Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Babble update

The labour dispute that dare not speak its name, continues over at on their Babble page.

And it continues to be an issue with the creation of a babble counter site set up by protesting babblers, and a petition of reinstatement, for those who are outraged at the firing of the Babble editor; Audra Williamson.

And while some have said this is much ballyhoo about nothing, I would point out that this was a FIRING not a layoff. An arbitrary decision by the collective management, whose power is that they can fire each other, etu brute.

And all Audra wants is quite reasonable, workers control of her hours of work , being paid for it and not expected to do the work as unpaid overtime , which progressive management justify as 'doing it for the love of the cause'. And she is even willing to share othe work load.

People keep asking me what I want to happen. Would I go back? It feels egotistical to think in those terms when there has certainly been no indication from management that this is even a possibility. But I guess my dream result would be that babble be given 32 hours of paid moderating a week (currently it's got 24) and I get 16 of those hours and Michelle gets 16 of those hours. I would feel that we could really do some great things with babble with that much paid time, and the weight of having to constantly make subjective decisions would be lifted from me if I had an equally-responsible (as in, with as many paid hours) colleague with whom to discuss and collaborate with.

It's the story that won't die.

And shows why all workers in the Internet media, especially those that are exploited as contract workers , need the Industrial Workers of the World, the union for the rest of us.

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Harper's Bush League

The Harpocrite has taken as his play book all the wrong White House moves. Let's review shall we.

Banning the media from CFB Trenton when our war dead come home.

"It's a very fine balancing act the prime minister has to manage, communicating to Canadians that Afghanistan is not Iraq," Griffiths said. As reports of Afghan civilian and Canadian military casualties mount, "it's going to transfer that negative image of a bungled enterprise, of hopelessness, from George Bush to Stephen Harper."

The comparison came quickly Tuesday after the government ordered journalists away from the Trenton, Ontario, air base when the coffins of the four soldiers arrived.

"Mr. Bush instituted the policy of not allowing the caskets to be open to the media, and now Mr. Harper has lifted a page from George Bush's book," Ujjal Dosanjh, a member of Parliament and the Liberal Party's point man on defense, said in an interview from Ottawa. "This is absolutely unacceptable and un-Canadian. You don't build support with Canadians by trying to hide casualties." In Canada, An Uproar Over Army Casualties Washington Post,

Gagging all his ministers and then gagging the military including the CF highest ranking officer. Which some suspect is because the fix is in for a Tory pal to get the military aircraft contract and the Haprocrite doesn't want any complaining or leaks out of Hillier.

We were promised a made in Canada environment policy by the Harpocrites. Which of course was code for Not Supporting Kyoto. So instead we get a made in the USA environment policy.
Tories consider US-led effort to fight pollution

Betcha the NDP are sorry they kept harping on this; saying that the Liberals had a worse record than George Bush on the environment. Now Harper has taken Jack Layton at his word, and is aligning Canada's environmental policy with George's.

And then there is that God Bless Canada thingee he is doing at the end of all his speeches. Just like George with his God Bless America. And Tiny Tim with his God Bless us everyone. But that's ok because that most Liberal of all Liberals; Warren Kinsella gives it his blessing.

The list goes on an on, but to spare you the lengthy details here, consider this fair, balanced and objective view;
The Prime Minister who would be president

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Conservatives Revolt

Ah there are signs of intelligent life in the Conservative party. The Harpocrite faces a revolt in his backbenches, about time too....Harper defends ban on images of coffins

Caucus rebels against Harper media ban as soldiers' bodies return
'Don't believe the government,' says Manitoba Tory

Gee thanks for the advice, I never do.

This is the picture that the Harpocrite doesn't want you to see.

One of the four Canadian soldiers killed Saturday in Afghanistan arrives at CFB Trenton yesterday. Photographers and reporters viewed the ceremony from the road.Return of fallen soldiers not meant for public eyes

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Thank Goodness For Gun Control

Whew good thing we have gun control, and the long gun registry. I hope this guy is registered.

