Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ontario Election

Some notes on the Ontario election.

1. The affable approachable John Tory, the man of the people, tried to reshape the Ontario Progressive Conservatives to be the party of the people. A kinder compassionate Red Tory, went down to defeat personally in his own riding and his party stayed with the same seats it had entering the race. Tory tried to reform the Tories to be Progressive in order to divorce the party from its Harris heritage.

Tory's campaign message of more money for transit, the need for more family doctors, more funding for treatment of children with autism and for public housing, and phasing out the health tax, was drowned out by the controversy over religious school funding.

2. The Green Party made huge gains at the expense of the Conservatives!! Note that well.

The NDP gained in popular support taking votes from the Liberals, while CTV showed last night that the percentage by which the Conservatives declined in popular vote went directly to the Green Party. What does this mean Federally? Well the same. 'Progressive' Conservatives, Red Tories are abandoning the party for the Greens.

The Ontario Greens had a candidate in every riding for the first time.

Party leader Frank de Jong, who only won about 10 per cent of the vote in the Toronto riding he was running, said the political landscape has changed.

"We've tripled our vote and we've come third in many ridings," he told CTV's Naomi Parness after the results were in.

"We're thrilled. It's a huge gain. Politics will never be the same in Ontario again."

The Green leader was upbeat after winning about 8 per cent of the vote, even though he didn't achieve any of his three election aims, including the main goal – electing the first party member to a Canadian legislature.

A handful of Greens appeared set to finish third, and the party polled about 10 per cent of the vote in central and southwestern Ontario.

And while de Jong didn't get equal coverage with McGuinty, Conservative Leader John Tory and the NDP's Howard Hampton, and was excluded from their TV debate, he was regularly quoted or profiled in province-wide media outlets.

The Green buzz seemed to be confirmed when Hampton, late in the campaign, warned left-leaning voters against their "right-wing, conservative philosophy," including plans to privatize health care and other public services.

That drew a suitably angry public rebuttal from the usually upbeat and positive de Jong, a part-time elementary school music and shop teacher. "Hampton is spreading disinformation by saying such things," he said at a St. Catharines campaign stop. At the same time, he was delighted with the attention the spat produced.

All this was a huge gain from previous campaigns, when de Jong was pretty much anonymous.

3.The NDP were virtually left out of this whole election yet gained in popular support as well as gaining seats. At one point in the night it looked like they had doubled their seats to 14! In the end they got 10. A good reason to change leaders!! Hampton's lack of popularity as a potential Premier in pre-election polling dragged the party down. It had good policies and positions but that was all lost in the fracas over private religious school funding. Had they had a leader that was more outspoken and charismatic they could have gotten more seats. Unfortunately for the NDP he is promising to stick around.

NDP Leader Howard Hampton fared slightly better than Mr. Tory, in that the coverage of him generally focused on whatever issue he was trying to get across that day. But in his case, the problem was that it wasn't the right message. With an unimaginative campaign, he wound up being marginalized - the one thing he absolutely needed to avoid.



Last Thursday I wrote that Howard Hampton appeared to be reaching the end of his rope. In the midst of a third straight futile campaign as NDP Leader, he had openly speculated to The Toronto Sun's editorial board on Wednesday that he might be "the wrong person" for the job. It was in keeping with his tone in the campaign's latter stages; when he'd visited our own editorial board at the start of the week, there was little pretense his party had much chance on election day.

The first, more minor mistake was the NDP's lack of preparedness for the start of the campaign. Rather than trying to set the agenda, Mr. Hampton waited several days before unveiling his platform. With the NDP needing a big splash to avoid becoming an afterthought, that marginalized them from the outset.

The bigger problem was that Mr. Hampton declined to make the one pitch that could have increased the NDP's support base. With polls showing the potential for a minority government, he should have openly campaigned for the balance of power - something Jack Layton, did in the last two federal elections. By outlining all the progressive things the NDP would force Dalton McGuinty to do, he could have won over enough left-leaning Liberals to increase his seat count.

NDP Leader Howard Hampton easily won his seat in Kenora-Rainy River, and said New Democrats made strong gains in the number of Ontarians who voted for the party.

"We increased our popular vote significantly tonight. And we're going to send more New Democrats to Queens Park and some of them are very youthful, and I look forward to the opportunity to work with them," he said.

