Sunday, September 10, 2006

Layton On The Attack

Jacks closing speech at the NDP Convention in Quebec City was dynamite. It was dynamic. It reflected all the hard work done at the convention this weekend, policies that place the party in the lead on issues of sustainable economics, the environment, social policy, etc.

The emphasis on the environment will place the NDP in clear competition with the Green Party, and will get them votes from the Greens. Because the GP does not have a political prescence in the house.

It set the party on notice that this was the election convention. And the party is running for government. Given the continued wanderings in the desert by the Liberals with their ten candidates for leader, no matter who they elect it will be a lame duck.

Unlike the snore fest in Quebec City this afternoon with the Liberal Leadership Debate, Layton covered issues in detail. And hey he didn't forget about the Liberals riding on the NDP coat-tails either.

Now as you may know, when the Liberals heard that we were holding this convention in Quebec City, they decided to invite themselves along.

So they scheduled one of their modest leadership events in this city, pretty much at the same place, and at the same time.

As I speak, Liberal leadership candidates are gathering with what could be called a pretty beat-up and discouraged little group of surviving federal Liberals from Quebec.

Quite a contrast with this convention!

There's Mr Ignatieff, who has decided to pop into Canada from Harvard to see if he can be crowned Liberal leader.

Failing that, it would seem he's planning to go back home to Boston.

Then there is a certain failed one-term Ontario premier who, it turns out, is also a turncoat.

He thinks that's the kind of competence and character the Liberals need in a leader.

And then there's a son of this city -- Stephane Dion.

A man with whom I have fundamental disagreements about how Canada should build and renew itself.

But also a man who is, if I may say so across the partisan divide, distinct from his principal opponents in being a committed Canadian and a man of principle and conviction.

And therefore almost certain not to be elected leader of the Liberal party.

And it just got better and better after that.

Jack put Canada on notice, it's the NDP or Harper. There is no other choice.

Layton calls on Canadians to punish Tories

NDP Leader Jack Layton urged his troops to prepare Sunday for an election campaign he seems determined to fight against U.S. President George W. Bush.

He mentioned the U.S. president at least five times in a closing address to his party's convention and accused the Tory government of being his servant.

On climate change, on the softwood-lumber deal and on the Afghan conflict, Layton accused the Tories of selling out Canadian interests to satisfy Bush and Prime Minister Stephen Harper of being a lackey of the Republican White House.

"He's become a cheerleader for President George Bush and he's leading Canada down the wrong track on every issue that matters to ordinary people," Layton said.

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Liberal Leadership Race

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Liberal Leadership Debate

Not much you can say in two minutes. So to sum up for those who missed the debate broadcast only on CPAC let me paraphrase it for you....

Moderator: Please tell us your views of the universe and the meaning of life.

Liberal Leadership Candidate: Thank you it is wonderful to be here today, and let me say.....

Moderator: Thank you, Next.

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Liberal Leadership Race

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Sir Robert Bond Idiot

In a shotgun attack on the NDP postion on Afghanistan the blog; Sir Robert Bond Papers says this;

And when the Taliban come back to power and make it a crime to teach girls and young women anything, including how to read?

He does not allow comments so I thought I would comment here. First what the hell is this right wing dweeb doing on the Progressive Bloggers list? Hmmm. Oh yes he is a Liberal.

Now that I got that off my chest, this is clearly the same messaging we get from the Harper Government.

I have already commented here and here on the myth that we are in this war as a campaign of Womens Liberation. But to reiterate for Sir Robert a couple of points.

The Taliban are not the only problem, the regional War Lords and ex Taliban that make up the Karzai government have also attacked women, and girls schools.

That Kandahar is a porous region with the Taliban operating with impunity out of southern Pakistan, with support of the SSI the Pakistani secret police.

The Pakistan government made a peace agreement with the Taliban in the North West this week.

They assasinated the leader of the autonomy movement in Baluchistan an area in Southern Pakistan that borders Afghanistan in order to destabilize that area, and in collusion with the Taliban are hoping to put down the Baluchistan opposition. These are our allies.