"I'll tell you one thing -- if they brought my son home from that war in a body bag, I'd shoot the first media that come on site," Wild Rose MP Myron Thompson said.

Of course under the new Conservative tough- on-gun- crime laws he would be jailed and the key would be thrown away. But being the red neck idiot Thompson is he would probably try and claim it was justifiable homocide.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Return of Charles Starkweather

Alta. man, 12-year-old charged in triple murder
MEDICINE HAT -- A 12-year-old girl -- along with her 23-year-old boyfriend -- are charged with the horrific murder of her family.

Which reminded me of the mass murderer Charles Starkweather and his girl friend who did the same thing in the US fifty years ago. Their story was iconic and apocryphal so much so it was made into a bio-pic movie in the seventies with Martin Sheen and later told as Natural Born Killers.

In Jungian terms Charles and his underaged girl friend were archtypes of a specific historical zeigiest of social problems. The y were the result of the decline of rural America and the rise of the new post war metropolitan culture. And Medicine Hat is a rural city.

One's place in American geography was less important than the impact of movies and pop culture. In this case Starkweather, as you can see, thought he was tough guy bad boy James Dean.

These murderous spectres, archetypes of crime become a cultural zeitgeist beyond their historic time and space, indeed beyond geography infecting our culture with later increasing numeric replicants.

Like Jack the Ripper and the later rise of Lust murders, the imitative Yorkshire ripper, etc. Or Fritz Haarmann:the butcher of Berlin who engaged in cannibalism and homosexual pedarsty in Berlin after WWI predating the horrors of Jeffery Dahlmer. Again memorialized in film, first as 'M' and later by Fassbinder.

The rise sociopathic killers begins in the sixties with the likes of the Zodiac killer, who as a cultural trans-historical spectre hover's over his children; mass murders like the Columbine killers.

With the move from rural to urban culture, to the metropol, the deviant becomes the norm, alienation becomes psycho-social, reflected in the increasing psychopathology of daily life and the increasing normative nature of sociopathology. In the sixties psychiatriasts first noticed that unique phenomena amongst certain murderers, a small deviation from the psychopathic norm if you like. One psychiatrist commented that in the sixties he might see one sociopath every couple of years by the eighties he was seening no less than twenty five a year.

These kinds of murderous phenomena are what Reich called the emotional plague of authoritarian patriarchical capitalist society. A continuing psycopathology of daily life that produces these 'sick' individuals. The result of the contradictions between the moral and social values attributed to proper social behaviour and the reality of life under the 'moral facade of the happy family'.

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Conservatives Cut and Run on War Dead

This just in, from CTV the Harper Government has ordered a corridore sanitare around Canadian Forces Base Trenton. No media will be allowed into the base tommorow when the four dead Canadian solidiers return. This is the same policy the Bush regime uses south of the border. Bet you didn't think you would get George Bush when Stephen Harper got elected with no political capital.

It's suspicious that the Harpocrites should do this, late in the day, avoiding major news broadcasts. Perhaps because of the got flak in the house during question period over the Flag Flap. And ironic in light of the comments made by veterans groups over the flag flap.

Cliff Chadderton, War Amps CEO and chairman of the National Council of Veteran Associations, said the Bush administration has made the same mistake as an earlier White House with Vietnam, attempting to suppress information while it has brazened out the Iraq conflict at heavy public price. "In the Canadian government, we have done the opposite," said the World War II veteran. "It's okay sending troops to Afghanistan — but if there are casualties, let's play it up as a national disaster. Well, it is a disaster, but it's not a national disaster. "Just simply tell the public the truth instead of all this play-acting and `should we put the flag at half staff or not.'"Media reports `over the top,' vets say

I guess this isn't over the top any more.And I guess we are no longer doing the opposite of the Americans. Which as Chadderton says is a mistake. A bigger mistake than just a flag flap. It's a policy of burying the story and the bodies.

Shame, shame, shame, as they say in the House.