And while Hampton had no problem being re-elected for the sixth time in his northern riding of Kenora-Rainy River, he now joins the other leaders whose parties lost with questions being asked about how much longer they should stay on.

After three campaigns as leader and without a breakthrough, some are wondering whether Hampton will want to lead the NDP through another campaign.

- Despite his efforts to raise "the real issues," Howard Hampton failed to make major gains in his third election as NDP Leader, but vowed to lead the party into the next one.

"I'm not going anywhere," he told a crowd of supporters to a huge round of applause last night at a hotel in Fort Frances, in his riding of Kenora-Rainy River. "I'm going to continue to work as hard as I can."

4. Despite the slander campaign launched by Liberal hacks; Cherniak and Kinsella last year, NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo kept her seat.

5. The McGuinty and Williams landslides mean that the Harpocrite government is in serious trouble if they force an election. And now all eyes move west to see what the results in Saskatchewan will be. If the NDP play Williams card of bashing Ottawa and win, well that will be the final nail in Harpers attempt to force an election over his 'every vote is a confidence vote' Throne speech.

In his first news conference since gaining power 20 months ago, Harper delivered an ultimatum to Parliament. If the opposition parties support the throne speech, they have to support everything in it. All items will be confidence votes.

Sound familiar? That's because it is. University of Calgary political scientist Tom Flanagan -- who is to Harper what Karl Rove was to U.S. President George W. Bush -- outlined the exact strategy in an article in the Globe and Mail Aug. 1 under the headline: It's time for Conservative minority brinksmanship.

"By using confidence measures more aggressively, the Conservatives can benefit politically," Flanagan wrote. "If the opposition parties retreat, the government gets its legislation. If the opposition unites on a matter of confidence, the Conservatives get an election for which they are best prepared."

Now here's Harper Oct. 3: "We must be able to govern... It's not a matter of making threats. They (the opposition) have got to fish or cut bait. The choice is not an election or obstruction, the choice is an election or give the government the mandate to govern.

"You can't pass the throne speech one day and the next day say, 'Well, I didn't mean to do it or we didn't actually give you a mandate,'" he continued. "We will be interpreting a positive vote on the speech from the throne as a mandate to consider the major elements of the throne speech and the major elements of the government's program to be matters of confidence going forward."

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Beer Monopoly

When is an oligopoly not an oligopoly? When it becomes a Monopoly

Molson-Coors and Miller to combine U.S. operations

LONDON (Reuters) - Brewers SABMiller and Molson Coors Brewing have agreed to combine their U.S. operations to create a venture with annual sales of $6.6 billion that will be a strong No. 2 player to Anheuser-Busch.

The venture, MillerCoors, will generate around $500 million of annual cost savings by year three after completion and is subject to obtaining clearance from U.S. competition authorities, the two groups said in a statement today.

"We expect this approval to be forthcoming ... The combination will create a strong number-two player in the U.S. beer market with 30 per cent market share," said analyst Matthew Webb at Cazenove.

The deal brings together the second-largest U.S. brewer with beer brands such as Miller Lite and Miller Genuine Draft and the third-largest, Molson Coors, which brews Coors Light, Molson Canadian and Molson Dry beers.

The companies said final agreement for the deal is expected by the end of 2007, while analysts added that regulatory approval is expected about six to nine months after that date.

SABMiller shares were up 2.6 per cent at 15.04 pounds by 1225 GMT.

Molson Coors Vice Chairman Pete Coors will become chairman of MillerCoors while SABMiller Chief Executive Graham Mackay will be vice chairman. Molson Coors CEO Leo Kiely will be chief executive and Miller Chief Executive Tom Long will become president and chief commercial officer of MillerCoors.

Analysts see a high likelihood of the deal going through as the Molson and Coors families, which control Molson Coors, support the deal, and a precedent was set from a regulatory standpoint by the creation of Reynolds American.

In this strange, semi-regulated world of monopoly capital, there is no longer a life-or-death competition threatening the survival of the mature capitalist enterprise (though mergers in search of greater monopoly power are a common occurrence). Rather, the giant corporations that dominate the contemporary economy engage primarily in struggles over relative market share. Although conventional economics textbooks still tell us that the existence of a perfectly competitive economy guarantees that economic profits are short-lived or nonexistent, in the real world of late capitalism, large firms not only obtain persistent profits, but there is a hierarchy of profit rates between firms. It remains a competitive world for corporations in many respects, but the goal is always the creation or perpetuation of monopoly power—that is, the power to generate persistent, high, economic profits through a mark-up on prime production costs.

