Thursday, December 28, 2006

Bulgarian Women Abused

Migrant Bulgarian women are being raped, abused and threatened with death in both Christian Europe and Islamic Countries.

Muslim Brotherhood hails lynching of innocent Bulgarian nurses

Raping and lynching in exotic Greece

There is a Bogomil Blog that has an online campaign for clemency for the Bulgarian Nurses and Palestinian Doctor sentenced to death in Libya.

America's newest lynching ally.

Free the Bulgarian nurses and the Palestinian doctor prisoners in Libya!

Of course the Bulgarians have always been subject to abuse since their country is the origin of the Bogomil heresy.

And this is the subtext of the persecution of Bulgarian women as 'filthy', 'disease carriers'. It is a prejudicial religious and cultural meme carried by Islam and Christianity because both confronted the Bogomil heresy in the Balkans.

Briefly, Bogomilism was both dualist and 'puritan'.
It was dualist in that it believed that Satan or Satanael, God's rebel elder son, was the creator of the universe. All matter therefore derives from an autonomous evil principle at war with God. Our bodies and their functions are unsanctified and cannot be sanctified. Satan made the body of man; the soul only was from God. It was puritan in that it rejected most of the dogmas and rites of the church as a human superstructure without the authority of Christ - an illusion which Satan has foisted on us. Thus typical Bogomil doctrine rejected all the Old Testament except the Psalms and retained of the New only Jesus's teachings in the Spirit. His whole human life, as partaking of matter, was necessarily mere appearance. Atonement and Redemption become meaningless if man, created not by God but by Satan, never fell. The Mother of God and the Cross are hateful debasements; the sacraments, including marriage, valueless; the Doctors of the church - false teachers. The doctrine of the Trinity was interpreted in various unorthodox ways. Their practice therefore was deceptively simple: prayer to God and to his true emanation, Jesus - especially the Lord's Prayer; non-involvement as far as possible in all the toils of matter, including sexual abstinence; the avoidance of wine and all food of living origin.

The medieval cemetery had about 110 of these large stone slabs, carved with various Bogomil motifs.

The most common figure on the gravestones is the big hand guy. He is carved with a crossbow behind one cocked arm and with a ring floating Tolkein-like over a grotesquely exaggerated upheld hand. His wears the gear of an armored knight.
Bogomil_cemetery Bogomil_cemetery_1 Bogomil_cemetery_2 Bogomil_cemetery_3
The Bogomils (also called “Patarenes”) were the original all-Bosnian, indigenous high civilization. (More on the Bogomil Heresy). Consequently, current 21st Century Bosnian nationalism uses them as a symbol. Religiously the Bogamil culture is interesting. They were heretics persecuted by Rome. Pressure from the Catholic Church eventually aggravated the Bogomils to the point where they either capitulated to Catholicsim, or,more often, were so turned off by Catholicism that they left Christianity and converted in large quantities to Islam when the Ottomans came, forming the backbone today of who we think of as “The Bosnian Muslims”. Whatever. I just know I like their tomb carvings.

The origin of the Bogomils begins in the schismatic power struggles of the early Chrisitan Church State. The Bogomil and other gnostic sects were the origin of Protestantism, and the modern Anabaptist and Baptist movements. As with most religious movements they began as a protest against church and state doctrine and repression.

The now defunct Gnostic social-religious movement and doctrine originated in at the time of Peter I of Bulgaria (927-969) as a reaction of the state and clerical oppression. In spite of all measures of repression, it remained strong and popular until the fall of Bulgaria in the end of 14th century.

"From AD 830, the Armenian branch of the Paulician movement was centered on a village called Tondrak, hence the name Tondrakites. They attacked the feudal privileges of the Armenian barons, who united with the clergy in persecuting and suppressing them. The Tondrakites are hailed by modern Soviet historians as ancestors of present-day Communism; a tract purporting to be their manual of doctrine was published in 1898, under the title The Key of Truth. The Paulicians are also important for their influence on the development of Bogomilism in the Balkans, where there were important Armenian colonies, particularly in Bulgaria."

The cardinal point of the Paulician heresy is a distinction between the God who made and governs the material world and the God of heaven who created souls, who alone should be adored.
They thought all matter bad. It seems therefore obvious to count them as one of the many neo-Manichaean sects, in spite of their own denial and that of modern writers.

