Sunday, February 05, 2006

Canada Censors Cartoons

While everyone is getting on their high horse about censorship and freedom of speech over the issue of the Danish Cartoons, and I plead guilty, lets look at the fact that in Canada in the Criminal Code cartoons are banned as well. Yep. In particular Crime Comics. By name.

Now these are particular comics that existed during the forties and fifties and were published without the censors seal of the Comics Code Authority on them. They were lurid graphic comics about crime.

Prior to the CCA most crime comics were just as lurid and usually depicted cops being killed by bad guys. The CCA then banned that kind of depiciton . But some comics like the EC series run by Mad Magazine of horror, science fiction and crime comics refused to be censored.

While the comic industry in the U.S. engaged in self censorship the Grundy's in Canada made the publication of crime comics illegal. And they still are. So are horror comics. And sex comics. And horror sex comics. Yet we see them in most comic stores.

So whatcha gonna do about it. This law is so out of date its like one of the mangled corpses that comes back to life in an EC comic.

Chamber of Chills 23, 1954

Offences Tending to Corrupt Morals

Corrupting morals

163. (1) Every one commits an offence who

(b) makes, prints, publishes, distributes, sells or has in his possession for the purpose of publication, distribution or circulation a crime comic.

Definition of “crime comic”

(7) In this section, “crime comic” means a magazine, periodical or book that exclusively or substantially comprises matter depicting pictorially

(a) the commission of crimes, real or fictitious; or

(b) events connected with the commission of crimes, real or fictitious, whether occurring before or after the commission of the crime.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The Dark Age of the Justice Society of America

All-Star Comics #57 not only marked the end of the original run of the Justice Society of America, for many it marks the end of the Golden Age. Many would end the Golden Age with World War II, others at some point in the late Forties, but, regardless, it was quite clearly the end of an era. After all, the Justice Society of America had been one of the last remaining superhero titles from the Golden Age. In the early Fifties the comic book industry would be dominated by other genres. Science fiction, horror, western, and romance comic books could be found on newstands everywhere. Perhaps the two most popular genres at the time were crime and horror. Lev Gleason' Crime Does Not Pay had debuted in 1942 and proven to be a great success. In the late Forties several other companies followed Gleason's lead and produced their own crime comic books. Horror comics appeared on the scene in the late Forties. Among the most popular titles in the genre were those published by E. C. Comics, a relative latecomer to the field. Tales from the Crypt, The Haunt of Fear, and The Vault of Horror were among the best sellers in the industry. Indeed, they would become classics in the medium, inspiring not only a generation of young comic book artists and writers, but novelists and film makers as well.

It seemed that the day of the superhero was past. In 1954 Atlas Comics (formerly Timely Comics) tried to revive their superhero line. Unfortunately their revivals of Captain America, The Human Torch, and The Sub-Mariner failed--Sub-Mariner Comics lasted the longest, at nine issues. Charlton Comics' attempt to revive Fox Feature Syndicate's flagship superhero, the Blue Beetle, in the pages of Space Adventures also met with failure. Superheroes were passé or so it seemed.

Unfortunately for the comic book industry, it might have been better had they stood by the superheroes of old. Since 1947 comic books had been increasingly coming under attack in newspaper editorials and magazine articles. Many people believed that they had a deleterious effect on youth and some even believed that they led to juvenile delinquency. As hard as it is to believe today, some areas even held comic book burnings. Foremost among the industry's critics was Dr. Frederic Wertham, a noted author and at one time the senior psychiatrist at Belleview. Beginning in the Forties Wertham wrote several articles attacking comic books and in 1954 published a book on the subject, Seduction of the Innocent.

Contrary to popular belief, Wertham's primary target was not the horror comic books of the era. Dr. Wertham was much more concerned about crime comic books, although he included a large number of genres under the heading of "crime (including science fiction and horror)." Nor did he single out E. C. Comics in his attacks, though they were one of his favourite targets. In fact, the company whose comic books Wertham cited most often in his works was Fox Features Syndicate, the notorious publisher of sensationalistic and often graphic crime and jungle comic books (who, ironically, had gone out of business in 1950).