The underpinnings of the current massive merger wave can be understood much more fully by examining the way they are financed. Although it is still frequently claimed in textbook economics that the main purpose of both the issue of new stock and borrowing by nonfinancial corporations is to finance investment in productive capacity, this is far from the case. In the 1980s, U.S. corporations borrowed heavily, not in order to finance real investment (which they continued to pay for out of gross profits), but for the purpose of stock buybacks (to boost the value of their shares) and takeovers. This borrowing was thus geared to the speculative purchase of existing assets with the expectation of expanding capital gains, and, in the case of takeovers, the creation of new monopolistic positions through "synergy." In the 1990s, the diversion of corporate funds to Wall Street has intensified, but firms have relied on their own profits increasingly for this purpose rather than debt (though also continued to borrow as a defensive strategy against hostile takeovers).


$63.90 Per Hour

Molsons Strike

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Ohhh Pulllleeeaasse

So I guess they won't need all those temporary workers they said they needed.
Royalty hikes forecast to cost thousands of jobs

Oil sands projects worth more than $20-billion could be shelved by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. if proposals to increase royalties in Alberta are fully adopted, the company said yesterday, joining a chorus of dire warnings from the energy sector.

In the oil sands, Canadian Natural's $7.6-billion Horizon mine is nearing completion and will continue, and phases two and three of the mine, which are already partly built, will also likely go ahead, the company said.


FORT MCMURRAY -- An on-site investigation into the deaths of two workers at a northern Alberta oilsands tank construction site has been completed.

The two men died last April while working at the multibillion-dollar Horizon oilsands project belonging to Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. near Fort McMurray.

Witnesses said a massive tank collapsed, killing two temporary Chinese workers and injuring four more.

Occupational Health and Safety has forwarded its findings to Alberta Justice for review.

It will be up to Justice officials to determine whether charges should be laid against the company.

Stelmach has also been the strongest supporter among Canadian premiers of expanding temporary foreign workers and labor mobility under the Alberta-B.C. Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement, or TILMA.

The two Chinese laborers, hired among a group of temporary foreign workers by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. to construct a giant holding tank in the oil sands, died after the tank collapsed April 24.

And where will they go? Why to 'socialist' Saskatchewan!!! And they pay more in royalties for their North Sea operations as well!!!

Mr. Laut said his company would move spending to British Columbia, Saskatchewan, the North Sea and offshore West Africa, as well as pay down debt,

Being the National Post and pro-business this article makes it seem like they would be moving out, when in fact CNRL is already operating in these locations.

Hey I hear paying down debt is the thing to do. If it's good enough for Ralph Klein and Stephen Harper it should be good for CNRL. See a royalty increase is a good thing. It helps Saskatchewan and it helps a company control its spending just like they always tell us the government should do.

So quit your sniveling and whining CNRL a reasonable royalty increase is what the doctor ordered, so suck it up and take your medicine.

And it is a good thing if this happens because it would help cool our overheated economy.

The company would also drill 65 per cent fewer natural gas wells and 15 per cent fewer oil wells if the government adopts the recommendations of the review panel's report.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates make sure Ed hears from you


Alberta Needs A Chavez

Albertans Are Simpletons Says Government

Royalty Is NOT A Tax

Fearless Prediction Confirmed


More Shills For Big Oil

Stelmach Sells Out

King Ralph Shills For Big Oil

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Blogging Green Day

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.

Blog Action Day is about MASS participation. That means we need you! Here are 3 ways to participate:

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Petro Politics

Newfoundland yesterday proved that it had entered the age of Petro Politics. Like Alberta it gave Danny Williams and his Progressive Conservatives a landslide, an unheard of majority government. And like Alberta, Danny gained his popularity over the Atlantic Accord, and his recent offshore oil deals. And like Alberta he is furthering his political profile by taking on Ottawa.

Unfortunately being a One Party State is not good for democracy.

Harpers Conservative MP's are doomed in Newfoundland Labrador after last night. So the sly fox steals Danny's thunder by announcing a side deal with Nova Scotia to save seats there. An announcement that had been waiting since August to be made public.

