Monday, December 19, 2005

The Blue Origin of the Red States

A lot is made of how the U.S. Democratic party needs to restore its connection with the South. How it has to win over the Red States, and win back its Dixiecrat base. Well once upon a time, waaay back during the American Civil War, the Republican Party of Lincoln, not Bush, was anti-slavery pro union (as in labour unions), pro-sufferage for blacks, workers and women and federalist. The Democrats were the party of corruption and white supremacy as this news story shows. My how times have changed.

Report Calls 1898 N.C. Riot an Insurrection

WILMINGTON, N.C. - Violence in 1898 that resulted in the only known forceful overthrow of a city government in U.S. history has historically been called a race riot but actually was an insurrection that white supremacists had planned for months, a state commission concludes.

The violence in Wilmington, which resulted in the deaths of an unknown number of black people, "was part of a statewide effort to put white supremacist Democrats in office and stem the political advances of black citizens," the 1898 Wilmington Riot Commission concludes in a draft report.

Afterward, white supremacists in state office passed laws that disfranchised blacks until the civil rights movement and Voting Rights Act of the 1960s.

The irony in this story is that the researcher for this project is Jeffery Crow and the White Supremacist laws that he was researching are called Jim Crow.

It took the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act to restore blacks' voting rights, Jeffrey Crow said. But he noted that Congress argues about the Voting Rights Act every time it comes up for renewal.

"More than a hundred years later, we're still trying to resolve the issues," Crow said. "It's extremely important that people understand history."

On the Net:

Riot Commission:

Scott all is forgiven

Well here's a quote from WonderWoman over at Canaukistan Chronicles literally oozing with vile contempt for humanity with several good ol' stereotypes thrown in courtesy of watching too much Law and Order. Instead of Beer and Popcorn we get Crack and Day-Care. Go figure.

This certainly shows that its not just Scott Reid who can stick his foot in the prairie cow pie. Mind you WW doesn't work for the Conservatives, she is just a cheerleader from the sidelines.

They call us moonbats, well that is the kettle calling the pot black since clearly WW and CC are the lunatic fringe, period.


Clarifying the debate

Layton and the real socialists don't have anything new, either. With them, the menu offers nothing but tax and spend, with a fresh helping of national guilt for anyone who balks at allowing crack-head welfare moms to shoot-up in the safety of a taxpayer-funded safe-injection site - and probably a taxpayer-funded universal daycare slot to stash the kiddies in, while mommy visits the dealer.

Why do I read this shite anyways? Just curious as to how low certain so called human life forms can stoop, I guess. And we all know what happened to dat cat.
He got pissed off...which keeps these nutbars happy.....
Remember kids, if the MoonBats aren't pissed, you aren't doing it right!

The Red Green Show

Yep Jim Harris Red Tory ,as the Blogging Tory's call him, and his inner ciricle have hijacked the Green Party, as I have blogged here before. Along with announcing support for policies not passed by the members, the cabal around Jim are now in a fix with Elections Canada. Le Scandale nes pas. And as usual with Jims ego, they are more Tory than sorry.

Macleans the New Alberta Report

Welcome to Ken Whytes world one of numerous ex Alberta Report employees and owners currently writing for the MSM (Lorne Gunter, the Byfields, etc.) has now taken Macleans to ever new lows, once associated with the rightwhingnut scandal rag from Alberta the Report.

Yep once the prestigious editor of the National Post hired by alleged racketeering crook Lord Black, Whyte now edits Macleans. In a toff to his old boss he has Mrs. Lord Black (Barbara Amiel) on staff as a columnist. She who allegedly drove her husband into a life of crime to keep her in the lifestyle she felt she was suited too. Mrs. Lord Black is long time fop for the rightwhingnuts and board member of the rightwhing thunk tank the Fraser Institute.

But this weeks issue exposes Macleans as just another issue of the Alberta Report little Kenny used to edit. Change the banner logo with the Report and the headline sez it all. "Let's Send Svend Packing". Humourous, no? No. Its a homophobic attack on Svend, cleaned up of the Mark Steyn prejorative of calling Svend a gay kleptocrat, (from his safe haven in exile in the U.S. where he can't be touched by Canada's hate laws) but saying the same thing.
But we are wholly unconvinced that Robinson is a changed man, or that his return to Ottawa is in the best interests of Canadian voters.
Of course he has not changed, despite Kens litany of supposed crimes committed by Svend the real issue is that he is still gay and a gay advocate. And interesting while focusing on his attempt to get the word 'god' struck from the Constitution, Ken fails to mention what really got his rightwhing pals in a tizzy; his success in getting sexual orientation included in the hate literature law. Yep Ken is careful not to out Svend and face his rath. Rather he cleverly skirts the issue.

