Monday, September 09, 2024


Galaxies are much much bigger than we thought

The inside story of a galaxy’s long reach into space

Peer-Reviewed Publication

ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D)

Dr Nikole Nielsen 


Dr Nikole (Nikki) Nielsen visiting Keck in Hawaii

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Credit: Provided

If this galaxy is typical, then the study, published today in Nature Astronomy, indicates that our galaxy is already interacting with its closest neighbour, Andromeda. 

Where does a galaxy end and deep space begin? It seems like a simple question until you look more closely at the gas that surrounds galaxies, known as the circumgalactic medium. 

The halo of gas surrounding the stellar disc accounts for about 70% of the mass of the galaxy – excluding dark matter – but until now has remained something of a mystery. In the past we have only been able to observe the gas by measuring the light from a background object, such as a quasar, that is absorbed by the gas.

That limits the picture of the cloud to a pencil-like beam.

A new study, however, has observed the circumgalactic medium of a star-bursting galaxy 270 million light years away, using new deep imaging techniques that were able to detect the cloud of gas glowing outside of the galaxy 100,000 light years into space, as far as they were able to look.

To envisage the vastness of that cloud of gas, consider that the galaxy’s starlight – what we would typically view as the disc – extends just 7,800 light years from its centre.

The current study observed the physical connection of hydrogen and oxygen from the centre of the galaxy far into space and showed that the physical conditions of the gas changed.

“We found it everywhere we looked, which was really exciting and kind of surprising,” says Associate Professor Nikole M. Nielsen, lead author of the paper, and a researcher with Swinburne University, and ASTRO 3D and an Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma.

Other authors of the paper came from Swinburne, the University of Texas at Austin, the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, the University of California, San Diego, and Durham University. 

“We’re now seeing where the galaxy's influence stops, the transition where it becomes part of more of what’s surrounding the galaxy, and, eventually, where it joins the wider cosmic web and other galaxies. These are all usually fuzzy boundaries,” says Dr Nielsen.

“But in this case, we seem to have found a fairly clear boundary in this galaxy between its interstellar medium and its circumgalactic medium.”

The study observed stars ionizing gas with their photons within the galaxy. 

“In the CGM, the gas is being heated by something other than typical conditions inside galaxies, this likely includes heating from the diffuse emissions from the collective galaxies in the Universe and possibly some contribution is due to shocks,” says Dr Nielsen.

“It's this interesting change that is important and provides some answers to the question of where a galaxy ends,” she says.

The discovery has been made possible thanks to the Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) on the 10-meter Keck telescope in Hawaii, which contains an integral field spectrograph and is one of the most sensitive instruments of its kind in operation. 

“These one-of-a-kind observations require the very dark sky that is only available at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea,” said one of the paper’s authors, Swinburne’s Associate Professor Deanne Fisher.

ASTRO 3D scientists gained access to KCWI through Swinburne University.

“Swinburne’s Partnership with the W. M. Keck Observatory has allowed our team to really push the boundaries of what is possible,” says another author, Associate Professor Glenn Kacprzak. “KCWI has really changed the game on how we can now measure and quantify the diffuse gas around galaxies.”

Thanks to the instrument, rather than making a single observation providing a single spectrum of the gas in the galaxy, scientists can now obtain thousands of spectra simultaneously with one image from KCWI. 

“It is the very first time that we have been able to take a photograph of this halo of matter around a galaxy,” says Professor Emma Ryan-Weber, the Director of ASTRO 3D.

The study adds another piece to the puzzle that is one of the big questions in astronomy and galaxy evolution – how do galaxies evolve? How do they get their gas? How do they process that gas? Where does that gas go.

“The circumgalactic medium plays a huge role in that cycling of that gas,” says Dr Nielsen. “So, being able to understand what the CGM looks like around galaxies of different types – ones that are star-forming, those that are no longer star-forming, and those that are transitioning between the two –we can observe differences in this gas, which might drive the differences within the galaxies themselves, and changes in this reservoir may actually be driving the changes in the galaxy itself.”

The study speaks directly to the ASTRO 3D’s mission. “It helps us understand how galaxies build mass over time,” says Professor Ryan-Weber.

The findings could also hold implications for how different galaxies interact and how they might impact each other.