Harper not only stole Danny's thunder but being mean to the end, still rejects any return of Bill Casey. Pity since that means he will lose that seat too.

"Mr. Casey is not welcome into our caucus ... when there is a next federal election, there will be a Conservative candidate in Mr. Casey's riding, and it will not be Mr. Casey," he said.

Danny's victory and Steve's side deal was enough encouragement for Lorne Calvert and the NDP in Saskatchewan to announce the obvious.

Saskatchewan goes to the polls November 7

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Huckabee A Red Tory

The real conservative, Canadian style, in the Republican Presidential race is Mike Huckabee. He is actually a Red Tory, and has potential to come from behind and be the American 'Everyman' the Republicans say they want to lead them.

He is folksy being called Mike not Michael, and not afraid to lay down some mean riffs. The common man of the party of Abraham Lincoln, not Reagan. And heck he is from Arkansas so even Clinton gives him the thumbs up him, Bill, not Hillary.

It also appears that former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee did receive a bounce from his second place finish in Ames. After garnering only 4 percent in the May poll, Huckabee scored 12 percent support in the latest survey, putting him in a race for third place with Giuliani.

Yesterday in the CNBC/MSNBC debate he said something that most pundits missed, while most of the other candidates promoted 'Free Trade' he called for 'Fair Trade'. It passed over all their heads, without a response from them or the pundit questioners.

Fair trade has been actively discussed by exactly two of the GOP Presidential candidates:
Huckabee and Hunter*. The other candidates have expressed only free-trade sentiment, with varying degrees of clarity and stridency. Could this issue also be a part of Huck's climb in the polls? Perhaps.

It didn't even come up on Kudlow's show after the debate interview with him. Though Huckabee got support from an unlikely source Kudlow's guest Democrat Robert Reich.

Aside from a few exceptions last night, there really wasn’t much beef.

Sam Brownback did propose an optional flat tax. And Gov. Huckabee is staying with his fair tax/national sales tax. But none of the big four are touting these ideas.

You see Huckabee supports a Fair Tax and Fair Trade, not Free Trade.

His fair tax is a consumption tax, all other taxes would be eliminated. Thus leveling the playing field for workers with the rich. A plan similar to one I have discussed here. Reich supports Huckabee's Fair Tax idea as well.

Kudlow took him to task over unions as did right wing bloggers. Though Huckabee was not alone, it appeared last night like all the candidates had suddenly discovered Sam Gompers was a libertarian. They were in Michigan, union country on the eve of a pending strike at Chrysler.

Huckabee predicted unions would gain strength in the coming years because of the growing disparity between executive pay and the working class. When people have their pay dramatically cut, they will turn to unions, he said. “That’s when unions are going to come back in roaring form,” Huckabee said.

Later when questioned about this by Kudlow, Huckabee hit back with the line that if the Republicans and CEO's continue to enjoy the spoils of the capitalist boom without sharing it with the rest of America then they will face the largest unionization drive ever. Wow. From a Republican yet.

Huckabee said that ‘unions will become more powerf
ul’ because of wage deflation. Huckabee also promoted the ‘Fair Tax’ because it ‘untaxes productivity’ and ‘levels the playing field” he emphasized that the “The Fair Tax lifts everybody.”

The Fair Tax is a 23% consumption tax proposed to replace the income tax. Huckabee said it would ‘end the underground economy”.

The real problem, Huckabee said, is that American companies have to pay more in taxes on their products than their foreign competitors. That’s why people in the U.S. and Michigan are losing jobs, he said. “This party is going to have to start addressing it or we’re going to get our britches beat next year,” Huckabee said.
Of course he redeemed himself as a Republican by saying he would not tax CEO salary increases, but instead eliminate taxes, especially payroll taxes on the working class. Failure to share the wealth he said, sounding like John Edwards, will lead to further working class unrest and assure the success of unions.

Here’s what the Machinists say:

Mike Huckabee was the only Republican candidate with the guts to meet with our members and the only one willing to figure out where and how we might work together,” said Buffenbarger. “He is entitled to serious consideration from our members voting in the upcoming Republican primaries.”

