Sunday, October 20, 2024

Why Are Young Working-Class Men More ‘Conservative’?

 October 21, 2024

Photograph Source: Michael Candelori – CC BY 2.0

It has been a safe assumption for generations that young people tend to be more liberal than their elders. However, in today’s United States, some of the conventional wisdom around age and ideology is being upended. Young women are moving farther to the left than expected while their male peers are disturbingly tending toward conservatism, even in comparison to older men. The reasons behind this cleaving, broadly speaking, stem from the twilight of patriarchy and the failure of capitalism.

Political allegiances in the 2024 Presidential race are a good indicator, very broadly speaking, of the new ideological gender divide. A recent poll of voting trends among 18–29-year-olds by the Institute of Politics at Harvard University found a “widening gender gap” between the two major-party presidential candidates. While majorities of young men and women back Vice President Kamala Harris, an ostensibly liberal Democrat, former President Donald Trump, an ultraconservative authoritarian, enjoys greater support from young men compared to young women. More than a third of young men polled say they would choose him for president, compared to just under a quarter of young women.

Other polls show a far bigger divide, with Trump garnering support from 58 percent of young men over the past three New York Times/Siena College polls. Meanwhile, Harris enjoys 67 percent popularity among young women.

The obvious reason why young women are moving sharply to the left is the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs ruling overturning the constitutionally protected right to an abortion. It would be a mistake to think that young women have suddenly become “single-issue” voters, focusing narrowly on access to a single medical procedure. The Dobbs decision not only led to abortion bans in nearly half of all states but highlighted a national debate about the most intimate aspects of women’s anatomy, including the potential tracking of menstrual cycles and pregnancy trimesters, access to contraception, and personal decision-making about critical life-changing issues such as pregnancy and childbirth versus the choice to remain childless.

Further, it has led to chaos amid medical staff fearing persecution within an already-broken healthcare system that is now contending with the rights of fetal cells over women’s lives. Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, the names of women who have died as a direct result of Dobbs, have become ubiquitous among rallying cries for reproductive justice.

In other words, it’s not just about abortion—it’s about women’s right to be seen as human. This political moment comes at a time when women who were raised with #GirlBoss aspirations, who continue to enroll in colleges and to graduate at higher rates than men, who watched titans of the entertainment industry fall in disgrace because the women they raped were finally validated by society, have come of age. In this scenario, modern-day conservatism is seen as fighting a last-ditch effort to keep patriarchy alive, and young women aren’t having it. That their most fundamental rights are being debated in this era is a blow so deep that the Republican political establishment is only now realizing its impact.

There is no such debate on the rights of men and their bodily autonomy. It’s no wonder there’s so little support among young women for Republicans and for their nominee Trump, who bragged about killing Roe v. Wade and who made Dobbs possible by appointing half of the six justices ruling against abortion rights. In fact, some analysts conclude that the current generation of young American women may be the most progressive in history.

But what about young men? A December 2023 survey conducted by the conservative American Heritage Foundation found that the percentage of men who identify as feminist rises with each generation, but peaks with millennial men, more than half of whom embrace feminism. Then, perplexingly, among men aged 18-29, those identifying as feminist drops to 43 percent.

This tracks with their attraction to Trump, a candidate who is actively wooing young men with frequent appearances on podcasts and shows catering to their demographic. Moreover, he is authentically patriarchal, a walking, talking, swaying ode to toxic masculinity and male hubris. Among his favored anthems are James Brown’s “It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World,” a song that credits men for most of society’s modern inventions and infantilizes women.

Trump is a stand-in for young men, particularly working-class Gen Z men who feel dislocated in a world where women feel increasingly financially independent, and are preferring to stay single than to settle for unworthy male partners. He is a bulwark against a demographic that is concluding men need women more than women need men.

It shouldn’t surprise us that the political cleaving between young men and women is mirrored by a religious divide. Young men are increasingly finding comfort in the Christian church. Although young people as a whole are less religious than ever, among those who are motivated by faith, young men are overrepresented, likely for the same reasons as the gender-based political divide: Abortion, traditional marriage, and other patriarchal norms that the church is desperate to preserve even as the rest of society moves on.

What’s fascinating is that this dichotomy between young men and women appears to be unique to the U.S., indicating that it’s about more than the waning of patriarchy. A study in April 2024 by an international research firm called Glocalities scouring hundreds of thousands of surveys in 20 countries, concluded that people, including younger populations, are largely embracing liberalism more so than conservatism—except in the U.S. According to a Reuters report on the study, “Young U.S. men were the only population group… to have become more conservative since 2014—or, in the poll’s terms, to favor more control rather than freedom.”

What many analyses of the political and social gender divide miss is that, in addition to women’s increasing power, the unique failures of American capitalism are likely pushing younger men to become even more conservative than their non-American male peers. The share of young American men without college degrees who are part of the labor force has declined significantly since the 1970s, as per Pew Research Center.

According to Pew’s analysis, this “may be due to several factors, including declining wages, the types of jobs available to this group becoming less desirable, rising incarceration rates, and the opioid epidemic.” Young men without college degrees are working more, earning less, and are more likely to be poor. Overall, their median earnings, even for those with college degrees, remain lower than inflation-adjusted levels in 1973.

Attending college or university is an expensive proposition in a nation where necessities remain out of reach at the altar of profit margins and deregulation. College education can leave graduates saddled with debt and no guarantee of higher earnings. Yet college education goes hand-in-hand with critical thinking skills.

If young men are eschewing expensive higher education and therefore being deprived of exposure to modern progressive values, they are increasingly trapped in a vicious cycle leading them into the arms of Trump and patriarchal authoritarianism. Republicans have successfully capitalized—pun intended—on the economic malaise that most Americans are suffering from, while at the same time fueling it.

