Monday, May 13, 2024

Over 1.3 million Jews live in 

eight-county New York area, 

study shows

Based on around 6,000 surveys, an estimated 13,000 Holocaust survivors live in Jewish households across eight counties; 14% of these households include someone who identifies as LGBTQ+, and 37% of married couples are intermarried

The study examines and reports on community size, demographics, poverty, mental health, Jewish ritual observance and participation in Jewish programs.

“The 2023 Jewish Community Study of New York offers a comprehensive snapshot of our community. Particularly in this challenging moment, these insights will help guide funding decisions so we can reach people where they are and ensure the strength of our Jewish community and the institutions serving them,” said Eric S. Goldstein, CEO of UJA-Federation of New York.

In 2023, an estimated 13,000 Holocaust survivors were living in Jewish households in the eight-county area, 92% of whom lived in New York City. The largest number of these individuals live in Brooklyn, accounting for 65% of the survivors in the eight-county area.

14% of Jewish households include a person who identifies as LGBTQ+. 

The overall percentage of married couples who are intermarried is 37%. 

In the eight-county area, 28% of Jewish adults are above the age of 65.

New York City
(Photo: Neo Arts, Shutterstock)

One in eight Jewish adults (12%) identifies as non-white (Black, Asian, multiracial, or other) and/or Hispanic. This includes the 7% of Jews who did not identify as white in our study, plus an additional 5% who identified as white and Hispanic.

About 20% of Jewish nursing homes in New York are living below or near the poverty line. 

More than a third of Jewish children in New York are living below or near the poverty line. Poverty is mainly concentrated in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island. 

Furthermore, the data shows that 20% of New York Jews are Reform, 19% are Orthodox, 15% are Conservative and 46% do not identify with any denomination or with other denominations.

Over the past three decades, the New York area has experienced broad stability in the total number of Jewish adults and children in the eight-county area, with the Jewish population hovering around 1.4 million people.

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