Mike Huckbee’s campaign fills out a little what they talked about:

Huckabee spoke before over 700 members of the IAM in Orlando, Florida on Monday about jobs, globalization, health care, and other 21st century domestic issues.

What does that mean? Specifically, on trade, or "fair trade" as Huckabee calls it:

Huckabee also said he believes in fair trade. “Free trade has to be fair trade. We are losing jobs because of an unlevel, unfair trading arena that has to be fixed. Behind the statistics, there are real families, real lives, and real pain. I’m running for President because I don’t want people who have worked loyally for a company for 20 or 30 years to walk in one morning and be handed a pink slip and be told, ‘I’m sorry, but everything you spent your life working for is no longer here.’"

And while Fred Thompson did get chuckles for his zingers last night, given the softballs tossed at him by the Hardball crowd, Huckabee was no slouch in the off the cuff humour department.

Funniest Man: Once again, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was the most fluid and humorous communicator. He worked in references to the "Jetsons," the "Flintstones," Gomer Pyle and Goober -- excellent stuff for Baby Boom voters.
– He really is an enjoyable presence up there, a very able politician. If Fred’s not the nominee, Huckabee may have earned himself a spot on the ticket.
Wouldn't the American presidential race be interesting if it was a showdown between a Republican and Democrat from Arkansas.

So far of all the candidates who stand a chance of coming from behind, to take on the four front runners it appears that Huckabee stands the best chance. And as a conservative Christian, he can appeal to the evangelical right as well as to the social progressive compassionate Christians at Sojourners. He is not only pro life, unlike Romney, Giuliani and Thompson, but he is Anti-Poverty. Which is unusual for a Republican.
Huckabee says one of his priorities is to address poverty because it's "consistent with me being pro-life." He calls his desire to fight poverty a "faith position" rather than a political position. He says that it is impossible to address poverty without prioritizing stable homes and families, which he sees as "critical economic issues."
Huckabee is the only Republican politician with substance amongst the leading contenders in this race. The others are hacks.

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Fred Thompson WYSIWYG

Yep its all true the laconic slow speaking southern drawl of the last guy in the Republican Presidential race Fred Thompson is all there is. WYSIWYG. We saw it yesterday the Saviour of the conservative right, the voice of the south, is really the tortoise in the race. And slow and steady is what ya get with Fred. No omph, no pizazz, no vim, or vigour, just a laid back wannabe in a race of wannabe's. No platform just platitudes.

First to Fred | 4:02 p.m.: Newcomer Fred Thompson gets the first question. What will he do to ensure economic vibrancy in this country? He says there is no reason to believe we’re headed toward a recession. His voice is a little froggy and he drew a blank there for a few seconds, apart from not offering his prescription for the economy.

From the Transcript:

The stock market seems to be doing pretty well. I see no reason to believe we’re headed for — (pause) — for economic downturn. As far as the economic prosperity of the future is concerned, I think it’s a different story. I think if you look at the short term, it’s rosy. I think if you look at a 10-year projection, it’s rosy. But we are spending money we do not have.

Well he at least lived up to expectations, which is that he underperformed, his was a campaign that was all sizzle and no steak. His first performance will be his last. He was the great white hope, and it was all illusion fostered by his Law and Order persona. The real Fred is what we saw yesterday on CNBC/MSNBC Michigan Debate on Economics. You get aw shucks bluff and bluster and no substance.

Senior advisors say Thompson's goal for the event is to demonstrate "intellectual vigor" and to show voters that "he is prepared to be president."

Sure if this was nineteen fifty when TV was black and white and cars went a maximum of sixty miles and hour.

It’s Over | 6 p.m. Fred Thompson is asked about his first debate. He says it was “a lot like home. I didn’t say which kind of home.”

He added: “I’ve enjoyed watching these fellas. I’ve got to admit, it was getting a little boring without me, but — (laughter) — I’m glad to be here now.”

Yuk, yuk, see what I mean that was a nice aw shucks retort, but now that zinger is used up he will have to actually expand his platform from platitudes to specifics which he does not have. WYSIWG. You saw Fred last night, and he is what you get. Which is not much.

He cannot win nor is he a genuine voice of conservatism; there is only one such voice and it ain't coming from any of the front runners it comes from Huckabee.

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Friday, October 05, 2007

Just Say No

Since they asked. And I can't seem to get into my diary account at Progressive Bloggers. My response to their "Proposed Code of Conduct" is Non, Nein, Nyet, No thanks.