The whole ecclesiastical hierarchy is bad, as also all Sacraments and ritual. They had a special aversion to monks. Their own organization consisted first of the founders of their sect in various places. These were apostles and prophets. They took new names after people mentioned by St. Paul, thus Constantine called himself Silvanus; apparently they claimned to be these persons come to life again. Under the apostles and prophets were "fellow-workers" (synechdemoi) who formed a council, and "notaries" (notarioi), who looked after the holy books and kept order at meetings. Their conventicles were called, not churches, but "prayer-houses" (proseuchai). They maintained that it was lawful to conceal or even deny their ideas for fear of persecution; many of them lived exteriorly as Catholics. Their ideal was a purely spiritual communion of faithful that should obliterate all distinctions of race. Their enemies accuse them constantly of gross immorality, even at their prayer-meetings. One of their chief leaders, Baanes, seems to have acquired as a recognized surname the epithet "filthy" (ho ryproz). They would recognize no other name for themselves than "Christians"; the Catholics were "Romans (Romaioi), that is, people who obey the Roman emperor, as the Monophysites called their opponents Melchites. Harnack sums them up as "dualistic Puritans and Individualists and as "an anti-hierarchic Christianity built up on the Gospel, and Apostle, with emphatic rejection of Catholic Christianity" (Dogmengeschichte, II 528).

The influence of the Bogomil heresy spread across Europe through out the Medieval period reaching France and even England.

In its most successful form it became associated with the Cathars of France. Who practiced a communist equality between people a sharing of those goods in common, and equality between men and women.

It is the Bogomil beliefs that create the confusion between pre-Christian and post Christian Gnosticism.

The Bogomils were without doubt the connecting link between the so-called heretical sects of the East and those of the West. In the 12th and 13th centuries, the Bogomils were already known in the West as "Bulgari". In 1223 the Albigenses are declared to be the local Bougres.
The Bogomils spread westwards, and settled first in Serbia; but at the end of the 12th century the king of Serbia persecuted them and expelled them from the country. Large numbers took refuge in Bosnia, where they became known as Patareni. From there they moved to Italy and Hungary. In the 15th century the conquest of Hungary by the Turks ended the persecution of the Bogomils. It is claimed that a large number of the Bosnians accepted Islam. Few or no remnants of Bogomilism have survived in Bosnia.
The Bogomils disappeared because of persecution and the expansion of Islam, but elements of their ideas and folklore persisted for centuries in Slavic lands, and it is still an open question whether the reference Bulgari in Europe has associations of heresy.




This book will offer its readers an unusual trip in the medieval culture of Europe, following and proving as it does the conveyance of a large number of apocrypha and Bogomil literature to England. It is a well-known fact that Bogomilism, or haeresia Bulgarorum, spread all over Europe by branches like the Cathars, the Patarenes, the Poblicans (same Popelicani), the Begins, the Spirituals and even later offshoots. Until now, however, it was assumed - particularly by 20th century medieval studies - that the heresy reached England only occasionally, appearing in Oxford in 1162. The heretics were stigmatised and banished then and there is no other record of Cathar presence.



The photograph shows a miniature from the St. Albans Psalter (Albani Psalter). As one can see here Christ saves all souls – “out of helle mennes souls” to quote The Vision of Piers Plowman (Passus XVIII, l. 373). The Psalter was created possibly between 1123 and 1135 at St. Albans Abbey near London. We are very grateful for this high quality reproduction provided personally by Dr. Helmar Härtel from the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, where the St. Albans Psalter is kept.

Christ leads the souls away from hell.Mural painting from the Boyana Church, 13th century. The Bulgarian art critic Kiril Krustev is convinced that the anonymous Boyana artist was under the influence of Bogomil ideas. The salvation of all souls is emphasized by Avel with a shephard’s stick (visible to the left ), among other descendants of Adam. Photo: Vl. Vitanov. More information in DUALIST IDEAS IN THE ENGLISH PRE-REFORMATION AND REFORMATION (Bogomil-Cathar Influence on Wycliffe, Tyndale, Langland and Milton). Bul- Koreni Publishing House, Sofia. 2005, p.p. 117-120; 129-130.

Both compositions correspond to the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus extensively used by the Dualists.

It is this rise of speculation and the concept of the 'secret' or 'lost' book , more of which I will deal with in a separate posting, which becomes key to the heretical movements in Europe through the decline of Feudalism and the rise of the humanist protestant movements. It is this lost or secret book that influenced Dan Browns Da Vinci Code, and which is why the Catholic Church has gone on a campaign denouncing it as a Gnostic Heresy. Hey its only a novel.

