Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Different Kind Of Second Hand Smoke

Put a lid on fumes from cremation

B.C.'s chief medical health officer says crematoriums could be emitting harmful fumes, and should be regulated by the provincial government. The health authority says crematoriums should never be operated in urban residential areas, because of concerns that possibly harmful emissions pose a public health risk. Call for closer scrutiny of crematorium emissions

Yep another environmental toxin that could cause lung cancer. So while the anti-smoking adovcates whine on, they over look yet another emission that adds to the potential for cancer. All those dead bodies being inhaled. And the industry is not regulated. Imagine that. It gives new meaning to it's your funeral. Literally.

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Nothing New Here

Liberals hid gun registry costs

report: Auditor general to reveal huge expenses were buried in routine reports for several years

Ms. Fraser is expected to lay the blame at the feet of top public servants and their former Liberal masters when her report is released on Tuesday.

The report will say that the registry's costs continued to grow after 2002 because the federal government was under contract to two competing computer firms for years before deciding to switch to a more advanced information technology system that could be adapted to the needs of the gun registry.

The decision to switch from the original IT firm, run by EDS Canada, to Team Centra, a consortium of computer firms led by CGI Business Solutions, was held up for almost four years thanks to long-delayed legislative changes to the firearms program, several ministerial reviews and the seemingly ever-changing requirements of the registry's computer system.

The myriad amendments to the computer contracts over that four-year period, made to adapt to the program's changing mandate, steadily drove up the cost of doing business, at huge expense to taxpayers.

Well that was already reported by Fraser in her earlier audits as it was by the KPMG auditor hired by the Justice department as I have documented. So what's new here? Unless she is going to name names of the Liberals and bureaucrats that screwed up. But this is less about an ADSCAM type scandal than the failure of the neo-conservative ideology of Public Private Partnerships (P3's) and privatization of the State.

But Joe Comartin, the NDP justice critic, noted The Tory case against the registry is not, at bottom, an economic one, said Comartin. "It's an ideological, philosophical argument.'

As it is the release of her report is a serious breach of government confidentiality which leads right back to the PMO. And that in itself is a scandal.

The conservatives are hell bent on linking the Firearms Registry to the Liberal ADSCAM that they have violated parliamentary secrecy and confidentiality which will backfire on them. And they will NOT do anything to reform the Firearms Registry because the money has already been well wasted.

OTTAWA -- Opposition MPs are calling for an RCMP investigation into the leak of an Auditor-General's report on the beleaguered gun registry that was to be released next Tuesday.

And Auditor-General Sheila Fraser, said to be furious that details of the report appeared in newspapers this week, has been asked to appear before the Commons Public Accounts Committee on Monday to tell what she knows about the unprecedented breach of secrecy.

Jason Kenney, parliamentary secretary to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, told the House of Commons yesterday that the government is taking the matter very seriously.

He rejected accusations from Liberal MP Marlene Jennings that the leak had come from Ian Brodie, Mr. Harper's chief of staff, as being "absolutely scurrilous" and completely baseless.

Methinks he doth protest too much.

More on the Firearms Registry Scandal:

Smoking Gun

More Firearms Registry Scandal

How Many Audits Does It Take?

The Neo Liberal Canadian State

Also see Privatization



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Whyte Avenue Trashed Again

Violence on 'Blue Mile' mars Oilers celebration

A predictable headline. The violence was a stabbing. Which has also occured during the ever popular Fringe Festival last year, and on other occasions on Whyte. The other stabbings and violence occured downtown. So linking it to the rowdy partying on Whyte as if it was the main event after the Oilers stomped the Sharks on Friday night is a bit much. Otherwise it was a party on Whyte. Except for the Riot Cops.

No rioting broke out such as what happened in the Whyte Avenue area on Canada Day in 2001. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage occurred then.

