Friday, November 10, 2006

Harper War Monger

In his speech at the Canadian War Museum to kick off Veterans week Stephen Harper engaged in historical revisionism par excellance. First he praised and quoted the only Quebecois to support the First World War. An Anglo compradore; Talbot Papineau.

" Twenty thousand soldiers fought in the neutral zone and captured the Village of Passchendaele.

The price paid was extremely high – 16,000 fallen, including the great Canadian patriot from Quebec, Talbot Papineau.

Papineau, a brilliant lawyer and orator - whom many expected to one day become prime minister - was one of Canada’s most eloquent champions of the cause.

In defence of Canada's participation in the First War, he wrote:

"It is true that Canada has not heard the roar of German guns, nor been struck by deadly zeppelins,

But every shot fired against Belgium or France was aimed at much as Canada's heart as at the bodies of our brave allies.""

Talbot Papineau's full letter to his cousin Henri Bourassa and Bourassas reply is here.

Harper was not just name dropping, or grasping at straws finding a Quebecois who supported the war. Instead the debate between Papineau and
Bourassa is relevant to the current conflict in Afghanistan. It is an argument against the NDP and those who would oppose the current Conservative mission in Kandahar.

Bourassa replied to his cousin, the concerns he raised sound very familiar.

As early as the month of March 1900, I pointed out the possibility of a conflict between Great Britain and Germany and the danger of laying down in South Africa a precedent, the fatal consequence of which would be to draw Canada into all the wars undertaken by the United Kingdom. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the liberal leaders laughed at my apprehensions; against my warnings they quoted the childish safeguard of the "no precedent clause" inserted in the Order in Council of the 14th of October 1899. For many years after, till 1912, and 1913, they kept singing the praises of the Kaiser and extolling the peaceful virtues of Germany. They now try to regain time by denouncing vociferously the "barbarity" of the "Huns." To-day, as in 1900, in 1911, and always, I believe that all the nations of Europe are the victims of their own mistakes, of the complacent servility with which they submitted to the dominance of all Imperialists and traders in human flesh, who, in England as in Germany, in France as in Russia, have brought the peoples to slaughter in order to increase their reapings of cursed gold. German Imperialism and British Imperialism, French Militarism and Russian Tsarism, I hate with equal detestation; and I believe as firmly today as in 1899 that Canada, a nation of America, has a nobler mission to fulfil than to bind herself to the fate of the nations of Europe or to any spoliating Empire - whether it be the spoliators of Belgium, Alsace, or Poland, or those of Ireland or the Transvaal, of Greece or the Balkans.

Politicians of both parties, your liberal friends as well as their conservative opponents, feign to be much scandalised at my "treasonable disloyalty." I could well afford to look upon them as a pack of knaves and hypocrites. In 1896, your liberal leaders and friends stumped the whole province of Quebec with the cry "WHY SHOULD WE FIGHT FOR ENGLAND?" From 1902 to 1911, Sir Wilfrid Laurier was acclaimed by them as the indomitable champion of Canada's autonomy against British Imperialism. His resisting attitude at the Imperial Conferences of 1902 and 1907 was praised to the skies. His famous phrase on the "vortex of European militarism", and his determination to keep Canada far from it, became the party's by-word - always in the Province of Quebec, of course.

Besides Papineau's defense of Imperialist war Harper went on to praise his old pal General Stan Waters. Waters was founding member and stalwart of the Reform Party.

One of the Canadian heroes of the Second World War was one of my early mentors in politics: the late, great General Stan Waters.

He had been a member of the legendary Devil’s Brigade – and he led the victorious Allied troops into Rome.

Later he became the top commander in the Canadian Army, a successful business and community leader and the country’s first elected senator.

General Waters was an individual with an incredible courage of conviction, boundless drive and determination and the deep sense of humour of a man who believed he had cheated death more than once.

He believed in war, in the nobility of service in war, when the cause is just, when the purpose clear, and only when there is no other way.

Our military history is filled with larger-than-life characters like Talbot Papineau and Stan Waters.

And Harper, the academic, the politician but never the veteran, believes in War. He is using this November 11 and Veterans week to justify his adventurism and opportunist warmongering in sacrificing our Canadian troops in his war in Afghanistan. Shame on him.

He has forgotten the real meaning of Lest We Forget. Authentic Canadian Veterans, like the War Amps, truly understand the horror of war which is why their slogan is Never Again It is something real veterans including those now in Kandahar understand only too well. While arm chair Generals like Harper will never know the true meaning of sacrifice.