Gnosticism Sells Big

By Gary Potter

Editors Introduction: The ancient heresies known as Gnosticism are very much in our midst, forming an integral part of the "culture of death" referred to frequently by the Holy Father. In this powerful critique, Gary Potter confronts one of its latest literary expressions: The Da Vinci Code.

Like other gnostics, the Cathars rejected the sacraments, except for one they made up, a sort of Last Rite called the consolamentum. However, unlike some other dualists, there was a pragmatic side to the Cathars. They frankly recognized that most men and women are incapable of lives of total self-denial. Those who could manage it were honored by the Cathars as the perfecti (the Perfect Ones). Most were simply credentes, ordinary believers. The difference ultimately did not much matter since the consolamentum was held to absolve believers from all sins so that it was not necessary to try to live virtuously. This meant, in practice, that Cathars could (and often did) give themselves to lives of orgiastic debauchery and remain confident in being "saved" — as long as they received consolamentum at the end. "Should a Believer survive after having been given the consolamentum, he would be smothered to death by his family in a practice known as the endura. The endura was necessary because the administration of the consolamentum could only be performed once in a person's life, and it was seen as absolutely necessary to assure the salvation of the non-Perfect among the members of the community." (This writer has tried to research the point, but cannot say if there were any Cathar theologians who taught consolamentum "by desire.")

Another difference between Catharism and some other forms of gnosticism was that in its ranks women were more-or-less equal to men. They, too, were seen as capable of becoming perfecti to the extent very many of either gender could. It appears women may even have played roles in Cathar ceremonies in the way that female lectors, acolytes and Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers do in the Novus Ordo Church. It should go without saying that among the Cathars suicide was not regarded as sinful. On the contrary, this world being evil, leaving it voluntarily was perfectly reasonable, even virtuous.

The Bogomil or Bulgarian heresy gave us the term bugger.

Thus a historical cultural prejudice exists within the European imaginination in particular about Bulgarians but overall applied ot all Slavs.

The Origin of "Bulgarian" as a Euphemism for Gays

Long before modern homophobia as expressed by Church Fathers and Imans, the Bogomil heresy gave Christianity and Islam an excuse to depict a people and an idea/ideology as being a contagion, a disease. Not unlike the current mythologies around homosexuality and AIDS/HIV.

Islam already had contact with the Zorastrian dualist heretics the Yzedi/Yezedi/Yezidi, who still exist in the Kurdish region of Iraq and remain persecuted by Islam. While persecuted for heresy they had not been equated with pestilence or disease, the attribution of these qualities to the Bogomil, makes them unique.

Of course its comes down to sex, all religion does. And not just homosexuality but sex without procreation. Which is the core of the Bogomil heresy.

The impression among the clergymen wasn't lesser, in 1106, Theophylact of Ohrid wrote to the Basileus John Comnenus:
"One of the monks and clergymen [a Bogomil leader called Vasiliy, Slav name], to my misfortune, scorned God and became a prey to shamelessness, rejecting the human feeling of shame, and assumed the figure of a harlot, rejected his own image and ate meat rather than fasting, [became] libertine rather than forbearing... That is why I ordered that this contagious and common disease be expelled from these territories [...]"

The relevant feature of these gnostic forerunners of Ashmolean Rosicrucianism is the doctrine of utter depravity of the "flesh" which is the direct source of the materialist dogmas of Bacon, Descartes, Locke, Newton, et al. The sexual perversions of the Cathars are a direct, doctrinaire correlative of this materialist dogma of theirs. Briefly, one of the cult's Elect was forbidden to place his semen in the vagina of a woman, lest he cause the procreation of newborn human flesh! The spirit inhabiting the Elect must be kept apart from the utter depravity of the fleshly process of human procreation. The Cathar cult was known in France as the Bulgarian cult, or "Les Bougres," which translated into English as "the Buggers." Because of the cult's peculiar sexual perversion, which flowed from their gnostic doctrine of separation of matter and spirit, it resorted to various other kinds of sexual activity, and thus the name "Bugger" became associated in English with homosexuality.

