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Showing posts sorted by date for query bilderberg. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mother Prevails

Mother Nature does what the protesters could not at the Trilateralist SPP/North American Union Summit in Montebello, Quebec.

Hurricane concerns to cut summit short

Oh he was hoping for more protesters to improve his profile?

Harper dismisses 'sad' summit protest as police fire tear gas

As riot police fired tear gas and pepper spray to hold back demonstrators outside the Montebello summit Monday, Stephen Harper shook hands with George W. Bush and dismissed the protest as a “sad” spectacle.

The prime minister welcomed Bush to the North American Leaders’ Summit as the U.S. president stepped off his helicopter on to the lush grounds of the posh — and heavily guarded — Chateau Montebello. “I’ve heard it’s nothing,” the prime minister said when asked whether he’d seen the protesters. “A couple hundred? It’s sad.”

And actually it was more than a couple of hundred protesters.

The protesters were among about 2,000 people who demonstrated for several hours outside the site of the meeting of U.S. President George W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

And it is a secret meeting after all, and has not been as well publicized as the "secret" meetings of the Bilderberg's, or Davos World Social Forum of the ruling classes. Which also did not get a lot of protests until after Seattle.

Hallmarks of the People’s Global Action (PGA)

As agreed to by social movements at the PGA Conference in Cochabamba, Bolivia, August 2001:

1. A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalisation;

2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human beings;

3. A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker;

4. A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social movements’ struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed peoples’ rights, as well as the construction of local alternatives to global capitalism;

5. An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy.

Ironically for Canada's Gnu Government, which which hates all things Liberal, and supports the SPP the idea for a North American Union was laid out back in the eighties by those nasty Liberals with their MacDonald Commission

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Origin of American Conspiracy Theories

Americans are fascinated with conspiracy theories, in fact they generate the majority of them. Along with religious revivalism, conspiracy theories are second nature in the body politic of America.

Here is a fascinating thesis that shows that the conspiracy theory meme began in America with its founding during the revolutionary war. And since then conspiracy theory has dominated American politics.

Be it in the religious revivalism of the 1800's, the anti-Masonry movement, or the later Know Nothings, through out the history of American politics conspiracy theories have abounded, and have had major political impact. They are as American as apple pie.

This is a PhD. Thesis and is a full length book available for download as a PDF.

Conspiracy Theory and the Society of the Cincinnati, 1783-1790

At the same time, I became aware of a tradition of radical political dissent in
modern America, an abundance of conspiracy theories that also extended into popular culture. It was the time of Timothy McVeigh and the militia movement, of Waco, Ruby Ridge, Pat Robertson, and the X-Files. Suddenly conspiratorial explanations for current and historical events seemed everywhere. From Richard Hofstadter’s writings I realized that conspiracy theories occurred in episodic waves throughout American history, and from Bernard Bailyn and Gordon Wood I learned that the founding fathers believed in a secret English plot against American liberty. I decided to investigate, but soon became aware that other scholars were already writing on conspiracy theories in post-World War II America. Clearly, I had to look off the beaten path for a case study in American political “paranoia.”

It was then that I remembered a somewhat obscure document from my studies
on the Connecticut ratification debates. Just before the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, Dr. Benjamin Gale, an eccentric physician from Killingworth, wrote a long letter to Erasmus Wolcott.

In this diatribe, Gale complained about the machinations of the Society of the Cincinnati, a veterans organization of officers of the Continental Army. Gale charged that all the talk about the weakness of the Articles of Confederation was merely a smokescreen for the treasonous ambition of the Cincinnati. According to Gale, this society planned to establish a military dictatorship or monarchy and assume the mantle of hereditary nobility for themselves. Gale was obviously an Antifederalist, one who not only attacked the movement for a new Constitution as unnecessary and dangerous, but who felt it was the result of a deliberate conspiracy against American freedom.

I had found my topic. Apparently, a conspiracy theory existed in the 1780s, the
very period when the political culture and system of the United States was taking
shape, and it accused the leaders of the Continental Army of anti-republican subversion.

Small wonder then that such discourses of radical suspicion surfaced periodically
over the course of American history. If some American revolutionaries felt that even George Washington and Henry Knox could be traitors, we should not be surprised that so many Americans question the report of the Warren commission or distrust the federal government and the United Nations. The Deepest Piece of Cunning is a journey to the origins of conspiracy theories in the United States. It should shed some light on the political controversies of the 1780s as well as the persistence of conspiracy theories in American political culture.