Women in Afghanistan have been subjected to rape, murder, political assasination, girls schools have been burned not by the Taliban but by the Karzai governments allies.

No capitalist infrastructure exists in Kandahar. No alternative corp production is possible. The opium crops are what are being burned in these operations of search and destroy of the Taliban. Creating localized resistance from villagers, warlords and drug lords, not just the Taliban. These American orchestrated search and destroy missions have failed to win the hearts and minds of the Afghani people in the region.

In Kabul the capitalist structure is non-existant, so much so that there are NO BANKS operating. So even the most basic of a capitalist economy is not present in Afghanistan after five years. Instead funds are doled out by NGO's to the Karzai government who then funds their cronies and pals.

Ex-Taliban are in the Karzai government, so Kabul is very willing to negotiate with the Taliban as it has been with the warlords and druglords.

Kabul is a city state, Afghanistan is a failed state, the Americans abandoned nation building in the rush to Bahgdad. Only now is a sembalence of capitalism begining to take root, and only in Kabul.

Karzai's government is not a secular democratic government, nor a capitalist one, it is an Islamic government. It has renewed the old Taliban Vice and Virtue committee. It has persecuted and imprisoned the editor/publisher of the nations only womens magazine, for blasphamy. It has allowed the Mullahs to order the death of converts to Christianity. It is no different than its predecesor state, except for the troops which guard it and media that whitewash it.

There are 20,000 American troops still in Afghanistan, this was their war, why should be be fighting and dying for them. They left behind a counterinsurgency force to obstensably do two things; hunt for bin Laden, whom they have failed to find, destroy the Taliban leadership, which they have failed to do. The Americans cut and ran from Afghanistan to go into Iraq.

The Brits the Americans allies in Iraq, have refused to deploy 800 combat ready soldiers they promised last spring to NATO. Now who is cutting and running.

German, Italian, Greek components of NATO are in Kabul and will NOT be sent to fight in Kandahar.

Kanadahar was a war mission of the U.S. who demanded NATO become involved in the summer. The summer. Harper sent our troops to be part of this in May. That was when he also called for a vote on hsi open ended two year extension of the mission. A deliberately undefined mission, though he knew well enough he was sending our troops to be canon fodder in the frontlines of Operation Endurning Freedom.

As did Canada's very own Colonel Blimp,
General Rick Hillier. He wanted 1000 troops to go and fight to prove we were combat ready, and more than just whimpy liberal peace keeper. Mr. Macho defined the enemy as scumbags. Say no more.

Why Canadians are confused is that between March of this year and May the mission changed. In March a PRT unit of Canadians went to Kandahar obsentisbly to support and defend and infrastructure program. A desperately needed program that had not been provided for five years of U.S. occupation of the province.

Ours was not to be solely a combat mission, it was to be a reconstruction mission.

NATO command is appealing to member countries to contribute to the combat offense and getting no support.

Brig. Gen. David Fraser, future multinational commander, speaks during a press conference Thursday in Ottawa "This mission is about Canadians helping Afghans," Fraser said yesterday as he repeatedly stressed the mission is "not just about combat operations."

But by May that had changed, but the Harpocrites refused then and still refuse to explain why we accepted comand and control of Operation Enduring Freedom and its follow up Operation Medusa. That was NOT our mission in Kandahar. Or at least not the mission as publicly portrayed.

In May when questioned in the house debate over extending the mission for two years the NDP asked Defense Minister O'Connor if we were at War. He refused to anwser.

The mission in Afghanistan is NOT UN sanctioned it is an American campaign, Operation Enduring Freedom, which was their own operation. NATO who joined after the war in Afghanistan, has set its mission as being the defense of Kabul.

That was our original mission until the Harper Government put our troops in harms way by moving from Kabul to Kandahar and involving us in Operation Enduring Freedom.

2000 Canadians are being used by American and NATO forces as we were in Dunkrik and Dieppe to fight and die while the Imperial powers hide behind us.

