Friday, February 17, 2006

A New Gun Registry

Just as the Tories are planning to close one gun registry they may have to look at opening up a new one.

TO area mayors consider banning toy guns - 14 hours ago
Toronto area mayors are being asked to endorse a ban on kids possessing toy guns in public. Scugog Mayor Marilyn Pearce is leading the plan to prohibit anyone under 18 from having toy guns in public spaces.
Leave toy guns to parents Toronto Star
Toronto area mayors eyeing toy gun ban Edmonton Sun
Toronto Star - 640 Toronto - all 5 related »

Now this is just silly. Really silly. No I mean it. This is taking the whole gun thingee too far. After all its not toy guns that kill kids, its Cops.
As I have said before we should disarm the police if we really want gun control.

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Western Slander

So the news is that Western Slander editor publisher Ezra LeRant has sent a begging letter via email asking subscribers to help bail out the magazine due to the economic crunch it is facing because advertisers and distributors are pulling out. Now why would that be do ya think? See here. Simon Pole asks; Western Standard Cash Crunch?

Well that never mattered to the Alberta Report, in fact they thrived on controversy it got them more subscribers. Which was always a matter of using that good old fashioned ad rag technique of cold calling subscribers and brow beating them to take out a sub.

Now that is how many an ad rag, you call them the Alternative weeklies in your city, or the niche press, or whatever, they are those free rags you see which are 80% ads and 20% content. Well that's how the business is done.

And Alberta Report did it by dropping copies in dentist and doctors offices, free of charge, just cold mailing free subs to them and so could prop up their publication numbers. Then they had the call centres doing cold calls for subs.

And despite three bankruptcies, one bail out by the Alberta Venture Capital Fund (yep you and me taxpayer) they still collapsed but that was after a record thirty years in business. A lot of ad rags collapse well before that. Though in Alberta the Report was not alone in its longevity, many of Moser Communications publications have lasted that long including his Native News.

I don't think this hail Mary pass by Lerant to save the Slander when Air Canada has dropped the mag, which is the Slanders version of the doctors and dentists office, will amount to much. The Slander is too young to lose distribution and ad business so early in its short publishing existence. Subscribers do not make up the shortfall never did never will, they are actually an ongoing expense. You need a call centre team doing both advertisers and subscribers, and ads bring in more money.

And for the heat he has brought on himself and his rag, well more folks will shy away with advertising, which is the real source of $$$$$$ that these kinds of rags survive on. Without which the publisher/editor doesn't get paid. So Ezra really is begging for his job. Delicious. And no amount of subscribers can keep the Slander afloat it didn't work for Alberta Report it won't for Ezra.

Also see

Standard Western Racism

The World According to Adam

Conservative Conundrum

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Edmonton Bloggers Get Together

Candace at Waking Up at Planet X has taken the initiative to call an Edmonton Bloggers get together for this upcoming Long Weekend. Oh you forgot its a long weekend, yep Family Day....and we're all family here cause we fight and bitch like here is the info.....And no you cannot bring your baseball bat its not that kinda bash......

Edmonton Bloggers Bash

Well, "bash" may not be the best word, given the timing, but here are the details:

Date: February 18, 2006
Time: 1:00 pm until whenever
Place: Brewsters - 104th Ave & 116th Street (the London Drugs part of that monster strip mall)

Spouses welcome. Friends welcome. Firearms...not so much.

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Still Waiting

Yep Canadians are still waiting for this......

The time for accountability has arrived.

On January 23rd, Canadians will finally be able to hold the Liberals accountable. Accountable for the stolen money; accountable for the broken trust; accountable for all that did not get done because this government has been totally preoccupied with damage control; lurching from one scandal to another; always trying to avoid the people’s verdict.

For those Canadians seeking accountability, the question is clear: Which party can deliver the change of government that’s needed to ensure political accountability in Ottawa? The change of government that will replace old with new; entitlement with accountability; benefits for some with leadership for all.

Yep which party is that?

At least they kept this promise "
benefits for some"

That sounds about right. Like these folks who have benefited from the 'new' government.

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Whats with the Finger?

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Remember This?

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This was the campaign slogan for the 2004 election.
I think we still have the right to Demand Better don't you.

And look into his eyes, if they are the gateway to the soul
.....brrrr scary.

I wonder if he is one of those 4000 year old Lizard aliens.

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A BCer In Toronto blogged about a suitable monicker for our new PM and I voted for Harpocrite which would makes his followers Harpocrates. Cause they have to take loyalty oaths to the Great Leader.

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Mr. P3

Another example of the Harper regime planning to implement it's ideology of privatization at all costs is his appointment of Mr. P3 Michael Wilson as Canada's ambassador to the United States.

He is spokesman for the The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships

As he told the Empire Club back in 1987.

Another way that we are getting government out of the way of the private sector is by privatising Crown corporations that are no longer required to meet public policy goals. Privatisation can bring increased vitality to the companies involved as well as to the economy as a whole.

We can stimulate the performance of the economy but we can also insure a greater degree of assurance for those people who are working in those companies. DeHavilland here is probably one of our best examples of success in privatising companies. We've already privatised eight companies, the most recent being TeleGlobe Canada. We're reviewing possible future moves involving such other Crown corporations and Air Canada and Petro-Canada.

In addition to removing government-made obstacles, we've been promoting private-sector growth in a number of ways. One of the first is in the area of investment, so important to creating jobs right across the country. We wanted to make it clear to people both within and outside Canada that Canada welcomes investment and welcomes foreign investment. Our changes to the Foreign Investment Review Agency and the changed mandate for Investment Canada to encourage investment have been very important in the increase of foreign investment coming to Canada in recent months. This little amount of friendliness has gone a long, long way.