In May 1783, the officers of the Continental Army of the United States of America
organized themselves into the Society of the Cincinnati. Soon after, the veterans
organization became the focus of an elaborate conspiracy theory which falsely accused the officers of trying to establish a hereditary nobility and subvert the young republic.

Over the course of the mid-1780s, prominent revolutionary politicans such as John Adams and Elbridge Gerry joined in the outcry. The conspiracy theory became a major political controversy, and even impeded efforts to reform the Articles of Confederation.

However, despite their frantic tone and lack of a factual basis, the accusations were not merely a fringe phenomenon created by political crackpots. Instead, the conspiracy theory was deeply embedded in American political culture. When the political and economic problems of the 1780s threatened to disrupt the republican experiment, many revolutionaries looked for a threat that might explain the crisis. They found that threat in the Cincinnati, whose military background, federal organization, and aristocratic trappings made them suspect.


1666 The Creation Of The World

Once More On the Fourth

Conspiracy Theory or Ruling Class Studies


Conspiracy Theory


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LaRouche Takes Over Vive le Canada

There has been a disturbing trend over at Vive le Canada lately, it seems to have lost it's moderators for there can be no other explanation for the right wing conspiracy theorists that are now spamming it with their nut bar posts.

Here is the latest one from followers of the former Trotskyist turned conspiracy noodle head; Lyndon LaRouche. This appeared also on Progressive Bloggers because Vive le Canada is a member of the PB aggregator.

This article appears in the December 14, 2001 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. Dope, Inc. Is $600 Billion and Growing by Jeffrey Steinberg In the Summer of 1996, EIR conducted an exhaustive study of the worldwide illegal drug trade,

EIR is one of LaRouche's major publications. LaRoucheites came up with the slogan Nuke the Whales, since they are proponents of nuclear power and have used their private intelligence to attack the anti-nuke movement.

They are racists, LaRouche spent years attacking black culture, believing in a banking conspiracy they are Anti-Semites, they are homophobic AIDs deniers, they believe in the Anglo-American conspiracy theories, etc. etc. in other words they are a violent proto-fascist movement

evidence shows 'suicide' student was beaten to death
Duggan, from Golders Green, north-west London, had become involved with the Wiesbaden followers of Lyndon LaRouche, an American millionaire with virulent anti-Semitic views. Unaware of the group's leanings, the former Christ's Hospital pupil told followers that he was Jewish. At 4.20am on 27 March, 2003, Duggan rang his mother. His voice was hushed: 'Mum, I am in deep trouble.'

Worldwide LaRouche Youth Movement

Of course it doesn't help when anti-globalization publications like Michel Chossudovsky's Global publish LaRouche sourced materials giving them undeserved legitimacy.

The LaRouche organization was also described by Norman Bailey, a former senior staffer of the National Security Council, as "one of the best private intelligence services in the world."

Global Research refuses to publish neo-fascist white racists who oppose globalization but will publish LaRouche via his followers. It shows that
Chossudovsky's conspiracy theory laden analysis of globalization is far closer to LaRouche than he cares to admit.

In that same vein the proto-nationalism of Vive le Canada with its opposition to Deep Integration allows it to fall into the same ideological trap as the anti-globalizationists, accepting conspiracy theories from the left and the right as long as they appear reasonable.

Folks get your act together and start monitoring those posts!

DISCREDITED former MP Ken Aldred was last night dumped as a Liberal candidate in the federal election over his links to far-right groups and his attacks on a prominent Jewish lawyer. Mr Aldred appeared before a specially convened meeting of the Liberal Party's administrative committee in Melbourne after he issued a legal threat to the party demanding the right to attend.

He tried to justify his past conduct in a statement that he read at the meeting, but the committee members - including Peter Costello and state Liberal leader Ted Baillieu - voted unanimously to dump him as the preselected candidate in the seat of Holt.

Liberal Party state director Julian Sheezel confirmed the result last night saying: "The administrative committee considered that he was an unsuitable candidate to receive endorsement."

John Howard had earlier written to members saying he did not think Mr Aldred - who has been linked to the far-Right US-based LaRouche organisation and its Australian arm, the Citizens Electoral Council - was a suitable person to stand for the Liberal Party.

Prominent Jewish lawyer Mark Leibler, who has led calls for the party to dump Mr Aldred, yesterday described Mr Aldred's preselection last weekend as an "embarrassment".

