Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Some People Never Learn

You cannot blow up a social relationship.

In this case its a lesson that continues to be lost on anarcho-punk animal rights activist Darren Thurston, who boiled lobsters alive in Edmonton in order to free them, moved to Vancouver where he then worked on Saving Bears, by allegedly sending bombs to pro hunting organizations.

Today he sits in a jail cell in Oregon for having fire bombed a corral filled with wild horses and mules. As with most of Thurstons actions this one too failed. But it could have been a disaster, killing the very animals they wanted to free.

When will these idiots ever learn.They aren't anarchists they are an
infantile caricature of anarchism.

But of course there are those idiots who consider them political prisoners, instead of the juvenile delinquints they really are. Seriously folks you would think this guy would realize that bombs do not a message make. But they are great for making self appointed martyrs.

I knew Darren in Edmonton , and I argued against his tactics since he refused to accept, that you do not engage in armed struggle when you should build a mass movement. Instead he and his fellow martyr David Barabash decided to engage in armed struggle, for their own selfish ends. And they claim to be anarchists. Which they ARE NOT.

Those in the anarchist movement who continue to mistakenly support these twits in the ALF do a disservice to anarchism and real political prisoners.

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Kelowna Accord

A great deal of gnashing and wailing has occured over the Harpocrites abandonment of the Kelowna Accord.

Stageleft does a well thought out presentation on the Conservatives anti-aboriginal agenda.

Unfortunately what gets overlooked is who speaks for aboriginal peoples. There is no real self government amongst aboriginal peoples in Canada.

The self appointed family compact of leaders in the aboriginal community, those recognized by the Department of Indian Affairs and by Provincial and Federal governments, continue to claim they speak for the people. Ha.

As anyone knows there is no democracy in native communities they are colonial governments appointed and recognized by the Colonial Department of Indian Affairs.

If any political party wanted to seriously address aboriginal self government they would first abolish this colonial hangover, and assure that all aboriginal peoples, including those disenfranchised by department policies such as native women, and those whose families are not in power now, had their democratic and economic rights assured. Then we could hand over the $9 billion the department controls to the people who really need it.

The Kelowna accord was not worth the paper it was written on. Contrary to Stagelefts assertions, the bottom line is it was too little too late, Paul Martins swan song. It was a political ploy by the Liberals to stay in power until this spring. And it failed. Sure blame the Conservatives for their right wing agenda, but don't forget to blame the Liberals who had 13 years to settle this matter.

If the Kelowna accord meant anything then the Caledonia protest laid lie to that.And it laid lie to the phony government appointed leadership in the aboriginal community in Canada.

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Jack Fights Back Over Census

Jack Layton has responded to the campaign against the contracting out of Census data collection to Lockheed Martin. The first and only leader of a federal Canadian political party to do so. I got his email response as did others who have sent in their complaints via the Count Me Out campaign website. And I got my census form in the mail yesterday.

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Bloggers Budget Reaction

As expected there was uniform joy in the land of Blogging Tories over the Harpocrite budget. These guys are so predictable. The majority all cooed over the budget like the syncophants they are. And they denounce the left for being in lockstep. Ha.

One critical comment on the budget, because it failed the military, and one link to my comment on the budget. I shocked the BT's. And only one liberaltarian amongst the lot who reviewed the budget in a balanced way.

Stephn Taylor the webmeister of BT runs the closest thing to a critical comment in his blog where he basically quotes the reactions to the budget.

On the other hand this blog and others of us in the Progressive Bloggers did not do the knee jerk reaction thingee, showing which blogosphere actually does not follow the party line. In particular the following did not go with the usual Liberal or NDP criticism of the budget. One could say these were fair and balanced comments from the No Spin Zone (wink).

Liberal Catnip

RCI Budget Analysis

Capitalist Pig vs. Socialist Swine

Pample the Moose

Calgary Grit


Red Tory

The Moderate Post

The Liberal Times

Flash Point Canada

And at least Progressive Bloggers pointed out, with no help from the political spinmeisters that the Harpocrites are incapable of telling the truth about their budget.