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Cherniak Snivels

Sniveling Liberal Jason Cherniak who has a NDP phobia the size of the 401 rants again today attacking the NDP for the parties union connections.Without unions, the NDP can compete But as the saying goes he is a day late and shy short of a load.

In praising the Harpocrites new accountability act, he fawns and gushes that the new act will limit union funding to the NDP. Been there done that.

Happened in Manitoba under a NDP government, Gary Doer did that years ago. Opps so did the NDP in B.C. And gosh golly gee wilikers so did Chretien.

I knew Cherniak was wet behind the ears, but I thought advanced senility only attacked the elderly. Apparently he forgot that it was his Great Leader Chretien that actually changed the federal act that limits both corporate and union donations. Never one to let the facts get in the way of his anti-NDP rants though, Cherniak also engages in some historical revisionism.

I believe that the NDP has long been harmed by its connection to the unions. Although the connection provided long term funding and a new building in Ottawa, it also gave the NDP an inarguable bias in politics. No matter what the leader might say, there could never be any denying that the NDP was the voice of the unions.....Under the new rules, though, unions cannot donate money to political parties. How long will it be before they lose their voice in the NDP membership?

Well the unions did buy the building before the Chretien rules came into effect. The Doer government got re-elected under the same rules and the NDP in B.C. made a come back last election. Shucks I guess that shows that the party has a real base in the unions, able to mobilize workers for electoral success provincially or federally more than any other party.

And yes the party was the creation of the CCF and CLC after all. And when labour in Canada has had Liberal or Conservative Labour candidates or conglomerations, as it did at the turn of last century, it got nowhere. It actually took a Socialist Party in B.C. to hold the balance of power with the Liberals in the 1890's to get minimum wage, hours of work, and an end of child labour in the mines laws passed. Socialist Party. Canada has a left wing history, and it ain't the Liberals.

But the Liberal party across Canada currently benefits from union support in the Building Trades. Yet with their alliance with the Liberals, these unions and workers still they have never gained much party control or voice as they have in the NDP. But these unions are like the Liberals, a top down business that runs rough shod over their rank and file. And thus the Liberal Party is home to the professional pork choppers that run these unions. That won't change. In fact the Liberals have a mighty link into the General Workers Union in Ontario, and it hasn't helped them any more than having an ethic link into that same community of workers.

And while Buzz ranted and played footsie with Martin, his executive assistant got elected in Toronot for the NDP. So whose the winner and whose the whiner.

But actually what worries Cherniak is all this unite the left crap, which he precently realises will lead to a further winnowing of the Grand Old Ruling Party of Canada.

The Liberal Party must not be tarred with the position of "left"; then we will be fighting on NDP territory against an enemy that has been forced to drop its obsolete cavalry.

A cavalry that the Liberals and Conservatives are jealous of, a cavalry that delivers voters to polls. Something that neither of the parties did to the degree that the NDP did this past election.

So don't count this old war horse out yet. Be afraid Jason, very afraid.

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How Green My Pasture Is

Well the leader of the Green Party, that other Tory Harris, has stepped down.Harris won't lead Greens into next vote: report Luckily they have a trilingual Ukrainian Canadian in the wings to run for his place David Chernushenko. And there is the possibility that the brilliant and principled Elizabeth May of the Sierra Club could run as well. She showed up as a co presenter at the Mulrony Green Thumb award last week. Of course always in the wings is the perennial wanna be party leader, any party any time, David Orchard, if he doesn't run for the Liberal Leadership race, or even if he does.....

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More Flag Ballyhoo

CBC runs a 'reality check' article on the lowering the Flag issue. Where upon they point out;

But the fact is, veterans' groups were not happy when the Liberals first started lowering government flags to half-mast in 2002. Officials with both the Royal Canadian Legion and the National Council of Veteran Associations opposed the idea, arguing it was unfair to the memories of those who died in other wars and who were not accorded the same show of respect. Canada's war dead, they said, should all be honoured the same way and on the same date, Nov. 11, when the country pauses to remember. Their objections, however, were largely overlooked in the huge outpouring of grief and national anger over the fact that the U.S. did not seem, initially at least, to be fully investigating the friendly fire deaths caused by one of their pilots.