Mr Leibler, who was falsely accused by Mr Aldred in 1995 of being involved in a money-laundering scam run by Israeli spy agency Mossad, said yesterday: "It's not half the embarrassment it is to me as it is to the Liberal Party.

"This guy is a racist, an anti-Semite, he's presented fraudulent documents to the parliament. He is not the sort of person who would be supported by the Prime Minister or the Treasurer or any Liberal of standing."

The LaRouche Movement: American 'fascism' or something else?

The LaRouche movement is a clever organization: clever because it operates several independent divisions that are hard to connect with each other. The Schiller Institute, the Fusion Energy Forum, the Executive Intelligence Review, the Campaign to Explore Human Rights Violations in the U.S. (whose main interests seem to be the rights of Larouchians), Bread for the World, the Human Life Committee, the New Federalist , and 21st Century Science & Technology magazine are all part of the LaRouche organization. Currently, LaRouche is also connected to the ' Productive Triangle Program" (the 'Paris-Berlin-Vienna' axis) promoted by the International Progress Organization (IPO) in Central Europe, intended to promote economic development. Lyndon H. LaRouche has run (as a Democrat, no less) for president several times; in 1992 he is running from a jail cell, with the Rev. James Bevel (a SCLC founder and associate of Rev. King) as his vice presidential running mate. One might note, incidentally, that several LaRouchians do hold various offices around the country, and many LaRouchian groups have sprung up in Europe.

LaRouche is one of those political trippers that has managed to take the bend all the way around from the Far Left to the Far Right, without breaking his neck. In the 60s and 70s, he was "Lyn Marcus," head of the International Caucus of Labor Committees, an ultra-doctrinaire Marxist group with some strange disciplinary practices. Even back in the late 70s he was warning of impending financial crisis and cultural ruin. Today, Lyn(don) is a big promoter of the Strategic Defense Initiative, an implacable foe of world communism, a big supporter of a united Germany, and a borderline anti-Semite, who has attacked a whole bunch of Jews - particularly Roy Cohn, Henry Kissinger, and the heads of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith - by saying they are really "Zionists," i.e. a particularly wicked bunch of Jews... anyone remember the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? (One might note that LaRouche has, on several occasions, attacked the Nazi-hunting branch of the Department of Justice (the OSI) as "witch hunters persecuting upright German citizens," some of those upright citizens being V2 rocket engineers smuggled into this country through Project Paperclip.) It is clear that his trip into the Far Right has left him with some discredited Far Left ideas.

LaRouche's main thesis is that the 'Anglo-American cabal,' which involves George Bush, the English monarchy, and some other ingredients, has decided to undertake a programme of genocidal IMF/World Bank-financed de-industrialization to deplete the population of the Third World. The cabal's plan includes "narcotrafficking"; environmental policies to prevent those countries from developing economically; 'Malthusian' population policies which incorporate birth control, abortion, and allowing disease and hunger free rein; profiteering through 'neo-colonial' resource control; the "lab-created" AIDs virus; and promotion of 'antifamily' ideals such as feminism, homosexuality, Satanism, and "the sex-drugs-rock and roll counterculture." This conspiracy theory, needless to say, is a grab bag of far right and far left nut worries. LaRouche believes that only massive industrial projects - nuclear power, huge irrigation canals dug with atomic bombs (!) in the Middle East, and similar high-tech developments - can free the Third World from the sinister grasp of the oligarchs' cabal.


Conspiracy Theory or Ruling Class Studies


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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Poor Protest Against WSF

Following up on the Global Warming conference which the UN held in Narobi, the movers and shakers of the anti globalization movement also held their World Social Forum this year in Nairobi, Kenya. And ironically this progressive alternative to the Davos World EconomicForum, happening at the same time, faced more grass roots protests than the ruling class conference in Davos....

The left wing has become the mirror of capitalism itself.

The Davos forum is an economic boom for this tourist town.

And now that it is no longer a secret meeting of ruling class cabals, it has become a voice for the social reform of the worst excesses of capitalism.

The World Social Forum travels the world and is an economic boom for the region it is held in.

The Davos Economic Forum promotes captialism including the need to ameliorate the worst aspects of capitalism.

The World Socisl Forum promotes amerlorating the worst aspects of capitalism while promoting a more humane capitalism.

There is no difference.

Charities working in Nairobi's slums have complained about slum dwellers being required to pay to enter the Moi International Sports Stadium in Kasarani, where the World Social Forum was taking place.