Lies Lies Lies

Flaherty Lies, Layton Cries

Tax reduction? Only if you're wealthy enough

Now if only the Blogging Tories could be as honest or at least take off the rose coloured glasses and speak truth to power. For political honesty in comments on the budget the score is PB 14 BT 2

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Census Beer

Not satisfied with going south of the border and contracting out computer operations for the 2006 Census to the warmachine maker Lockeed Martin, Stats Canada takes contracting out one step further. Now they are running ads for Census 2006 in Alberta on a scab made beer.

If you are from Western Canada, in particular their home base of Alberta or recently Manitoba where they have been aggressively advertising, you know these guys as the low cost

The only thing good about it is the cheap cost. And how do they get that cost, why the same way they get their watery flavour, they have it brewed south of the border. Mountain Crest Breweries is not a brewery it's a Calgary holding company that contracts out its brewing to a Wisconsin brewery. Its a guy his warehouse, truck and his webpage.

It's the ultiamte NAFTA beer. US made beer shipped to Canada, all they do is take care of the packagining and re-selling. Well now Stats Canada in an effort to get 18-24 year olds to take the Census in Alberta, has teamed up with this scummy company and created Census Beer.

This is a new low for even them. Think so, well maybe not. Stats Canada is just as scummy since it is one of the few government departments that contracts out Census work on a mass scale and still uses piece wage labour.

And besides the lucrative contract paid for by you and me what does this beer front company get? Advertising and demographic data.

And Stats Canada is doing this promotion, in Alberta only, why?

Not enough Albertans between 18 and 24 participate in the federal census, so Statistics Canada has come up with a new gimmick to get their attention: advertising on beer cans. The feds have partnered with Calgary's Mountain Crest Brewing Co. to market Mountain Crest Census Brew 2006, a run of 25,000 six-packs promoting census day on May 16.

Wait a minute I thought it was illegal NOT to participate in the Census.

So if all these folks between 18-24 aren't how does Stats Canada know that? Or are they guessing. And what does that mean for their so called "you must participate or face a fine or jail" threat? Not much guess it's as watered down as the beer.

Wait a minute this is kinda last minute ain't it. Wonder if this is a Tory perk to the beer boy in Calgary.

This story was edited May 6, 2006. See: Correction

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Daisy Kinsella

So big bad nasty Warren Kinsella has gone off on his own with some pals and created a new consulting firm called...wait for it...Daisy.

Actually it should probably should have been called Daisy Chain.

A rose by any other name...?
Really Daisy?!

Kinda of whimpy name for folks who claim to be able to do all this and leap buildings in a single bound.
  • Need someone to improve a government decision
  • Need someone to protect your reputation
  • Need someone to move public opinion
  • Need someone to help face a crisis
After all Kinsella is no Spring Daisy (think geriatric punk rocker) and he certainly ain't no wilting daisy when it comes to selling out.

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May Day Redux has published an excellent essay on May Day versus Labour Day, by Canadian Marxist Leo Panitch. He refer's to Bryan Palmers book; Cultures of Darkness:

Palmer was a student of E.P.Thompson's (The Making of the English Working Class) and is a leading Canadian Labour Historian. Panitch sums up Palmers thesis which coincides with mine, click on the title to read it.

Debate on the origins of May Day is conducted in the truncated

What Palmer says about May Day fits well with my Origins and Traditions of May Day

This radical May Day tradition is nowhere better captured than in Bryan Palmer's monumental book, Cultures of Darkness: Night Travels in the Histories of Transgression [From Medieval to Modern] (Monthly Review Press, 2000). Palmer, one of Canada's foremost Marxist labour historians, has done more than anyone to recover and analyze the cultures of resistance that working people developed in practicing class struggle from below. He's strongly critical of labour-movement leaders who've appealed to those elements of working-class culture that crave ersatz bourgeois respectability.

Set amid chapters on peasants and witches in late feudalism, on pirates and slaves during the rise of mercantile imperialism, on fraternal lodge members and anarchists in the new cities of industrial capitalism, on lesbians, homosexuals and communists under fascism, and on the mafia, youth gangs and race riots, jazz, beats and bohemians in modern U.S. capitalism, are two chapters that brilliantly tell the story of May Day.

