Friday, September 20, 2024


Magnifying deep space through the “carousel lens”

A newly discovered cluster-scale strong gravitational lens, with a rare alignment of seven background lensed galaxies, provides a unique opportunity to study cosmology.

DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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The Carousel Lens, as seen through the Hubble Space Telescope.

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Credit: William Sheu/UCLA

In a rare and extraordinary discovery, researchers have identified a unique configuration of galaxies that form the most exquisitely aligned gravitational lens found to date. The Carousel Lens is a massive cluster-scale gravitational lens system that will enable researchers to delve deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos, including dark matter and dark energy.

“This is an amazingly lucky ‘galactic line-up’ – a chance alignment of multiple galaxies across a line-of-sight spanning most of the observable universe,” said David Schlegel, a co-author of the study and a senior scientist in Berkeley Lab’s Physics Division. "Finding one such alignment is a needle in the haystack. Finding all of these is like eight needles precisely lined up inside that haystack."

The Carousel Lens is an alignment consisting of one foreground galaxy cluster (the ‘lens’) and seven background galaxies spanning immense cosmic distances and seen through the gravitationally distorted space-time around the lens. In the dramatic image below:

  • The lensing cluster, located 5 billion light years away from Earth, is shown by its four brightest and most massive galaxies (indicated by La, Lb, Lc, and Ld), and these constitute the foreground of the image.  
  • Seven unique galaxies (numbered 1 through 7), appear through the lens. These are located far beyond, at distances from 7.6 to 12 billion light years away from Earth, approaching the limit of the observable universe.
  • Each galaxy’s repeated appearances (indicated by each number’s letter index, e.g., a through d) show differences in shape that are curved and stretched into multiple “fun house mirror” iterations caused by the warped space-time around the lens.
  • Of particular interest is the discovery of an Einstein Cross – the largest known to date – shown in galaxy number 4’s multiple appearances (indicated by 4a, 4b, 4c, and 4d). This rare configuration of multiple images around the center of the lens is an indication of the symmetrical distribution of the lens’ mass (dominated by invisible dark matter) and plays a key role in the lens-modeling process. 

Light traveling from far-distant space can be magnified and curved as it passes through the gravitationally distorted space-time of nearer galaxies or clusters of galaxies. In rare instances, a configuration of objects aligns nearly perfectly to form a strong gravitational lens. Using an abundance of new data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Legacy Imaging Surveys, recent observations from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, and the Perlmutter supercomputer at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), the research team built on their earlier studies (in May 2020 and Feb 2021) to identify likely strong lens candidates, laying the groundwork for the current discovery. 

“Our team has been searching for strong lenses and modeling the most valuable systems,” explains Xiaosheng Huang, a study co-author and member of Berkeley Lab’s Supernova Cosmology Project, and a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of San Francisco. “The Carousel Lens is an incredible alignment of seven galaxies in five groupings that line up nearly perfectly behind the foreground cluster lens. As they appear through the lens, the multiple images of each of the background galaxies form approximately concentric circular patterns around the foreground lens, as in a carousel. It’s an unprecedented discovery, and the computational model generated shows a highly promising prospect for measuring the properties of the cosmos, including those of dark matter and dark energy.” 

The study also involved several Berkeley Lab student researchers, including the lead author, William Sheu, an undergraduate student intern with DESI at the beginning of this study, now a PhD student at UCLA and a DESI collaborator. 

The Carousel Lens will enable researchers to study dark energy and dark matter in entirely new ways based on the strength of the observational data and its computational model.

“This is an extremely unusual alignment, which by itself will provide a testbed for cosmological studies,” observes Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, director of Berkeley Lab’s Physics Division. “It also shows how the imaging done for DESI can be leveraged for other scientific applications,” such as investigating the mysteries of dark matter and the accelerating expansion of the universe, which is driven by dark energy.