The police closed off Whyte Avenue access at 99th Street within thirty minutes of the game ending. I know I watched them from my local pub where I enjoyed the game with the rest of the crew. Having learned from the July 1st riot the cops were in control of the Avenue. Any trashing would have been because of their armed and dangerous prescence, as if having riot cops appear. That is bound to provoke.

“I think as soon as the riot police come out, I think it creates a different attitude among everybody,” said Andrew Wilcox, who was in the crowd. “People have a sort of need to rebel.”

And as I have said here before since the area is overrun with bars and lounges they should have a tax for clean up placed on them. After all they already overcharge for beer.

Jenny Sherwin, a restaurant owner near the disturbance, said she was stuck hosing down pools of urine from the front of her store yesterday morning.

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Anti-Scab Law Redux

There are now two private members bills in Parliament on Anti-Scab legislation. One from the BQ and one from the NDP. The BQ bill will come up first. The bills will pass only with enough votes from the Opposition. However last time the legislation came up the Liberals voted against it. With their new friendship with Buzz Hargrove, maybe they will vote for the bill. This will define exactly how left wing and progressive the Liberals really are.

For an excellent analysis of the CAW and Buzzes right wing shift see my pal Bruce Allen's
Inside The CAW Jacket

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Immigrant Song

Yep that's the title of a Led Zepplin song, its also the feature stories in todays Toronto Sun. Where reporter Brodie Felon writes about the Chinese Immigrant community, in that city. The articles are on the end of the Head Tax and the tragedy of the failure of Canada to recognize foreign educational and occupational credentials. Both well worth the read, especially the history of exploitation and racism that surrounds the head tax.

The IWW was one of the first inclusive unions to recognize Chinese workers, while other craft unions and even the Knights of Labour shamefully attacked them as 'foreign workers', gee sounds familar.

Oh and for a fun version of the Led Zep song check this out.

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Better Late Than Never

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has finally issued a 'policy paper' on Foreign Temporary Workers. El presidente Gil McGowan states;
"We will articulate the reasons why importing temporary workers is a case of 
exploiting foreign workers to undermine Canadian workers. Everybody loses.
It is critical to note that the labour movement strongly supports
immigration and believes that immigrant workers should be entitled to have
access to the full rights and privileges of all other Canadian workers.
However, we oppose the importation of hundreds of workers just to complete a
job and then sending them back home. That is exploitation."

Which is what the IWW Edmonton Branch said over a year ago when
the Building Trades were attacking temporary workers in a racist nationalist manner.

Also See:

The Labour Shortage Myth

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Right To Work Redux

I have long stated that Alberta has the most restrictive labour laws against unions and in favour of the bosses. Now our pals at the Fraser Institute have released their study that proves it.

Of course being the right wing think tank they are, they approve of Albertas regressive anti-union laws. And of course seeing that the Harpocrites are in power in Ottawa they are hoping to appeal to them to change the Federal labour laws to bring in Right To Work. These guys never give up.

And why should they, with the likes of MP Rob Anders in the back benches,who was their patsy for their last effort in Alberta to promote Right To Work, watch for a private members bill. Luckily for us the Opposition is stronger than the Minority government.

The empirical results indicate four distinct groups. The first is a group
of 22 US States, often called Right-to-Work states. They scored 9.2 out of a
possible 10.0 indicating that they have the most balanced and least
prescriptive labour relations laws in Canada and the United States. The next
group is the remaining 28 US states (non-RTW states); they scored 7.5 out of
Right-to-Work states differ from other US states in that they allow
workers in unionized firms to completely opt-out of paying any union dues.
Workers in other states are only permitted to opt-out of certain types of
union dues that are not related to worker representation.
The third group is a single Canadian province: Alberta. It scored 6.0 on
the index and led all Canadian jurisdictions, but fell short of competing with
any of the US states.
The final group is the remaining nine Canadian provinces and the Canadian
federal government. These jurisdictions have the most biased labour relations
laws; all received scores below 5.0.