Regardless, neither Wertham's articles nor his book, Seduction of the Innocent, were hardly based on sound scientific principles. His conclusions were based primarily on his work with juvenile delinquents and contained no empirical evidence of comic books' effects on normal children. Seduction of the Innocent, in particular, is filled with a priori assumptions, conclusions based on guilt by association, and interpreting material out of context. Despite the fact that Seduction of the Innocent offered no real evidence for the harmful effects comic books supposedly had on children, the book severely damaged the industry. What had once been mere public outcry against violence in comic books soon became all out war against the comic book industry. The United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, headed by Estes Kefauver, would even investigate comic books to see if there was a link between them and juvenile delinquency.

The Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency regarding comic books ended inconclusively and, contrary to what many believe now, there appears to have been no real threat of government intervention in the comic book industry. Even in the absence of government intervention, however, the comic book industry perceived its existence as being threatened. In October 1954 several major publishers joined together to create the Comics Code Authority. The publishers referred to the Comics Code as "the most stringent code in existence for any communications media (sic)." With the Comics Code in effect, most comic books became very squeaky clean affairs, with an absolute minimum of violence and absolutely no sex (not that there ever had been any to begin with). Perhaps as a result, comic book sales plummeted to all time lows.

Crime SuspenStories 22
Another EC classic from artist Johnny Craig. This controversial cover holds a special place in the history of the formation of the Comics Code. I've borrowed the following commentary from Richard Wolfe's excellent crime comic cover website- Crimeboss
[This cover] wins the contest for "most notorious cover illustration" hands down. When the Senate Committe of the Judiciary to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency began hearings in New York City in 1954, this particular cover caught the eye of Senator Estes Kefauver. William Gaines, the publisher of E.C. Comics, was put in the awkward position of having to defend the cover:

"Here is your May issue. This seems to be a man with a bloody axe holding a woman's head up, which has been severed from her body. Do you think that's in good taste?" asked Kefauver.
"Yes, sir, I do...for the cover of a horror comic. A cover in bad taste, for example, might be defined as holding the head a little higher so that blood could be seen dripping from it, and moving the body over a little further so that the neck of the body could be seen to be bloody," replied Gaines.
"You've got blood coming out of her mouth."
"A little."

By the end of the day, William Gaines had achieved nationwide notoriety and crime comics had been pronounced guilty of corrupting the youth of America.


Seal Hunt Protest Cancelled

This years annual Anti-Canada protest has been called off.

Storm kills hundreds of baby seals in NS
Toronto Star - 2 Feb 2006
PICTOU - Hundreds of baby seals were washed out to sea and drowned by surging waves propelled by a major blizzard yesterday. Fisheries officials believe that 75 per cent of the estimated 3,000 grey seal ...
Storm waves drown hundreds of seal pups Globe and Mail
Baby seals killed in storm surge Calgary Sun
ABC News - Los Angeles Times - Globe and Mail - all 24 related »

The annual orgy of Anti-Canada, Anti-Newfoundland,Anti-Seal Hunt protest has ended before it could start. The Green NGO's behind the protests have no choice but to halt their annual fundraiser. Green Opportunism: The Anti-Sealing Lobby
Several have complained that they will have to cut staff, and reduce operational costs and campaigns since their lucrative Anti-Seal Hunt fundraising campaign has been cut shot by Mother Nature. Which means Bridgette Bardot won't be visiting either.
Beauty and the Beast


The Asian Tribune on Harper

The progressive left news service Asian Tribune ran this interesting article on Harper in todays online edition, by John Chuckman. Not an article one will likely find in the MSM in Canada. And who is John Chuckman?

John Chuckman is a retired Chief Economist for Texaco Canada. He is a prolific writer and his articles can be found on websites such as, YellowTimes, CounterPunch, SmirkingChimp, Asian Tribune, and Democrats with Spine. He submitted this article for "Asian Tribune"

What did Stephen Harper actually win?
By John Chuckman
There has been a lot of noise about the victory of Stephen Harper, leader of Canada’s new Conservative party, but just what did he win?