“It’s highly likely that the CGMs of our own Milky Way and Andromeda are already overlapping and interacting,” says Dr Nielsen.

Visualisation of the gas shroud of starburst galaxy IRAS 08339+6517


Cristy Roberts ANU/ASTRO 3D

Lead author, Nikki Nielsen with colleagues Glenn Kacprzak and Stephanie Pointon in front of the Keck mirror



Plasmonic modulators could enable high-capacity space communication

High-speed free-space data transmission could improve connectivity for space missions


Experimental setup of the FSO outdoor experiments 


Fig. 1 Experimental setup of the FSO outdoor experiments. Tunable laser source (TLS), driving amplifier (DA), arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), transmitter digital signal processing (Tx-DSP), erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), bandpass filter (BPF), optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), polarization division multiplexing emulator (PDM), high power optical amplifier (HPOA), real time controller (RTC), deformable mirror (DFM), wafefront sensor (WFS), optical power meter (OPM), local oscillator (LO), balanced photodetector (BPD), digital storage oscilloscope (DSO), receiver digital signal processing (Rx-DSP)

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Credit: Laurenz Kulmer, ETH Zurich

Researchers have achieved data rates as high as 424Gbit/s across a 53-km turbulent free-space optical link using plasmonic modulators— devices that uses special light waves called surface plasmon polaritons to control and change optical signals. The new research lays the groundwork for high-speed optical communication links that transmit data over open air or space.

Free-space-optical communication networks could aid space exploration because they can provide high-speed, high-capacity data transmission with lower latency and less interference than traditional radio frequency communication systems. This could lead to more efficient data transfer, better connectivity and enhanced capabilities for space missions.

Laurenz Kulmer from the Leuthold group of ETH Zurich will present this research at Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiO LS), which will be held 23 – 26 September 2024 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver.

 “High-speed free-space transmission is an option to connect the world, or it may serve as a backup if underwater cables break,” said Kulmer. “Nevertheless, it is also a step towards a new cheap high-speed internet that may connect all locations across the world. This way it may contribute towards a stable, high-speed internet for millions of people who are currently unconnected.”

Plasmonic modulators are ideal for space communication links because they are compact while also operating at high speeds over a wide temperature range with low energy consumption.

In free-space optical outdoor experiments, the researchers achieved information rates of up to 424 Gbit/s below a 25% SD FEC threshold — the point at which a system can still fix errors in transmitted data despite interference or noise. Experiments using a plasmonic IQ modulator in a standard fiber system achieved an even higher throughput of up to 774 Gbit/s/pol while staying below a 25% SD FEC threshold.

Based on these results, the researchers say that combining plasmonic modulators with coherent free-space optical communication could help increase overall throughput, with speeds potentially reaching 1.4 Tbit/s. The findings also show that it is favorable to operate free-space optical links at the highest speeds, rather than using higher order modulation formats and low speeds. With additional improvements in device design and photonic integration, the researchers say it should be feasible to reach polarization multiplexing data rates above 1 Tbit/s for each polarization channel.

“In a next step we are going to test the long-term reliability of our devices,” said Kulmer. “High-speed performance has been shown, but we have to make sure they can operate for years to come in the harshest of environments, space.”

About Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science

Frontiers in Optics, the annual meeting for Optica is presented with Laser Science, the annual meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Laser Science. The two meetings unite communities from both societies for comprehensive and current research in a diverse collection of optics and photonics topics and across the disciplines of physics, biology and chemistry. The 2024 FiO LS Conference will feature hundreds of live contributed and invited talks. More information at

About Optica

Optica, Advancing Optics and Photonics Worldwide, is the society dedicated to promoting the generation, application, archiving and dissemination of knowledge in the field. Founded in 1916, it is the leading organization for scientists, engineers, business professionals, students and others interested in the science of light. Optica's renowned publications, meetings, online resources and in-person activities fuel discoveries, shape real-life applications and accelerate scientific, technical and educational achievement. Discover more at:

Astrophysics: AI shines a new light on exoplanets

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

A team led by LMU researchers models the atmospheres of distant planets using neural networks

Researchers from LMU, the ORIGINS Excellence Cluster, the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), and the ORIGINS Data Science Lab (ODSL) have made an important breakthrough in the analysis of exoplanet atmospheres. Using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs), they have managed to model the complex light scattering in the atmospheres of exoplanets with greater precision than has previously been possible. This method opens up new opportunities for the analysis of exoplanet atmospheres, especially with regard to the influence of clouds, and could significantly improve our understanding of these distant worlds.