Alberta Needs A Chavez

Big Oil is using all the hype it can to say it will divest itself from Alberta if they have to pay increased royalties. Yeah sure. We have the oil and gas that they need. So quit making idle threats. They threaten to leave, they compare us to Venezuela So either they pay the pittance asked of them by the Royalty Review Committee or we should do exactly what they say; nationalize them under workers control.

After all they seem to forget that while they and their right wing apologists claim that they 'invest' in the development oil and gas, and this makes them the real owners, their investment is the result of capital accumulated from living and dead labour. Labour is required not just capital. And we have both.

International oil producers will flee Alberta if the Western Canadian province's government implements a proposed hike to oil and natural gas royalties and taxes, an investment bank said on Monday.

Going ahead with a recommended 20 percent, or C$2 billion, hike to Alberta's take from oil and gas production in the province will actually cause government revenue to drop as production falls by half-a-million barrels a day, according to Tristone Capital Inc, an investment bank that serves the oil and gas industry.

Shoddy report on royalties robs Alberta

Terence Corcoran, Financial Post

Published: Thursday, October 04, 2007

Another Alberta resource player, this time Jim Buckee at Talisman, has joined the growing corporate chorus against proposals to raise royalties on the province's energy output. If the plan goes ahead, said Mr. Buckee in a letter yesterday to Premier Ed Stelmach, Talisman "would likely cut $500-million" in capital spending.

Other companies waiving red flags over Alberta -- described jauntily by Deutsche Bank analysts as a new "Bolivarian Republic" -- include EnCana, Crescent Point Energy and Petro-Canada. By now, several billion dollars in new investment have been put in doubt since the royalty proposals were floated two week ago by an outfit called the Alberta Royalty Review Panel. Claiming Albertans aren't getting their fair share of energy-resource royalties, the panel proposed a new regime to extract another $2-billion a year out of oil and gas production.

Based on the great socialist-statist principle revered by Alberta Conservatives, that mineral resources are "owned by the people," the review panel easily worked its way up to the idea that the people weren't getting enough of a share as owners.
Socialist Conservatives? Oh please gimme a break. They were the heroes of neo-cons for the past decade, heroes to dweebs like Corcoran. Now by asking for a fair share, and mind you its a small share based on extensive lobbying by the industry during the committees public hearings, Prince Eddie is suddenly being compared to Hugo Chavez.

The reality is that they already knew that Alberta's conventional oil and gas reserves are in a serious decline. Increasing royalties will not change that.They are making much ado about nothing to scare Albertans into accepting less than our fair share.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates make sure Ed hears from you.


Albertans Are Simpletons Says Government

Royalty Is NOT A Tax

Fearless Prediction Confirmed


More Shills For Big Oil

Stelmach Sells Out

King Ralph Shills For Big Oil

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A Tale Of Two Tory's

In Alberta Prince Eddie and his Tired Old Tories refuse to eliminate the health care premium (tax). In Ontario John Tory leader of the Tories says he will eliminate their health care premium (tax).

Asked by the Star editorial board about his other anti-poverty measures, he noted that he would eliminate the "regressive" health tax that punishes low-income people proportionately more than it does the wealthy.

A person with a taxable income of $25,000 a year has to pay 1.2 per cent of their income – or $300 – on the health tax while a person making $1 million a year pays just 0.09 per cent of their income – $900.

Tory said he would begin the phase-out of the tax on people earning between $20,000 and $30,000 as of Jan. 1, 2008. It would be scrapped for everyone by 2011.

That initial move would help about 1 million of the poorest working people in Ontario, he said.

Ironic that in Alberta it was Tories that brought in the Health Care Premium in one of Canada's wealthiest provinces to pay down the supposed deficit in the nineties. Only poor Newfoundland had a Health Care Premium (tax). Until the Liberals imposed it in Ontario after finding their Tories had left them a deficit.

Another reason for Albertans to demand our fair share of the royalties due us, including the $6-8 Billion not accounted for over the last decade. That would have paid for the elimination of this unfair health care premium (tax). In fact the failure to collect those royalties resulted in the Provincial debt and deficit crisis.