The Editorial written by Whyte comes from the Alberta Report school of journalism, huffy puffy self righteous indignation and psuedo outrage. Full of vile rancour dripping off the page cause Svend is a ho-mo-sex-ual. Its not really about the fact he stole anything, or that he is an NDP politician, nope its cause he is a ho-mo-sex-ual. Ken Whyte has something personal against Svend.Like the rest of his ilk at Alberta Report they have always had this thing about being manly men, no homo-sex here please, we are from St. Johns.

You see the magazine was orginally funded by the private St. Johns Boys School, a protestant religious school which Ted Byfield was an influential member of.
And well, only manly men go out and teach boys how to mountain climb, shoot white water, and if they get up to no good, well a good paddling on the bottom will straighten them out. Manly men. No homos or queers here.

Yep and lets not even get into the subject of feminism, well its ok if you are a feminist like say Mrs. Lord Black or even housefau columnists like Margret Wente and Diane Francis, ex Americans come to lecture Canadian ladies on why they should stay home and enjoy the good life like Mrs. Lord Black does. Cause if you don't you will become a lesbian.

Yep sex was always on the minds of folks at Alberta Report. You could say it was their obsession. They weren't pro life, heavens no bring back the death penalty, they were anti abortion, cause that was what happens when you have sex out of wedlock. Yep there's that sex thingee again.

The magazine itself was a roaring succcess in Alberta, every dentist office had a copy. Mind you the magazine went bankrupt three times, and was bailed out by Alberta Taxpayers at least once through the Alberta Venture Capital fund. Funny that, sorta like the Fraser Institute being a charity so its elite members can write off their donations for tax credits.

Anyways the sorid little tale of Alberta Report is that it was the first real Canadian Conservative redneck rightwhing weekly. And even the new Western Standard and the psuedo Report (aka Canada Report) pale in comparison for the really off the wall pronouncements made by the Byfields and their edotroial syncophants.

It appears that Macleans is another attempt by Ken Whyte to shape a publication into his old familar home, Alberta Report. The attack on Svend is a clarion call that the new Macleans is the Voice of the rightwhing in Canada. Even though the real crime story in Canada this week was all about Lord Black, but after all his little woman writes for Ken. Well you can expect Macleans under Ken to end up like Alberta Report, in your local dentists office.


It's just news, not brainwashing

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Globe and Mail

The thing about the networks, though, is that they all insist they have no partisan agenda. On that score, if nothing else, you have to admire the honesty of the new Maclean's magazine under publisher-editor Ken Whyte. It makes no secret of where its preferences lie. The current issue features a cover shot of NDP candidate Svend Robinson and the headline "Svend him packing." A subhead urges Vancouver Centre voters to "please do the rest of Canada a favour."

"Svend him packing" is a brilliant headline, and if you're of that cast of mind, the new Maclean's will drop into your lap as though the national media have finally come to their senses. If you're not of that cast of mind, you will be repelled by it. It's too personal, too abrasive. You will not be inclined to buy a magazine with that kind of attitude. You might not be inclined to work there either.

So Maclean's, I guess, has decided to stake its future on a core readership of worked-up right wingers, convinced that a right-good read is key to growing that constituency. Good luck to them. Maybe it will work this time. As a business strategy, it didn't work at the last three publications where Ken Whyte had a guiding hand: the National Post, Saturday Night magazine and Alberta Report.

But, then, Ken Whyte is fighting for his life, no less than any candidate on the hustings. And his poll numbers aren't looking good. In the Decima-Carleton survey, when asked where they turn for election news, respondents mentioned everything from their local dailies to Internet blogs. National weekly newsmagazines weren't even a blip.

Christopher Dornan is the director of the Carleton University School of Journalism and Communication. The Decima-Carleton poll results can be found at


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Is Haiti a Canadian Colony

Foreign Affairs is getting short shrift this election being focused mainly on what Tweedledee Martin and Tweedledum Harper said about the Iraq war. We at least know the NDP opposed it from the begining. Thats a given. So lets move on to something more important and less well discussed.

A subject so touchy with the Liberal government that it got a Martin heckler arrested and jailed in Halifax. The heckler was author and film maker, Yves Engler, a member of the Canada Haiti Action Network who has documented UN and Canadian abuses of civilians in Haiti.