When distant exoplanets pass in front of their star, they block a small portion of the starlight, while an even smaller portion penetrates the planetary atmosphere. This interaction leads to variations in the light spectrum, which mirror the properties of the atmosphere such as chemical composition, temperature, and cloud cover. To be able to analyze these measured spectra, however, scientists require models that are capable of calculating millions of synthetic spectra in a short time. Only by subsequently comparing the calculated spectra with the measured ones do we obtain information about the atmospheric composition of the observed exoplanets. And what is more, the highly detailed new observations coming from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) necessitate equally detailed and complex atmospheric models.

Rapid solving of complex equations thanks to AI

A key aspect of exoplanet research is the light scattering in the atmosphere, particularly the scattering off clouds. Previous models were unable to satisfactorily capture this scattering, which led to inaccuracies in the spectral analysis. Physics-informed neural networks offer a decisive advantage here, as they are capable of efficiently solving complex equations. In the just-published study, the researchers trained two such networks. The first model, which was developed without taking light scattering into account, demonstrated impressive accuracy with relative errors of mostly under one percent. Meanwhile, the second model incorporated approximations of so-called Rayleigh scattering – the same effect that makes the sky seem blue on Earth. Although these approximations require further improvement, the neural network was able to solve the complex equation, which represents an important advance.

Interdisciplinary collaboration

These new findings were possible thanks to a unique interdisciplinary collaboration between physicists from LMU Munich, the ORIGINS Excellence Cluster, the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) and the ORIGINS Data Science Lab (ODSL), which is specialized in the development of new AI-based methods in physics. “This synergy not only advances exoplanet research, but also opens up new horizons for the development of AI-based methods in physics,” explains lead author of the study David Dahlbüdding from LMU. “We want to further expand our interdisciplinary collaboration in the future to simulate the scattering of light off clouds with greater precision and thus make full use of the potential of neural networks.”


A $1.2 million Rosetta stone for honeybees

W.M. Keck grant helps scientists decipher bee language

University of California - Riverside

Boris Baer and Barbara Baer-Imhoof 


UCR entomologists Barbara Baer-Imhoof and Boris Baer at the apiary.

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Credit: Stan Lim/UCR

If you upset one bee, what determines whether the entire hive decides to avenge her grievance? A $1.2 million grant will support UC Riverside scientists in answering questions like these about how honeybees communicate.

Every third bite of food you eat has been pollinated by a bee. They are central to worldwide food production, but there have been an alarming number of die-offs recorded since 2006.  One solution to this issue is the use of special survivor bees that are more resistant to pests and diseases that are killing managed honeybees. 

Commonly found in Southern California, the survivor bees appear to be tolerant of deadly mites as well as extreme heat and drought. Genetically, they are the most diverse honeybees in the world, with a mix of African and European genes. However, they tend to behave with more defensiveness than the European-origin honeybees currently used for agriculture. 

Defensive behaviors can include bumping beekeeper veils, chasing, or stinging entities perceived as threats. To breed these behaviors out of the bees, scientists need to know what triggers them.

“If we understand what stresses out the survivor bees, that can inform different beekeeping strategies, as well as a breeding program to help unravel the defensiveness,” said UCR entomologist Barbara Baer-Imhoof, who is co-leading this program alongside UCR colleagues, entomologist Boris Baer and insect neuroscientist Ysabel Giraldo.

Baer and Baer-Imhoof run CIBER, the Center for Integrative Bee Research at UCR, where they study stressors responsible for the decline in bee health, and work on solutions to those problems, including new tools for monitoring the health of bees in managed hives. 

For this grant, the researchers will determine how environmental threats are perceived and processed by individual bees, and then eventually how they are communicated to other members of the hive. This communication chain is a fundamental but still unsolved challenge in science. 

Another aspect to this grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation is learning whether scientists ought to reconsider how they view bee societies. In addition to inter-bee communication, the project will ascertain how honeybees transmit information to subsequent generations of progeny, beyond the lifespan of any one generation. 

