Even at the highest wages the average worker in Canada is still not making what our Politicians and Corporate CEOs or heck even an NHL player makes.
Albertans continue to make more than residents in any other province, according to Statistics Canada.
StatsCan's monthly report on payroll employment, released yesterday, showed people in this province had average weekly earnings of $794.72 in February.
That's up 0.5% from January and 5.1% from February 2005.
Ontario was second, at $786.75, followed by B.C., where the average weekly earnings came in at $742.82.
Only residents in Canada's north made more than workers in Alberta.
Employees pulling in the highest salaries in the country work in the mining and oil and gas sectors, where the average weekly earnings in February were $1,330.35, up 2.8% from a year ago.
That makes the annual salary for these mining, oil and gas workers $63,856.80
For the average Albertan,earning just under $800 weekly,makes $ 38146.56 annually. That works out to be $19.86 per hour. These are in unionised trades.
The average Albertan working currently in our hot market is making $10 hour. Which works out to still be below the povery level at $19,200 annually.
And that does not include the many working at minimum wages still, which is means they are earning far below the poverty level, but are still not able to benefit from tax credits.End Welfare Create A Living Wage
For a real break for working class families in Canada no one should have to pay income tax until they earn OVER $100,000 annually. Because for example those highly paid workers listed above, will earn that much annually in overtime wages on top of their annual salaries.
Salaries between $30,000 and $100,000 pay the MOST income taxes in Canada.
Those earning $200,000 or more pay less.Quick Tax Facts 2005
And you have till midnight May 1st to file your annual tax return.
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