Meanwhile, protesters raided two food stalls operated by five star hotels at the venue of the World Social Forum. The last two days had been marked by protests over the high cost of food at an event meant to discuss issues of poverty.

"I am a hawker. We are harassed in town. We came here to present our problems, but we found the big bosses selling food at exorbitant prices, and yet this function is meant for the poor," said one of the protesters.

Another one said: "The hotels are selling food at a price we cannot afford, and yet the forum belongs to the poor. That is why we invaded. We are going to eat all the food meant for the rich." The protesters grabbed the food which they then ate as the hotel staff watched in disbelief.

Kenya: World Social Forum - Just Another NGO Fair?

The World Social Forum, which took place in Nairobi, Kenya for the first time in Africa, was supposed to be a forum for the voices of the grassroots. But despite the diversity of voices at the event, not everyone was equally represented.

But to describe only the diversity would be to miss the real, and perhaps more disturbing, picture. The problem was that not everyone was equally represented. Not everyone had equal voices. This event had all the features of a trade fair - those with greater wealth had more events in the calendar, larger (and more comfortable) spaces, more propaganda - and therefore a larger voice. Thus the usual gaggle of quasi donor/International NGOs claimed a greater presence than national organisations - not because what they had to say was more important or more relevant to the theme of the WSF, but because, essentially, they had greater budgets at their command. Thus the WSF was not immune from the laws of (neoliberal) market forces. There was no levelling of the playing field. This was more a World NGO Forum than an anti-capitalist mobilisation, lightly peppered with social activists and grassroots movements.




Workers Control Vesus Trade Unions


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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Trilateral Commission

Rona Ambrose was a Member of the Trilateral Commission as reported in Vancouver's Georgia Straight, August 24, 2006.

Well shucks who knew. The Trilateral Commission is the public face of the those other secret societies of the corporatist ruling class like the Bilderbergers and the Davos Forum.

It is the original source for George Bush Seniors announcement of the New World Order.

Managing the International System Over the Next Ten Years: Three Essays
The Trilateral Commission (© 1997)
Bill Emmott, Koji Watanabe and Paul Wolfowitz

The 2006 annual meeting of the Trilateral Commission dealt with "Globalisation and Governance".

The Commission, which operates through three regional secretariats, coordinates task forces on a variety of pressing issues in international affairs and meets in regional groups as well as in an annual three-day plenary to discuss these studies and to share perspectives on common political, economic, and foreign policy challenges. The task force reports are published as a series called The Triangle Papers. Also, a report on the annual meeting is published each year as part of the Trialogue series. The annual meeting of Trilateral Commission members rotates among the three regions.

Holly Sklars book remains one of the best on the Trilateral Commission and it's importance in setting the agenda for Globalization, without falling into the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories that abound around ruling class institutions like these. As I wrote in my article; Conspiracy Theory or Ruling Class Studies

"The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the U.S." -- attributed to Senator Barry Goldwater.

The new "trilateralism" reflects the realization that the international system now requires "a truly common management," as the Commission reports indicate. The trilateral powers must order their internal relations and face both the Russian bloc, now conceded to be beyond the reach of Grand Area planning, and the Third World. Noam Chomsky: The Carter Administration: Myth and Reality

A Trilateral Commission Task Force Report, presented at the 1975 meeting in Kyoto, Japan, called An Outline for Remaking World Trade and Finance, said: "Close Trilateral cooperation in keeping the peace, in managing the world economy, and in fostering economic development and in alleviating world poverty, will improve the chances of a smooth and peaceful evolution of the global system." Another Commission document read: "The overriding goal is to make the world safe for interdependence by protecting the benefits which it provides for each country against external and internal threats which will constantly emerge from those willing to pay a price for more national autonomy. This may sometimes require slowing the pace at which interdependence proceeds, and checking some aspects of it. More frequently however, it will call for checking the intrusion of national government into the international exchange of both economic and non-economic goods." In other words, they were promoting world government by encouraging economic interdependence among the superpowers.

The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973, and it is widely perceived as an off-shoot of the Council On Foreign Relations. According to Christopher Lydon, writing in the July 1977 Atlantic, "The Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's brainchild." At the time, David Rockefeller was Chairman of the Council On Foreign Relations, having been elected to that post in 1970. David Rockefeller became the founding Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, which consists of leaders in business, banking, government and mass media from North America, Europe, and Japan invited to join by Rockefeller himself.