Ironically his call for privatization has been the same agenda the Liberals followed, disasterously with the Firearms Registry, the contracting out of DND computer technology and now with their Super National Agency. It the agenda for the Neo Liberal State in Canada regardless of which party is in power. While the Liberals practiced Reinventing Government by stealth the Tories will hasten it as public policy.

Wilson is
Chairman of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance. Which calls itself THE VOICE OF THE SHAREHOLDER. Which does not mean Joe or Janey Canuck investor but the corporate investment community. The Big buck institutional investors who are promoting P3's.

The Coalition also introduced its first Board of Directors. Chairman: Mike Wilson, President and CEO of UBS Global Asset Management. Other Board members include: Tony Arrell, Chairman and CEO of Burgundy Asset Management; Morgan Eastman, Chief Investment Officer, OPSEU Pension Trust; Emilian Groch, Executive Director, Alberta’s Teachers’ Retirement Fund; Stephen Jarislowsky, Chairman, Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd.; Claude Lamoureux, President and CEO of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan; Don Reed, President and CEO of Franklin Templeton Investments; and David Beatty, Managing Director, Canadian Coalition for Good Governance.
He sits on the Board of Manulife Canada which reads like a who's who of the right wing buiness lobby,
Canadian Council of Chief Executives (‘‘CCCE’’),formely the BCNI. Which lobbied during his era as Finance Minister for the FTA and NAFTA. Today they call for the direct integration of the Canadian and American economies. They too will have the ear of the new Ambassador as they did during the Mulroney era.

The corporate financial industry in Canada is a veritcally integrated structure a classic old boys network as Manulife shows. It is this industry which benefited most from Michael Wilsons deregulation during the eighties and ninties. His insight was his reward, he has spent the past twenty years as a scion for that same financial industry.

Wilson is not only proud of his role in getting NAFTA through and the GST but is also proud that the Conservatives went further in their cuts to services and the deficit than either Reagan or Thatcher, which resulted in the economic crash that left Paul Martin with a debt and deficit crisis as Finance Minister.

And Martin merely followed the formula that Wilson had already set in place thanks to a bueraucrat named David Dodge, who is now the Head of the Bank of Canada.

When Dodge moved into the deputy minister's office, he hung a plaque on his door. It read: "Due to current financial constraints, the light at the end of the tunnel will remain off until further notice." It set the tone for his five years in the post-a period of deep, deep budget cuts. When the Liberals came to power in 1993, Dodge intervened to get a reluctant Paul Martin, who coveted the Industry portfolio, to instead take over at Finance. The Tories had abandoned their credo of fiscal restraint; the deficit hit a record $42 billion by the time they were voted out of office. Dodge needed an MP of Martin's stature to get the government back on fiscal track, first of all by reneging on the Liberals' promise to kill the GST.

What Mr. P3 offers Harper is Bay Street credentials he so badly needs now that he is in Ottawa. Oil money got him there, old money will keep him there.

What can we expect from Mr. P3 when he goes to Washington, well this speech from 2003 may give us a clue. It sounds much like the values Paul Martin was spouting during the election. Strangely so. Must be how Finance Ministers think.

Look south to America, look east to Europe, but never forget to look west to China, where the world’s largest and fastest-growing economy is transforming our traditional view of developing and developed nations. For China is both. Yes, most of its 3.1 billion people are incredibly poor compared to North American standards. And yes, Ontario alone does more business with America than China does. But that’s all changing. It’s economy will grow by 7 to 8 per cent this year. And in terms of purchasing-power parity, it is the world’s second largest economy. More important is where China is headed: in the last five years, without much notice by the western media, China has become the low-cost, high-quality production centre of the world.

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Super P3

Harpers announcement that the bueraucrat in charge of the ultimate Canadian P3 boondoogle the Firearms Registry, will now be in charge of contracting out and privatization of the Public Service in Canada. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Under the Liberals plan the President of the Treasury Board announced that the civil service would be combined into one super service centre....uh oh that sounds just like the Firearms registry. Watch for more computer and IT screw ups, outsourcing of jobs, cost over runs and theft and fraud.

Think HRDC cost overruns and Firearms Registry cost over-runs combined because Ms.Maryantonett Flumian was in charge of both. And she was left in charge of the Liberals new super centralized Services Canada, which aims at cutting current public servants and replacing them with contracted out services.
The lack of oversight that HRDC, the Firearms Registry and the DND contracting out operations have suffered from will be now launched on an unprecidented scale under her less then watchful eye.

Now ask yourself did Harper just open the exploding box left for him by the Liberals? Sorta like the one called Adscam that Chretien left Martin.

Or is it a simple case of Conservative ideology dominating good sense; privatization of public services no matter the cost.

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Whining and Dining with the Irvings

Big Oil cries da blues. No, not Exxon or Shell. Our favorite Maritime Capitalist family who stash their cash offshore in the Grand Caymans, the Irvings. Crying the blues the Irving gas and oil monopoly laid off staff in Newfoundland today, six managers, and blamed the government for regulating gas and oil prices.

But wait they are a monopoly, and set the prices since they purchase and refine and distribute the oil and gas. Surely mere government regulation of pump prices can't compare to their control and dominance of the market place. Me thinks the Irivings just want to shift blame for their business practices on someone else. What else would be new with these guys who demand the taxpayers fund their private monopoly.
Iriving Family Compact Blackmails PEI

And they aren't just an oil and gas monopoly they are a media monopoly in the Maritimes too.
Irvings Media Monopoly Denies Free Speech

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