Monday, May 13, 2024

North Macedonia's First Female President Sworn In, Declines To Use 'North'

Syanovska-Davkova took an oath and order: It's time for unity

Northern Macedonia - Inauguration of the new President of Northern Macedonia, Gorada Siljanovska-Davkova in the Assembly, Skopje, May 12, 2024

When sworn in, repeating after Assembly President Jovan Mitreski, who used the constitutional name Republic of Northern Macedonia, Siljanovska-Davkova used only Macedonia. She said she would be president of all, and dedicated the address to the Assembly to women

With a solemn oath in the Assembly using "Macedonia" for the state instead of the constitutional name Northern Macedonia, With a speech she dedicated to women and promising to be president of all citizens, university professor Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova began her term as president of the state today after winning the presidential elections on May 8th.

In an address to lawmakers, Siljanovska-Davkova called for unity, which he said "we never needed more".

"It's time for unity and that's why I said I'm going to turn to women. Because unity can also mean female philosophy, female authenticity - because we can take care not only of ourselves, but above all others," Siljanovska-Davkova said.

Siljanovska-Davkova to take over as country's president today

She promised mPs she would be everyone's president.

"I will respect this Parliament, forget the bad moments, only remember the good ones. I will be president on both the left and the right, on all citizens, I will not distinguish between them, either ethnically, religiously, by gender, on any other basis. I will try to justify these thousands of votes," Siljanovska-Davkova said.

Northern Macedonia - handover of office between Steve Pendarovski, former President of Northern Macedonia and President-elect Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, Skopje, May 12, 2024

After addressing the Assembly, the new president of Northern Macedonia headed to Villa Vodno, where she was greeted with the highest military and state honors. There was a handover of office with incumbent President Steve Pendarovski.

Messages to MPs

Siljanovska-Davkova asked lawmakers to have an understanding of her addresses, her eventual veto, about her proposals for her meritocracy in foreign policy.

"In this assembly, I will read the laws and try to point out in a female way that there does not have to be a veto, that through the address we will be able to make some adjustments. When I name or propose, I will appreciate the expertise and competence. And finally, the rule of law is what this country can make a European state," Siljanovska-Davkova said.

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She called on "Knight MPs" to help women express what they had and couldn't have done before.

"I promise you that I will do it and that you will all be as proud of Macedonia as I am to my people. This will help and europeanise and overcome Balkan divisions and divisions," the new president of Northern Macedonia said.

Messages to Mikkoski and to Kovachevski

Siljanovska-Davkova said in her address that she could not imagine gaining such confidence from more than 560,000 citizens.

"The only person who claimed it would happen was Christian Mitkoski (the president of the VMRO-DPMNE) and I replied that it was not possible. By 2019, I had Mitkoski only seen it once on television screens," Siljanovska-Davkova said.

Handover of office between incumbent President of Northern Macedonia Steve Pendarovski and new President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, Skopje, May 12, 2024

She also mentioned Dimitar Kovachevski, president of the SDSM.

"And he refused to call me and talk. That is why I think that with us women you will change and you men politicians and Macedonia will become a decent place for everyone to live," Siljanovska-Davkova said.

He added that her first congratulations were from women in office from the world, and spent her birthday in the company of US Ambassador Angela Ageler.

Greek Ambassador Filipino leaves inaugural session

It was precisely because of the non-use of the name Northern Macedonia, but only Macedonia, by Siljanovska-Davkova, that Greek Ambassador Sofia Filipidu, who followed the session, left the plenary hall in protest.

The information, which was later confirmed, was first reported by VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonijo Milososki on the X platform.

Otherwise, Siljanovska-Davkova reiterated in his election programme and in campaign appearances that he would not use the adjective "northern" when addressing and naming the state.

The assembly is due to be convened by 28 May at the latest

Following Siljanovska-Davkova's inauguration, according to the new assembly Clerk, the newly elected parliamentary assembly is due to hold a constituent session by 28 May at the latest.

The mandate of lawmakers begins to flow from the constituent session of the legislature.

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Under the provisions of the Constitution, the newly elected Assembly meets at a constituent session at the latest 20 days after the elections. The constituent session will last a maximum of three days, and should be convened by the current Speaker of the Assembly Jovan Mitreski. If he does not, 21 days after the elections, the session will convene the oldest MP and chair the session until the election of a new speaker.

The president of the new parameter assembly is expected to be elected by 1 June at the latest.

EU expects Siljanovska-Davkova and government to meet obligations for Northern Macedonia's EU integration

The president of the state is obliged within ten days of the assembly's constitution, the mandate for the composition of the government to trust the party candidate, i.e. the parties that have a majority in Parliament.

Within 20 days of the day of the mandate's confidence, the Mandate submits a programme to the Assembly and proposes the composition of the government. The government, on the proposal of the mandate and on the basis of the programme, elects the Assembly by a majority of the total number of MPs.

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Until the election of the new government, the mandate of the technical government, which began 100 days before the elections, continues in accordance with the so-called "Przynski Agreement" to overcome the 2015 political crisis. The function of the technical government was to secure fair and democratic elections.

Northern Macedonia - handover of finction between Steve Pendarovski, former President of Northern Macedonia and new President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, Skopje, May 12, 2024.

A parliamentary and second round of presidential elections were held in Northern Macedonia on 8 May, which included Siljanovska-Davkova and incumbent President Steve Pendarovski. Siljanovska-Davkova singled out a convincing 561,000-vote victory, versus the 251,899 votes won by Pendarovski.
Gordana Siljanovska - Davkova will be the first woman and sixth president since the country's independence in 1991

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