Of course "biased labour relations laws" is Fraserspeak for actually having labour laws that recognize workers rights. And Right To Work does not mean full employment it means the right of bosses to exploit workers without fear of unionization.

Never say never is the Fraser motto, as they whined about biased labour laws only last August. But then the Harpocrites were only in opposition, now they are in power.





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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Can You Say Capitulation

Yep we have a new relationship between the Harpocrites and the Bushites.
It's spelled C A P I T U L A T I O N .

Tembec defies gov't pressure

Major Quebec player says he won't end lawsuits if deal not right for his company

At the same conference, U.S. Consul-General Lewis Lukens told a lunch-hour audience that progress on the agreement was a direct result of the improved tone in relations between the two countries, evident at last month's North American Free Trade Agreement meeting between U.S. President George W. Bush and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

"There is a new commitment to make the relationship work better," Lukens said. "The deal happened because both sides found the political will . . . ."

However, the U.S. filed an extraordinary challenge to Canada's NAFTA victories in the softwood dispute, even though the framework agreement was signed.

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Sexist Taxes

"Women shouldn't have a tax penalty for menstruating," Women's rights advocate Marianne Cerilli --

"All tax cuts are good, but I don't think tax cuts should be gender-based," Adrienne Batra, provincial director for the Canadian Taxpayers' Federation, said

No tax on tampons? NDP MP re-introduces bill

Here, Here. Get rid of the GST on tampons. Since women are a majority in Canada this is not just a gender issue, as the Canadian Taxpayers Federation excuses it, but is a case of unfair taxation on the majority, who have less than majority representation in Parliament. No taxation with out representation, wasn't that the phrase the right wing loves. And what was that about Tampons giving women more freedom.

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Elizabeth May's Catholic Ideology

While I am on the subject of the Green Party of Canada leadership race, see previous article, Politique Canadienne has a wonderful collection of quotes from Elizabeth May the former director of the Sierra Club who has thrown her hat in the ring for the leadership of the Green Party. May launches Green party leadership bid

I found this one interesting, specially since she tore a strip off Jack Layton for forcing the Federal Election on the eve of the Climate Change Conference.

"My inspiration comes from the social justice vision of Tommy Douglas, the community empowerment economic ethic of Monsignor Moses Coady, and the environmental principles of David Suzuki."

So who was Monsignor Moses Coady, says I ignoramous of the first water about the Maritimes. Well not an insignifcant force in Cape Breton last century, he follows the school of distributist economics of Hilaire Belloc at the turn of last century. Distributist social reformers promoted an economics of Social Credit as well as the ideals of the Cooperative Commonwealth.

His influence on Elizabeth Mays thinking will be seen by comparing her statements to the ideology expressed by this early Catholic Liberation Theologist and environmentalist.

So here are some quotes about Moses Coady and founder of the Coady Institute at St. Francis Xavier University.

Give us a people who have a sense of belonging, of
taking part in the business of the country and they
will learn to do difficult things. Only in this way
can we build a great civilization worthy of a country
of such great natural resources. Only in this way
can we build a strong, self-reliant population freed
from the need of continuously calling on the
government for material assistance.’

‘Freedom should mean that people have the right to
set up institutions that will act as a counter-force to
the anti-social elements of society who build up
economic institutions to suppress the people and
exploit them.’

Moses Coady

Coady Newsletter for Web

Cape Breton Island has been home to many famous individuals, whose contributions to society are well known outside of the area. Cape Breton's favorite immigrant Alexander Graham Bell, as well as Guglielmo Marconi, made Cape Breton Island the site of many wonderful experiments and scientific progress. Monsignor Moses Coady and Father Jimmy Tompkins, native sons of the Margarees, pioneered social and economic justice.Their legacy remains in every Co-op and Credit Union.