Except the Legion never lowered their own flags, even on Nov. 11, until 2003, after sixty years of lowering and then raising the flag, they left the flag at half mast until the bugle calls at sunset. The way it is actually done in the field.

Hey traditions can be stupid, and some traditions, like doffing ones hat for ones comrades when entering a Legion Lounge can be used for racist purposes, like denying Sikh's the right to enter a Legion because they wear turbans.

Even though the Sikh's turban is part of their regimental uniform in the British Forces, ever since the British Raj used them as a military force. Or like the RCMP full dress uniform, since they too are a Military Force. Dress skirts were not part of the uniform until the eighties when women were allowed in to the old boys club.

So lets not get hung up on what the Legion tradtions are. What's the right thing to do?

Indeed, Prime Minister Chretien, the opposition leaders at the time and the country's top military brass all attended a special memorial service for the four friendly fire victims at CFB Trenton – something that is not usually done either. And this politicized aspect of their deaths and the flag-lowering rankled some even more.

Oh and who did it rankle, why the right wing, once again falling on tradition to defend the indefensible. This gathering at the time was seen as a protest against the Bush regime. So said Mr. Military Tradition, Peter Worthington at the time.

Writing an op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, Peter Worthington, the feisty former editor of the Toronto Sun and a Korean war vet, suggested there was not only a political but "an almost pathologically antimilitary" subtext to the Liberal government's decision to lower the flag. It was reflective, he wrote, of a government that just didn't understand the true concept of military service.

Bollocks. Here let me give you a new military tradition the right wing loves. We recognize Canadians who fought in Vietnam, which was not our war. We sent no units not even as peace-keepers or UN forces. It was not even a war as it was never declared such by the United States government, it was a police action.

Canadians who fought in Viet Nam are recognized now in Canada as 'Veterans' yet Canadians who fought the fascists in Spain are still under a draconian edict that declares their actions illegal. But of course the frormer were fighting communism and the latter were commies fighting fascism.

Military tradition is what ever rites and rituals the military and its veterans accept, they are ameable to the ever present. They are not written in stone.
So enough of this excuse making, its just a cover up for doing the right thing. Like not using bylaws and traditions around doffing ones cap to exclude folks cause of the colour of their skin.

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Your Blog Is Being Traced

I am always amazed by who reads this blog, or at least drops by for a visit. Or perhaps, if I was a wee bit paranoid, who is monitoring me.

And you have to watch what you say on your blog because Big Brother is watching.

In this case corporate bosses are watching, and monitoring my articles on AFI the professional security company that protects scabs and promotes union busting. Such as they are doing at the BHP Diamond mine strike.

And the bosses at the Diamond Miner BHP are also scanning the internet on the coverage they are getting on the current strike at their mine in Nunavit. They popped by for a visit here yesterday via (Sita-societe Internationale De Telecommunications Aeronautiques)

I guess I should be flattered they visited. Or just a tich paranoid.

In the case of AFI they have hired a professional company; Reputrace to monitor the web and the media for stories about them. And they popped by my blog for a visist.

Nice to see AFI supporting Canadian Software developers. The privatization of intelligence gathering can be a scary thing in the wrong hands though. As NARUS shows.

As for protecting AFI's reputation that's kinda hard to do when they specialize in union busting , intimitadition, harrassment and general ne'er do well activities for the bosses.

All of the CoreX search capabilities can be customized for your exclusive business interests.

Combine PressPanther™ with our Reputation Intelligence™ tools to thoroughly scope out the Web for all news pertaining to your business or industry that could pose a threat to your viability. Or search out specific competitors to keep tabs on news about them.

Should you suspect an unsatisfied customer is spreading malcontent about your company, use CoreX to zero in on Web-based discussion forums. You can even monitor developments within your workforce in the event you have difficulties with disgruntled employees or just want to ensure your personnel are generally happy at work.

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