistical Update, nearly half of U.S. adults have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to heart attack, stroke, heart failure and other complications. The 2017 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults classifies high blood pressure as having top or bottom blood pressure measures greater than or equal to 130/80 mm Hg. The Association recommends all people with high blood pressure monitor their blood pressure at home with a home blood pressure monitor between office visits to help their health care professional know if treatments are working. Upper arm cuff devices are preferred over wrist devices, according to an American Heart Association/American Medical Association 2020 joint report.

For this study, researchers reviewed 10 of the most popular blood-pressure monitoring devices sold through a large online retailer. Nine of the 10 devices offered a cuff-size range of 22- to 42-centimeters (8.7 inches to 16.5 inches) in circumference. Although several manufacturers offer additional cuff sizes at an extra cost, the researchers focused on the cuffs that come standard with the blood pressure devices because most consumers are likely to use those default cuffs.

After comparing the circumference of the devices against data from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2015-2020 and extrapolating that representative data on to U.S. Census data, the researchers concluded:

  • 6.7% of U.S. adults (17.3 million adults based on the 2023 U.S. Census) could not use these devices because their arm circumferences were less than 8.7 inches (22 centimeters) or greater than 16.5 inches (42 centimeters).
  • The proportion of adults whose arms would not fit in these devices was highest among Black adults (11.8%), compared to white adults (6.6%), Hispanic adults (5.2%) and Asian adults (1.8%).

“This disparity in sizing is particularly concerning given the already high and increasing prevalence of high blood pressure among Black adults. To increase equity, manufacturers should prioritize the development and affordable sale of blood pressure measuring devices that accommodate arm circumferences greater than 42 centimeters, and health care professionals should measure patients’ arm circumferences to help them select an appropriate cuff size when purchasing a home blood pressure device,” Matsushita said. ”Addressing the size disparity in device design is crucial for quality and equitable high blood pressure diagnosis and management.”

Study details, background or design:   

  • The researchers reviewed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2015-2020) database for 13,826 adults who were 18 years or older and not pregnant. This database was also the source used to quantify how many people would be ineligible to use retail devices due to arm circumference.
  • Participants’ average age was 47 years-old; 51% self-identified as women and 49% as men.
  • Participants were considered to have high blood pressure if they had blood pressure readings of 130/80 mm Hg or higher, a self-reported physician diagnosis of high blood pressure, or if they were taking blood pressure medication.
  • Researchers searched a large online retailer’s automatic blood pressure category in January 2024 to identify the most widely used devices by referencing their ranking, number of purchases and number of ratings in the previous month.
  • Please note: The data in this news release are updated and therefore do not match the data in the abstract but do match the data in the simultaneous publication. The update has been confirmed by the researchers.

The study’s limitations included its restriction to a single large online retailer and only 10 devices. The researchers had planned to review 16 devices, however, 6 devices were unavailable for purchase.

“This study is interesting, important and provides very practical information. Use of an incorrect arm cuff size is one of the more important sources of systematic (predictable) error during blood pressure measurement. This research found that the number of U.S. adults expected to have an arm size larger than routinely covered by the cuff size provided by the manufacturer (16.5 million) was much larger than the number expected to have an arm size smaller than that routinely covered by the manufacturer (0.8 million). Thus, the use of a routinely sized cuff is far more likely to result in overestimation of hypertension rather than underestimation of hypertension. The best solution is to have cuffs of different sizes available, so a cuff that is of correct size for the patient can be chosen,” said Paul K. Whelton, M.B., M.D., M.Sc., FAHA. Whelton is the Show Chwan Chair in Global Public Health in the department of epidemiology at Tulane University’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans and president of the World Hypertension League, as well as chair of the American Heart Association’s 2017 Hypertension Practice Guidelines and a member of the writing committee for the Association’s 2021 Scientific Statement on Management of Stage 1 Hypertension in Adults.

“In addition to selection of the correct cuff size, other sources of systematic (predictable) error should be excluded by preparing the patient, choosing an appropriate BP measurement site and using clinically validated BP measurement devices,” Whelton said.

Note: Moderated Poster Presentation MP23 in Session MPS04 Social Determinant of Health and Blood Pressure is Friday, September 6, 2024, at 10:10 am CT.