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Hubble Space Telescope image of the Carousel Lens, taken in two 10-minute exposures, one using an optical filter and another using an infrared filter. The “L” indicators near the center (La, Lb, Lc, and Ld) show the most massive galaxies in the lensing cluster, located 5 billion light years away. Seven unique galaxies (numbered 1 through 7) – located an additional 2.6 to 7 billion light years beyond the lens – appear in multiple, distorted “fun-house mirror” iterations (indicated by each number’s letter index, e.g., a through d), as seen through the lens.


William Sheu (UCLA) using Hubble Space Telescope data.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is committed to delivering solutions for humankind through research in clean energy, a healthy planet, and discovery science. Founded in 1931 on the belief that the biggest problems are best addressed by teams, Berkeley Lab and its scientists have been recognized with 16 Nobel Prizes. Researchers from around the world rely on the lab’s world-class scientific facilities for their own pioneering research. Berkeley Lab is a multiprogram national laboratory managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

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Emergency department screening identifies suicide risk in nearly 80% of transgender and gender diverse youth

Findings underscore the importance of suicide risk screening for all youth, regardless of reason for seeking care

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Transgender and gender diverse (TGD) youth are more than five times more likely to screen positive for suicide risk compared to cisgender females, who tend to screen positive at higher rates than cisgender males, according to a study from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago published in the journal Academic Pediatrics. Suicide risk was identified in 78% of TGD youth who were screened in the Emergency Department (ED) from November 2019 to August 2022. One out of four TGD youth had active suicidal thoughts.

“Our study found elevated suicide risk in transgender and gender diverse youth, even in patients who presented to the ED for reasons other than mental health concerns,” said lead author Amanda Burnside, PhD, pediatric psychologist at Lurie Children’s and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. “Our findings underscore the importance of suicide screening for all youth coming to the hospital, so that we can intervene and connect them to appropriate services.”

Dr. Burnside and colleagues found that among TGD youth who presented to the ED for non-mental health reasons, one out three patients screened positive for suicide risk and one out of 50 had active suicidal thoughts.

Suicide is a leading cause of death for youth ages 10-24 years, and suicide rate in this age group increased 62% from 2007 through 2021, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A recent nationally representative survey of U.S. high school students (the Youth Risk Behavior Survey) also found that in 2021, LGBTQ+ high school students were nearly four times as likely as their heterosexual peers to attempt suicide during the past year, with more than one in five reporting having attempted suicide.

“Since 2019, when Lurie Children’s ED started suicide screening of all patients 10 years and older, we identified suicide risk in one out of four visits,” said senior author Jennifer Hoffmann, MD, MS, Behavioral Health Medical Director in the ED at Lurie Children’s and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. “Universal suicide screening is still new for children’s hospitals, but it is a growing trend.”

For the study, researchers analyzed electronic medical record data from ED visits for youth ages 8-25 years who received suicide risk screening. Out of 12,112 ED visits included in the study, 565 visits were from TGD youth. While TGD youth accounted for 5% of the sample, they represented 15% of all positive suicide screens.

“The disproportionately high rates of suicide risk that we identified in transgender and gender diverse youth might be due to multiple reasons, such as stigma, discrimination, bullying and lack of family support,” said co-author Aron Janssen, MD, Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs at the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at Lurie Children’s and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. “To help save lives, pediatricians also need to screen these young people for depression and suicide risk.”

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago is a nonprofit organization committed to providing access to exceptional care for every child. It is the only independent, research-driven children’s hospital in Illinois and one of less than 30 nationally. This is where the top doctors go to train, practice pediatric medicine, teach, advocate, research and stay up to date on the latest treatments. Exclusively focused on children, all Lurie Children’s resources are devoted to serving their needs. Research at Lurie Children’s is conducted through Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute, which is focused on improving child health, transforming pediatric medicine and ensuring healthier futures through the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Lurie Children’s is the pediatric training ground for Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. It is ranked as one of the nation’s top children’s hospitals by U.S. News & World Report. Emergency medicine-focused research at Lurie Children’s is conducted through the Grainger Research Program in Pediatric Emergency Medicine.  



