Thursday, October 10, 2024

Donald Trump Will Enable Israel to Achieve Its Manifest Destiny and Restore the Empire of King David and King Solomon
October 8, 2024
Source: Ken Banks Substack

Image by The White House, public domain

Make no mistake about it. If Donald Trump becomes President he will allow Israel to practice genocidal warfare until every Palestinian leaves their homeland or be exterminated, even by exploding pagers and walkie-talkies. By his policies as President as well as his rhetoric, Trump will enable his Zionist son-in-law, a multi-billionaire real estate developer, to take over Palestinian territory and to make Palestine safe for predatory capitalism.

We know that Trump caters and panders to the most fervent supporters and advocates of predatory Zionism. As President Trump embraced every platform of the most reactionary regime in the history of Israel. This includes moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, a move opposed by every previous President both Republican and Democrat since Israel’s inception.

Trump’s slavish devotion to Judeo-Supremacy in the Middle East also includes recognition for Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights, and the establishment of new Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory in clear violation of international law and US policy. No other US President, Republican or President, has done so much for so few for so little in return.

Miriam Adelson is a dual Israeli-American citizen born in Israel but claimed citizenship when she married her American husband Sheldon Adelson, one of the richest men in the world who used his mega-billionaire dollar fortune to promote predatory Zionism and Judeo-Supremacy in the Middle East. Sheldon Adelson passed away but Miriam continues to use her access to billions of dollars from inheritance to continue her late husband’s activities to undermine American interests for the benefit of her homeland.

With loyalty to Israel at the expense of American interests, Miriam Adelson has more “Benjamins” to spend on political campaigns to support Trump and other pro-Zionist politicians than even Ilhan Omar can imagine. She has declared over and over again the last few weeks that American Jews have a sacred duty to vote for Trump, and that she is prepared to spend whatever it takes to ensure Trump wins the election.

Miriam Adelson is the most dangerous and effective advocate to ensure that predatory Zionism and Judeo-Supremacy are triumphant for Palestine in particular and the Middle East in general. To that extent Trump is so desperate for her financial support that he will do anything that she demands for the destruction of Palestine and its people.

The ultimate goal of predatory Zionism, which is also recognized as “Revisionist Zionism” is to achieve and restore for Israel the original boundaries established thousands of years ago during the reign of Kings David and Solomon. The movement to regain the ancient boundaries of Israel is as old as the Zionist movement itself. This movement wasn’t about providing a homeland for persecuted Jews, but to achieve a Manifest Destiny “From the River to the Sea” which would establish Judeo-Supremacy throughout all of Palestine.

Revisionist Zionism is characterized by territorial maximalism. Revisionist Zionism promoted expansionism and the establishment of a Jewish majority on both sides of the Jordan River. Developed a century ago by Ze’ev Jabotinsky, this ideology advocated a “revision” of the Zionist movement which was focused on the settling of Israel by independent individuals. Revisionists insisted upon the Jewish right to sovereignty over the whole of Israel, which they equated to Palestine from the river to the sea and Transjordan comprising all the land east of the Jordan River recognized today as Jordan.

Donald Trump, by his actions as President and his campaign rhetoric, has enthusiastically embraced Revisionist Zionism, displayed in all its violence and cruelty by the current regime in power over Israel. As President Trump will give predatory Zionists and Judeo-Supremacists all the moral and logistical support they need to turn what is left of Palestine into a wasteland, the people of Palestine to meet the same fate as victims of genocide from Darfur, Rwanda, Biafra, Armenia, Ukraine and, yes, even the Jewish Holocaust.

Muslim-Americans are understandably disappointed, even justifiably outraged, at the seemingly unlimited and ending support the current American administration has given to Israel’s genocidal war against the people of Palestine. The prospects for a peaceful solution that provides for Palestinian self-determination and a two-state solution are becoming extinct. Nevertheless, there is a difference in the choice between the greater evil and the lesser evil.

Unlike Donald Trump, Kamala Harris supports a two-state solution, self-determination for the Palestinians, and strongly opposes Israel’s policy of Predatory Zionism which would annex all of the Palestinian territory west of the Jordan River, forcibly removing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. We can expect that if Harris is elected President after the election she will have more leverage and flexibility to pressure Israel and limit their expansionist goals.

Donald Trump will do the opposite. Supported and financed by Judeo-Supremacists and Revisionist Zionists such as Miriam Adelson, Trump will preside over the establishment of a Zionist Empire reminiscent of King David and King Saul.

For Muslim-American voters this year the choice for President, however frustrating, will be to choose between a small ray of hope symbolized by Kamala Harris, or the certain, complete, thorough extermination and destruction of what is left of the Palestinian homeland and the Palestinian people.

Ken Bank is a semi-retired business executive, part-time playwright, and freelance writer with masters degrees in business and history. He lives in New Jersey and is active in the local Democratic Party organization in support of progressive policies.

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