One locates Haymarket in the context of the Victorian bourgeoisie's fears of what they called the “dangerous classes.” This account confirms the central role of the “anarcho-communist movement in Chicago [which] was blessed with talented leaders, dedicated ranks and the most active left-wing press in the country. The dangerous classes were becoming truly dangerous.”

The other chapter, a survey of “Festivals of Revolution,” locates “the celebratory May Day, a festive seizure of working-class initiative that encompassed demands for shorter hours, improvement in conditions, and socialist agitation and organization” against the backdrop of the traditional spring calendar of class confrontation.

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Tories Are Boozers

I don't klnow what it is about the Tories but they seem to have an inordinate fondness for booze, take King Ralph. Well in the new Federal Budget they made a big deal out of dropping excise taxes for Canadian wineries and Beer Microbreweries. Just in time for Canada Day, hic.

— Effective July 1st, 100-per-cent Canadian wine produced by small vintners will be exempt from duty.

— Effective July 1st, the rate of excise duty on beer produced by small brewers will be reduced.

Text of James Flaherty's budget speech

So I guess that makes the Liberals and NDP Pot Heads.

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The Man Who Would Be King

A tip o' the blog Steve Janke for this. It gives new meaning to that old conservative phrase; For King and Country. Well we know he is an autarch.

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Tories Good News Budget

They kept their promises even the ones that we don't like. But over all the budget aimed its tax cuts at the working class, the first budget in twenty years, yes including the Mulroney years, to do so.

As I predicted the BQ will back the Tories on the budget.

Honk For Public Day Care

Harper Plays Charest

They will hold their noses as Duceppe says and vote for the Budget, which the Liberals and NDP will oppose.

The budget gives tax breaks to workers with all of us getting a $1000 tax credit for home purchases of computers etc. apprenticeship tax breaks, tool tax breaks, child athletics/sports tax break, etc. The savings to workers, pensioners, and even small business offset the corporate tax cuts in the budget. It also cut off low income earners from income tax, As a result, about 655,000 low-income Canadians will be removed from the tax rolls altogether.

It is a blue collar budget, not a champagne budget, one aimed at staying in power for the rest of the year. The Liberals call it a political budget, which it is,there is something for everyone, a chicken in every pot, a way of forstalling another election. It is not so much a Conservative budget as a populist one. Expect the Tories poll numbers to jump accordingly.

The real Conservative budget will be revealed next year. For now we can celebrate a budget that gives us back some of our money, while surpluses remain for social spending.

That issue will be the fight the Conservatives will face over the next year, how to spend the surplus on social programs, and which social programs. How they will deal with the environment and with the fiscal imbalance.

On childcare they have sweetened the pot by claiming they will look at funding daycare spaces, how well that is still to be determined, and so the public pressure has to continue, they have weakened already on their corporate tax credit for daycare by saying this.

As for the Liberals promises, well they weren't worth the paper they were written on once the election was called.

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Monday, May 01, 2006

The Capitalist System

Long Live May Day

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Sex Workers Want A Union

Sex Workers across the world are protesting today demanding the right to unionize. It's May Day.

Kolkata sex workers seek recognition as labourers


Prostitutes to ride for more rights

OLDEST PROFESSION: Sex workers will appeal to the government today to decriminalize their way of earning a living and will announce the formation of a labor union

Sex workers call for an end to policemen 'fishing'

Canadian prostitutes bought, sold and forcibly moved, study shows

Also See:

Legalize & Unionize the Sex Trade

Whose Family Values?

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Russia Celebrates May Day

No tanks, no commisars, finally Russia has a real May Day. And real workers and commies celebrating and demanding the end of Mafia Capitalism.
Ivan Klyuchenko, a 17-year-old starting university this year, said: "Our industry is in ruins and wages are pitiful. A lifetime of work is not enough to buy a room in a Moscow suburb."
Trade unions, Communists march through Moscow on May Day

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Carnival of Investing

Ah shucks what can I say I posted my article; Income Trusts are a Ponzi Scheme to Canadian Capitalist and he has kindly published it in his 20th edition of the Carnival of Investing.