Picture of War Amps NEVER AGAIN! Logo

The NEVER AGAIN! logo is the "reverse arms" illustration. It is an international symbol of the tragedy of war. It represents a soldier's rifle planted into the ground with a helmet placed on top. In wartime, this traditionally marked the temporary grave of a fallen soldier until he could be given a proper burial. This powerful image is not only used on Remembrance Day, but year-round as a reminder of the horrors of war. NEVER AGAIN!


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If you saw a Cro-Magnon walking down the street they would be almost indistinguishable from modern humans. The only differences would be:
  • A slightly larger and more muscular body
  • A somewhat larger skull and brain
If they wore a business suit and nice hair cut, a Cro-Magnon could possibly sell you a used car.

Arnold Schwarzenegger:
Arnold Schwarzenegger: "The people are very smart."

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Tax Fairness

Now Flaherty clamps down on offshore tax havens

First income trusts, next tax havens?

About time. Like the Ponzi Income Trusts now the Conservatives are cracking down on the other capitalist tax avoidance scheme, one favoured by Canadian Ruling Class scions like the Irvings and Bronfmans.

Suddenly the Tories have gone from neo-con tax cutters to, shudder, NDP lite Tax Fairness advocates. See what happens when you become the government, your ideology goes out the window replaced by fiscal pragmatism.

I love how Jim Flaherty stands in the House and accuses the Liberals of being the party of Canada's corporate elite sounding like Jack Layton. Truly gives new meaning to being Harpocrites.

Of course this is also the party that campaigned to defend Income Trusts and sucked up to the business lobbies on Bay Street and in Calgary. Now, well they gotta find that money to pay for their income spliting plan for seniors. A plan they stole from Garth Turner whom they turfed. Now Helen Guergis is taking credit for Garths idea.

Jim Flaherty when asked about pension-splitting by reporters, October 2, 2006
“…it’s not a high priority, I can tell you that…”

In their campaign for Tax Fairness the Harpocrites are stealing from the NDP and Turner. They should be sued them for violating intellectual property rights.



Unproductive Capital

Income Trusts

Tax Avoidance

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White Poppies

Nip white poppies in the bud, legion says

Antiwar symbol 'illegal, disturbing'

Illegal? Copywrite infringement? Hmm I think what is really disturbing is the fact the Legion is more concerned about its profiting from the Poppy campaign then the message behind the symbol. They are making a fuss over less than 200 white poppies being sold in Edmonton becuase it might cut into their privatized business.

Off our jackets the poppies blow
The Legion is working with a supplier making poppy stickers with glue that won't ruin fabric and leather — perfect for kids who lose poppies even quicker than adults.For now, Legion branches sell red plastic "We remember" wristbands for children. Also available are poppy scarf pins, earrings, tie tacks and metal poppy pins that use clasps or two-piece magnets to stay attached to clothes.The Legion began selling poppies four years after the end of World War I. They were made by disabled veterans and production continued until 1996 in sheltered workshops run by Veterans Affairs Canada in Toronto and Montreal, staffed by disabled former members of the military and their dependants. Poppies are now made by a private company.

My pal Robin wrote this letter to the Journal in response to the White Poppy kerfufell, well said Robin. His sentiment was echoed by other writers. No one is NOT wearing a red poppy so why the fuss. Called it corporate monopoly.

The Edmonton Journal

Published: Thursday, November 09, 2006

I think the Royal Canadian Legion is in error in arguing they have a patent on poppies, and I am rather surprised that a spokesperson for the legion thinks that the call for peace is an "inappropriate political message" for Remembrance Day.

My paternal grandfather was killed in the First World War. My father never knew his dad. He was born after my grandfather died, and felt his whole life that he had missed something precious in not knowing his father.

My maternal grandfather was gassed in the first poison gas attack in history. A Canadian volunteer, he spent nearly four years in a German POW camp and, 38 years later, died from medical complications arising from the gassing.

the Arnhem airborne landing in 1944. He was an non-commissioned officer in the Canadian Army when I was growing up.

I was honourably discharged from the Canadian Army in 1962.

I mention this because I intend to wear a white poppy, alongside the red poppy I always wear at this time of year.

If the legion thinks I'm not being respectful of my forebears, I must respectfully disagree.

If they think they have property rights on white poppies as well as red ones, let them take me to court and determine the matter in a civil and orderly fashion.