Statements and conclusions of studies presented at the American Heart Association’s scientific meetings are solely those of the study authors and do not necessarily reflect the Association’s policy or position. The Association makes no representation or guarantee as to their accuracy or reliability. Abstracts presented at the Association’s scientific meetings are not peer-reviewed, rather, they are curated by independent review panels and are considered based on the potential to add to the diversity of scientific issues and views discussed at the meeting. The findings are considered preliminary until published as a full manuscript in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. 

The Association receives funding primarily from individuals; foundations and corporations (including pharmaceutical, device manufacturers and other companies) also make donations and fund specific Association programs and events. The Association has strict policies to prevent these relationships from influencing the science content. Revenues from pharmaceutical and biotech companies, device manufacturers and health insurance providers and the Association’s overall financial information are available here

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About the American Heart Association

The American Heart Association is a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. We are dedicated to ensuring equitable health in all communities. Through collaboration with numerous organizations, and powered by millions of volunteers, we fund innovative research, advocate for the public’s health and share lifesaving resources. The Dallas-based organization has been a leading source of health information for a century. During 2024 - our Centennial year - we celebrate our rich 100-year history and accomplishments. As we forge ahead into our second century of bold discovery and impact, our vision is to advance health and hope for everyone, everywhere. Connect with us on heart.orgFacebookX or by calling 1-800-AHA-USA1.


Unraveling the epigenetic basis of psychiatric disorders: an interview with rising star researcher Pierre-Éric Lutz

CNRS scientist shares insights on neuroepigenetics, addiction, and depression in Genomic Press Interview

Genomic Press

Pierre-Éric Lutz, MD-PhD 


Pierre-Éric Lutz, MD-PhD, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Strasbourg, France.

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Credit: Pierre-Éric Lutz, MD-PhD

Strasbourg, France - The “Innovators & Ideas: Rising Star” section of Genomic Psychiatry features an illuminating “Genomic Press Interview” with Dr. Pierre-Eric Lutz, a rising star in the field of neuro-epigenetics. The interview delves into Lutz's pioneering research on the epigenetic mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders such as addiction and depression.

Dr. Lutz, a permanent researcher at France's prestigious Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Strasbourg's Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neuroscience, shares his journey from medical school to the forefront of epigenetic research. His work combines genetic engineering in mice, high-throughput multiomics in both mouse models and human cohorts, and advanced bioinformatics to unravel the complex biological processes behind mental health conditions.

"Our research aims to bridge the gap between genomics and behavior," explains Dr. Lutz. "By understanding how epigenetic changes influence gene expression and ultimately behavior, we hope to contribute to a better recognition of the biological determinants of mental health and reduce the stigma associated with psychiatric diseases."

The Genomic Press Interview highlights Lutz's current research focus on refining addiction models in mice and improving the resolution of epigenetic landscape analysis. His team is developing a paradigm that uses optogenetics to study compulsive-like behaviors in mice, opening new avenues for investigating the role of epigenetic machinery in complex behaviors.

Dr. Lutz's work on DNA methylation patterns at the single-allele level represents a significant advancement in the field. This approach promises to provide unprecedented insights into the epigenetic basis of psychiatric disorders, potentially leading to new therapeutic strategies.

The interview also touches on Dr. Lutz's personal journey, including his postdoctoral work at McGill University, where he studied the epigenetic reprogramming of critical brain systems in response to childhood maltreatment. This experience shaped his current research direction and highlighted the importance of integrating clinical perspectives with basic science.

"Dr. Lutz's work exemplifies the cutting-edge research being conducted at the intersection of epigenetics and psychiatry," says Dr. Julio Licinio, Editor-in-Chief of Genomic Psychiatry. "His insights into the molecular underpinnings of complex behavioral traits are not only advancing our understanding of psychiatric disorders but also paving the way for more targeted and effective treatments."

The Genomic Press Interview with Dr. Pierre-Eric Lutz offers a fascinating glimpse into the life and work of a scientist at the forefront of neuro-epigenetics. It underscores the potential of this field to revolutionize our approach to mental health and psychiatric disorders.

The full Genomic Press Interview “Pierre-Eric Lutz: The role of epigenomic plasticity in the emergence and protracted course of psychiatric disorders” was published on 07 June 2024 and is freely available online in the Innovators & Ideas: Rising Star section of Genomic Psychiatry

About Genomic PsychiatryGenomic Psychiatry (ISSN: 2997-2388) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Genomic Press, New York. It features cutting-edge research in genomics, neuroscience, psychiatry, and related fields, with a focus on innovation and translating scientific discoveries into clinical applications.