Call it contributing my two bits worth. And rather ironic that a lefty gets published in a Capitalist Blog.

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Census 2006 Count Me Out

In the 1980's a scandal erupted that Census Canada/Statistic Canada had given information to the RCMP as part of their spying on Canadians operation.

This was the time when the RCMP were exposed for infiltrating unions, burning barns, infiltrating the left and anti-war movements, universities and the Quebec nationalist movements. The Canadian Census was supposed to be secure and confidential. And it was a crime not to fill in your census form.

Well I refused, and when I got called from the irate bureaucrat from Stats Canada informing me that I had to comply I replied I would be happy to if he in writing could assure me that my information was secure and not subject to being handed to the RCMP. Well all a fluster he informed me my information was secure, and I assured him I would only believe him when I had it in writing. Suffice it to say he did not provide me with that assurance in writing. Nor did he press charges.

Today Statistics Canada has contracted out its data collection to Lockheed Martin, yes that Lockheed Martin the company that advertises on US television about how it is Defending America.

This means our data is not secure. Vive has launched a campaign to halt this contracting out and failing that are calling for Non Participation in the 2006 Census.

Count Me Out!

Lockheed Martin (the biggest U.S. weapons contractor and in fact the biggest weapons contractor in the world) is working on the next Canadian Census. That's because Statistics Canada chose to contract out the part of the census dealing with software, hardware and printing to Lockheed Martin--despite the fact that Stat Can promotes itself at home and internationally as a leader in information gathering.

What this means is that your tax dollars for the census will go to a non-Canadian corporation. It means that Canadian jobs will be lost due to the automation of the census. And it means that a large part of the census will be handled by a corporation that makes weapons of mass destruction. A corporation that reaps huge benefits financially from the war in Iraq, a war that Canadians rightfully oppose. A corporation that works behind the scenes to influence U.S. public policy to help maximize its own profits. A corporation that is leading the development of the Star Wars missile-defense program for the Pentagon. A corporation that is consistently rated one of the worst corporations in the world for various reasons including human rights abuses. And a corporation that might invade your privacy.

Say no to Lockheed Martin's involvement in the Canadian census. Say yes to Canada. Join Canadians across the country and BOYCOTT the census.

We offer suggestions for several different actions you can take, from sending an email form letter, to simply completing only the paper census rather than the online census, to a full boycott. To find out how you can take action, just click here:

To access only the email form letter, click here:

For more information on the issue, visit: The Census Issue

And please visit our partner site on this action,

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Carnival of Socialism is Out

The Carnival of Socialism is now online here. Enjoy

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Workers Control

When the bosses go bust the workers take over. And such has happened at a unionised pork processing plant in Saskatchewan. When the bosses shut down the factories, the workers need to take over and make them work.

Such is the current situation in Newfoundland with the closing of the FPI fish processing plants. There the communities, which are the plant workers, need to take over these plants and run them for themselves.
And the recent history of workers control in Quebec shows they can do it more profitably.

Of course it is only when the bosses give up and move out because the plants are not 'productive' that is not profitable due to lower wages and other cost reductions available abroad, that workers are offered the opportunity to run the plants themselves. In reality we run our plants, schools, hospitals, etc. all aspects of capitalism for ourselves already, the captialists, shareholders, and managers are parasites who live off our labour. We can libe without them they cannot live without us.

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The Origins and Traditions of May Day

I wrote the Origins and Traditions of Mayday in 1997. Yes way back then, it was one of my first web postings. It was used to launch MayDay on the Web and the Edmonton May Week celebrations that have continued since.

Here it is again and the original web page is here.

An Australian labour historian used it as the basis for his article on May Day which expands on my points.


By Eugene W. Plawiuk

The international working class holiday; Mayday,
originated in pagan Europe. It was a festive holy day
celebrating the first spring planting. The ancient
Celts and Saxons celebrated May 1st as Beltane or the
day of fire. Bel was the Celtic god of the sun.