As for my mixing my call for peace with my remembrance of the unfortunate victims of warfare, I'm sorry if the legion feels it is "inappropriate," though they are correct in charging that in calling for peace I am being "political."

I learned my attitudes toward war from Jesus, among others.

And if calling for peace is "political," I suppose I shall have to be.

Robin S. Hunter, Edmonton

And after all White Poppies seem appropriate when you consider that our Troops are in Afghanistan home of the Opium Poppy trade, and those poppies are white.



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Fundamentalists Attack Gays

In democratic Israel. Yep fundamentalism once again attacks secular pluralist democratic rights for all. Just like their Arab neighbours do. This is the real meaning of the so called clash of civilizations, the patriarchical state versus secular pluralist human rights. Once again the religious state and the State religion deny human rights. Time to abolish them both.

Police brace for Jerusalem gay rally Independent Online
Jerusalem gay parade canceled Indianapolis Star
Jews and Muslims unite against homosexuals (Daily Telegraph)
Israeli Religious Leaders Show Gay Intolerance (NPR)

Ultra-orthodox Jews at a protest yesterday against the Gay Pride parade in Jerusalem (Pavel Wolberg/EPA)



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Not Listening

The Harpocrites love to consult 'stakeholders', well not always, they set up invisible online polls that they don't advertise asking 'stakeholders' for input. Ministers visit folks and listen to them but don't change their positions on party policy. So whats it good for? Absolutely nothing. But hey they consulted.

Day talks gun control at Dawson College

Calling the meeting "productive," Day seemed not to have changed his mind on the gun registry issue after the discussion at Dawson. Day’s press aide said yesterday’s meeting was part of an extensive series of countrywide discussions with stakeholders over the gun-control issue.

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Whyte Wash

City to foot Whyte policing bill Why? The bars on Whyte Avenue profited handsomely from the NHL playoffs. They charged more for their booze, they overcrowded their bars, they provided negligable security, and they don't have to pay for policing. The bill should go to the Old Strathcona Hospitality Association, which represents these profiteers and also to the Old Strathcona Business Association. The riots on Whyte were a direct result of their profiteering and they should foot the bill, not taxpayers. How come none of our self-righteous right wingers ,like the folks at the Edmonton Sun, have come to this libertarian conclusion. Instead the right wing business types on city council deny the obvious; “To blame the bar owners for the stuff on Whyte Avenue is a mistake,” said Coun. Mike Nickel. Nope it's not a mistake it is their fault and they should pay.


Whyte Avenue

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Murder City

So explain this. Alberta has an overwhelming majority of Conservatives federally and provincially, the party of Law and Order.Alberta also has the highest murder rate in Canada. So much for their ability to actually get tough on crime.

Despite the high number of murders in Toronto, Ontario’s rate was still below the national average. Among Canada’s larger cities, Edmonton had the highest homicide rate. Murder rate rises, says Stats Can


A Murder of Crows in Canada's Murder Capital




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What do the Income Trusts and the Wheat Board have in common? The New Conservative Government failed to consult the stakeholders involved before deciding to take arbitrary action; taxing the Income Trusts and dismantling the Wheat Board. Repeat after me; open, transparent, accountable.

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Bozo Boner

Boy what will we do without King Ralph. First he and his syncophants get all verklempt over Jeffery Simpsons article based on his speech in Alberta to the Congress Board; The bozo years are over for Alberta. What now?

Klein calls writer's bozo story TO 'crap'
Calgary Sun, Canada - 8 Nov 2006
EDMONTON -- Premier Ralph Klein says he's offended by remarks that suggest he ran a "bozo" government, but dismissed the insult as envy at his province's ...
Klein offended by columnist's 'bozo' crack
Klein reacts to 'bozo' comments Edmonton Sun
'Bozo' description based on envy Vancouver Province (subscription)
all 8 news articles »

Then he shows up as the class clown on the Rick Mercer show.

And just to really make things even better, after denouncing the Bozo comments the Bozo makes one of his own.
Klein won't apologize for Stronach 'bone' joke

Lets see the Federal Conservatives have called Belinda a Dog and now Klein has made a boner at her expense.
Nastiness puts women off politics: Stronach

And folks get upset because some environmentalists challenge Rona Ambrose for being more concerned with her hair than the environment.

But Ralph does em one better attacking Belinda.

Yep its still the Bozo years in Alberta, and even with Ralph leaving the Bozo's will still be in charge. Unfortuanetly for Mercer and the MSM none of them is as quotable as Ralph.

The progressive blogosphere has more on the Klein boner.



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