A related purpose of the Trilateral Commission was to promote cooperation among the industrialized countries in the face of an emerging bloc of Arab, African and Asian states which had come to dominate the General Assembly of the United Nations.

But the Trilateralists did not want to give up on the United Nations. The economic and political elites of America and Europe seek international political power in order to provide a stable investment climate, including protection against nationalization of their assets.

At the same time, the international bankers and multi- national corporations have gained much of their wealth through partnership with government. The corporate elite look to governments for lucrative contracts; taxpayer subsidized financing; and protection from competition.

The international bankers and multinational corporations have exploited two UN financial agencies in particular - the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. But they have relied on their own national governments to attempt to protect their foreign investments.

The politicians have looked to a strengthened United Nations for a different reason. Politicians seek power. Control over their own government is all too often only a beginning to their ambition. History is littered with corpses who mutely testify to the imperial ambitions and arrogance of politicians.

In 1973, the U.S. was winding down its involvement in Vietnam. The Vietnam War had proved to be a costly mistake, and had turned a majority of the American people against the idea of military intervention in other countries.

As noted, the Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973, in the midst of the Middle East oil crisis. The ostensible cause of the oil crisis was a decision by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to dramatically raise the posted price for oil, with the price hike enforced by limited production quotas for each member country.

11 Jun 1993 The Washington Times reports: "Presidential counsellor David Gergen resigned yesterday from the all-male Bohemian Club, three days after saying he would not run around naked at its annual Bohemian Grove encampment and insisting he would not quit. White House spokeswoman Dee Dee Myers announced the resignation along with Mr. Gergen's departure from 17 other interest groups, charities and public boards ranging from the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and Council on Foreign Relations."

For Canadians our concern has to be that the Trilateralists promote deep integration starting with the original Mulroney Reagan FTA followed by NAFTA evolving into a continental alliance,or North American Union, including shared monetary standards.

Canadians On the Trilateral Commission 2005 appointments

Rona Ambrose, Member of Parliament, Ottawa, ON

Maurizio Bevilacqua, Member of Parliament, Ottawa, ON

Arthur A. DeFehr, President and Chief Executive Officer, Palliser Furniture, Winnipeg, MB

André Desmarais, President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada, Montréal, QC; Deputy Chairman, Power Financial Corporation

Peter C. Dobell, Founding Director, Parliamentary Centre, Ottawa, ON

Wendy K. Dobson, Professor and Director, Institute for International Business, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON; former Canadian Associate Deputy Minister of Finance

Peter C. Godsoe, Chairman of Fairmont Hotels & Resorts; Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Scotiabank, Toronto, ON

*Allan E. Gotlieb, Senior Advisor, Stikeman Elliott, Toronto, ON; Chairman, Sotheby’s, Canada; former Canadian Ambassador to the United States; North American Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission

E. Peter Lougheed, Senior Partner, Bennett Jones, Barristers & Solicitors, Calgary, AB; former Premier of Alberta

Roy MacLaren, former Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom; former Canadian Minister of International Trade; Toronto, ON

John A. MacNaughton, former President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Toronto, ON

Brian Mulroney, Senior Partner, Ogilvy Renault, Barristers and Solicitors, Montréal, QC; former Prime Minister of Canada

Hartley Richardson, President and Chief Executive Officer, James Richardson & Sons, Ltd., Winnipeg, MB

Gordon Smith, Director, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC; Chairman, Board of Governors, International Development Research Centre; former Canadian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Personal Representative of the Prime Minister to the Economic Summit

Ronald D. Southern, Chairman, ATCO Group, Calgary, AB

Barbara Stymiest, Chief Operating Officer, RBC Financial Group, Toronto, ON



Conspiracy Theory


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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hillary In Ottawa?

Did Hillary Clinton Attend Bilderberg Conference?

Did New York Senator and possible 2008 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton attend this past weekend's Bilderberg meeting in Ottawa Canada? Our inside sources coupled with what witnesses saw at the Brookestreet Hotel strongly suggest this to be the case.

Nothing sinister in this she was probably just up in Ottawa to keep an eye on hubby and that blond Liberal hussy; Belinda Stronach.

