I waited all day for it. In the morning I had seen on TV a desperate Paul Martin speaking in Burnaby. Knowing that B.C. will be a battle between the Conservatives and NDP, he attacked the NDP. Well actually as usual he attacked Jack Layton.
Layton Abandons Principle for Politics
NDP Leader Jack Layton has abandoned his principles during this election campaign in his quest for power, Prime Minister Paul Martin said in a speech today.
The Liberals are all abut personalizing politics. Not the personal is political mind you, but personality politics. All election Martin has not talked about the Liberals or the Conservatives or the NDP or the BQ but about their leaders. Then he compares them with himself.
His values. He is Canadian. His values are Canadian values. And he uses the royal or editorial we. Well yesterday he did it again and attacked the NDP by attacking Jack. And he claimed to be more progressive than the NDP.
The Prime Minister said only the Liberals will serve the values of “progressive voters.
Are we speaking of the same Liberal party that includes these folks that voted against same sex marriage, but unlike the NDP were not kicked out of the party. Or are wetalkingg about the progressive Liberals that voted with the Conservatives against the Anti-Scab law. Or is the definition of progressive now to include a Liberal Candidate who is a known war monger and apologist for George Bush.
Prime Minister Paul Martin Presents Progressive Vision for Canada
Excuse me. Pardon. Huh. This is the neo conservative Finance Minister who slashed and burned programs and payments in 1995 to deal with the debt and deficit problem. A solution NO different than one imposed by Conservatives Ralph Klein or Mike Harris as premiers.
Is this the same progressive vision he had when he opposed Same Sex Marriage until it was forced on him by the Supreme Court.
Is this the same progressive vision Paul Martin had when embraced Bono when he was annointed leader,and talked about ending world poverty and the debt burden of the Third World. But couldn't come up with the 1% foreign Aid Bono wanted. Because he was the guy that had cut it originally. And it wouldn't be prudent to rush into this sort of thing, financially you know.
It took the NDP to get it passed in their budget last summer.
In his attack on the NDP, Martin assured Canadians that in the fight for environmental sustainability, in the fight for a new deal for our cities, in the fight for public health care and lower tuition, he will never take a pass. But he did take a pass.
None of this was in last springs Liberal budget that the Conservatives liked. Nope. That budget had millions in Corporate Tax Cuts. Very little for cities. Nothing for tuition and nothing for theenvironmentt. It took the NDP budget to put the money into these programs.
Like his company; Canadian Steamship Lines which fly flags ofconveniencee, Paul Martin and the Liberals are progressives when it is convenient.
Federal Election
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