Harper simply will not be in a position to change any of the major social policies most hated in heavily American-influenced Alberta. Even if Harper were in a better position to try, Canada’s enlightened courts stand ready to strike down any poorly-conceived legislation. In some cases, notably that of gay marriage, it was the courts themselves that brought important human-rights issues to the point where legislation was required.

The new Conservatives did pick up their first seats in Quebec, but despite Quebec's reputation as a progressive society, we should not forget that it was not all that long ago a base for social credit, that strange amalgam of conservatism, rural values, and financial mysticism. The Bloc Quebecois stretched hard to sweep the province over Liberal scandal but only succeeded in sounding tired as well as highlighting its disingenuousness over the connection between it and separatism. Who else was there to turn to? The NDP is viewed as a boring troop of Anglo Boy Scouts in Quebec.

Canada already is a more de-centralized society, dangerously so in some aspects. The informal coalition of a Quebec separatist party and the implicitly separatist sentiments of Harper’s Alberta crowd is a risky combination for the nation's future health and stability. This is exactly the path by which Quebec separatism is truly dangerous: federal politicians making gradual cozy arrangements which weaken the bonds of national identity. Any referendum on separation with a clear question, under prevailing arrangements in Canada, cannot produce a majority in Quebec, much less a convincing majority. The Bloc's behavior and results in this election, even at a time of heightened resentment over past federal Liberal behavior, demonstrates this forcefully, as do endless polls over many years, and as does the last referendum with its impossibly-ambiguous and complex question. Even were it possible to imagine a referendum producing a yes, the years of detailed negotiation over assets and liabilities required to sort out a fair divorce would soon exhaust the momentum for change.


Kinsella's Silence

Le Afffaire Dingwall and Warren Kinsella has nothing to say. Nada. Zip. nothing. My how unusual unless we remember this: Kinsella worked for Dingwall at Public Works, and together they seem to have selected Chuck Guite, the man for AdScam. Thanks for the reminder CIVITATENSIS.


Dingwalls Constructive Dismissal

Question Period on CTV today was wall to wall le affaire Dingwall. And at only one point as everyone argued if he was fired or if he quit, and who lied, and why the Liberals did not release the arbitrators report on January 20 (did they supress it because of the election?) did anyone of all the MP's and pundits get it. Jay Hill the Conservative MP and past Conservative House leader said these two little words; "constructive dismissal''. Bingo!

Neither Dingwall nor the PM nor his cabinet ministers lied. Dingwall did indeed resign. He was not fired by the government. However under common law juridsprudence in Canada the arbitrator, as a judge would have probably ruled had Dingwall sued, more than likely made their ruling that indeed the forced retirement of Dingwall was in fact constructive dismissal and thus a firing by any other name.

And as I said before if the Conservatives overturn his severance he will have good grounds to expect a judicial ruling in his favour due to the arbitration finding, which will carry significant weight with a Judge as it is a common law matter.

In Canada unions and employers are bound not by common law but by labour law, a beast of a different nature. Rulings that are made in courts of law based on common law are available to non-union workers.

One of the most powerful is constructive dismissal, which allows a person to quit or leave their job on the premise that they are going to be fired, in effect the work place has been made so uncomfortable for them, a poisioned workplace, that though they leave voluntarily they are in effect being fired.

Constructive dismissal
Under the employment law of some states, judges will consider a situation where there has been a fundamental violation of the rights of an employee, by the employer, so severe that the employee would have the right to consider himself as dismissed, even though, in fact, there has been no act of dismissal on the part of the employer. For example, if an employer tries to force an employee to accept a drastic demotion, the employee might have a case for constructive dismissal and would be able to assume that the employment contract has been ended and seek compensation from a court.

As Barry Chivers a noted Edmonton labour lawyer in a presentation on constructive dismissal I attended a number of years ago pointed out, this is a more powerful arguement in common law than most arbitration rulings avialable under labour law in Canada.