Flowers use adjustable ‘paint by numbers’ petal designs to attract pollinators

University of Cambridge
Venice Mallow (Hibiscus trionum) 


Venice Mallow, also called Flower-of-an-hour, (Hibiscus trionum) was selected by Edwige Moyroud as a new model plant for studying petal pattern development. Native to Australia, H. trionum also now occurs in gardens and has become naturalised in some parts of the world.

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Credit: Lucie Riglet and Edwige Moyroud

Flowers like hibiscus use an invisible blueprint established very early in petal formation that dictates the size of their bullseyes – a crucial pre-pattern that can significantly impact their ability to attract pollinating bees.  

The study, by researchers at the University of Cambridge’s Sainsbury Laboratory also found that bees prefer larger bullseyes over smaller ones and fly 25% faster between artificial flower discs with larger bullseyes – potentially boosting efficiency for both bees and blossoms. 

Patterns on the flowers of plants guide insects, like bees, to the centre of the flower, where nectar and pollen await, enhancing the plant's chances of successful pollination. Despite their importance, surprisingly little is known about how these petal patterns form and how they have evolved into the vast diversity we see today, including spots, stripes, veins, and bullseyes. 

Using a small hibiscus plant as a model, researchers compared closely related plants with the same flower size but three differently sized bullseye patterns featuring a dark purple centre surrounded by white – H. richardsonii (small bullseye covering 4% of the flower disc), H. trionum (medium bullseye covering 16%) and a transgenic line (mutation) of H. trionum (large bullseye covering 36%). 

They found that a pre-pattern is set up on the petal surface very early in the flower’s formation long before the petal shows any visible colour. The petal acts like a 'paint-by-numbers' canvas, where different regions are predetermined to develop specific colours and textures long before they start looking different from one another. 

The research also shows plants can precisely control and modify the shape and size of these patterns using multiple mechanisms, with possible implications for plant evolution. By fine-tuning these designs, plants may gain a competitive advantage in the contest to attract pollinators or maybe start attracting different species of insects. 

These findings are published in Science Advances

Dr Edwige Moyroud, who leads a research team studying the mechanisms underlying pattern formation in petals, explained: “If a trait can be produced by different methods, it gives evolution more options to modify it and create diversity, similar to an artist with a large palette or a builder with an extensive set of tools. By studying how bullseye patterns change, what we are really trying to understand is how nature generates biodiversity.” 

Lead author Dr Lucie Riglet investigated the mechanism behind hibiscus petal patterning by analysing petal development in the three hibiscus flowers that had the same total size but different bullseye patterns. 

She found that the pre-pattern begins as a small, crescent-shaped region long before the bullseye is visible on tiny petals less than 0.2mm in size. 

Dr Riglet said: “At the earliest stage we could dissect, the petals have around 700 cells and are still greenish in colour, with no visible purple pigment and no difference in cell shape or size. When the petal further develops to 4000 cells, it still does not have any visible pigment, but we identified a specific region where the cells were larger than their surrounding neighbours. This is the pre-pattern.” 

These cells are important because they mark the position of the bullseye boundary, the line on the petal where the colour changes from purple to white – without a boundary there is no bullseye! 

A computational model developed by Dr Argyris Zardilis provided further insights, and combining both computational models and experimental results, the researchers showed that hibiscus can vary bullseye dimensions very early during the pre-patterning phase or modulate growth in either region of the bullseye, by adjusting cell expansion or division, later in development. 

Dr Riglet then compared the relative success of the bullseye patterns in attracting pollinators using artificial flower discs that mimicked the three different bullseye dimensions. Dr Riglet explained: “The bees not only preferred the medium and larger bullseyes over the small bullseye, they were also 25% quicker visiting these larger flower discs. Foraging requires a lot of energy and so if a bee can visit 4 flowers rather than 3 flowers in the same time, then this is probably beneficial for the bee, and also the plants.” 