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Bllderberg Redux

Greens Issue Wrap-up On Bilderberg Conference
"Any meeting in which U.S. government leaders are gathering with other nation's leaders, corporate honchos, political thinkers, and other powerful world leaders needs to be reported in the media," said Bob Levis, Green candidate for Congress in Wisconsin (5th District) >. "If the major media refuse to report on Bilderberg because they're part of the same cabal, then something truly ominous is taking place. This isn't conspiracy theory. It's conspiracy."

It appears that as I predicted when you fail to report on secret meetings of secret societies then the American tendency is to cry 'conspiracy'.It's in their blood, they have seen conspiracies since the founding of the Republic. In fact as a conspiratorial political culture they can't help themselves. They know the conspiracy exists because they used it to overthrow the British. After that each fundametalist Protestant religious revival in America created its own conspiracy of Anti-Masonic, Know Nothing, Nativists. A phenomena that gives rise to fascism. Pearsall's Books: Religious Revivalism and Lower-Middle Class Man


Secret Society Not So Secret


Conspiracy Theory or Ruling Class Studies

Conspiracy Theories

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Bilderberg Update

Antonia Zerbisias has an update on the Bilderberg conference held here last weekend. Apparently while getting good coverage in Canada, nothing, repeat nothing was reported in the US media. Which is why you have so many conspiracy nutz south of the border, the news blackout just feeds their paranoia. And you know what they say about being paranoid.....Oh and thanks Antonia for the link to my Carnival of the Bliderbergs.

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Secret Society Not So Secret

The most infamous of the secret societies of the ruling class the Bilderberg Group is meeting in Ottawa this weekend.

This is the ultimate global old boys club.

And they are getting well deserved attention from the blogs and the MSM.

Not so secret anymore, eh boys.

Ok not all of them are boys.

Ontario: World's elite meet
Global luminaries such as Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands began arriving in Ottawa yesterday for the annual gathering of the ultra-secretive Bilderberg Group. Over the next three days, they and political and business leaders from North America and Europe will discuss issues such as the security threat posed by Iran and the oil markets.
And the dummies managed to get more publicity by using their government connections to ban one of the alternate press reporters, who has been documenting them for years, from coming into Canada. Opps dumb move.
Police State or Overzealous Border Patrol? Alex Jones Incident

Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg Group
15 hours of hell at the hands of immigration who knew they were coming

Free Market News Network, FL - 18 hours ago
Alex Jones and his team were detained by Canadian immigration on orders of the Bilderberg Group for a 15 hour nightmare of interrogation, accusations and ...


Bilderberg-bound filmmaker held at airport Ottawa Citizen
Filmmaker says Immigration agents detained him Ottawa Citizen
all 5 related »

Call this my Carnival of the Bilderberger


Bilderberg Coverage Starts Rolling In

"Ottawa: Bilderbergs at Brookstreet Report"

azerbic - Antonia Zerbisias - Toronto Star Blog: If You Can Read This I Still Have A Job

Grandinite » Bilderberg In Ottawa


Bilderberg is coming to Ottawa?

FSME: Bilderberg Conference 2006

International Forecaster June, 2006 (#1) - Gold, Silver, Economy + ...

Bilderberg Masters of destiny - Gold & Silver Forum

root.cellar - Robin Bloor - Microsoft Agonistes

David Corn

The Bilderbergers - Masters of Our Destiny? - Share The Wealth :: View topic - Bilderberg Group Meeting: Ottawa

The Randi Rhodes Show -> Bilderberg Annual Meeting

indoctriNATION » Blog Archive » The Bilderberg Comes To Canada

Loco Locass :: Voir le sujet - Les Bilderberg à Ottawa!!!

TURMEL: Social Credit Matriarch at 3rd Bilderberg picket

Home -

You won't find any Bilderberg stories here, though.


Debating World Domination: Bilderberg Meets in Canada's Capital

Bilderberg 2006 and the Killers of Freedom

Bilderberg to discuss destruction of Americas Free Trade Agreement ...

Bilderbergers meet secretly today in Ottawa

Bilderberg mafia comes under scrutiny of Canadian media


Infowars Coverage of Bilderberg Conference

Bilderberg 2006: Bilderberg to Meet in Canada


Ottawa Independent Media Center

Neocon Prince of Darkness Sighted at Bilderberg Meeting

The New World Order, it's their party! (Part 3)

Bilderberg In Ottawa In 2006

Bilderberg à Ottawa!! - CMAQ -

GNN Should Cover Bilderberg

Bilderbergers Coming to Ottawa? | Mostly Water


A Deeper Look at the Bank for International Settlements


Kanata hotel hosts high-level power group

Shadowy group meets amid secrecy in Ottawa

VIPs' arrivals marked by a discreet 'B'

US Sen. John Edwards at Bilderberg - (United Press International)

The New Brunswick connection

MuchMusic Message Board: Bilderberg Group Meeting: Ottawa, June 8 ...