In fact the whole point of his presentation was that non-unionized workers and managers are able to avail themselves of a much more powerful weapon in the courts against employers, than unionized workers are, with the judgements around constructive dismissal. Which is why you will find your local government whether muncipal, provincial or federal settling out of court when they dismiss non-union or contract management staff. And just as in those case the gnashing of theeth and howling of the press will do nothing to reduce the severance payments made regardless of how high they are.

I hope this clears up the misconceptions and misrepresentations of my original post
Dingwall Wins Entitlement made by The Third Edge of the Sword

Dingwall handed a mint
$417,780 severance awarded to ex-MP, Crown Corp. boss
By STEPHEN MAHER Ottawa Bureau


Blogger Buzz MIA

"Blogspot is again experiencing problems - we are investigating."

Yeah so are we. The users who have been subjected to the arbitrary deletions of our posts. As I posted here yesterday tongue in cheek;
Google Censoring Blogspot there still appears to be problems, hopefully I will be able to save this before it disappears into the Blogspot abyss.

So is blogger / fixed or not. We would all like to know.

Well if you check out Blogger Buzz the official blogger info spot that Blogspot links you to well you wouldn't know. The last posting was a week ago on January 26. When you open your Blogger dashboard the last reported maintenance report is for November 2005!

Meanwhile if you want to know about the crisis facing our free blog service here is what Bloggers Blog, not related to Blogspot says;

BlogSpot and Problems blogs run by the service from Google are having problems today. The problems apparently began earlier this week. There are posts here and here about earlier outages. However, these posts cannot currently be read because of the outage. Bloggers are discussing the outages here at Some bloggers posting say that has been down for several hours and they are anxious for an explanation from

Update: The status page includes a recent post (Posted by Eric at 16:04 PST) that says "Blogspot is again experiencing problems - we are investigating." The status page also includes information about outages that have occured over the last few days.

Posted on February 4, 2006
Permalink |
Blogs linking to this post: Bloglines | BlogPulse | IceRocket | Technorati

Meanwhile lots of us in Canada using blogspot have reported on our problems.

Blogger problems

Well, wasn't that annoying!

My posts today on verbena-19

Blogger Malfunction

Comment Malfunction
I have no idea what?s going on with Blogger. It?s deleting posts and comments. At the same it?s sending me multiple copies via e-mail of comments that it stubbornly won?t post. Wonky.

Comment Malfunction
Not sure what happened yesterday, but a whole bunch of comments disappeared into the ether. I got them in my e-mail, but for some reason they weren?t posted. Blogger was pretty flaky all day on Friday.

It seems that Blogger is back up!


test vs.

Wierd World of Blogspot

On impending failure Opps sorry this is an article about the Harper government.

Most Of Blogger Is Back Online Now Sure and I will believe it when this little flashing at the bottom of the page quits saying "check connection." And remember most does not mean ALL.

The question here is why hasn't Google/Blooger/Blog spot had the courtesy of telling us what the hell is going on. Is this anyway to run a business?! I guess the customer has the right to be informed has given way once again to Cavet Emptor.


All that is Whyte With The World

In a devastating attack on editor Ken Whyte and his make over of Macleans into the new Alberta Report, Greg Felton in his latest column takes on Whyte and Macleans for their pandering to Zionism and the Right at the same time, no small feat that.

This is a column that neither Paul Wells nor Warren Kinsella is going to like, nor can one expect them to.

Wells is an apologist for his boss Ken Whyte and the Alberta Report journalism he has proffered on good old Macleans. Like his statement in his blog Inkless Wells on January 4th of this year when Macleans added more of Whytes right wing pals from the his days as editor of the National Pest to it's pages.
The descent of Maclean's into a pathetic right-wing supermarket trash-tabloid rag continues, or at least that's the way the usual suspects will spin this.

He of course is the token liberal a position that he positively wallows in, being the big frog in a small pond,while rubbing elbows with his new compatriots on the right.