It's the Ugly Canadian news story that is buried in the back pages of the Canadian Press. Now why might that be? After all we went into Haiti at the request of the UN and Americans to help those poor people under the horrible democratically elected government of Aristide. Or did we?

Ecuador's New Canadian Ambassador Helped Plan Haiti Coup

Christian Lapointe helped co-ordinate and attended the meeting, as did future (and present) Ambassador to Haiti Claude Boucher, who is known to be close to elements within the elite Group of 184 political opposition to Lavalas and is virulently anti-Aristide.

Documents obtained via Canada's Access to Information Act reveal that Lapointe was in on key high-level deliberations that may have involved the topic of Haiti's regime change. Lapointe himself may have censored the portions of these documents that could prove the international community's plans to overthrow the government of Jean Bertrand Aristide more than one year before the regime change took place. According to an officer within the Department of Foreign Affairs Access to Information and Privacy division, Lapointe was the final person through which the Ottawa Initiative on Haiti documents had to pass prior to being released. Another officer referred to approximately 1,000 pages pertaining to the Ottawa Initiative on Haiti meeting. Only 67 pages were released.

Montreal has a huge and influential Haitian community, largest probably in North America. The Canadian government announced its first woman of colour as GG and she too is Haitian. What did this signal to Haitians in Canada and in Haiti?

Gildan the worlds number two T shirt manufacturer is located in Montreal but offshores its production to the caribbean. Recently found to be using sweat shops in these regions, it was given a clean bill of health by Anti Sweat Shop campaigns.
Except that it has now reduced production in those plants and expanded its operations in Haiti with no anti-sweat shop vigilance.

The Canadian Corporate/State Nexus In Haiti by Anthony Fenton

Haiti's de facto government will soon announce the appointment of Robert Tippenhauer as its new ambassador to Canada. Previously, Tippenhauer was the President of the first-ever Haitian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce. He says he will be arriving in Canada shortly after the early June visit to Haiti of Quebec Premier Jean Charest. Should the Canadian government accept Tippenhauer's credentials, it will mark Canada's clearest official alignment with Haiti's right-wing elites.

Of the many reconstruction projects that are being created, Tippenhauer feels that "considering the active role that Canada is playing with their lead role in the transition, Canadian firms should have a first look at these projects." On Canada's leadership role, Tippenhauer made the point that Canada had "one the most active ambassadors here." Tippenhauer further lauded Canada's "constant interest in Haiti," stating "the mere presence of these officials is good for us."

Some of the incentives offered to companies like SNC, and Gildan Activewear, who Tippenhauer estimates employ 5,000 people between their independent factory (which is next to Tippenhauer's Dollar Rent-a-Car) and Andy Apaid's factories; Apaid has been Gildan's primary subcontractor in Haiti for many years, according to a Gildan spokesperson.

Is Haiti Canada's new colony, and in reality are we her Imperial master.
Turning a blind eye to Canadian war crimes in Haiti.Were we really invited into Haiti as part of a coalition or did we actually mastermind the whole thing. Inquirying minds want to know, and the evidence is piling up that Haiti is a Canadian Colony. That the Liberal Government was off the hook in Iraq because we had our own little coup de dat to run in Haiti.

Canada in Haiti: Considering the 3-D Approach. November 3-4 2005
Waterloo, Ontario
The second half of the conference title – “Considering the 3-D Approach” – is a direct reference to the Canadian government’s 2005 International Policy Statement (IPS), which advocates a three-pronged strategy to Canadian involvement in Canada in Haiti: that blends Canada’s diplomatic, defence and development presence in order to form a coordinated engagement

A Tip o' the Blog to Greg Farrants who has been doing exemplar work around Solidarity with Haiti both in Redmonton and across Canada.

And a tip o' the blog to Lazylafargue.

There is currently circulating a letter to condemn the political detentions in Haiti, and the detention of AI "Prisoner of Conscience" Father Jean-Juste in particular.
It is addressed to Jack Layton, of the NDP you can forward your own copy to Jack . While the original focus of this letter was to get Haiti mentioned in last weeks debates there are still two more debate coming up.

Haiti: The Liberals' Untold Scandal

For the people of Haiti, all of this has meant a return to conditions reminiscent of the years of military dictatorship. Haitian Police routinely conduct deadly raids within the poorest neighborhoods, shooting scores of civilians and Aristide sympathizers. According to the Catholic Peace and Justice Commission, over 700 political prisoners fill Haiti’s jails, including catholic priest Father Gerard Jean-Juste, deemed a “prisoner of conscience” by Amnesty International. Jean-Juste was barred from running in Haiti’s upcoming Presidential elections due to his imprisonment.