One of the biographies in the book which held a special appeal for the writer involves Monsignor Moses Coady of Nova Scotia. He and his cousin, Father Jimmy Tompkins, wereinstrumental in starting the Antigonish Movement. A little more than a year ago, the writer had the pleasure of a visit and private tour of the Coady Institute located at St. Francis XavierUniversity in the small town of Antigonish. The Institute has actively run training programssetting up cooperative ventures for adult students from third world countries. Father Jimmy was a friend of the Overstreets and they wrote about the Antigonish movement; in some of Bonaro’swritings Jimmy Tompkins emerges as a kind of folk hero.
The article in Twentieth Century Thinkers focuses on Coady as a man ahead of his time. Coady was ecumenical in his outlook and was an environmentalist with views on the waste and destruction of natural resources long before it became a movement of its own. “We cannot sin against nature and hope to win.”His greatest achievement (and Tompkins’) was that they putideas, theories and principles into practice. “The cooperative approach stressed self-reliance, the development of local leadership, broadly based education, and a peaceful redistribution of economic benefits.”

Chapter 1
And like their distributist forebearers the Green Party being 'niether right nor left', can easily lead to that corporatist model of statism we know as fascism.

Controversy in the Distributist community has occurred because of associations of distributism with some ultranationalist groups. This would include groups such as the British National Party which claims to hold some distributist views. The advocacy of distributism by certain ultranationalist groups is more pronounced in Europe where distributism is seen as reflecting the values of an "old order" and a return to the "nationalistic roots" of a country. Supporters of national anarchism also advocate distributist economic models.

Many ultranationalists trace their ancestry back to Fascist movements, and may see Distributism as a version of Corporativism. There are some similarities between the two systems, notable parallels between the Corporativists' Corporations and the Distributists' Guilds. But there are fundamental differences between the two philosophies, notably the Corporativists' permissiveness towards big buisiness and big government.

Distributism and Corporativism could concievably be placed on a linear spectrum of Third Way economic models, where Distributism would be more compatible with Libertarianism and Corporativism would tend to be more compatible with radical centrist ideologies of Collectivism and Statism, including but not limited to Fascism.

Distributism from the Wikipedia

Also See:

Green Party

Climate Change

Paul Watson Green Conservative

Capitalist Environmentalism

Right Wing Environmentalists

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Manning To Run for Green Party

Why not. Since he has turned his attention to the matter of the environment he would fit right in with the Federal Green Party after all they are just like Preston Manning; fiscal conservatives.

In his most recent work, as director of the Manning Centre for Building Democracy, Manning has gained some attention for the concept of marrying conservative fiscal policies to strong awareness of environmental issues. Alberta could be a good workshop for such thinking, given the contiguous presence of its fossil-based energy industry and its wide-open spaces, majestic mountains and mainly-clean rivers.
OttawaWatch: Manning's surprise, Harper's accountability

"If the appropriate solution to an environmental problem is a market mechanism, then we use it. We're not doctrinaire in the old sense."

Elizabeth May, Green Party leadership candidate

And since there is a draft Manning for the leadership of the Party of Calgary, (Alberta PC's) why not one for the Federal Green Party?! That would give it some political capital and legitimacy. Hey there is still time to draft Manning.
Race to lead Green Party heats up

Also See:

Green Party

Climate Change

Paul Watson Green Conservative

Capitalist Environmentalism

Right Wing Environmentalists

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Thunk Tank

King Ralph gets a nice perk from the retirement home for neo-cons the Fraser Institute. Not unexpected since the Fraser Institute spent the last thirteen years gushing over Ralph, giving him an annual award for putting into practice what they preach. Retiring Klein will join the Fraser Institute

King Ralph will continue to suck at the public teat as the right wing think tank is a charitable institution. King Ralph will be in good company with other political porkchoppers Preston Manning and Mike Harris. Love these neo-cons who complain about the Nanny State but suckle off the public teat with their 'charitable' foundations, and political consulting firms.

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