Friday, May 03, 2024

Iran executes Kurdish prisoner of conscience after 14 years in jail

Anvar Khezri was one of seven Kurdish prisoners of conscience who had been sentenced to death in a joint case. Four of his co-defendants have been executed in recent months.

Thursday, 2 May 2024, 

Kurdish prisoner of conscience Anvar Khezri was executed this morning in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj, Alborz Province, after 14 years in prison, the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has reported.

Khezri was one of seven Kurdish prisoners of conscience who had been sentenced to death in a joint case on charges of “spreading corruption on earth” (efsad-e fel arz).

Four of Khezri’s co-defendants, Ghassem Abasteh, Ayoub Karimi, Davoud Abdollahi and Farhad Salimi, have been executed in recent months.

On 30 April, Khezri was transferred to solitary confinement and denied a final meeting with his family, KHRN has learned.

Khezri was arrested on 21 January 2010 after he was summoned to the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office in Mahabad, West Azerbaijan Province, and then taken to the Ministry of Intelligence’s detention centre in Orumiyeh, West Azerbaijan Province.

In February 2019, Khezri stated in a letter that he had attempted suicide during interrogation at the Ministry of Intelligence detention centre in Orumiyeh in protest at the physical and psychological torture he had been subjected to.

Iran Executed 63 Prisoners in Just Two Weeks

MAY 3, 2024

The Islamic Republic's judiciary executed at least 63 prisoners over the past fortnight, a human rights organization reported

The Islamic Republic's judiciary executed at least 63 prisoners over the past fortnight, a human rights organization reported.

In a report released on Thursday, Iran Human Rights Organization disclosed that the Islamic Republic executed one person approximately every five hours during the past two weeks.

According to the organization's findings, 63 prisoners were executed in Iranian prisons.

The report also reveals that from the beginning of this year until the end of April, 171 individuals were executed across various prisons in Iran.

Mahmoud Amiri-Moghadam, director of the Iran Human Rights Organization, emphasized the alarming frequency of executions, stating, "In the last two weeks, the Islamic Republic executed one person every five hours without incurring any cost."

Amiri-Moghadam underscored the concerning lack of international response, warning that the absence of reaction could embolden further executions.

He said, "Nations committed to human rights, with diplomatic ties to the Islamic Republic, must speak out against this surge in executions in Iran."

According to statistics compiled by the human rights organization, April witnessed 71 executions across 24 different prisons in Iran, with 63 occurring within the final two weeks of the month.

Among the 71 executed prisoners, 44 had been convicted on charges linked to drugs, 26 for "intentional murder," and one for "rape."

The victims included at least 16 Baluch citizens, six Afghan citizens, and three women.

According to a report by Amnesty International, Iran has reached its highest level of death sentence execution in the last eight years, with the judiciary of the Islamic Republic executing 853 people in 2023 alone.

The report indicates that 481 executions, more than half of the total, were related to drug crimes.

This marks an 89 percent rise in death penalties for drug-related offenses compared to 2022, when 255 people were executed.

The latest numbers also show a staggering 264 percent increase compared to 2021, when 132 individuals faced execution on similar charges.

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