The researchers think that these pre-patterning strategies could have deep evolutionary roots, potentially influencing the diversity of flower patterns across different species. The next step for Edwige Moyroud's research team is to identify the signals responsible for generating these early patterns and to explore whether similar pre-patterning mechanisms are used in other plant organs, such as leaves. 

This research not only advances our understanding of plant biology but also highlights the intricate connections between plants and their environments, showing how precise natural designs can play a pivotal role in the survival and evolution of species. 

For example, H. richardsonii, which has the smallest bullseye of the three hibiscus plants studied in this research, is a critically endangered plant native to New Zealand. H. trionum is also found in New Zealand, but not considered to be native, and is widely distributed across Australia and Europe and has become a weedy naturalised plant in North America. Additional research is needed to determine whether the larger bullseye size helps H. trionum attract more pollinators and enhance its reproductive success. 


The bullseye pre-pattern occurs early in petal development and marks the boundary where the colour changes from purple to white. 


Lucie Riglet, Argyris Zardilis, Alice L. M. Fairnie, May T. Yeo, Henrik Jönsson and Edwige Moyroud (2024) Hibiscus bullseyes reveal mechanisms controlling petal pattern proportions that influence plant-pollinator interactions. Science Advances 


Paying attention to errors can improve fused remote monitoring of lakes, researchers say

Journal of Remote Sensing

Lakes can tip the scales from healthy to potential environmental hazard quickly when they become eutrophic. In this state, an abundance of nutrients accelerates algae growth, which then crowd the water’s surface and block light from reaching organisms below. Without light, they can’t make oxygen and life in the water begins to die off. Luckily, researchers can monitor inland lakes for eutrophication with remote sensing technologies; however, those technologies could be adjusted to make more accurate assessments, according to researchers based in China.

The team published their evaluation of the technologies, as well as recommended paths for improvement, on Sept 3 in the Journal of Remote Sensing.

Current technologies comprise remote sensing instruments that capture features of the planet’s surface, called spatial resolution, and can capture the same features multiple times, referred to as temporal resolution. The more detailed the imaging is, and the more frequently it is repeated, the higher the resolutions. But there are compromises between the resolutions — the higher the spatial resolution, the lower the temporal resolution tends to be, and vice versa.  

“The tradeoffs between the spatial and temporal resolutions for the remote sensing instruments limit their capacity to monitor the eutrophic states of inland lakes,” said co-corresponding author Linwei Yu, associate professor at China University of Geosciences. “Spatiotemporal fusion (STF) provides a cost-effective way to generate remote sensing data with both high spatial and temporal resolutions by blending multi-sensor information, and it has been widely used for the fine-scale monitoring of Earth surface dynamics.”

However, the researchers said, the issue is that the processing and modeling errors of the fused monitoring may influence the quality of the images — particularly when capturing reflective surfaces, like lakes, that have a relatively low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This ratio refers to the difference in relevant information and other details.  

“This study preliminarily presents a comprehensive evaluation to understand the potential and limitations of applying STF techniques for monitoring chlorophyll-a (Chla) concentration in inland eutrophic lakes,” said co-corresponding author Huanfeng Shen, professor at Wuhan University, explaining that Chla is an indicator of the state of eutrophication. “The findings will help to provide guidelines to design STF framework for monitoring aquatic environment of inland waters with remote sensing data.”

The researchers found that STF methods effectively capture the highly dynamic status of eutrophic inland lakes, but that those assessing the imaging should pay “special attention” to sources of error.

“Among the influential factors, the atmospheric correction and geometric errors have large impacts on the fusion results,” Yu said. “We recommend a working pipeline so that the fusion images can be integrated with real observations to produce temporally dense Chla datasets.”

The working pipeline, detailed in their study, provides a comprehensive understanding of the potential and uncertainties involved in using STF methods for aquatic applications, according to the researchers.

“With this understanding, it is feasible to estimate temporally dense Chla concentration in inland eutrophic lakes by blending multi-sensor observations,” Shen said. “In future studies, the goal is to integrate data from sensors of different resolutions and generate Chla datasets with both high spatial and temporal resolutions of the lakes over a large scale.”

