Congratulations to our very own progressive blogger; The Conscious Earth who got mentioned on Blogger Buzz yesterday. His was the only Canadian blog mentioned. And only one of two non-U.S. based blogs mentioned out of thirteen entries. And he got mentioned second.
Environmental Blog Roundup
In honor of Blog Action Day, we wanted to highlight some of the many Blogger-powered blogs that are focused on the environment, climate change, and sustainability. Want to see more Blog Action Day participants from around the web? Find them on Blog Search.
- The Conscious Earth - Earth-centered news for the health of air, water, habitat and the fight against global warming.
To bad Maclean's resident Ottawa blogger Kady O'Malley missed this whole amazing day. But I guess navel gazing with her MSM pals in Ottawa was too much of distraction to note over 20,000 bloggers world wide blogging on a sole Global subject for one day.
Yep shoe store stories were so much more important. Even if they had rapidly become stale by the time she got on Don Newman's show.
log posts, photos, events and more off-site about:
Kady O'Malley , green blogs, green blogging day, green, environment,progressive bloggers, green house gas, Macleans, Canada
, green house gas, climate change, global warming
A diverse field of Canada’s most well known and respected personalities from journalists to politicians offering their comments on the issues of the day, everyday.
This is a misleading article; first because there are only 47 folks listed.
Second because many of these folks don't "comment on the issues of the day, every day".
Third; because there is not a single labour activist amongst them. Nor anybody from the left. Notably missing are Judy Rebick , James Laxer and Jim Stanford.
Fourth; no environmentalists; Elizabeth May isn't even on the list nor David Suzuki. And no NDP bloggers.
Which is why they probably couldn't find fifty to fill the list.
It's a who's who of Macleans favorite Conservatives and Liberals. After all Maude Barlow is a Liberal.
And they have one token Dipper; Jamey Heath.
At least Kinsella ain't on the list. Boy he's going to be pissed.
h/t to Scott Tribe
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Macleans, Kinsella, blogs, bloggers, Canada, Laxer, Rebick, Heath, Liberals, Conservatives, journalists, media, politics