How fish guts might play a role in future skin care products

Peer-Reviewed Publication

American Chemical Society

There are some pretty strange ingredients in cosmetics and skin care products. One example is snail mucin — also known as snail slime — which is used for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties. But researchers reporting in ACS Omega might have found something even weirder to put on your face: molecules made by fish gut bacteria. In cultured cells, the compounds had skin-brightening and anti-wrinkle properties, making them potential ingredients for your future skin care routine.

Though fish guts might seem like the absolute last place to look for cosmetic compounds, it’s not a completely far-fetched idea. Many important drugs have been found in bizarre places — famously, penicillin’s antibiotic properties were discovered after a failed experiment got moldy. More recently, the brain cancer drug candidate Marizomib was derived from microbes unearthed in marine sediments at the bottom of the ocean. Two potentially untapped sources of new compounds could be the gut microbes of the red seabream and the blackhead seabream, fish found in the western Pacific Ocean. Although these microbes were first identified in 1992 and 2016, respectively, no studies have been performed on the compounds they make. So, Hyo-Jong Lee and Chung Sub Kim wanted to see if these bacteria produce any metabolite compounds that could have cosmetic benefits.

The team identified 22 molecules made by the gut bacteria of the red seabream and blackhead seabream. They then evaluated each compound’s ability to inhibit tyrosinase and collagenase enzymes in lab-grown mouse cells. (Tyrosinase is involved in melanin production, which causes hyperpigmentation in aging skin. Collagenase breaks down the structural protein collagen, causing wrinkles.) Three molecules from the red seabream bacteria inhibited both enzymes the best without damaging the cells, making them promising anti-wrinkle and skin-brightening agents for future cosmetic products.

The authors acknowledge funding from the Marine Biotechnology Program of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, the National Research Foundation of Korea, the Technology Development Program of the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Startups, Sungkyunkwan University and the BK21 FOUR program of the Ministry of Education of Korea.


The American Chemical Society (ACS) is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. ACS’ mission is to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and all its people. The Society is a global leader in promoting excellence in science education and providing access to chemistry-related information and research through its multiple research solutions, peer-reviewed journals, scientific conferences, eBooks and weekly news periodical Chemical & Engineering News. ACS journals are among the most cited, most trusted and most read within the scientific literature; however, ACS itself does not conduct chemical research. As a leader in scientific information solutions, its CAS division partners with global innovators to accelerate breakthroughs by curating, connecting and analyzing the world’s scientific knowledge. ACS’ main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

Registered journalists can subscribe to the ACS journalist news portal on EurekAlert! to access embargoed and public science press releases. For media inquiries, contact

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Research update: Recreational tubing, swimming leaves an impact on streams

American Chemical Society

How does your dip in a local watering hole affect the stream’s chemistry? Researchers who previously analyzed the impact of people swimming and tubing on a Colorado creek report updated observations in ACS ES&T Water. They find that these recreational activities over a busy Labor Day weekend have a short-term effect, increasing the levels of metals, human gut-associated microbes and substances from personal care products.

Researchers James Ranville, Carsten Prasse, John Spear, Noor Hamden, Carmen Villarruel and colleagues studied how recreational activities, such as float tubing, around the 2022 Labor Day weekend affected a natural stream’s chemistry and microbiome. They presented a preliminary assessment of chemical and microbial constituents at ACS Fall 2023, a meeting of the American Chemical Society. Now, the researchers have expanded the analyses in Colorado’s Clear Creek to include additional organic contaminants. They sampled water downstream of a busy area with people tubing and swimming and compared the results to an undisturbed location upstream and a day with no one at the two sites. Their observations indicate changes in:

  • Metals: People in the stream stirred up sediment, resuspending particles containing copper, lead and zinc into the water.
  • Microbial community: The abundance of microorganisms associated with the human gut microbiome increased when people were present, but the stream returned to an undisturbed, background microbiome within 48 hours.
  • Organic compounds: Analyses detected a broad spectrum of compounds such as ones from personal care products, including makeup and hair styling products, as well as insect repellants. Some, such as the pain killer acetaminophen, suggest human excretion in the stream as well.

While high levels of tubing and swimming impacted the stream, the results from the study suggest that these types of human activities didn’t have long-term effects. However, the researchers say that native creek organisms could react negatively to prolonged or repeated exposure to metals, microbes associated with humans, or organic compounds of concern.