Neither the Americans, NATO nor Karzai can say if this extended combat operation in Kandahar will be a success. What we do know is that since the spring as combat operations in Kandahar increased so has domestic insurgency, suicide bombings, riots, and a re-armed Taliban counter offensive. Karzai even admits that the situation has gone from bad to worse.

We have every right to remove our troops as we have had to involve them in this combat operation.The response of the NDP parliamentary Caucus to the Withdrawl Immediately of our Troops, will be nuanced to include peace making, defense of Kabul, increased support for economic reconstruction. Just watch, we were given a taste of it by Alexa during the convention in her speech at the mike and later discussions with Peter Vandusen of CPAC. This is not cut and run, nor appeasement. It is a challenge to the Harpocrites to explain why our troops are being viewed as expendable in an unwinable combat operation.

I have documented all this and it can be found here: Afghanistan

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NDP Convention Transparency

If you are a politcal junkie like I am you watch Political conventions like sports fans watch their favorite sport. You know the players, the issues, and you yell at the TV when someone should call for a standing vote. Well I do anyways. I also yell to challenge the chair, something I do at conventions as well as in front of my TV.

Well if you have been watching the NDP Convention on CPAC, and who hasn't amongst us political bloggers left, centre and right, you will have seen a convention that failed to take advantage of TV to engage Canadians to be part of the debate.

I am not going to deal with issues that came to the floor but the process itself. Hopefully fellow Dippers will forward this to the Party insiders for their consideration for the next convention.

And I am writing this as someone who has run the Alberta NDP Communications and Strategy Committee in two successful elections. Including the 1997 election which saw our provincial party use the internet and the web for our campaign, one of the first elections to do so.

A problem arose early in the Convention when the French language Resolution Book did not match the English. Opps. It makes it a lot easier for us to follow along if the two match.

Simultaneous linguistic translation as well as AISL translation was available, which was excellent. Except that no deal was made with CPAC to show a mini screen of AISL translation for TV viewers which they do normally for QP in the house.

By day two they were no longer reading the resolutions out, but refering to them by number. Great if you are there but lousy for us at home. We can only get the gist of the issue to be debated by hoping those at the mikes would refer to the Resolution. The resolutions, not the Wherefores but the Be It Resolved, should have been read out for us in TV Land. After all many of us are NDP members and want to know what the hell is being debated and decided.

There was huge screen behind the Chairperson which had on it had a slogan, the particular theme for the Resolutions. The Resoultions should have been shown on that screen for all too see.

I can not stress enough how important this is. We are watching at home, and people are speaking to Resolution ABC1-2-3 well what the hell is that. Without hearing and seeing the BIRT we are lost. Thus you lose viewers.

The Website, Friday opening day of the Convention and the day before did not have the resolutions posted. The website was an afterthought and should have been used eariler to post the full set of convention resolutions in PDF. Thus we would have avoided Blogging Tories posting the resolutions on their websites and running to the MSM claiming they had undercovered the 'secret' resolutions' for the Convention.

Quebec 2006

Watch live on CPAC Latest News Photos From the floor: Convention blog

It was not until yesterday, Saturday, that the webpage changed to focus on the Convention. And then it was static, not interactive. Its Blogs were a joke, and it should have been online earlier. Clips of Stephen Lewis,
Malalai Joya, , Shirely Douglas, etc. and other speakers should have been posted. Independent of the CPAC links. And they should have been.

There were several great speeches. And none are linked.If presenting the whole speech was problematic then key points or highlights should have been posted both as video and audio. Hello anyone hear of Real Audio, Real Video, perhaps IPOD.

And again I cannot empahsize enough that real time blogging from the convention could have added enormously to the creation of news from the convention floor.

But what can we execpt from the communications brain trust of Brian Lavigne who during the election refrained from having an official blog. Cause blogging wasn't important. Yep time to review the Director of Communications job. Anne as the new President I would advise you take a serious look at this.