The Saxons began their May day celebrations on the eve
of May, April 30. It was an evening of games and
feasting celebrating the end of winter and the return
of the sun and fertility of the soil. Torch bearing
peasants and villager would wind their way up paths to
the top of tall hills or mountain crags and then
ignite wooden wheels which they would roll down into
the fields

The May eve celebrations were eventually outlawed by
the Catholic church, but were still celebrated by
peasants until the late 1700's. While good church
going folk would shy away from joining in the
celebrations, those less afraid of papal authority
would don animal masks and various costumes, not
unlike our modern Halloween. The revelers, lead by the
Goddess of the Hunt; Diana (sometimes played by a
pagan-priest in women's clothing) and the Horned God;
Herne, would travel up the hill shouting, chanting and
singing, while blowing hunting horns. This night
became known in Europe as Walpurgisnacht, or night of
the witches

The Celtic tradition of Mayday in the British isles
continued to be celebrated through-out the middle ages
by rural and village folk. Here the traditions were
similar with a goddess and god of the hunt.

As European peasants moved away from hunting gathering
societies their gods and goddesses changed to reflect
a more agrarian society. Thus Diana and Herne came to
be seen by medieval villagers as fertility deities of
the crops and fields. Diana became the Queen of the
May and Herne became Robin Goodfellow (a predecessor
of Robin Hood) or the Green Man.

The Queen of the May reflected the life of the fields
and Robin reflected the hunting traditions of the
woods. The rites of mayday were part and parcel of
pagan celebrations of the seasons. Many of these pagan
rites were later absorbed by the Christian church in
order to win over converts from the 'Old Religion'.

Mayday celebrations in Europe varied according to
locality, however they were immensely popular with
artisans and villagers until the 19th Century. The
Christian church could not eliminate many of the
traditional feast and holy days of the Old Religion so
they were transformed into Saint days.

During the middle ages the various trade guilds
celebrated feast days for the patron saints of their
craft. The shoemakers guild honored St. Crispin, the
tailors guild celebrated Adam and Eve. As late as the
18th century various trade societies and early
craft-unions would enter floats in local parades still
depicting Adam and Eve being clothed by the Tailors
and St. Crispin blessing the shoemaker.

The two most popular feast days for Medieval craft
guilds were the Feast of St. John, or the Summer
Solstice and Mayday. Mayday was a raucous and fun
time, electing a queen of the May from the eligible
young women of the village, to rule the crops until
harbest. Our tradition of beauty pagents may have
evolved , albeit in a very bastardized form, from the
May Queen.

Besides the selection of the May Queen was the raising
of the phallic Maypole, around which the young single
men and women of the village would dance holding on to
the ribbons until they became entwined, with their (
hoped for) new love.

And of course there was Robin Goodfellow, or the Green
Man who was the Lord of Misrule for this day. Mayday
was a celebration of the common people, and Robin
would be the King/Priest/Fool for a day. Priests and
Lords were the butt of many jokes, and the Green Man
and his supporters; mummers would make jokes and poke
fun of the local authorities. This tradition of satire
is still conducted today in Newfoundland, with the
Christmas Mummery.

The church and state did not take kindly to these
celebrations, especially during times of popular
rebellion. Mayday and the Maypole were outlawed in the
1600's. Yet the tradition still carried on in many
rural areas of England. The trade societies still
celebrated Mayday until the 18th Century.

As trade societies evolved from guilds, to friendly
societies and eventually into unions, the craft
traditions remained strong into the early 19th
century. In North America Dominion Day celebrations in
Canada and July 4th celebrations in the United States
would be celebrated by tradesmen still decorating
floats depicting their ancient saints such as St.

Our modern celebration of Mayday as a working class
holiday evolved from the struggle for the eight hour
day in 1886. May 1, 1886 saw national strikes in the
United States and Canada for an eight hour day called
by the Knights of Labour. In Chicago police attacked
striking workers killing six.
The next day at a demonstration in Haymarket Square to
protest the police brutality a bomb exploded in the
middle of a crowd of police killing eight of them. The
police arrested eight anarchist trade unionists
claiming they threw the bombs. To this day the subject
is still one of controversy. The question remains
whether the bomb was thrown by the workers at the
police or whether one of the police's own agent
provocateurs dropped it in their haste to retreat from
charging workers.