Other co-authors include Lei Zhang and Rui Peng, School of Geography and Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences; Chao Zheng, School of Resources and Environmental Science, Wuhan University; and Hongtao Duan, Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Northwest University’s College of Urban and Environmental Sciences.

The National Natural Science Foundation of China supported this work.


Using training model to map planted and natural forests via satellite image

Journal of Remote Sensing
The produced global map of natural and planted forests in 2021. 


(a) Global; (b) Europe; (c) Asia; (d) North America; (e) Oceania; (f) South America; (g) Africa.

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Credit: [Yuelong Xiao, Tongji University]

While planting trees may seem like an easy win to combat climate change, planted forests often encroach on natural forests, wetlands, and grasslands. This can reduce biodiversity, disturb the natural environment, and disrupt carbon and water cycling. While there has been a global increase in forest cover, it’s hard to know if this forest is the regeneration and growth of natural forests or if it is planting new trees. Accurately mapping these forests with remote sensing technology could help.

However, comprehensive maps of planted forests and natural forests are lacking even though it is possible to distinguish planted forests and natural forests on satellite images based on their characteristics. A new study published on 21 August in the Journal of Remote Sensing presented an innovative approach to automatically generate training samples so natural forests and planted forests can be accurately mapped at 30-m spatial resolution.

“Accurately mapping the global distribution of natural and planted forests at a fine spatial resolution is a challenge, but it is crucial for understanding and mitigating environmental issues such as carbon sequestration and biodiversity loss,” said Yuelong Xiao, a doctoral student at the College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics at Tongji University in Shanghai, China. “Traditional methods often lack sufficient training samples, which hampers the accuracy and resolution of global forest maps. Our study presents a novel approach to overcome this limitation by generating extensive training samples through time-series analysis of Landsat images.”

The researchers sourced data from several different mapping systems. The primary sources were Google Earth Engine’s Landsat images ranging from 1985 to 2021 that were preprocessed by the US Geological Survey and images from the Sentinel-1 satellite from 2021. They also used the 2021 European Space Agency land cover maps, called WorldCover2021, and data from the ALOS Global Digital Surface Model. To work around computing limitations, researchers divided the globe into small tiles, resulting in 57,559 tiles covering the entire globe and 70 million training samples. 

To distinguish between established natural forests and planted forests, researchers used a value called the frequency of disturbance. Natural forests are more stable and are less likely to change in size based on external factors. In comparison, planted forests are more likely to be disturbed through reforestation or deforestation and other natural and manmade changes. By tracking the frequency of disturbance of a forested area on a satellite image, natural forests and planted forests can be identified.

Planted forests were considered pixels with a frequency of disturbance value greater than three. The value was calculated based on the number of disturbance events, such as planting events, and the reliability of the training samples. Natural forests had no disturbance events. Researchers also accounted for the fact that all of their images were from 1985 and later. To account for planted forests that may be older than 1985, they used other features and characteristics to distinguish between natural and planted forests. Finally, to determine the accuracy of their training model, researchers compared their natural vs. planted forest maps with other studies.

The research demonstrated that a less labor-intensive mapping method using autogenerated training samples to distinguish between natural and planted forests is possible. “This method to accurately map natural and planted forests globally at a 30 meter resolution is reliable and the generated map and training samples represent a valuable resource for future research and environmental management, contributing to efforts in combating climate change,” said Xiao.

Looking ahead, researchers are hoping to integrate improvements into the map system. “Next, we will use the generated training samples and method mapping to update and refine the global map of natural and planted forests regularly. Our ultimate goal is to enhance the accuracy and resolution of forest maps worldwide, providing critical data for policymakers and researchers,” said Xiao.

Other contributors include Qunming Wang at Tongji University in Shanghai, China and Hankui K. Zhang at South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota.

The National Natural Science Foundation of China supported this research.