Kinsella is an apologist for Zionism so Whyte's recent attack on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran should warm the cockles of his heart. But Whytes attack on
Steven Spielberg, damn liberal, for his movie Munich should leave him spinning his tires in trying to defend one and criticize the other. Which is probably why he has not written about it.

Whyte's attacks on the Iranian president in one breath and Steven Spielberg in the next is not so unusual. Underneath the Right Wings defense of Israel is the idea of the coming Christian Rapture of Revelation.Israel is seen by these bible believing protestants like Pat Robertson as key to manifestation of the Anti-Christ and the war in Heaven.

The Right Wing Christian view is that Israel is important not for being a Jewish state, but for the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem in fullfilling the prophecies of the Book of Revelation about the coming conflaguration between states that leads to the return of the Christ.

Their defense of Israel is the defense of a strong State, the right loves a strong State. In defending Israel they indirectly defend Zionism. It's good PR.
It is a way of distancing themselves from the rank and file of the Protestant Right which is filled with Anti-Semitic conspiracy freeks and true believers.


He's Baaaaaack

"That is not dead which can eternal lie / And with strange aeons even death may die."

H.P. Lovecraft

Quoting the Necronomicon, in "The Nameless City"

Yep you just can't keep some corpses down.

It appears that the announcement of Peter Rempel's departure from blogging was premature.
Good Riddance Not Goodbye

Now where did I put that stake, garlic and cross.

Troll on Rempel Troll on.


Edmonton Eskimo Moon's NFL Hall of Fame

Warren Moon played for the Edmonton Eskimoes in the CFL in the eighties BEFORE he joined the NFL. He was key to the Eskimo Grey Cup dynasty.

He brought his amazing abilities as a quarter back and his experience in the CFL to the U.S. where he dominated their game in the later half of th eighties. It wasn't his fault he played for losing teams. But what he did do was build those teams up.

But of course their are lots of naysayers in the U.S. press. What a lot of sour grapes these wusses are. Whine, whine , whine. Of course Moon's role off the field has been a major influence in the NFL as well, espcially in todays Super Bowl game
Steelers QB happy to have CFL legend as his mentor but you wouldn't know it from these sad sack sports writers.

There weren't any real surprises in today's Hall of Fame vote.

Troy Aikman and Warren Moon, one based more on team achievements and the other more on statistical. I'm not completely sold on Aikman as a first-ballot guy, in the same way I wasn't sold on Steve Young. Both were great in their own way, but to me, Dan Marino and Joe Montana and John Elway are first-ballot QBs. I think Aikman and Moon are a notch below.

Hall Of Shame

The politics of Pro Football Hall of Fame voting were in full bloom Saturday. Some voters carry more clout than others, and the deal-cutting -- "I'll vote for your guy; you vote for mine'' -- runs rampant each year.

Still, for all of Warren Moon's numbers over 17 seasons -- 49,325 yards, 291 touchdowns, 233 interceptions -- you will not find a conference title. Not to mention the fact he was the quarterback of record in the greatest postseason collapse in NFL history, when Buffalo came from 32 points down in the second half to beat the Houston Oilers.

Moon was voted into the Hall in his second year of eligibility, joining offensive linemen Mike Munchak as members of the underachieving Oilers of the 1980s and '90s to gain immortality.

So when he is inducted into the NFL hall of fame how come there is
no comment in the American Press about his playing in Canada for years? And then they wonder why Canadians are Anti-American. Sheesh. It's the only way to get their damn attention.

And I hope Moon wins the vote. We can then take pride in the fact that a great QB that was rejected by the NFL will have made it because of the CFL. We will have Mooned the Yankee nay'sayers.

Now here is how to really write the Moon story. Just the facts ma'am.

Warren Moon among Hall of Fame finalists

Former Edmonton Eskimos quarterback and CFL legend Warren Moon is among the finalists for the Pro Football Hall of Fame's class of 2006.

Moon and several other players in their first year of eligibility, including Reggie White, Troy Aikman and Thurman Thomas, were on the list revealed Wednesday.