The authors acknowledge funding from the National Science Foundation and Johns Hopkins University.


The American Chemical Society (ACS) is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. ACS’ mission is to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and all its people. The Society is a global leader in promoting excellence in science education and providing access to chemistry-related information and research through its multiple research solutions, peer-reviewed journals, scientific conferences, eBooks and weekly news periodical Chemical & Engineering News. ACS journals are among the most cited, most trusted and most read within the scientific literature; however, ACS itself does not conduct chemical research. As a leader in scientific information solutions, its CAS division partners with global innovators to accelerate breakthroughs by curating, connecting and analyzing the world’s scientific knowledge. ACS’ main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

Registered journalists can subscribe to the ACS journalist news portal on EurekAlert! to access embargoed and public science press releases. For media inquiries, contact

Note: ACS does not conduct research but publishes and publicizes peer-reviewed scientific studies.

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Unlocking the mysteries of motivation: Dr. Daniel Wolf's groundbreaking research on psychosis and the brain

Renowned psychiatrist and neuroscientist shares insights on his pioneering work and inspirational journey in exclusive "Genomic Press Interview"

Genomic Press

Daniel Wolf, MD, PhD 


Daniel Wolf, MD, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, USA.

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Credit: Daniel Wolf, MD, PhD

PHILADELPHIA, PA - In a captivating Genomic Press Interview published in the peer-reviewed journal Brain Medicine (ISSN: 2997-2639, Genomic Press, New York), Dr. Daniel Wolf, a rising star in neuropsychiatry, shares his journey and groundbreaking research on motivation impairment in psychosis and schizophrenia.

The interview, featured in the Innovators & Ideas: Rising Star section, offers a unique glimpse into the life and career of this accomplished researcher and clinician. Dr. Wolf, an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, discusses his path from a curious child fascinated by his father's medical mysteries to a leading expert in the neurobiology of motivation.

Dr. Wolf's research focuses on understanding the neural mechanisms behind amotivation and other symptom dimensions in psychosis and at-risk states. His work aims to develop novel assessment biomarkers for early-stage drug development, potentially revolutionizing treatment approaches for individuals with schizophrenia and related disorders.

"Motivation impairment is one of the most significant drivers of long-term disability in schizophrenia and many other neurological and psychiatric disorders," Dr. Wolf explains in the interview. "I hope that my research will help quantitatively parse heterogeneity in motivation impairment and link particular types or dimensions to specific brain circuits."

The Genomic Press Interview delves into Dr. Wolf's innovative use of functional neuroimaging to study brain motivation circuitry, particularly the role of the ventral striatum in negative symptoms of schizophrenia. His work has led to one of the most well-established findings in psychosis functional neuroimaging literature, observed across multiple paradigms and disorders.

Dr. Wolf's current research themes include:

  1. Parsing motivation impairment into intrinsic vs. extrinsic, approach vs. avoidance, and social vs. nonsocial components
  2. Developing behavioral and fMRI paradigms to capture domain-specific and domain-general aspects of motivation
  3. Understanding the dual role of brain circuits in motivation impairment and positive symptoms like paranoia
  4. Optimizing fMRI tasks for within-individual reliability in pharmacological challenge studies

The interview also touches on Dr. Wolf's personal life, sharing insights into his values, inspirations, and life philosophy. His dedication to truth-seeking in science and his balanced approach to work and family life offer inspiration to aspiring researchers and clinicians.

As Director of the Clinical Neurosciences Training Program and Co-Director of the Psychosis T32 at UPenn, Dr. Wolf continues to shape the next generation of neuropsychiatry researchers while providing care to individuals with psychosis.

This Genomic Press Interview provides a comprehensive look at a scientist whose work stands at the intersection of clinical psychiatry, neuroscience, and innovative research methodologies. It offers valuable insights for researchers, clinicians, and anyone interested in the future of psychiatric treatment and the human mind.

The full Genomic Press Interview “Daniel H. Wolf: Understanding motivation impairment from clinical, behavioral, and neurobiological perspectives to pave the way for better treatments” was published on 16 July 2024 and is freely available online in the Innovators & Ideas: Rising Star section of Brain Medicine (ISSN: 2997-2639):

Brain Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal published by Genomic Press (New York).