Secretive set converges on Ottawa

Elite firm to guard top-secret meeting in Kanata

Bilderberg lands in Ottawa

Elite are ever elusive

World's elite gather to brainstorm in secret

'These guys love secrecy'

Bilderberg holds secretive meeting

Secretive, powerful Bilderberg group meets near Ottawa

Secretive meeting of powerful society a conspiracy theorist's Woodstock

Secret meetings set?

Bilderbergers head for Canada

A conspiracy with no limits

Secretive power brokers meeting coming to Ottawa?

Ottawa braces for Bilderberg fever

Halifax Live - Powerful Men Who Meet Secretly and Plan

Cyprus represented for first time at secret Bilderberg meeting

Older Bilderberg Research

(I have attempted to exclude the wildest of the conspiracy theorist fringe from these links)

Steven Harper and the Bilderbergers Secret Meeting : Thunderbay IMC

Daniel Estulin: Infiltrating Bilderberg 2005

The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005

Bilderberg strikes again

Bilderberg 2005 attendees - Webmaster Forum

2005 Bilderberg Guest List

Bilderberg's Secret Agenda 2005. May 12, 2005

FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL: The Bilderberg Group 2005

Canadian Politicians in League with the Bilderbergers

Hidden masters of the world

Lord Black the Canadian Bilderberger

Vive le Canada - Unification the real Canadian Bilderberg agenda

CNN admits the existence of the Bilderberg Group.

New York Times: Edwards passed Bilderberg muster

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Bilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory

BBC NEWS | Americas | Inside the secretive Bilderberg Group

Guardian Unlimited | Today's issues | The Bilderberg group

Counterbias: Open Letter to the Bilderberg Steering Committee

Where is the media at Bilderberg?

Bilderberg media blackout

Media Blackout on Trilaterals

Media Moguls who attended Bilderberg meeting in 2005

Intelligence: 52nd Bilderberg Meeting

SchNEWS: The Bilderberg Papers

The Bilderberg Group: Planning the World's Future Behind Closed Door

Bilderberg - SourceWatch

Bilderberg Group

2003 Bilderberg Meeting: Information From

The Bilderberg :: Daniel W. Drezner :: I'm off to join another secret cabal

The masters of the universe


Ming the Mechanic: Bilderbergers

WorldNetDaily: Bilderberg group meeting near DC

Bilderberg group wants vigorous Atlantic alliance -

A-Infos (en) Bilderberg-group meeting in Stenungsund, Sweden.

National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger Remarks to the Bilderberg Conference 1999

Bilderberg Meeting 1999

House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 4 Jul 2000 (pt 1)

House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 7 May 1999 (pt 2)

Bilderberg Propaganda Rules the Planet

Enigma Issue 16: An investigation into the Bilderberg Group

Bilderberg 1996: A close call for thwarting a scheme to partition Canada


PMag v12n4p06 -- An Elite Pow Wow

Bilderberg Group
Whos Who

The Bilderberg Group- Wikipedia

Bilderberg Group - Demopedia

Bilderberg Origins - The Biggest Secret Forum

Browse Subjects: B -> Bilderberg Meetings

Secretive Bilderberg Founder Dies

Bilderberg Conferences Collection

Bilderberg Club

Bilderberg and the West

by Peter Thompson
excerpted from the book
edited Holly Sklar
South End Press, 1980

Mary Rawson / The Trilateral Commission

Read the actual Bilderberg meeting report of the 1973 Conference. The report comprises approximately 70 pages and includes the Introduction by H R H Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.

Them: Adventures with Extremists by Jon Ronson, reviewed by Michael Walker.

news |

The Secret Rulers of the World - Entire Chapter about Big Jim Tucker and the Bilderberg Group from Them: Adventures with Extremists. (46 page .pdf)

Guardian Unlimited Books - Who Pulls the Strings? Extract from Them: Adventures with Extremists

Them: Adventures With Extremists

Sec. 1, Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions

Bilderberg Part One - bilderberg-history-channel.rm @ ZippyVideos

Bilderberg Part Two - bilderberg-p2.rm @

Bilderberg Hotels

The Bilderberg Group

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