Former Edmonton Eskimo great Warren Moon is on the list of nominees for the Pro Football Hall of Fame's class of 2006. (CP Photo)

The Hall of Fame's selection committee will meet on Feb. 4, 2006, the day before Super Bowl XL in Detroit, to discuss the finalists and hold a vote. Results of the vote will be announced the same day.

A candidate must receive 80 per cent of the vote to be elected to the Hall of Fame. A minimum of three and a maximum of six players will be enshrined in 2006. If fewer than three get 80 per cent, the candidate with the next highest percentage will be elected.

Two seniors candidates, former Dallas offensive tackle Rayfield Wright and former Oakland coach and current broadcaster John Madden, were chosen by a special committee last year and became automatic finalists.

The other finalists are: linebackers Derrick Thomas and Harry Carson; defensive ends L.C. Greenwood and Claude Humphrey; offensive linemen Russ Grimm, Bob Kuechenberg and Gary Zimmerman; and wide receivers Michael Irvin and Art Monk.

Moon wasn't drafted by any NFL team after his senior year at the University of Washington and he signed with Edmonton in 1978.

He became an integral part of the Eskimos dynasty that won five consecutive CFL Grey Cup titles from 1978-82. In six seasons with Edmonton, Moon threw for over 21,000 yards and 144 touchdowns.

In 1983, his last season in the CFL, he finished as the league's leading passer with 380 completions of 664 attempts for 5,648 yards and 31 touchdowns. He was also named to the Western all-star team, the CFL all-star team and won the Most Outstanding Player Award.

In 1984, he left Canada for the NFL, joining the Houston Oilers.

Moon, a nine-time Pro Bowl choice, enjoyed a stellar NFL career, throwing for 49,325 yards with 291 touchdowns for the Oilers (1984-93), Minnesota Vikings (1994-96), Seattle Seahawks (1997-98) and Kansas City Chiefs (1999-2000).

In his 17 NFL seasons, Moon threw for 49,325 yards and 291 touchdowns. He added another 1,736 yards and 22 touchdowns on the ground.

Moon was elected into the CFL Hall of Fame in 2001.

Also See: Super Bowl XL


Jewish Anti-Zionism

In an excellent piece on the Jewish anti-occupation movement and Jewish Anti-Zionists Seth Farber author of Radicals, Rabbis and Peacemakers: Conversations with Jewish Critics of Israel, says the following;

by Seth Farber

"We are neither traitors to the Jewish people nor traitors to our Palestinian comrades. We are Jewish anti-Zionists. We are genuinely Jewish–although we may disagree among us about exactly what it means to be Jewish. And we are genuinely anti-Zionists."

After writing the first part of this essay months ago I realized that my endeavor was unfinished, and that questions still remain about the collective identity of anti-Zionist Jews. Left-Zionists and a smaller group of Marxists have predominated in the anti-Occupation movement for so long that it is necessary to establish our identity both as Jews and as anti-Zionists. Although my book was composed as an affirmation of the Jewishness of anti-Zionism (although a couple of my interlocutors did not define themselves as Jewish) over and against the Jewish establishment which claims we are self-hating Jews, I had not yet contended with the critics on the left who argue that the political identification of oneself as Jewish necessarily binds one to a self-definition and praxis which is quintessentially Zionist. The most prominent spokespersons for this group of anti-Zionists are Gilad Atzmon, Paul Eisen and Israel Shamir.

Atzmon who has considerable influence in Europe, and whose adherents include a growing number of Marxists as well as the American activist and writer Jeff Blankfort, argues that persons who oppose Zionism in the name of their Jewish identity are either disingenuous or unwittingly serving the Zionist cause. Like many Jews I find his argument offensive. The anti-Zionist faction of the Jewish anti-Occupation movement is young and it has not assertively contested the challenges to its integrity and identity launched by Atzmon and others in the name of humanism, Marxism or working class internationalism. Thus it lacks a solid basis for its own praxis. My project is consonant with and complements that of the prolific Jewish theologian Marc Ellis who has not however answered those on the left who are critical of his perspective. Atzmon’s argument functions as a foil which has provided me with an opportunity to elaborate a theoretical legitimation for the Jewish anti-Zionist tendency in the anti-Occupation movement. I believe this tendency requires a theoretical foundation in order to maintain its momentum and growth. If Atzmon’s perspective was adopted and the fledgling Jewish anti-Zionists were to repudiate their Jewish identity, as he would like, the anti-Occupation movement would be disastrously weakened, and its future prospects would be eclipsed.