Understanding food insecurity and its effects on gestational diabetes risk among American Indian and Alaska Native females can lead to better outcomes

A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior examines the critical role of food insecurity in shaping gestational diabetes risk and reduction among young American Indian and Alaska Native females and provides guidance for education 

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Understanding Food Insecurity and Its Effects on Gestational Diabetes Risk Among American Indian and Alaska Native Females Can Lead to Better Outcomes 


Sarah A. Stotz, PhD, RDN, CDCES, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University, presents the results of a new study assessing the risk of gestational diabetes in Native adolescent and young adult females due to food insecurity. Reducing gestational diabetes through a culturally informed approach to care and health education is essential for fostering healthy eating habits.

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Credit: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

Philadelphia, September 5, 2024 – Food insecurity, defined as the lack of consistent access to sufficient food for an active, healthy life, has been exacerbated in Tribal communities by systemic anti-indigenous racism, including policies that disrupt traditional food practices and access. A recent qualitative study in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, published by Elsevier, explores the connection between food insecurity and gestational diabetes risk among young American Indian and Alaska Native females. The study highlights how targeted risk reduction methods could significantly improve diabetes health outcomes for this population, which is disproportionately impacted by health disparities.

Lead author Sarah Stotz, PhD, RDN, CDCES, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University, explains, "For many Native communities, the lasting impacts of colonization, forced removal from traditional lands, boarding schools, and both past and present-day food commodity programs have influenced how Native peoples eat and why those dietary habits are passed down through generations.”

The research, conducted between September 2022 and February 2023, recruited experts in American Indian and Alaska Native food, nutrition, food systems, reproductive health, adolescent health, and women’s health to discuss the relationship(s) between food insecurity and gestational diabetes risk. Using a semistructured moderator guide, interviews and focus groups were recorded teleconference interviews or in-person focus groups (e.g., Zoom). The moderator guide was developed by five qualitative researchers with expertise in food systems, reproductive health, and Native communities, including three of whom are Native themselves.

Qualitative findings revealed three key themes: 1) diet and nutrition habits are formed through intergenerational food preferences and are driven by lasting implications of colonization; 2) young people are influenced by what their peers eat and the food environment, including outside of the home; and 3) the methods used to understand household food insecurity and nutrition habits in the randomized controlled trial (e.g., parent study) were likely limited.

Future interventions would benefit from employing strengths-based, culturally centered, trauma-informed, multilevel frameworks to better address healthy eating and dietary behaviors among Native youth, emphasizing the integration of peer-focused resources and family-centered strategies in programs for diabetes risk reduction. This community-centered approach should include culturally grounded and trauma-informed assessments of household food insecurity and foster collaborative partnerships between healthcare, food retail, and public health sectors. Such efforts will help create healthful environments and Native-centered resources, aiming to achieve holistic health for Native adolescent females and reduce disparities in diabetes.

Dr. Stotz states, “Within public health frameworks, it is important to address upstream factors and systems that shape downstream factors (e.g., individual behaviors). It is important to emphasize that many communities already know the strengths-based solutions that would improve holistic health for their people, and interventions and programming should center these community-generated ideas and solutions.


Virtual learning detrimental to school attendance, especially in districts with higher poverty rates, study finds

University of Notre Dame
William Evans 


William Evans, the Keough-Hesburgh Professor of Economics and co-founder of Notre Dame’s Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunities.

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Credit: Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame

BYLINE: Tracy DeStazio

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of chronic absenteeism have nearly doubled across the nation for students in kindergarten through grade 12.

This increase was tied to the mode of instruction during the early years of the pandemic. In particular, schools that employed virtual learning as the primary teaching mode during the 2020-21 school year experienced a greater increase in chronic absenteeism in the following year. That increase was significantly greater in school districts with higher levels of poverty, according to new research from the University of Notre Dame.

William Evans, the Keough-Hesburgh Professor of Economics and co-founder of Notre Dame’s Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunities, co-authored the study with current undergraduate student Kathryn Muchnick and 2024 graduate Olivia Rosenlund. Their work was recently published in the scientific journal JAMA Network Open.

The study analyzed data for two years from more than 11,000 school districts across the United States and found that chronic absenteeism rates increased from 16 percent in 2018-19 to nearly 30 percent in the 2021-22 school year. Students whose schools had full virtual instruction during the pandemic had chronic absenteeism rates that were nearly 7 percentage points higher than those schools that were fully in person, according to the research.