Breaking the stranglehold of the deregulatory, profit-driven ethos on education, labor, wages, and basic necessities such as housing and healthcare, can help break the vicious cycle leading young men toward conservatism. The end of patriarchy is inevitable and necessary. But so is the end of capitalism.

This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

Sonali Kolhatkar is the founder, host and executive producer of “Rising Up With Sonali,” a television and radio show that airs on Free Speech TV (Dish Network, DirecTV, Roku) and Pacifica stations KPFK, KPFA, and affiliates. 

“Goodbye Lebanon”

 October 21, 2024

Image by Onur Burak Akın.

Biden’s bombs and missiles, dropped daily on Lebanon, a U.S. ally, by his puppet master Netanyahu, is wreaking havoc in this small defenseless country. The Israeli genocidal machine is waging an incinerating assault on fleeing civilians and critical facilities. The scorched-earth Israeli strategy is the same as what we have seen in Gaza. Attack in Lebanon anyone who moves or anything that stands – whether a hospital, a dense residential area, a café, a municipal building, a market, a school, or a Mosque – and allege there was a Hezbollah commander or a Hezbollah site here or there. Two recent New York Times headlines express some of the impact of this latest Israeli war: “In Just a Week, a Million People in Lebanon Have Been Displaced” and “Lebanon’s Hospitals Buckle Amid an Onslaught: ‘Indiscriminate’ Strikes Overwhelm Health System, U.N. Says.”

Historical note: Hezbollah, also a political Party and social service organization, was created to defend impoverished Shiite Muslims in southern Lebanon in 1982 right after the Israeli army once again invaded Lebanon and badly mistreated the residents during an 18-year-long military occupation.

No matter what or who the Israeli Air Force’s American F-16 fighter aircraft bomb, no matter the deaths and injuries to thousands of Lebanese families, many of them children and women, Biden keeps unconditionally and savagely shipping weapons of mass destruction. He is violating six federal laws requiring conditions be met – such as not violating human rights or not obstructing U.S. humanitarian aid. Netanyahu is violating these and other conditions and mocking his major benefactor, the United States government.

Israel has long had designs on a slice of Lebanon going up to and including the Litani River area. Water is valuable. Over the years, Israel has routinely violated Lebanese air space, executed incursions into Lebanon and has used forbidden cluster bombs and white phosphorous. According to Aya Majzoub, Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International, “It is beyond horrific that the Israeli army has indiscriminately used white phosphorous in violation of international humanitarian law.”

The White House knows all this. It doesn’t care. Wherever Israel invades, bombs, assassinates, or boobytraps pagers and walkie-talkies, Bibi-Biden continues his servility to the Israeli terror regime and its genocidal leader Netanyahu, who is despised by three out of four Israelis for his domestic policies and is under indictment by Israeli prosecutors for corruption.

Despite reports that Biden steams in private against Netanyahu, and considers him a liar and a supporter of Trump’s re-election, Biden knows that that this foreign authoritarian has the big card: CONGRESS. Most of the legislators who attended his noxious address to a joint congressional session last June gave him a record-breaking 52 standing ovations. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.”

Biden, who is known to conduct foreign and military policy without any authorization by Congress, doesn’t want to offend the powerful “Israel government can do no wrong” Lobby in the U.S. – to which he has been indentured for his entire fifty-year political career. This includes Israel’s current destruction of Lebanon, where tens of thousands of Americans are residing. The Washington Post reports that the Biden White House “has so far given full backing to Israel’s ground operations in Lebanon, even amid a growing international outcry over the civilian toll … and Israeli clashes with United Nations peacekeepers,” who have been assigned there for decades.

Having full U.S. government backing, and now backed by U.S. warships, Marines and logistics, plus 100 U.S. soldiers arriving this week in Israel, Netanyahu knows he has a free hand to attack Iran and drag the U.S. into a regional war.

Both Netanyahu and Bibi-Biden have been briefed about the possibilities of “blowback” (the CIA’s term) against the U.S. These concerns come from U.S. intelligence agencies who study scenarios like future 9/11s or the recent inexpensive armed drones that can be constructed and deployed anywhere. Militarists and corporatists in the U.S. aren’t that concerned because whenever “blowback” occurs they can concentrate more power, with bigger military budgets and profits, in another “war on terror,” silencing dissent and subordinating or sidelining critical domestic priorities.

That is the lethal fix and fate that America has been subjected to by its cowardly, Constitution-violating politicians from both Parties. The power structure – the corporate state – or what Franklin Delano Roosevelt once called in a 1938 message to Congress “fascism,” is telling the American people: “Heads we win, Tails you lose.”

Here is how bad Biden has gotten. Recently, two letters signed by 65 American doctors and health workers back from the horrors, the killing fields of Gaza, to President Joe Biden, have gone unanswered. (See, “65 Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics: What We Saw in Gaza” by Feroze Sidhwa, New York Times Sunday, October 13, 2024). Their letters plead for a ceasefire and immediate humanitarian aid for the starving, dying people of Gaza. They request a meeting with President Biden, who has often met with the pro-Israeli lobby. Scranton Joe says no way.

These brave physicians and nurses also are requesting that Joe Biden demand that Netanyahu allow children in Gaza who are seriously burned or are amputees be air-lifted to America to be treated by compassionate specialists in ready American hospitals. Biden, a practicing Catholic, has no interest.

President George Washington warned his country about avoiding foreign entanglements in his farewell address. Were he possessed of more prescience; he would have added the word “surrenders.”

Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate, lawyer and author of Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!