Because hives can retain information, the researchers argue there should be a paradigm shift in the way bees are studied. “The fact that they are able to do this can be considered a cultural achievement,” said Baer. 

Like human societies, there is a lot of variation amongst individual members.

“Some bees have different personalities. They’re not like little robots that give the same predictable response to every smell or situation. Why? That’s part of what we want to know,” Baer said. 

As the bees employ a combination of vibrations, chemicals, smells, sounds, and movements to communicate, Giraldo’s laboratory will use genetic tools to learn about the brain cells controlling these interactions.

“The tools we have are powerful enough to allow us to understand the responses of individual brain regions in real time, and give us a high-resolution picture of what’s happening, Giraldo said.

The bee has only a million brain cells, which is not much compared to mice, which have an average of 70 million neurons. However, bees can solve math equations and dance for one another.

“They can do complicated things,” Baer said. “They must be extremely efficient on an individual level to use the available brain power for complex tasks like these.”

Based in Los Angeles, the W. M. Keck Foundation was established in 1954 by the late W. M. Keck, founder of the Superior Oil Company. The foundation’s grant-making is focused primarily on pioneering efforts in the areas of medical research and science and engineering.  The foundation also supports undergraduate education and maintains a Southern California Grant Program that provides support for the Los Angeles community, with a special emphasis on children and youth.  For more information, visit

“On behalf of the UCR community, I extend our sincere thanks to the W.M. Keck Foundation,” said Chancellor Kim Wilcox. “Funding from the foundation will support innovative projects that aim to develop new strategies for understanding and protecting bees. These efforts are crucial as pollinators play a key role in the health of ecosystems and the production of food worldwide.” 

Listen to Boris Baer and Barbara Baer-Imhoof discuss killer bees' role in shaping the agriculture of the future, here.

Honeybees in the wild.


Stan Lim/UCRZZ

Replacement crop treatment not safe for important pollinator, experts say

University of Bristol
Fig 1 


Bee nesting blocks for solitary bees (Osmia lignaria)

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Credit: Harry Siviter

A novel pesticide thought to be a potential successor to banned neonicotinoids caused 100% mortality in mason bees in a recent test.

The novel pesticide, flupyradifurone, is thought to pose less risk to pollinators and consequently has been licenced globally for use on bee-visited crops.

However, research by scientists at the University of Bristol and the University of Texas at Austin, discovered, contrary to their expectations, that the chemical was lethal in the bees Osmia lignaria exposed to pesticide-treated wildflowers.

They also found a number of sublethal effects. Seven days post-application, bees released into the pesticide-treated plants were less likely to start nesting, had lower survival rates, and were less efficient foragers, taking 12.78% longer on average to collect pollen and nectar than control bees.

Lead author Harry Siviter from Bristol’s School of Biological Sciences explained: “These results demonstrate that exposure to flupyradifurone poses a significant risk to important pollinators and can have negative impacts on wild bees at field-realistic concentrations.”

Bees are vital pollinators of crops and wildflowers. Neonicotinoid pesticides can have significant negative impacts on pollinators which have led to high profile restrictions in their use in the EU, and other regions, which has increased the demand for ‘novel’ insecticides.

“Due to limitations in formal ecotoxicology assessments, there is an urgent need to evaluate potential replacement crop treatments,” added Harry.

“These results caution against the use of novel insecticides as a direct replacement for neonicotinoids.

“Our findings add to a growing body of evidence demonstrating that pesticide risk assessments do not sufficiently protect wild bees from the negative consequences of pesticide use.”

To avoid continuing cycles of novel pesticide release and removal, with concomitant impacts on the environment, the team say a broad evidence base needs to be assessed prior to the development of policy and regulation.

Harry said: “Restricting the use of commercial pesticides containing flupyradifurone to non-flowering crops would be sensible while more research is conducted.

“In the long-term, as we are already seeing in the EU, a move towards a more holistic approach to risk assessment that considers the biology of non-Apis bees is required to better protect pollinators from the unintended negative impacts of pesticides.”

The team now plan to extend their research to measuring the impact of exposure through soil on solitary bees.


‘A novel pesticide has lethal consequences for an important pollinator’ by Harry Siviter et al in Science of the Total Environment.