A student is considered chronically absent if he or she misses at least 10 percent of the instructional days in any given school year. That equates to more than three weeks of absences during a 180-day academic year.

As reported in the study, chronic absenteeism has been shown to lead to lower test scores, reduced social and educational interactions, lower rates of high school graduation and increased substance use. The increase in chronic absenteeism began to occur as public schools in the U.S. were attempting to return to pre-pandemic modes of in-person teaching.

Previous studies have indicated that moving away from in-person instruction during the 2020-21 school year to online teaching methods reduced student achievement and educational development, adversely affected children’s mental well-being and decreased school enrollment.

“We’ve learned a lot from the pandemic,” Evans said, “and a lot of work has gone into researching what effects virtual learning has had on students. It’s really difficult when you disrupt their educational experience by going remote.”

Both of Evans’ co-authors were high school students during the pandemic, giving them a uniquely personal perspective on the study’s results. Rosenlund said that when she entered the end of her senior year with fully virtual classes, she and her classmates “definitely had lower motivation to learn during that time compared to when class was fully in person.”

Muchnick added, “The shift in student motivation after online learning [back to in-person] was palpable.”

The research also indicated that chronic absenteeism rates hit at-risk students and school districts with the highest levels of poverty the hardest. Those school districts saw chronic absenteeism soar more than 10 percentage points higher among students who had participated in fully remote instruction, versus in-person learning.

“There is growing evidence that those in the most precarious situations were the ones that were really hurt the most by virtual instruction,” Evans said. “The districts with higher levels of poverty had higher rates of chronic absenteeism already, and they were much more aggressive at using virtual learning during COVID. So you took a vulnerable population, used this method of delivery for educational instruction, and the outcomes for these children are substantially worse.”

Households with lower incomes or fewer resources were less likely to have reliable or high-speed internet service and had far less access to quality computers or technology, making for a less-than-ideal virtual learning environment. “It was pretty detrimental for those kids who were most at risk in the first place,” Evans added, “and now they’ve been pushed further behind as a result of these policies.”

Although the study did not specifically explore the reasons behind the drop in school attendance, it did offer several possible explanations. First, roughly 10 to 20 percent of students were experiencing post-COVID-19 symptoms and may have elected not to go to school for medical and health reasons. Second, there was a corresponding increase in teacher absences and substitute teacher shortages that made students less compelled to go to school. Third, a greater occurrence of mental health issues, which is often coupled with an increased preoccupation with social media, may have kept students at home. Finally, following the pandemic, parents appear to be more willing to allow their children to miss school for a variety of reasons.

With the worst of the pandemic behind us, many parents, school teachers and administrators believe that virtual instruction is here to stay and will continue as a major component of K-12 education, potentially being used as a substitute for in-person teaching under certain circumstances, such as snow days.

“It’s going to be really difficult to put the genie back in the bottle in this context,” Evans said.

Finding a balance of how to use virtual learning in a way that does not negatively impact the students’ overall educational experience will be crucial, according to the researchers.

Rosenlund added, “It’s disheartening that students are still suffering from the negative effects of online learning. I hope that we can consider its implications more carefully going forward.”

The researchers suggest that educators and policymakers examine the evidence when establishing policies and practices related to online learning, particularly for those communities supporting at-risk students, in order to achieve equitable outcomes for all students.

“I think we need to take a more holistic approach in thinking about how to deal with these pandemics in the future,” Evans said.

Contact: Tracy DeStazio, associate director of media relations, 574-631-9958 or


Funding awarded for research on bagworms, bubonic plague, ancient mammals and a repository of changing seasons

Florida Museum of Natural History

Researchers at the Florida Museum of Natural History and collaborating institutions have been collectively awarded $2,090,402 in funding from the National Science Foundation this month. Awards were distributed to faculty members in archaeology, vertebrate paleontology, Lepidoptera, biodiversity informatics and artificial intelligence.

Bagmoths complete their life cycle in the strangest way possible

There are often stark physical differences between the sexes of a given species. Male and female eclectus parrots have such astonishingly different plumage that they were considered different species for over thirty years. Female cone bushes have thicker leaves and branches than males and use them to supply extra energy and water to their fruit, which remain on the plant until they are removed by wildfires. And there’s as much as an 83-fold difference in size between female blanket octopi, known to be up to 6 feet in length, and males, which grow to the size of bottlecaps.