Meanwhile, Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew has referred to reports of such abuses as “propaganda,” while Paul Martin has publicly stated that “there are no political prisoners in Haiti.”

Unlike the Gomery Inquiry, the Liberal scandal in Haiti has cost perhaps thousands of lives. Why, then, has it been left completely off of the political radar of these elections?

From Gaza to Cold Lake AB

A tip o the blog to lazylafargue who had excerpts of this article up on their website. It was recently published in the December issue of Briarpatch magazine and is posted on-line here.

Out of two hundred warplanes that took part in Exercise Maple Flag 2005 in Cold Lake, Alberta in May, only ten were Israeli F-16s. It would be easy to miss their significance. Yet, when Canadian forces extended an invitation to the Israeli Air Force for the first time in thirty-eight meetings of the Maple Flag war games, it signalled, according to military planners, a marked shift in Canadian military and political policy in the twenty-first century: good night Battle of Britain, good morning Gaza.

What is also significant is that once again First Nations people were displaced under the Federal Government, to expand the use of this 'empty frontier' by the Department of Defense. It was the Cold War and the era of the Dew Line, and the expansion of NATO literally cold war excercises in Northern Canada, both in Goosebay Labrador and Cold Lake, Alberta. Lands of the Dene and Cree.

The dense forest and running streams tamed by this feat of engineering were the prodigious trapping, hunting and fishing lands of the Dene Suline, now known under the federal government's band council system as the Cold Lake First Nations. In 1952, the Dene were cut off from their traditional lands and the population ultimately expelled. The nearby Canoe Lake Cree Nation faired little better, losing seventy-five percent of their homelands to the weapons range.

Some fifty years after the land grab, the Canadian government settled claim with the Cold Lake First Nations, paying out a total of $2500 to each band member and $7000 to each elder, with an additional twenty million dollars put in a development trust fund. That settlement amounts to about nine dollars per acre (roughly $22 a hectare), and not more than $150 per person for each year of their displacement. Such is the stage for Exercise Maple Flag, a six-week set of war games designed to provide training in the context of hyper-realistic simulations of aerial combat operations abroad.
What is ironic is that our treatment of First Nations peoples historically is the model used by South Africa for its Aparthied regime and that Israel uses for its model for Occupied Palistine. So I guess the Isreali airforce felt right at home at Cold Lake.

Bring on the Clones

Found this interesting left blog from South Korea (what did you think there could be a blog from North Korea let alone a left wing one?) covering the news reporters as well as the news about the cloning scandal in South Korea. Do I need to point out that this project between Americans and South Korea is another example of the failure of P3's and the privatization of university R&D who are in a rush to patent lifeforms. Science in the service of capital.

Liberals Want Your Handguns

Collectors of antique and rare handguns will have to surrender their weapons in buy-back programs under the Liberal plan.

In a related story the Liberals are looking for more gun collectors who have had their collections stolen so they can continue to blame them for the increase in gun crimes in Canada.

"Many gun crimes are being committed with stolen guns that are registered," Liberal spokesman Ken Polk told the Citizen last week. "If we eliminate that class of weapons, it will naturally help resolve that category of violent crime."

If you have had handguns stolen from your private collection please contact the boy at the back of the bus; Scott Reid.

Ed Sez: Gun Ban Useless

NDP Candidate and former GG, Ed Schreyer laughed out loud over the suggestion that the Liberals ban on handguns will solve crime in Canada. "They have been banned since 1934, its not a solution to a complex problem like crime." He told Craig Oliver on CTV's Question Period.

Nice to know that another Western Canadian NDP candidate running in a rural riding recognizes how out of touch the gun control lobby and the Toronto Liberals are. He actually said the Liberals had blown it over the Firearms registry and gun control. "I have represented Selkirk before you know, and I know what I am talking about."

I was waiting for him to pull a Charlton Heston though. Would love to see that. Ed Schreyer brandishing a long rifle belonging to Gabriel Dumont from the Riel Rebellion quoting him; "
That we have a fair and full representation in the Canadian Parliament". See the Dippers support legal responsible gun ownership, now back off Blogging Torys.

Note To Bill Blaikie :)

CTV Question Period today had a mini debate between the three party Deputy Leaders, Peter McKay of the Conservatives, Anne McLellan of the Liberals and Bill Blaikie of the NDP. You can watch it Here Bill its ok to smile. Really. You look dour, like you lost the race for party Leader...oh ya you did. And boy why so glum chum....certainly doesn't give the party a winning look. So smile damn ya smile. :)