Canadian troops making things worse: Afghan legislator
Canada's troops are making matters worse for the Afghan people, a popular member of the war-torn country's national assembly told an NDP policy convention Friday.
With federal New Democrats debating a resolution to withdraw Canadian troops from combat in southern Afghanistan over the next six months, Malalai Joya, 27, the youngest elected Afghan parliamentarian, said efforts to fight the Taliban are helping warlords and drug lords take control of the country, suppressing the voices and rights of women and children.
"If (Canadians) want to prove themselves as real friends of the Afghan people, they must act independently," said Joya, who has escaped several assassination attempts since she was first elected in 2003. "They continued the policy of the U.S. and our people don't agree with U.S. policy, and this is why there is no positive results right now."
Also See:
The War For Women's Rights

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Friendly Fire
Canadian Troops
Interesting to note though, that this Afghan legislator is in favour of all th e foreign troops remaining in Afghanistan. Her complaint, and a legitimate one it is, is with the makeup of the current Afghan parliament.
BBS in Kabul where they are needed to defend the elected MP's from attack by the Warlords and Karzai hacks. Interesting no. I also liked your comment eleswhere about CIDA funding in Afghanistan. Especially the funding of crop alternatives in Kandahar. Funny that if you read my the War For Women's rights you will see an interview with a woman who is involved with farmers in Kandahar and they can't buy land or get cash cause like there are NO BANKS.
Now for a struggling capitalist economy one would think that along with schools and hospitals the first thing to be built is a bank.
So where is that CIDA money going?
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