Another term that came into use in the twelfth century but gained ground after 1235, is Bulgarus "Bulgarian," whence French bougre and English bugger (from which the nouns of action bougrerie and buggery were subsequently derived). It was the merit of a heresy hunter Robert le Bougre to have confounded all the heretical sects under one name, which became synonymous with "heretic" and then "sodomite" and "usurer." Catholic inquisitors accused adherents of dualist sects of practicing the detestable vice, in part because of their unconventional views on sexual morality. English "buggery" is not, however, unambiguously attested in the sexual sense until the penal law of Henry VIII in 1533; it is nowhere found in Middle English. This term is the semantic reflex of the equation sodomite = heretic in late medieval Latin Christendom paralleled by such phrases as Ketzer nach dem Fleisch alongside Ketzer nach dem Glauben.

And the Catholic Church continues to battle against the Bogomil heresy, even today.....

French couple, not wanting children, denied marriage by parish priest

METZ, France (CNS) -- A French bishop has defended a parish priest in northern France who refused to officiate at a marriage because the couple planned not to have children. Bishop Pierre Raffin of Metz said the priest was correct in denying the marriage because the church requires the "personal adherence to the Catholic Church's vision of marriage -- that marriage is entered into freely, for life, and for the procreation of children." Bishop Raffin said the church regularly granted marriage to people unable to conceive children "for reasons of age or physical impediment," but required healthy couples to express their willingness to procreate "in writing and publicly" at the moment of marriage. "The absence or explicit refusal, hard and confirmed, of one of these dispositions prevents the priest from solemnizing a religious marriage," he said.





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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Brown, Ford, Castro


The Godfather of Soul, Mr. James Brown, the mouth that roared, the veritable voice of R&B, died on Christmas Day. It was a case of auspicious timing.

Now Christmas will ring with his voice as an alternative to all the Christmas Carols.

In the beginning was the Beat, and the Beat was with James and the Beat was James.

There aren't too many people who can say they personally altered the course of Western music. James Brown, who died early Christmas morning at the age of 73, was one of those people. There is American popular music before James Brown and American popular music after James Brown, and the two sound markedly different.

Pop radio stations will now have to format for Christmas carols and James Brown memorials. James Brown's seminal hits

"It's mindboggling to think about his impact on the world of music. But I think his legacy of giving in Augusta will continue to be giving for years to come," said Augusta's mayor, Deke Copenhaver. "He never forgot where he came from and he loved the city unconditionally."

Brown, known as the Godfather of Soul, died of congestive heart failure on Christmas morning in Atlanta at age 73. He had been scheduled to perform on New Year's Eve in Manhattan at the B.B. King Blues Club.

Brandy Martinez, left, and Nya Bin Ghi sign their names on a poster of James Brown posted outside B.B. King's Blues Club in New York, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2006, after word spread that the legendary soul singer had died of heart failure from pneumonia on Christmas day. Brown told friends that he still wanted to perform at the club on New Year's Eve in spite of being ill and in the hospital, but Brown's heart gave out before he could make it there. The dynamic "Godfather of Soul" was 73. (AP / Kathy Willens)

Commentary: Thank You, James Brown - For Your Genius



The passing of Gerald Ford, the unelected Vice President crowned the unelected and reluctant President of the United States today. Well at least he died on a slow news day. It gave the media something to do. Finally good timing.

At least one blogger will miss the President who Pardoned Nixon and wonders if his funeral will be as big as James Browns. Hmm maybe that wasn't such good timing.....

ford3 (144k image)When Gerald Ford finally does cast off his mortal coil, there had gawddamn
better be a whole week's worth of live coverage, like there was for Reagan.

And I wanna see some fat Mid Westerners burst into tears too. In fact, anybody caught not crying at Ford's funeral should be shipped off to Gitmo without the benefit of a trial.

Unlike Reagan, there seem to be no Gerald Ford fan sites. On the plus side,
that means that there's no racy Gerald Ford fiction floating around the web.

Not Dead Yet.....

Comrade el Presidente; Fidel Castro outlived both of them.......
Surgeon clears Castro of cancer

Which is pissing off the CIA and Cuban Terrorist Community in Florida no end.

On Tuesday, a Spanish surgeon who recently treated Castro said in Madrid that the Cuban leader does not have cancer, as U.S. intelligence officials have speculated, and insisted that he was recovering slowly but steadily from a serious operation.

Cuban authorities have not commented on last week's visit to the island by Dr. Jose Luis Garcia Sabrido, the chief surgeon at Madrid's Gregorio Maranon Hospital.

Garcia Sabrido's statements to news media represented the first independent medical assessment of Castro's condition. The Cuban government has kept Castro's condition a state secret, occasionally releasing photographs and videos of him to show he is convalescing.