In what was to become one of the most infamous show
trials in America in the 19th century, but certainly
not to be the last of such trials against radical
workers, the State of Illinois tried the anarchist
workingmen for fighting for their rights as much as
being the actual bomb throwers. Whether the anarchist
workers were guilty or innocent was irrelevant. They
were agitators, fomenting revolution and stirring up
the working class, and they had to be taught a lesson.

Albert Parsons, August Spies, George Engle and Adolph
Fischer were found guilty and executed by the State of

In Paris in 1889 the International Working Men's
Association (the First International) declared May 1st
an international working class holiday in
commemoration of the Haymarket Martyrs. The red flag
became the symbol of the blood of working class
martyrs in their battle for workers rights.

Mayday, which had been banned for being a holiday of
the common people, had been reclaimed once again for
the common people.

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May Day Headlines

And now your headlines from the class war.

Capitalism does not go unopposed even in the heart of the Beast;
Immigrants across the United States down tools for MayDay

And in Europe workers as of May Day are 'free labour' able to cross borders for jobs. New EU country workers get wider chance to seek jobs

Gee someone should tell all these cops and governments that unions are irrelevant.......

May Day Demonstrators Rally Across Asia
Workers across Asia rallied Monday to press for better conditions, often encountering a heavy police presence and, in some places, outright resistance.

May Day demonstrations quelled by massive police presence in Cambodia capital

- A leading trade union leader was arrested Monday as thousands of police brought the capital to a virtual standstill during a government clampdown on unauthorized May Day demonstrations, an opposition leader said. Chea Mony, leader of the Free Trade Union, was arrested by police and detained for two hours on grounds that he was organizing unauthorized demonstrations, said Sam Rainsy, leader of the opposition.

Indonesian police out in force for nationwide May Day rallies

Demonstrations were planned in major cities across Indonesia, with up to 50,000 people expected in the capital alone to protest government plans to revise a labor law -- cutting severance packages and introducing more flexible contracts that would chip away at worker security. "Don't change the law," thousands of laborers chanted at Jakarta's main downtown roundabout, as others arrived in buses and trucks, waiving green, yellow and red flags and banners expressing their demands.

High alert for Philippine May Day

Strikes to follow May Day: Cosatu SABC News
And this is why MayDay is still relevant and important even today.


Europe marks May Day
'Preserve May Day significance'
Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana urges workers and employers to preserve the significance of the world May Day celebrations to be observed on Monday. In a statement ahead of the celebrations, the minister said it was important for everyone to think of those who were still denied basic worker rights. "On Monday South African workers, as part of the global community, will be joining their counterparts around the world in celebrating the achievements and fruits of the struggles that were waged by their forefathers more than 100 years ago."
As we will be celebrating, it is important to note that this year's celebration coincides with the 60th anniversary of the historic mineworkers' strike of 1946. It is the struggles of this nature that led to the current improvements in our working conditions," he said. It was important for people not to treat the May Day holiday as an ordinary public holiday, the minister said. "The freedoms that we enjoy today resulted from attempts by the government and its social partners to ensure the realisation of those struggles and I would therefore like to remind our fellow countrymen and women that as we celebrate, we should pause to spare a thought for those who are yet to enjoy these basic conditions."

And here is why workers still need a union.......

No happy May Day for 350 Govt workers

Bangalore: It's May Day on Monday. But as workers around the world are celebrating their special day, 350 government employees in Bangalore have little to rejoice. They have been working on contract for more than a decade, and now, the Supreme Court has said that they have no right to regularisation. A case in point is B C Karunakar, who has been working as a typist at the Commercial Taxes department for over 20 years. But despite working here for two decades, he isn’t a permanent employee just like his colleague, T Govindaiah who has put in 22 years of work in the organisation.They've worked for 20 years without increments, medical facilities, and privileged leave. And now they will now retire without pension.

And in Montreal workers kicked off May Day early with a protest against the Charest Neo0Liberal agenda. May Day comes early to Montreal

And check out these sites.

LabourStart for up to the minute May Day headlines.