Many radical and anarchist Jews such as Emma Goldman,Alexander Berkman and Rudolf Rocker never denied their Jewishness they just did not fetishize it like the Zionists. In fact one cannot say that it is because they were pre-Holocaust Jews. The Pogroms against Jews have been conducted by Christian Europe since the 12th Century. And like many East European Jews Emmas family left becuase the Russians had conducted a campaigns of pogroms against Jews since after the death of Catherine the Great.

And it is important to note here that it was the New York Jewish Anarchist movement that kept Yiddish alive as the written and spoken language of non-religious Jews. With the death of the last of these went the death of secular Jewish language and literature and its recuperation into Zionism and religious Judaism. Today across North America Hebrew the language of religion, of the old Testament the Torah is taught.

Freie Arbeiter Stimme ("Free Voice of Labor"), the main Yiddish-Anarchist newspaper in the United States from 1890 until its demise in 1977. Leading anarchists such as Emma Goldman and Rudolf Rocker wrote for it. A young Noam Chomsky, later to become a leftwing intellectual cult figure, when in New York City repeatedly visited its offices at 45 West 17th Street to marinate his mind in its rarified political atmosphere. Between 1970 and 1980 Joe Conason did filmed interviews to document stories about the newspaper and his anarchist grandfather.

This is what has led to the contradicition that Faber addresses in his well written and expository essay that while it is lengthy is well worth reading.

The Life of Rudolf Rocker

Anarchy in Interpretation: The Life of Emma Goldman

"Red Emma" Goldman's Jewish Anarchism

John Patten (ed.)

Yiddish Anarchist Bibliography

Kate Sharpley Library/ Anarchist Archives Project, 1998. 32p, 30cm. 1-873605-27-7 large pamphlet £7.50 / $12
A listing of papers, books and pamphlets from the Yiddish-language anarchist movement, with titles in Yiddish, transliterated and translated.
In addition to a long and detailed catalogue, what this bibliography has to offer is an insight into the lives of thousands of militants, sometimes famous, sometimes nameless, and into their concerted struggle for a better world. — Pinelli Archive bulletin

NYU Libraries | Guide to Yiddish Speaking Labor and Radical

The Harris Collection - Yiddish-American Literature

Radical Visions: Graphic Satire in the Yiddish Press

David Edelstadt, 1866-1892 - | history

David Edelstadt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Homage to William Herrick

Jack (Yankel) Frager, 1903-1998 - | history

Mollie Steimer: An Anarchist Life - By Paul Avrich

anthony rudolf on fermin rocker

SOLOMON, Sidney (Pogost, Bekarus, Dec. 8, 1911-New York, 2004)

Excerpted from Anarchist Voices ; an oral history of anarchism in America, by Paul Avrich (Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1995) pp. 449-452.


Forest Hills, New York, June 2, 1973

A book designer by profession and a talented painter, Sidney Solomon was a member of the Vanguard Group in the 1930s, the New Trends Group in the 1940s, and the Libertarian Book Club from the 1940s through the 1980s.

Fire in Their Hears: Yiddish Socialists in New York (hardcover)

Arguing the World -- The New York Intellectuals | Nathan Glazer

November 27, 1988

America vs. a Slip of a Girl

LEAD: ANARCHIST PORTRAITS By Paul Avrich. Illustrated. 316 pp. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. $27.50.

ANARCHIST PORTRAITS By Paul Avrich. Illustrated. 316 pp. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. $27.50.


The Need for Arab Anarchism

Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism