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Iraqi In-Justice

Now if I understand this correctly Saddam Hussien was tried in an Iraqi court, under Iraqi laws, by an Iraqi Judge (or two or three), and found guilty and sentenced to die.

And this is the same leagal system he used to judge his enemies and execute them. Hmm and this is a change for the better? I think not.

In fact the only country that overwhelmingly supports the barbarity of Iraq's capital punishment legal system is of course the United States, home of State sanctioned murder of Afro- Americans, the mentally and emotionally challenged, the poor, etc.

According to a recent study carried out by Institut Novatris/Harris for France 24 Western public opinion favors the death penalty against Saddam Hussein as following:

US 82%
UK 69%
France 58%
Germany 53%
Spain 51%
Italy 46%

And now this client state of the United States has had its kangaroo court, complete with censored broadcasts, it cannot say when it will execute Saddam. This is transparency? This is democracy. Not.

- Former president Saddam Hussein faced hanging within 30 days on Wednesday, but Iraq's government maintained silence about the conduct of the execution, seeking to contain political tensions his death might unleash.

What should have happened is that Saddam should have been tried in the Hauge, at the international court. But the US does not recognize its jurisdiction. Instead a kangaroo court in Iraq set up after the complete destruction of the Iraqi State by the U.S. will decide Saddams fate under the same rules he applied. Some will say this is poetic justice. I would say it is a legal lynching, something that is as American as apple pie.

Excerpts from letter in Saddam's name
Associated Press

... Here, I offer my soul to God as a sacrifice, and if He wants, He will send it to heaven with the martyrs, or, He will postpone that ... so let us be patient and depend on Him against the unjust nations...Dear faithful people, I say goodbye to you, but I will be with the merciful God who helps those who take refuge in him and who will never disappoint any faithful, honest believer ... God is Great ... God is great ... Long live our nation ... Long live our great struggling people ... Long live Iraq, long live Iraq ... Long live Palestine ... Long live jihad and the mujahideen...

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US War Crimes



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Nude Calendar Revue

It is that time of the year to start looking for next years Calendar, and it seems the nude calendar for Chairty has really taken off as a popular item.

In this case its not Playboy bunnies in the nude but the woman next door, well actually the granny next door, and yep even the politicians expose themselves for the nude for charity calendar gig.....

'Tis Season for Nearly Nude Calendars

Nonprofits strip down for 2007 calendars, but is the practice overexposed?

Giving both competition with and more publicity for the naturalist calendar industry, tasteful photos of folks doffing their clothes in nature.

are always quick to remind the purient;


Beyond this point
you may encounter
nude sunbathers.

Anyone looking for erotica will be very disappointed!

And since naturalism is an appreciation of nature its no wonder you find naturists who are environmentalists.

Liberal Politicians Expose themselves.. it was silly season with the Liberal Leadership race, not to be out done by Bob Rae and Rick Mercer doffing it all to go skinny dipping on National TV, Scott Brison outs himself as a poser.....

Brison poses nude for fundraising calendar

Not really he may have been nude but all you get to see is......

the 'Calendar Boy' is standing modestly behind a fridge door.

"You can see his right flank,'' Wendy Elliot, who took the picture, told the Halifax Chronicle Herald.

Ah, come on now only his right buttock was peeking out, that is hardly enough flesh to get excited about. Well apparently not some folks do get excited aobut Scott Brison's right buttock appearing in public.

"This week, ironically anti-pornography week, Canadians were treated to the news that a high-ranking Liberal politician and at least one Supreme Court Justice have frolicked in public in the nude."

And who do you think such antics upset? Hmm.
Why Lifesite News of course.

The morality police, the Mrs. Grundy's of the world, the folks who hate nudity whcih they equate not with adam and eve but with sex. They hate sex, but pretend it is just birth control and abortion they oppose.

It seems that they are lone voice of purile puritanical punditry compared to the supportive comments left on the Halifax Chronicle Herald over Mr. Brisons Flank
shot, put that way he sounds like a race horse. Of course given his picture above his flank may have been a better photo.

But wait perhaps Lifesite is being disingenous in their outrage, after all not all
Christians appear to have a problem with nudity or nude calendars.

Nope check this out.... Church group launches nude calendar

Finally a calendar that says "I'm Christian" and "I love to lust after nude women" all in one. Move over Hooker Headers, here comes the erotic bible calendar!

Although it's a fundraiser for a Christian youth group, the most disturbing thing about this----is the fact that there is a disclaimer on the site that reveals that some of the models were under 18. So, is this German 'Christian' organization peddling child-porn for Jesus?

This nude calendar fundraising business all started seven years ago when some baby boomer babes decided to strike a blow against sexism and ageism. Old baby boomers, original baby boomers, gen X, XX, XXY, etc moms and grandmoms.

Six members of the Rylstone and District Women's Institute, who tastefully posed nude six years ago to raise money in aid of Leukaemia Research, have done it again.

The original calendar took the world by storm and inspired a hit movie starring Julie Walters and Helen Mirren.

Today, the six women will launch their third calendar at the Moathouse Hotel in York.

The 2007 offering features Angela Baker, 60, Tricia Stewart, 57, Lynda Logan, 62, Christine Clancy, 53, Beryl Bamforth, 72, and Ros Fawcett, 56.

Another year: Calendar Girls  Angela Baker, Tricia Stewart and Beryl Bamforth in town to sign copies of their new calendar at Harvey's, Halifax
Another year: Calendar Girls Angela Baker, Tricia Stewart and Beryl Bamforth in town to sign copies of their new calendar at Harvey's, Halifax

It caught on in a big way with the aging women everywhere. After all folks you ain't getting any younger.....Of course with age comes the ability to be cheeky....

light my fire, baby

Bev Lee - one of the original 'Bare to be Different' cover girls
- now looks after the calendar. This year, she says, they're aiming to raise a more modest $15,000 for the Dementia and Alzheimers Association but it's also meant to show "...positive ageing, a lot of fun, a bit of daring, just the fact that laughter is good and being old is fun too."

And it has spread like a proverbial prairie fire in popularity.,across the Canadian Prairies. So since everyone on hte Prairies voted Conservative demand your MP go nude for charity, after all its a Western Canadian value.

Grey-haired and bare: calendar trend sweeps Sask.

It's a Saskatchewan trend that's been spreading like prairie fire — older folks in a variety of tiny towns are doffing their duds to appear as calendar pinups.

It started last year in Eston, on the west side of the province, when a group of mature men put out a calendar to raise funds for the local health centre. That was a big hit, with more than 550 calendars being sold by November 2005.

One of the pictures in the Pangman calendar is titled 'An intergenerational bare-hunt.'One of the pictures in the Pangman calendar is titled 'An intergenerational bare-hunt.'
(Courtesy Gene Kessler)

After that, a dozen, mostly 50-something women in the village of Tantallon, in the southeast corner of the province, launched their charity calendar. This time the cause was the Kinsmen Telemiracle Fund.

"I'm in an old fashioned big, clawed bathtub and I'm sitting there with a glass of wine. With just bubbles up, just barely covering me," said Janet Ryan, AKA Miss February, a wife and mother in her mid-50s who enjoys making crafts.

It's all borrowed from Calendar Girls, the 2003 movie with Helen Mirren about a group of older women who achieve unexpected success from their nude calendar. Since then, real-life communities around the world have embraced the concept.

In Saskatchewan nudity is also a political act, in this case the usual social conservative right wing nuts in the Saskatchewan Party has the naked audacity to bring a nude calendar into the legislature to address the provinces pothole problems.

Nude calendar exposes road neglect

Using a calendar of near-nude Leader residents, the Saskatchewan Party alleged government neglect of Highway 32 in the legislative assembly on Tuesday.

During question period, Cypress Hills MLA Wayne Elhard took a strip off Highways Minister Eldon Lautermilch.

"Why has the NDP government let this highway sink into such a state of disrepair that residents are posing nude to get the government's attention?" Elhard asked.

Lautermilch recognized the innovation behind the 2007 Highway 32 Pothole Calendar, which features scantily clad businesspeople from Leader posing in potholes along the highway.

In this December 2005 photo provided by the Humane Society of Jefferson County, Chandra Gates is shown holding Spree, a domestic medium-hair tabby. Gates is pictured as Miss December for a 2007 Humane Society of Jefferson County calendar. (AP Photo/Humane Society of Jefferson County, Mark Olson)

Everyone is getting into this nude au natural calendar thingee....even in the heartland of the Bible Belt.....nudity goes for the dogs.....

Lansing residents pose nude with dogs for charity

It’s nearly 2007, and nudity is still a hot-button topic that slices right through common decency.

It’s either seen as a natural state of the human body to be explored artistically or seen as a sinful display of depravity from which children need to be protected.

To both literally and figuratively celebrate the fact that time marches on (with or without conventional morality), some brave Lansing-area residents have shed their clothes to express themselves and to raise money for Pet Support Services, a local charity that helps senior citizens keep and care for their animals, too.

The result is the Bark & Buff 2007 calendars.

“What started out as something being done just for fun has turned into this great annual ritual that provides money to a charity as well as giving self-esteem to the participants,” says calendar organizer Jana Nicol. “It’s a win-win situation.”

The Bark & Buff calendars feature nude local folks with strategically placed canines of all breeds and sizes covering their private areas.

The entire project is the brainchild of Nicol, who owns and operates Gone 2 the Dogs, a specialty store for dog lovers in Old Town.

She says finding and convincing men to agree to pose nude for the calendar was the hard part.

“They all want to have six-pack abs before they do it,” Nicol says.

It’s the women’s calendar that gets the most volunteers, and this year there was a waiting list to be photographed.

This is the calendar’s third outing, and, like last year, there are two versions to choose from: One is all women, one is all men.

Speaking of guys with six pack abs....
Not to be left out is of course this years curling calendar, for a sport enjoyed and played by sterotypical Hudson Bay sweater wearing, beer drinking, chain smoking, overweight, guys in their forties one has to say that this is incongruous at best.

In the surest sign yet that curling has reached the big time, the stone-and-broom game has joined other Olympic endeavors with a nude calendar of its own.“It’s about time,” said Paal Trulsen, the skip of the Norwegian men’s team. “It’s a fun thing, but we want curling to be just like other sports. We had the doping thing, now we have the calendar.”

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The new 2007 Team Sponsorship Curling Calendar from Ana Arce

17 athletes/models from 12 countries, featuring Olympians and World Champions

Following the success of her 2006 Curling Calendar, which was promoted in world media including Playboy and Sports Illustrated, Ana Arce has brought together more of curling's most beautiful women to pose in support of their teams and their sport.

Wait I have seen that pose somewhere before.

And this photo and a link to the story on the Curling Calendar lead a poor blogger to have his site crash from all the hits, even though the photo is commercially supplied by CP!

Polish national team lead Kasia Selwand is seen in an undated handout photo of a Curling calendar. new calendar promises to provide a lot of exposure to the sport of women's curling, with some of the competitors posing nude in it. (CP PHOTO/HO, The Curling News).

Not to be left out is the Golf Calendar, but this is not for charity but another professional pin up calendar. Sorry ladies you will still have to wait for the charity golf calendar with Tiger in it....Golf + nudes = calendar art - Miami photographer Ray Alonso ...

And of course the original pin up/nude calendar was produced exclusively for Pirelli fans.

The Pirelli Calendar has become an annual publication that belies its origin in 1964 as merely a trade calendar published by the Pirelli company's UK subsidiary.

The calendar is famous for its limited availability because it is not sold and is only given as a corporate gift to a restricted number of important Pirelli customers and celebrity VIPs. The Pirelli Calendar is perhaps the world's only prestigious and exclusive "girly" calendar, featuring pictures generally considered glamour photography including artistic nudes.

Which in North America was imitated by the proletarian Snap On Tools Calendar.

Not coincidentally, 1994 was the year that Snap-on ceased giving out its traditional calendar featuring provocatively posed female models holding Snap-on tools. Mr. Van Mater admits that cries of protest were heard from the ranks of the not particularly politically correct mechanics. But with more and more women attending to the servicing of the family car, the calendars were no longer an image either the dealers or the company wanted associated with Snap-on.

If we go by the popularity of the newly liberated nude calander there is hope yet as a new generation of women mechanics prepares to be taken seriously enough they can doff their overalls without fear of being simply seen as eyecandy props for cars. And heck there is a market out there for male nude calendars. So no need to be sexist. Of course these guys will never get picked for the commercial Naked Straight Guy calendar.

Bare faced cheek of the calendar boys!

Dec 7 2006

By Neil Elkes, Birmingham Mail

Nude calendar boys Bryan Evans, Robert Charters, Mark Dalton, Ray Bishop and Kieran Peach.

CHEEKY staff at a Birmingham cleaning company who bared all for a charity calendar have been swamped by demand.

The seven men from Johnson Apparelmaster of Aldridge Road, Perry Barr, have been overwhelmed by requests for the £3 nude calendars in aid of breast cancer research.

Mr January, Keiron Peach, aged 27, said they decided to do the calendar during a work night out and were egged on by their female colleagues.

The models, whose ages range from 20 to 60 and come from all over the West Midlands, set up and took the pictures themselves.

The first nude calendar was of course Fine Art. Which of course is the difference between erotica and pornography. The former is art the latter is not.....

First nude calendar

In 1913, the first-known calendar nude appeared, called "September Morn", a reproduction of an oil painting,"Matinee Septembre", by a French artist, Paul Chabas (1869-1937). The painting might have gone unnoticed if Comstock, of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, had not demanded the removal of the painting from the window of a New York art gallery. A salesman explained that the painting had recently won a Medal of Honour from the French Academy, but we may presume, Comstock was not impressed .

Which has not changed much since then....Yessy > Jim Furness > 2007 Art Nude Calendar

And Perelli still inspires to put the X in X-Men

Brett Ratner, the director of the newest X-Men movie, would rather be taking photos of naked celebrity women. “Mariah Carey is like the only woman I’ve shot. I want to shoot some women. Halle Berry would be cool. And Lindsay Lohan.”Ratner added that what he’d really like to do is photograph them naked. “I’d like to shoot the Pirelli calendar. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Hot!” Ratner gushed, referring to the famed calendar featuring nudes.

And now its even expanding into comics.

Tastefully Done: nude webcomic calendar - The Cancer Blog

Looking for a cartoonishly risqué way to keep track of the days in 2007? Fifteen webcomic artists have created the Tastefully Done: 2007 Nude Webcomic Calendar featuring nude versions of webcomic characters, with all proceeds going to cancer research.

The calendar showcases the work of Ivan Pope, Ali Graham, Gordon McAlpin, Charles Woolbright, Chris Jones, Bryan Chojnowski, Pontus Madsen & Christian Fundin, Chris Simmons, Philip Spence, Rich Dachtera, Robert Koch, Ramón Pérez, Rob Coughler, Ryan Estrada, and of course, webcomic characters appearing in various scenarios of nudity.

Like the issues of ageing in society, which as more of us baby boomers get older, we will celebrate our bodies our selves rather than looking at wrinkled flesh in disdain, there is the other body issue. The disabled. The whole issue around nudity for charity, is about ordinary folks overcoming socially constructed tabbos around self image.....

Hi my name is Sue Hawker, I am a co ordinator for a registered charity called Paul's Place based in South Gloucestershire our age range is 18-59 (people are not asked to leave when they reach 60) We enable Physically disabled people to lead a active social life in a safe and warm environment. Pop in any time to our day facility and you will hear laughter because we are all friends with a ever growing number of people who need our service. Paul's place is user led giving our members the opportunity to lead a fullfilling life choosing activities they want to do.

Now I come to the best bit! We presently rent a village hall which is very overcrowded due to the high demand for a day faciity for physically disabled people.Can you imagine the noise levels with thirty people in one room all wanting to be heard! As a charity we have to raise money throughout the year,but the need for a new building is so great now that we had to think of a major fundraising idea to raise our profile and give our funds a boost. So we produced we think, the worlds first disabled nude calander. It is a stunning piece of artwork by a wondeful photographer,you can see a preview of the calender on his website Paul's Place website address is please visit. I promise you will be moved by the profiles of the members written by themselves and see the calander shots that we think are beautiful. Inside the front cover you will see a introduction to the calander by our founder Kath Aldom.

Of course there is always one effete latte drinking intellectual that has to be a party pooper and throw cold wat on the whole nude charity calendar thingee....Professor: Nude Calendars Don't Help Fundraising

So why are they popular? And sell out?

And then there are those who just can't stand all this flesh for charity business...

Does my bum look big in this calendar?

Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 05/12/2006

As more Britons strip off for charity than ever, Jan Moir makes a plea for modesty

In pictures: calendar capers

In the name of faith, hope and especially charity, will the people of Great Britain please put their clothes back on? This instant. Right now. Without delay. What we mean is, what has got into you all?

Highworth's butchers nude calendar
Titillating: staff at Highworth's butchers are among happy nude posers for charity

This year, the number of individuals willing to pose stark blooming naked for 2007 charity calendars has reached plague-like proportions.

For more nude calendar stories see: igossip nude calendars

And there is a blog and website called Naked Charity. Which covers nude charity calendars.

Naked Charity (the blog) Official follow-up and related discussion to the "Nude Calendar Watch"

Damn and I thought this was going to be an original column. Ah well.

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