And who ever is doing press releases missed a great sound bite quote from Gary Doer on the need for a national electrical grid. "The Empire needs to build a grid." Right up there with transforming Canada by building the National Railway.
Thats news. Thats a sustainable development issue. Thats our news.

I mean you could have three or four Doer press releases, his focus on the Three K's; Kids, Kelowna and Kyoto/Climate Change is a headline that writes itself. But this was not done either.

A convention communications team has to be created for the next convention to deal with real time web broadcasting of the convention, complete with real blogging, and using online media to produce our own Convention news. This is not new it has been done at CLC and CUPE conventions.

This is crucial because the debates held were excellent, the party was energized, it took on major issues, the Sherbrooke Resolution says we recognize asymetrical federalism as well as Quebec as a nation. The Aboriginal resolution recognizes the need for a seperate Aboriginal caucus and asymetrical federalism with First Nations as a Country and a party, if I understand the debate cause I didn't get to read the resolution nor hear it nor see it. Our environmental policy dove tailing with a sustainable economic plan, brilliant, and it will hurt the Green Party.

All this was lost as the media focused on one issue and one issue only. Afghanistan.

That is why we need two media strategies. One is the standard party communications plan which is press releases, press conferences. The other is a communications plan for web coverage of the convention, which issues a second set of press releases, sound bites, real blogs with comment sections and real time blogging, etc.

Its great to talk about inclusion which was a whole panel discussion with resolutions, but if we the TV audience and the Canadian population including NDP members are not included then the convention might as well have been held in the old style of the smokey back rooms. We have a one person one vote policy now in the party for electing our leader, that seems to have been forgotten since this Convention was not a leadrship race. But the need to have party members involvement at all levels was also forgotten in preparing for this convention.

Given the failure of the CBC and CTV to cover this convention, the need for the website to offer Canadians a real time alternative that is accessible to even the slowest computer link, and the oldest PC is crucial.

With the improvements I have suggested the next Convention would be the most inclusive of any Political Party in Canada.

P.S. there was at least one actual live blog from the convention.

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Project Censorship: Halliburton Cover Up

Project Censorship has published its top 25 under-reported stories of 2006. And my vote goes for these. The common theme here is Halliburton and they had three stories on these bad boys.

Halliburton Charged with Selling Nuclear Technologies to Iran
As recently as January of 2005 and a decade before Halliburton sold key components for a nuclear reactor to an Iranian oil development company in violations of US sanctions.

Homeland Security Contracts KBR to Build Detention Centers in the US
Halliburton's subsidiary KBR has been awarded a $385 million contingency contract by the Department of Homeland Security to build detention camps in the United States for immigrations surges and "news programs."

Cheney's Halliburton Stock Rose Over 3000 Percent Last Year
Vice President Dick Cheney's stock options in Halliburton rose from $241,498 in 2004 to over $8 million in 2005, an increase of more than 3,000 percent

Though this story didn't make their list and should have; Halliburton's Depleted Uranium Cover Up

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

NDP Wobbles

Found on the NDP Convention Blogs....Jim Loney the member of the PeaceMakers team that was held hostage in Iraq attended the convention.

Charlie here, NDP MP for Timmins--James Bay.

Jim Loney spoke today for our new faith and justice commission. Jim Loney called us - "to build the new society in the shell of the old"

Gee I know that phrase, lets see I got it here somewhere, oh yeah here it is....

Preamble to the IWW Constitution

Direct Action Gets the GoodsThe working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life.

Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the Earth.

We find that the centering of the management of industries into fewer and fewer hands makes the trade unions unable to cope with the ever growing power of the employing class. The trade unions foster a state of affairs which allows one set of workers to be pitted against another set of workers in the same industry, thereby helping defeat one another in wage wars. Moreover, the trade unions aid the employing class to mislead the workers into the belief that the working class have interests in common with their employers.

These conditions can be changed and the interest of the working class upheld only by an organization formed in such a way that all its members in any one industry, or in all industries if necessary, cease work whenever a strike or lockout is on in any department thereof, thus making an injury to one an injury to all.

