Sunday, August 11, 2024

 Syria renews its demand for withdrawal of US occupation forces from its territory

Syria renews its demand for withdrawal of US occupation forces from its territory

DAMASCUS August 10. 2024 (Saba) -Syria renewed the demand of the US occupation to withdraw from its territory and that its presence is a flagrant violation of its sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, and that the US support for the separatist SDF militia represents a cheap tool to implement its hostile plans.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry said today in a statement received by the news agency SANA that the so-called "SDF" forces of the US occupation launched criminal attacks on our people in Deir Ezzor, Hasaka, and Qamishli, in addition to other villages in the eastern and northeastern regions.

These barbaric attacks led to the martyrdom of a number of Syrian citizens, including women and children.

US warplanes also supported the SDF militia by launching several raids targeting innocent civilians defending their families, villages and property.

The Syrian Arabic Republic reaffirms that the United States occupation of part of Syrian territory represents a flagrant violation of Syria's sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and that United States's support for its proxy separatist militias is a cheap tool to implement its anti-Syrian plans.

Syria stresses that all these inhumane and immoral practices against its people in the eastern and northeastern regions, including the denial of food and drinking water, are aimed at compounding the suffering of Syrians and prolonging the war against them.

Syria calls on United States to stop these practices, withdraw immediately from Syrian territory, and respect the will of Syrians who reject the existence and role of such separatist militias.

Syria also affirms that the will of its people to liberate their land and preserve their sovereignty will be fulfilled, regardless of the sacrifices.

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