Royalty Is NOT A Tax

Fearless Prediction Confirmed


More Shills For Big Oil

Stelmach Sells Out

King Ralph Shills For Big Oil

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Albertans Are Simpletons Says Government

Simple Simon to the Pie Men pay us our due. This is rich the Tired Old Tories are calling Albertan's simple minded because we want a fair share of our oil and gas royalties. After having spent a decade tightening our belts.

It's popular to say Albertans need a bigger share from oil and gas companies, but Tory MLAs insist public opinion polls alone won't determine whether they hike energy royalties.

They were largely unsurprised by an Edmonton Journal-Calgary Herald poll that suggested 88 per cent of Albertans don't believe the government collects its "fair share" from oil and gas royalties, and that two-thirds want Premier Ed Stelmach to fully adopt recommendations from his royalty review panel, including its demand for a 20-per-cent overall increase on royalties.

Treasury Board President Lloyd Snelgrove, one of Stelmach's top lieutenants, said he understands that people want a fair share, but also expressed concern that opinion is being heavily influenced by the media, the panel's report and a scathing auditor-general's report this week. It said the government ignored internal advice to collect an extra $1 billion annually from energy firms.

"It is very simplistic to look back and say, 'Oh, we could have had so much more,' when in fact who knows what taking that billion dollars out of the economy three years ago would have meant in the loss of jobs, the loss of corporate and personal income tax," Snelgrove said Wednesday.

Well you were elected to know just that and clearly you didn't so it's time to go.

Voters could punish premier in the next election if he doesn't raise royalty rates, poll shows

EDMONTON - Premier Ed Stelmach's decision on royalty rates may be a do-or-die issue for his Conservative government, suggests a poll commissioned by the Edmonton Journal and Calgary Herald.

It also suggested 67 per cent believe Stelmach should adopt in its entirety the panel report, which recommends a 20-per-cent royalty hike and a new oilsands tax.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates make sure Ed hears from you.


Royalty Is NOT A Tax

Fearless Prediction Confirmed


More Shills For Big Oil

Stelmach Sells Out

King Ralph Shills For Big Oil

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Move To Alberta

The former mayor of Vernon, B.C. should move to Alberta where credit card fraud by Government ministers, MLA's and their pals gets a slap on the wrist from the Auditor General. And they charged a heck of a lot more personal expenses to their government credit cards than this guy did.

But of course in Alberta dems dats got the gold makes the rules and in this case the rules are "broad" whereas in other provinces they would result in criminal charges.

Man who resigned as Vernon mayor over credit scam faces new fraud charges


VERNON, B.C. - There are more legal troubles for the disgraced former mayor of Vernon, B.C.

Sean Harvey has been charged with five counts of fraud over $5,000 and one count of forgery.

The charges stem from dealings Harvey had with a former business partner over a two-year period ending in April 2005.

Vernon dentist Chris Laidlaw alleges he was ripped off for more than $50,000 dollars by Harvey's use of deceit and fraudulent documents.

Harvey was forced to resign as Vernon mayor in July 2005 and was later convicted of breach of trust after admitting to using his city credit card for personal expenses.

Harvey was ordered to pay $14,000 and given a one-year conditional sentence, but also served a week in jail in January after breaching the terms of that sentence.

Disgraced ex-B.C. mayor pleads guilty to breach of trust

Last Updated: Monday, August 21, 2006

The former mayor of Vernon has pleaded guilty to breach of trust in connection with his city expense account, a year after resigning amid a spending scandal.

A second charge of fraud over $5,000 against 36-year-old Sean Harvey was stayed.

Harvey appeared in B.C. Supreme Court in the North Okanagan city on Monday. He admitted to misusing his municipal credit card 90 different times between February 2003 and June 2005 while still serving as mayor.

It is alleged he claimed almost $14,000 of the city's money for business and political meetings that never took place. Instead he spent it on personal meals and trips, including a vacation in Las Vegas.

The former mayor has promised to reimburse the city and has repaid more than $5,000 so far.

When Harvey announced his resignation in July 2005, he apologized to his community and asked people to pray for him and his family.

He tearfully apologized again on Monday for abusing his power and betraying the public's trust.

"People are increasingly cynical of their elected officials and my actions reinforced and added to that level of cynicism, and I'm really sorry for that," he said.

The case came to light after two Vernon residents obtained copies of Harvey's expense statements.

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