Instead of the conservative motto, "A fair day's wage for a fair day's work," we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, "Abolition of the wage system."

It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. The army of production must be organized, not only for everyday struggle with capitalists, but also to carry on production when capitalism shall have been overthrown. By organizing industrially we are forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old.

Of course Loney was member of the Catholic Workers and they too are an anarchist union.

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Place Your Wagers

Courtesy of Mr. Ipsos and Mr. Reid

Alberta's Conservative Party Leadership Race

Jim Dinning (54%) The Frontrunner In Favourability Ratings – Lyle Oberg (48%) In Second Place With Dave Hancock (44%) Gaining Momentum

One-Quarter (26%) Of Albertans Think Dinning Would Do The Best Job As The Next Premier, But Oberg (21%) Hot On His Trail

Hey I scooped Daveberta on this one.

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CanWest Anti-Union

The Regina Leader Post has run an anti-union diatribe barely a week after Labour Day. Remember Labour Day. The day brought to us by unions. The author issues the usual unions are no longer necassary. Outmoded. etc. etc. ad nauseum. He goes on to say this;

Unions also have a negative effect on the individual. While workers get paid more, they also have to pay more for consumption which leads to no gain in real terms. Unions can also force a particular wage/benefit structure upon all the workers and eliminate the ability of the worker to negotiate individually for something that fits their needs. This is disadvantageous for the best workers who have to take a lower wage than their skills may warrant AND for the least-skilled workers, as they aren't able to negotiate a lower wage to be worth hiring.

Now thats a nice bit of fantasy but nowhere in a normal capitalist economy do workers negotiate their wages. Bosses set the wages and working conditions and benefits and workers have to accept them. In good times as well as bad.

Negotiations are non existant for ordinary workers without collective bargaining power. Perhaps if one is a professional or managment type then one may be able to negotiate but the average worker skilled or unskilled is at the mercy of the market and the boss. Which is exactly why we need unions.

Berry pickers appealing EI fraud penalty

Elderly Indo-Canadian berry pickers have been routinely underpaid and pressured to go along with employers who cheat the employment standards system, an appeal has heard.

Even in overheated labour markets like Alberta where businesses are closing because they can't find workers, its not a matter of the worker setting the demands but what the boss is willing to offer.

Ironically as more businesses in Alberta discover they have set their wage and benefits too low they can't find help. Or if they do the workers leave. It's called the labour theory of value, that is business contrary to its own ideology, does not create wealth, workers do. Without workers there is no wealth.
Labour Produces All Wealth

Which is why the average boss likes to keep wages and benefits low. To make more profit. And in order to do this they also need a high unemployment rate; Alcan Proves Marx Right

Which is another reason to have a union.

Oh yes and this is another example of how right wing ideology now dominates our media.

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For every action there is

An opposite reaction. Why are wind turbines killing Alberta's bats?

Before folks run off embracing 'alternative' energy technologies as the saviour of a 'sustainable' green capitalism we might want to check the ecological effects they have. Just a thought.

Also See


A Critique of Kyoto Capitalism Is NOT Sustainable

industrial ecology

Social Ecology.

Green Capitalism

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Afghan Woman Speaks Out

Ok can we now drop all the platitudes about how we are fighting for women and girls in Afghanistan.

Canadian troops making things worse: Afghan legislator

Canada's troops are making matters worse for the Afghan people, a popular member of the war-torn country's national assembly told an NDP policy convention Friday.

With federal New Democrats debating a resolution to withdraw Canadian troops from combat in southern Afghanistan over the next six months, Malalai Joya, 27, the youngest elected Afghan parliamentarian, said efforts to fight the Taliban are helping warlords and drug lords take control of the country, suppressing the voices and rights of women and children.

"If (Canadians) want to prove themselves as real friends of the Afghan people, they must act independently," said Joya, who has escaped several assassination attempts since she was first elected in 2003. "They continued the policy of the U.S. and our people don't agree with U.S. policy, and this is why there is no positive results right now."

Also See:

The War For Women's Rights




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