But few organisms take sexual dimorphism to the extremes found in bagworms. Florida Museum curator of Lepidoptera, Akito Kawahara, and curator of education, Megan Ennes, received funding to study and teach the natural history of this strange group of moths.

Bagworms get their name from the silk houses constructed by their larvae, to which they attach various sticks, leaves and other organic detritus. Male larvae undergo the normal metamorphosis into adult moths, but the females of many species only partially transform. Some are born without wings, while others lack wings, antennae, legs and mouths.

Working with colleagues, Kawahara and Ennes will trace the evolutionary history of bagworms. This will include determining how species in this group are related, the molecular cause of arrested development in females and which changes in DNA structure led to this extreme form of sexual dimorphism. The grant will also fund several education initiatives, including a multiyear exhibit, a digital comic strip and an illustrated book for children.

How did ancient mammals fare during rapid climate change?

Roughly 56 million years ago, temperatures abruptly rose by as much as 8 degrees Celsius, vastly altering ecosystems on Earth’s continents and oceans.  

Jonathan Bloch, curator of vertebrate paleontology at the museum, and Arthur Porto, curator of artificial intelligence for natural history and biodiversity, were awarded funding to study how mammal communities responded to this period of sudden and intense global warming, called the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum.

Research crews from the Florida Museum have collected more than 20,000 vertebrate fossils from the Bighorn Basin in Wyoming that were preserved immediately before, during and after this interval of warming.

Bloch, Porto and their colleagues will develop and use new artificial intelligence software to analyze these fossils and search for hidden patterns. They’ll use these data to determine how functional diversity — which measures the range of ways organisms use resources in their environment — was altered in mammal communities during the warming event. Paleontology studies of this scope are rare, and results will have significant implications for the ways in which plants and animals respond to modern climate change.

What the black death can tell us about how outbreaks spread

Disease outbreaks are strongly influenced by the landscape in which they take place. This includes everything from climatic and land use patterns to population density and migration rates.

To make things even more complicated, all of these factors are simultaneously influencing each other. Changes in climate, for example, often lead to food shortages and wars, making people more susceptible to diseases and more likely to transmit them over long distances. This complexity has made it difficult for scientists and historians to determine how diseases have spread in the past and to predict the ways in which future outbreaks will unfold.

But new advancements in artificial intelligence are making it easier to collect and analyze this data. Nicolas Gauthier, curator of artificial intelligence at the Florida Museum, has received funding to digitally re-create the 14th century outbreak of bubonic plague thousands of times.

Gauthier and his colleagues will do this by combining archaeological, historical and paleoenvironmental data and analyzing the similarities and differences among the virtual outbreaks. They will also include subsequent bubonic plagues, such as the Great Plague of London in 1665 and 1666 and an outbreak that spread across most of Europe and Asia in the 19th century. Gabriela Hamerlinck, a professor in the University of Florida’s geography department, will use the discoveries made during the project and others like it to create dynamic content that engages student.

The information gained during the project will then be used to create a predictive model for future outbreaks of any disease, both to increase preparedness and reduce casualties. 

Tracking the effects of climate change on biodiversity? There’s an app for that

Over the last century, prudent individuals have created perpetual data repositories that document the ways in which ecosystems are changing along with climate. Using this global equivalent of a stethoscope, scientists can predict how plants and animals will respond to future changes as well. But to accurately take the planet’s pulse, everyone has to pitch in.

The USA National Phenology Network was created in 2007 and contains more than 35 million records collected by thousands of people in the United States. It includes observations on when plants produce leaves and flowers, when animals become active in spring and dormant in autumn, and how the distributions of both plants and animals are being altered by climate change.

But there’s a problem. Citizen scientist platforms like iNaturalist don't require much work on the part of participants, but the National Phenology Network has rigorous data standards that can make it difficult to upload observations. In practice, this means only people with an abundance of time and resources to spare are able to contribute, resulting in fewer records and spotty coverage.

Robert Guralnick, the Florida Museum’s curator of bioinformatics, hopes to change that. With funding from NSF, he and his colleagues plan to completely redesign the network’s smartphone app, called Nature’s Notebook, to make it easier and more intuitive to use. Changes will allow users to level up and earn badges while learning how to collect data. The revised app will also have integrated connections to social media platforms and a direct pipeline to iNaturalist, allowing users to share observations, get help with identifying organisms and interact with other users.