May Day and related topics on the Marxists Internet Archive

May Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

May Day on the Web

Galaxy > Community > Holidays and Observances > May Day

The Daily Bleed May Reference Page:

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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Why Income Trusts Fail

Sure they make huge payouts to their investors and managers but because of this they are suseptible to becoming a ponzi scheme, whereby their payouts are more than their earnings as we find with the recent collapse of one of the oldest Income Trusts in Canada; Superior Propane. As the old saying goes it its too good to be is.

Superior is one of the earliest business trusts, having traded publicly since 1996. It became one of the blue-chip names in a hot investment sector that since 1999 has seen 31 business trusts, or 22% of the sector, cut or suspended distributions. DISTRIBUTIONS: Have exceeded more than 90% of available cash in each of past five years. Superior units drop 25%
And this is why Income Trusts ran into trouble in the last two years, not because of the Federal government but the 'gold-rush' mentality to invest and get quick payouts encouraged by managers who were dipping into the till in these Trusts.

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Headlines from the Progressive Blogosphere

I am running two news aggregators in my sidebar, that ugly thing to the left everyone seems to hate. They are both from Sustainable blog. Introducing the "Headlines from the Progressive Blogosphere" Tool I reccomend those folks in the Canadian Progressive Blogger community consider joining to make this a more continental aggregator.

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Cut Income Taxes Now

Even at the highest wages the average worker in Canada is still not making what our Politicians and Corporate CEOs or heck even an NHL player makes.

Albertans continue to make more than residents in any other province, according to Statistics Canada.

StatsCan's monthly report on payroll employment, released yesterday, showed people in this province had average weekly earnings of $794.72 in February.

That's up 0.5% from January and 5.1% from February 2005.

Ontario was second, at $786.75, followed by B.C., where the average weekly earnings came in at $742.82.

Only residents in Canada's north made more than workers in Alberta.

Employees pulling in the highest salaries in the country work in the mining and oil and gas sectors, where the average weekly earnings in February were $1,330.35, up 2.8% from a year ago.

That makes the annual salary for these mining, oil and gas workers $63,856.80

For the average Albertan,earning just under $800 weekly,makes $ 38146.56 annually. That works out to be $19.86 per hour. These are in unionised trades.

The average Albertan working currently in our hot market is making $10 hour. Which works out to still be below the povery level at $19,200 annually.

And that does not include the many working at minimum wages still, which is means they are earning far below the poverty level, but are still not able to benefit from tax credits.End Welfare Create A Living Wage

For a real break for working class families in Canada no one should have to pay income tax until they earn OVER $100,000 annually. Because for example those highly paid workers listed above, will earn that much annually in overtime wages on top of their annual salaries.

Salaries between $30,000 and $100,000 pay the MOST income taxes in Canada.

Those earning $200,000 or more pay less.
Quick Tax Facts 2005

And you have till midnight May 1st to file your annual tax return.

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I Don't Do Mornings

Do not disturb takes on new meaning in a billybog in Australia.

Best to leave sleeping crocs lie, even Captain Hook knew that.

A crocodile in northern Australia has chased a storm-clearance worker up a tree and made off with his chainsaw.

The 4.4m (14.5ft) saltwater crocodile called Brutus apparently took exception to the noise of the saw.

The worker was clearing a tree that fell on the crocodile enclosure at the Corroboree Park Tavern, 80km (50 miles) east of the northern city of Darwin.

Tavern co-owner Linda Francis said: "Fred virtually gave him the chainsaw, shoved it at him.

"It was still going and he took the chainsaw onto the ground and proceeded to smash it and it stalled. The crocodile didn't cut himself, just broke a few teeth."

Mr Shappert said the saw was destroyed.

"He chewed on the chainsaw for about an hour-and-a-half, then we finally got it out."

Saltwater crocodiles are known to attack small boats, apparently disturbed by the sound of outboard motors.

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End Welfare Create A Living Wage

It was a policy of the NDP and Red Liberals in the 1960's to call for a Guaranteed Annual Income, a social wage. Today we call it a Living Wage.

Quick. What radical social policy has had the support of the Liberal Party, the former Reform Party, the NDP, civil rights leader Martin Luther King, free-market economist Milton Friedman, the Canadian Council on Social Development, the Canadian Manufacturers Association, certain taxpayers and poverty groups, and even Richard Nixon when he was president? The guaranteed annual income. No, I would not have guessed it either. If such a radical idea attracts such a motley crew, two thoughts come to the cynical mind: they can't all be talking about the same thing; and, why don't we have it yet?Guaranteed annual income

Whether you call it a GAI or LW it is the same, a social wage based on the value of each person in Canada. Real welfare reform can only be made through a policy of GAI/LW.

As a recent CCPA study of Welfare Rates in B.C. shows;
There is currently no rhyme or reason to how welfare rates are set,” says Steve Kerstetter, author of A Better Way to Set Welfare Rates, also released today by the CCPA, “In theory, welfare incomes are supposed to cover the basic necessities of life. In practice, they are set arbitrarily by the provincial cabinet with no regard for the actual cost of living.”

Whether it is provinical minimum wages or AISH or welfare, the fact remains that these social wage programs do not meet the needs or real social value/social captial of Canadians.

That can only be met with a social wage, as studies done by the Federal Government have shown. HRDC/SRC studies found that single mothers on welfare got jobs and stayed in those jobs if their welfare benefits WERE NOT CUT OFF. That allowed them both cash and benefits supplements to their minimum wage. In other words it created a social wage, a GAI or living wage.

That this study has been ignored is an understatement. As all such studies have shown, the working poor, who pay taxes, are hurt most by government tax credit programs, becuase the benefits are aimed at those who earn less than poverty levels, while those who work for minimum wages earn just above the poverty level.
Income Poverty in Canada: Recent Trends among Canadian Families 1981-2002

In earning this amount, their benefits and tax credits get clawed back. Such will be the case when the Harpocrites issue their baby bonus, child credit. The working poor who need all the money they can get will face a double burdern, they will lose their existing tax credit for children, because the Harpocrite baby bonus is taxable income, and will boost their earnings above the current Liberal child tax credit means. Secondly they will then be ripped off because the $1200 will be taxed income.

In order to have genuine social reform of welfare and all income assistance programs, which affect women in particular whether as single mothers or seniors surviving their spoouses, we need to have a GAI.
Why Women Would Gain from a Guaranteed Livable Income

This is something that was supposed to have happened by now, but continually is placed on the back burner because it affects women as social wage earners who do not get paid for their social labour.
Whose Family Values? Women and the Social Reproduction of Capitalism


GAI-Forum Info Page

Rise of Capitalism and Social Welfare

Welfare Reforms in Canada

Also see:

Living Wage articles

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Harpers Secret Deals wth the US

We learned about the softwood lumber deal because the Americans announced it first, now we learn a secret deal over NORAD has been signed by the Harpocrite, again from the Americans. This is the real meaning of his statement that Canada will have a new relationship with the United States. More arbitrary autarchic decisions by the Harpocrite, with no consultation with Parliament. Reminds me of Oliver Cromwell.

"I was astounded, absolutely astounded ... There's been no consultation with opposition parties ... no consultation with Canadians whether these are steps they want to take," said New Democrat MP Dawn Black, the party's defence critic.She wondered why Canadians had to learn from American officials on Friday — rather than the federal government — that the two nations had renewed their long-standing defence partnership. Opposition slams `secret' NORAD deal signing

As for NORAD well it wasn't very effective in halting the attacks of 9/11 now was it. - Panel: US unprepared 'in every respect' on 9/11

The North American Aerospace Defense Command and the Federal Aviation
Administration "struggled, under difficult circumstances, to improvise a homeland defense against an unprecedented challenge they had never encountered and had never trained to meet," the commission's staff concluded in a report read at the hearing's opening.

Oh yeah that's because VP Dick Cheney who was hiding out in the Presidential bunker, was in charge, while el presidente Georgie Porgie was flying around unavailable for two days. - Exposing NORAD's Wag The 911 Window Dressing Tale ...

So what was the use of NORAD? Besides tracking Santa Clause.

And if it is a joint command, between the Canadian Forces and the US Armed Forces, then why can it be overruled by the executive branch of the US government?

Oh right NORAD will be the command centre for Ballistic Missle Defense, the new Star Wars program that Derek Burney has been promoting since he entered the Harpocrites PMO.

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